Ok...this site is about decoding coms and research, why are you here then? As I said nobody is making you or him stay here and read these threads.
As for shit happening look all around you.
As far as the Nazis, are you doing anything in your community to take it back from the liberals because I sure am. I talk to people I find out what's going on and I share it. The media doesn't want to cover these things so I make sure I do.
Right now we have censured our district reps and we are working on primarying them out. We are also working to take back our schoolboard. I live in a red area so its kind of hard people don't realize we've been infiltrated even in my small town.
Maybe you're sitting around whining but I can assure you a lot of us are very busy.
Everyone is just tired. Somedays you feel good about how things are going and other days your sad, down, and wanting to complain. Can you imagine if we were the people wandering around a desert for 40 years waiting for The Lord to lead us to the promised land? Cheer up you know that The Lord has already won and we are His people and He will never forsake us. Never!
I'm a Christian and I know God Wins. I trust the plan and that's why I shut down the doomers and their obvious shitposting.
I am not tired, in the least. That is why I told him this may not be for him and he repsonded by saying 'fuck off, asshole'. Yeah, real Patriot, that guy.
I think we are all getting a little impatient. However, this is a sentiment delivered directly to you by the MSM hive mind narrative setters. The Cabal is trying to push the Patriots into a state of anxiety/frustration.
I would guess that this strategy is intended to make Patriots act in a brash, haphazard manner. Haste makes waste
baloney... that guy is not on our side. Look how this post is being brigaded. That faggot gets the ball rolling and the other faggots blame Q followers, calling them assholes, dorks and liberals.
I. Dan Scavino tweets Donald Trump video at 11:40 PM = 23:40 MT = QD 1140 = Narrative shift coming in full force (re: rouge elements of US Gov take down of duly elected presidential candidate: DECLAS). Last words are “the *CANNON was ME.”
II. Mike Pompeo Sunday Scripture tweet 1:14 PM
= 13:14 MT = QD 1314 = picture of *CANNON = Future COMS OnReady (no way this isn’t all linked).
III. 1st words of video = “an Eye for an Eye” (Hammurabi’s Code) = my handle @I4NI2th4a2th
= an Eye for an Eye, a Tooth for a Tooth
= Hammurabi’s q-deCodes (ANON) = Video = 25 sec = QD 25 = “Thank you ANONS.” (TY DAN!).
Page 2 = May 9 DELTAS (Δ) “PREDICT” the who/how/when/why’s of 2020 election fraud.
It’s ALL coming OUT. Deep State going DOWN!-
I see the cannon drop as a hat tip to the cannon salute that was given to Biden where he was signaled to be a foreign dignitary not a president... I was wondering who's idea it was to set up the cannons as an early sign to Patriots that its all according to plan, its like this is the answer to it
Amen, Patriot. Let's DO this - too much damage is being done in the interim! It's hard to imagine how valuable some intel, set-up or logistics could outwegh the hellacious damage tgat ocvurs moment by moment. They would have to be taking down EXTREMELY high-value targets and/or ensuring that no one will escape. So, knowing that is The Plan, we will see and hooefully very, very soon.
That picture of the discharging cannon (which looks to be an 1857 Napoleon 12 pounder) is the icon picture used on 8chan's QResearh board until it was replaced with the Iwo Jima monument picture.
Eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth only applies to people of the same caste in Hammurabi's code, it's taken out of context just like Trump's very fine people. Higher status people only need to pay a fine.
I like comms…I don’t even care if they are real or not…I believe some of them are for real and they are fun to contemplate while we wait for all the evil to be exposed and uprooted. It takes time to remove that much corruption; it won’t happen in a day. Hopefully outsiders can realize that some comm interpretations are good, some are not. Overall it doesn’t discredit anything that has been happening to expose the darkness…and a lot has been happening.
Also, I could use some thoughts on [C]. Searching through drops, I can't seem to make out anything specific. I am starting to think [C]hildren...I think the real reason for the drip method is to save as many trafficked children as possible....
