SCOTUS rules 6-3 that illegals who were deported and try to return are not entitled to bond hearings and must be either detained or sent back home https://www.foxnews.com/politics/supreme-court-bond-hearings-illegal-immigrants-return
Kristi Noem sends National Guardsmen from South Dakota to Texas to help with the border https://www.foxnews.com/politics/south-dakota-kristi-noem-troops-texas-tackle-border-crisis
NYC can’t manage even a primary election for Mayor, as elections office retracts count due to “discrepancy” https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/06/nyc-mayoral-race-devolves-chaos-board-elections-retracts-vote-totals-due-discrepancy/ as 135,000 test ballots were included by mistake https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2021/06/29/new-york-city-officials-bungle-democratic-primary-result-withdraw-latest-vote-count-mistake/
Lauren Boebert slays Pelosi, Dems on House floor in speech you have to see https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/06/not-miss-rep-lauren-boebert-unloads-speaker-pelosi-hunter-biden-cop-hating-democrats-pro-2a-speech-ages-video/
Biden goes all creepy again on daughter of ice cream parlor owner https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/06/no-actually-engaged-joe-biden-creeps-ice-cream-parlor-owners-daughters-video/
On their way into the ratings gutter, CNN personalities think the way out is to get more unhinged about Trump https://www.foxnews.com/media/cnn-trump-ratings-drop
Here’s a list of the times Democrats – not Republicans – supported defunding the police https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2021/06/29/heres-list-many-times-democrats-not-republicans-supported-defunding-police/
Michigan rep says she has evidence of systemic election fraud in Mich in 2020 https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/06/breaking-mi-rep-daire-rendon-r-receipt-evidence-reflecting-systemic-election-fraud-mi-occurred-november-2020-election/
See you tomorrow.
I don't know how anyone can call 135,000 pre-printed ballots "test" ballots, with a straight face. Let's just cut the BS with their leftist word games, and call them "pre-printed ballots" instead.
I prefer to use the term “lie” but that’s just me.
Maybe they used the wrong color paper? Paper was too white?
POC = paper of color
Biden is just so creepy.
Its either an act, or he genuinely can't hide it anymore. He is somehow managing to get worse every day.
He can't hide it. Even in his youth, he was prone to blurt out stupid crap. Now he can't get through an event without leering at young girls or making a reference to ice cream. Basically, the top two urges in his psyche. This story, he got a two-fer.
Think that’s why Trump called him ‘Sleepy’.
No mistake.
Top-notch work. I’m so glad I’m on this side, and not the other.
Damn straight, Patriot. The winning doesn't stop, and God wins!
Why have people not learned? Don't bring your daughter around this man.
Number 4 is my favorite of the day. She looked like a MAD TV skit.
I thought it was satire for a few minutes
Um yeah, about those 200k+ fake ballots in Arizona. Those are, um, test ballots. Yeah. There test ballots. Thats what they are.
Loved the Boebert speech! A great way to start the day!! Thank you for your continued efforts!!!
Thank you friend. ??
Thank you, sir. Hope you had a splendid vacay. Back to winning, though.
Thanks winsanon #4 is gold #5 is typical for creepy Joe and #8 i want to getter done..great work
I live in one of the worst states in the union. McBroom and Shirkey are RINOs. The Unholy Trinity of the Whore of Babylon, Nessel and Benson are morons.
I love the way some of these are phrased: in particular, #4, #5, and #6. Thank you for this effort to boost morale everyday.
SCOTUS is making a lot of interesting decisions lately. Are they now controlled by the white hats? Or most of them?
I love #8
#8 you can see the evidence but you can’t tell anyone. wth
Yes! Thanks a lot for the excellent compilation work, Fren!??
Love what you do winsanon but if I may make a suggestion, would love if we can start linking to the final destination link (primary source) rather than a biased curator
GP is a garbage site, at best an intermediary to the primary source material. At worst fake news. They just posted that cropped image of the lady being escorted into (out of) the capital.
It's a good suggestion. I do want people to be able to share these with their normie friends and the source matters.
Gateway Pundit often elaborates on the primary source in a way that highlights the absurdity of a story, which I sometimes like.