The Oath of office more than fulfills that, however, what is it when someone who thinks the Oath is just a bunch of words? Further, the same perp thinks the Constitution is just a bunch of words. In Ilhan's example, fraud vitiates everything..
Oh but frenz... one of the hallmarks of a totalitarian regime is unequal application of the law. She's in the protected class, unlike us peasants. Get with the program peeps.
The absolute state of mainstream media right is shitful.
When Al-Arabiya and Russia Today are more credible than anything on broadcast or cable, it's time for "journalists" to pack it up and learn to code / make solar panels.
How has it never become law that someone serving in the US legislature needs to be a natural born citizen without dual citizenship? I'm not surprised by this at all. She holds no patriotism to this country.
What exactly did she give them is what I want to know. I have my guesses. Perhaps related to nuclear weapons? Troop deployments? Agents operating in the region? This was obviously not her idea. She's too inept to have done this herself. Someone higher on the totem than her must of had this idea. Some intelligence assets are going to get fried here real soon I bet. That's the only thing I can think of. We have to look at the current situation in the region and you have to look at their objectives and see what they can do then compare them. Their main goals are to taken Israel off the map and to weaken US control in the region. While those two are linked I think they should be separate given our energy need situation. Israel or not we need the oil until we get POTUS back in the WH. The only thing they can do right now is move against US intelligence assets and soft military targets.
First, it's only common courtesy that if you're going to post an article about an OAN article or an OAN video that you post a link to the video so it can be verified.
Second, it's promoting "". Whoever created the image is more interested in promoting their website than passing along any important information.
Third, so I google "al-arabiya report rep. omar sold us secrets to qatar iran". Every result in the top 30 is dated back to 2019. So, the information is stale.
This is a research board. Zero research went into this thread.
Look folks..some random, most likely fake, tweet is not sauce. You'd think that people here would know better than this. It's really not that hard to confirm information these days. Please be better than the leftist retarded folks.
How freakin awesome would it be to convict this hag of treason and hang her?
Good case for an early unsealing...
EARLY? Ain’t nothing EARLY about any of this nonsense.
Early for the normies, those poor pathetic SOBs, their red pills are about the size of beach balls now.
Yup; I stand corrected. Still, at any time, she's a good candidate to move to the head of the line...
Are you trying to get me excited?
I noticed that the other night when someone posted a CNN pic. And going to CNN showed no source. Think it's safe to say...we have our own fake news.
Shills to discredit us, make us look goofy, or racist, or hateful, or undermine our believability when we get to the critical part of the awakening.
Stir that FUD.,_uncertainty,_and_doubt
But I want more bad things to happen to her before the hanging!
Why would you want to martyr her?
Just shoot her in the head, Chuck her in the ocean.
Then say it’s a traditional Muslim burial at sea for the lulz
I vote Stoning, considering she's so adamant on bringing shariah law to our soil. Give the piece of property what it asks for, right?
Isnt she the one who married her brother while still married to another to get him into US?
Yup. And then had an affair with her white, married campaign manager, broke up his marriage then married him, too.
Didn’t they kill some random chick who looked like the campaign managers wife too?
Oooh, I didn't hear about that, lol.
It was on the chans and spread. Here's a pic I had with some info:
Not sure what that has to do with the image I posted. Margery's murder was in the news back when it happened. Here's one:
The theory was, it was a hit on the wife and the guy killed the wrong woman.
Holy c#@p! Thanks for that.
The prevailing thought was that the Ethiopian guy was a hit man and mistakenly killed Margery instead of the wife.
Yes, walking her dog in the park. She was a ginger, like the wife.
Yup, that too.
Not necessarily treason-her allegiance is to her somali jihadis, therefore she is a foreign agent in office in a time of war... Spies die..
There should be rule that once you enter congress or senate, you swear allegiance to the country, and any such activity becomes treason
The Oath of office more than fulfills that, however, what is it when someone who thinks the Oath is just a bunch of words? Further, the same perp thinks the Constitution is just a bunch of words. In Ilhan's example, fraud vitiates everything..
Oh but frenz... one of the hallmarks of a totalitarian regime is unequal application of the law. She's in the protected class, unlike us peasants. Get with the program peeps.
It sounds like someone did something....
Old, but still relevant, imo:
This is why [they] engineered the election fraud. Part of the reason, anyway.
Here is a DDG search of the relevant articles. Included is Snopes's "debunking," as well as other "debunkings," and some other related articles:
Thanks - didn't realise. So why has nothing been done? Should have been in Gitmo or hanging from a rope by now.
The absolute state of mainstream media right is shitful.
When Al-Arabiya and Russia Today are more credible than anything on broadcast or cable, it's time for "journalists" to pack it up and learn to code / make solar panels.
You'd need to go back quite a ways... the original story was from November 2019.
It's still out there on Al-Arabiya's english language site.
Some traitors did some-ting.
The sad thing is, no one here is surprised(aside from idiot shills), but the rest of the nation will think "holy crap, what a shock!!"
Who could have seen this coming?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!
How has it never become law that someone serving in the US legislature needs to be a natural born citizen without dual citizenship? I'm not surprised by this at all. She holds no patriotism to this country.
That will become the law when we remove the current dual citizens from office for treason.
If treason is the reason, hang 'em high!
Espionage and treason all in one package… how efficient.
And finamcial crimes. Her brother-husband. Hey, some people noticed some illegal-as-fuck things.
So which 3 letter agency is going to do something about it?
From 2019 ??????
skin her alive!!!!
Traitors get a bullet in the head, no exceptions.
What exactly did she give them is what I want to know. I have my guesses. Perhaps related to nuclear weapons? Troop deployments? Agents operating in the region? This was obviously not her idea. She's too inept to have done this herself. Someone higher on the totem than her must of had this idea. Some intelligence assets are going to get fried here real soon I bet. That's the only thing I can think of. We have to look at the current situation in the region and you have to look at their objectives and see what they can do then compare them. Their main goals are to taken Israel off the map and to weaken US control in the region. While those two are linked I think they should be separate given our energy need situation. Israel or not we need the oil until we get POTUS back in the WH. The only thing they can do right now is move against US intelligence assets and soft military targets.
At no point was I surprised when I read this headline, she's been a traitor before day one.
Of course she did!
Posts like this make me sad.
First, it's only common courtesy that if you're going to post an article about an OAN article or an OAN video that you post a link to the video so it can be verified.
Second, it's promoting "". Whoever created the image is more interested in promoting their website than passing along any important information.
Third, so I google "al-arabiya report rep. omar sold us secrets to qatar iran". Every result in the top 30 is dated back to 2019. So, the information is stale.
This is a research board. Zero research went into this thread.
OP is always lazy this way
This sounds good but I don’t think shit will happen to her. Not only is she a Democrap she has black privilege too
Why wouldn't you just post the link to this? Or is this more of that bullshit designed to goad us into violence?
Screenshots (unless memes) with no sauce provided are suspect asf and no one with a frontal lobe would trust it.
This is an information war.
Look folks..some random, most likely fake, tweet is not sauce. You'd think that people here would know better than this. It's really not that hard to confirm information these days. Please be better than the leftist retarded folks.
We should respect her religion and way of life !! Publically stone the cunt !!!
Holy shit, why does this group have such low res pictures?