That's no joke. I know a guy who runs his business well, keeps his word and always delivers. He told me he spends 125k per year retainer for some big name firm and claims he has never been sued or screwed with because he pays that money. I said man, you are the most honest guy I know, nobody would ever fuck with you. He said, it's cheap insurance. He finally got sued, so I guess he was right, but that fucking attorney lost the case and it cost this guy an additional 1.4 million. A case that could have been settled out of court for 75k. He said if he hadn't had the lawyer he would have just paid it. But felt he spent all that money all those years and the lawyer now needed to earn it. 25 years retainer fees and 1.4 million... yes he fired the lawyer and is suing him.
I've only been sued TWICE in 34 years as a business owner (the business I built -- fuck OFF, Barry). The first time was for a perverted twink who I caught in the act of sexual harassment. He sued me for wrongful termination, asking for $2500 in damages, but I counter-sued showing evidence that he had lied about his qualifications. The court awarded ME $2500 from that little POS. I represented myself.
The second came 2 years ago, after a client ran up a bill for $70K in additional services and then sued me for breach of contract in order to avoid paying me. That suit is still in process, and of course this time I do have an attorney. I fully expect to prevail.
It's a wonder that I - a white male - can AFFORD an attorney, as I have lost scores of contract opportunities to "affirmative action" - aka racist quota programs. This, even though my wife the bookkeeper and office manager is Hispanic and legally owns half of the business. Because she is not the licensed professional (architect - that's me), the state -- make that NO state that I am aware of -- will let us participate in minority-favoring programs. So anyone who wants to bitch at me about "white privilege" can go Harris themselves.
First was small claims. Current one is in civil (superior) court. Advice: Get and maintain professional liability insurance, write an air-tight contract, be completely open and honest with your clients, never misrepresent anything, get all requests for services in writing, do what you say you are going to do and stipulate attorney's fees to be paid by the prevailing party. Best of luck!
Screw lawyers..right now I'm waiting v on the opposing lawyer to respond to my response to his filing back in march.
I called everything out my former lawyer never did. One question I'm waiting to see the response.
How many times until its mathematically impossible for every patient they kidnap that has money n home just happens to have a relative caregiver unpaid that gets accused if theft.
And finally pointed out IM THE DAMN CO OWNER IF MOMS ACCOUNTS. They tried to bump rush it through.
Oh...the lawyer that runs the nursing home??? Well his pappy was a big judge who in his obituary noted that if not for Racist Biden wouldn't be where he was in life.
He is using racism as an excuse so he can "select" specific pet projects to which to give our hard earned tax dollars. This is the basic format of the corruption called crony capitalism.
Create a crisis/problem.
Have/own the only solution.
Use it to pay off your cronies. (hey, just like the covid, vax and Big Pharma circle)
I’m so goddamn sick of it, blacks are getting redpilled FAST thanks to Kwame Brown.
We are...
I know right. Can I get a good lawyer or accountant with my white privilege card? I think lawyers and accountants only like green paper.
I like shiny metals more than green printed cotton paper.
If i had 1 phome call I wouldn't even know who to call. Too ashamed to call my parents, too ignorant to know a lawyer.
If I could afford a patent lawyer I'd probibly be fucking rich... I'm white.
Some of those young black entrepreneurs are lawyers and accountants you dumbass.
If you are an entrepreneur, an accountant and lawyer will end your dreams quicker than a bucket of cold water.
Lol, if you want to actually be successful you need to be doing it yourself for at least the first few years.
Bo Jiden has not ever started anything like a real business in his entire life.
Only grift and graft.
? this.
Agreed! As did I
That's no joke. I know a guy who runs his business well, keeps his word and always delivers. He told me he spends 125k per year retainer for some big name firm and claims he has never been sued or screwed with because he pays that money. I said man, you are the most honest guy I know, nobody would ever fuck with you. He said, it's cheap insurance. He finally got sued, so I guess he was right, but that fucking attorney lost the case and it cost this guy an additional 1.4 million. A case that could have been settled out of court for 75k. He said if he hadn't had the lawyer he would have just paid it. But felt he spent all that money all those years and the lawyer now needed to earn it. 25 years retainer fees and 1.4 million... yes he fired the lawyer and is suing him.
I've only been sued TWICE in 34 years as a business owner (the business I built -- fuck OFF, Barry). The first time was for a perverted twink who I caught in the act of sexual harassment. He sued me for wrongful termination, asking for $2500 in damages, but I counter-sued showing evidence that he had lied about his qualifications. The court awarded ME $2500 from that little POS. I represented myself.
The second came 2 years ago, after a client ran up a bill for $70K in additional services and then sued me for breach of contract in order to avoid paying me. That suit is still in process, and of course this time I do have an attorney. I fully expect to prevail.
It's a wonder that I - a white male - can AFFORD an attorney, as I have lost scores of contract opportunities to "affirmative action" - aka racist quota programs. This, even though my wife the bookkeeper and office manager is Hispanic and legally owns half of the business. Because she is not the licensed professional (architect - that's me), the state -- make that NO state that I am aware of -- will let us participate in minority-favoring programs. So anyone who wants to bitch at me about "white privilege" can go Harris themselves.
Okay, I just fell off the soap box kek
Are/were both of them small claims court?
Any advice for newbies?
First was small claims. Current one is in civil (superior) court. Advice: Get and maintain professional liability insurance, write an air-tight contract, be completely open and honest with your clients, never misrepresent anything, get all requests for services in writing, do what you say you are going to do and stipulate attorney's fees to be paid by the prevailing party. Best of luck!
Similar scheme as to paying the mob for protection - you will always come up short in the end and the mob gets rich. I think they call this extortion.
What if I told you there black people who are lawyers and accountants? The guy who does my taxes is black.
Dang, mines white but at least she’s a woman.
Bro, you letting a woman handle your money? Thats a bold move right there
Lol agreed but she does hate the government and that’s the main quality I look for in a tax accountant
(GASP) -- the HORROR!
Brb going to ask my 1 year old son who was his assigned white privilege Attorney and CPA at birth.
I love how he always talks about "blacks" like he's trying to explain to everyone else that they are actually humans. Lol.
He is so disgustingly racist and has been for his entire miserable shitstain of a life.
Okay so it’s just the voting IDs they can’t seem to find...
I'd like to see where he gets his data? Young white entrepreneurs have accountants and lawyers?
Who conducted this study?
Mz Spicer doesn't get to be black unless Biden gives her permission. And be revoked her ethnicity if she didn't vote for him.
Screw lawyers..right now I'm waiting v on the opposing lawyer to respond to my response to his filing back in march. I called everything out my former lawyer never did. One question I'm waiting to see the response. How many times until its mathematically impossible for every patient they kidnap that has money n home just happens to have a relative caregiver unpaid that gets accused if theft. And finally pointed out IM THE DAMN CO OWNER IF MOMS ACCOUNTS. They tried to bump rush it through. Oh...the lawyer that runs the nursing home??? Well his pappy was a big judge who in his obituary noted that if not for Racist Biden wouldn't be where he was in life. BURN THEM ALL DOWN!
Where do blacks get lawyers and accountants? Joe Biden told us they be too dum to use the interwebs
This almost tops the time he said poor kids are just as talented as white kids.
Wow, he actually said that???????
He choose to be a tool.
What a fucking race-baiting MORON this POS is.
does it count if their lawyers are court appointed?
He’s telling criminals that he’s going to launder money to them to get their books straight and protect them legally for when the hammer comes down.
Classic. How many more racist things can this man get by with saying while calling everyone else a racist??
He is using racism as an excuse so he can "select" specific pet projects to which to give our hard earned tax dollars. This is the basic format of the corruption called crony capitalism.
Create a crisis/problem.
Have/own the only solution.
Use it to pay off your cronies. (hey, just like the covid, vax and Big Pharma circle)
I love when Biden explains POC.