Okay, I still don't understand why a Q post from Oct 4, 2018 is relevant to the time of a recent twitter post. Q isn't a time-traveler. Q's post on Oct 4, 2018 was about the events of Oct 4, 2018 - not now. Are we putting too much into this tactic of Twitter times and Q's post number? Has this tactic proven to be worthwhile? Somebody explain, pls. Thx
I can't make head or tail of this one, been following Q since Dec. 2017
(BTW since then, the easiest shorthand that has emerged for labeling a Q drop is simply Q and the number, like "Q1140" for example. No space, hyphen or extra wording needed. Sure you can put "Q post #" or "Q Drop Number" or whatever, but if we're busy people and simpler is better why use all those keystrokes LOL :)
Its all been declass it just hasnt all been released, or if it has been released it has not been widely disseminated. Im hoping all our tvs go blank, our radios go silent and our devices limited and the EBS comes on with the storm is upon us quote, followed by 24/7 declass, decode, tribunals and executions for weeks on end.
The bulk of the People are awake and ready. For those that are not we have our work cut out for us to help them thru the cognitive dissonance.
The one thing I am sure of is that the confluence of knowledge about their crimes and the nature of their satanic beliefs and pedophilia is rapidly approaching and its just about go time. I pray we have weeks to wait rather than months.
Please Lord grant us the wisdom and fortitude to make this happen before more lives are lost to Satan and his minions. Provide us with the Grace to help those who will struggle with the Truth.
Tucker is suddenly talking about the election fraud. Hmm. Maybe hes pivotal to the declassification and that's why the NSA targeted him? Trying to prevent this?
I'm over comms. I need to see verifiable arrests or overturned election results for me to get excited at this point.
If you don't wish to see coms or decodes then use the hide button, nobody is making you read these threads.
Just sayin.
Ok...this site is about decoding coms and research, why are you here then? As I said nobody is making you or him stay here and read these threads. As for shit happening look all around you. Also
Q proofs in the sidebar as well
As far as the Nazis, are you doing anything in your community to take it back from the liberals because I sure am. I talk to people I find out what's going on and I share it. The media doesn't want to cover these things so I make sure I do.
Right now we have censured our district reps and we are working on primarying them out. We are also working to take back our schoolboard. I live in a red area so its kind of hard people don't realize we've been infiltrated even in my small town.
Maybe you're sitting around whining but I can assure you a lot of us are very busy.
I'm not silencing anyone buti don't understand why you're here if you don't like what we're talking about.
Your hate it strengthens me, your doubt it fuels me.
I'm not the one going reeee here. Have a nice day.
Yeah ok keep telling yourself that. I had forgotten all about you until you replied to me just now.
That's how unimportant you are to me. Again have a nice day.
Not impressed ? Who gives a shit? I guess you get to fly blind.
You will miss all the fun, then!!
I'm still here.
then you don't belong here
you really don't
I think it's too much for you.
He's the division and discord shill, buddy.
lol Why the fuck are you lecturing me?
lol what a faggot
I made a post for you, faggot.
feel free to comment on it, if you can, shitbag.
btw, not on your team DOOMY
nice instant upvotes for yourself lol
you are a joke
Everyone is just tired. Somedays you feel good about how things are going and other days your sad, down, and wanting to complain. Can you imagine if we were the people wandering around a desert for 40 years waiting for The Lord to lead us to the promised land? Cheer up you know that The Lord has already won and we are His people and He will never forsake us. Never!
Imagine if we were Jews? lol
Buddy, I have no idea what you are talking about.
I'm a Christian and I know God Wins. I trust the plan and that's why I shut down the doomers and their obvious shitposting.
I am not tired, in the least. That is why I told him this may not be for him and he repsonded by saying 'fuck off, asshole'. Yeah, real Patriot, that guy.
It's a self inflicted wound.
Sorry met to put the comment on his and not yours, 40 years wandering the desert is in the Bible, Exodus, old testament.
I think we are all getting a little impatient. However, this is a sentiment delivered directly to you by the MSM hive mind narrative setters. The Cabal is trying to push the Patriots into a state of anxiety/frustration.
I would guess that this strategy is intended to make Patriots act in a brash, haphazard manner. Haste makes waste
baloney... that guy is not on our side. Look how this post is being brigaded. That faggot gets the ball rolling and the other faggots blame Q followers, calling them assholes, dorks and liberals.
Transparent as fuck.
but you can't help but comment on those posts, eh doomy ?
you're a fraud
I. Dan Scavino tweets Donald Trump video at 11:40 PM = 23:40 MT = QD 1140 = Narrative shift coming in full force (re: rouge elements of US Gov take down of duly elected presidential candidate: DECLAS). Last words are “the *CANNON was ME.”
II. Mike Pompeo Sunday Scripture tweet 1:14 PM = 13:14 MT = QD 1314 = picture of *CANNON = Future COMS OnReady (no way this isn’t all linked).
III. 1st words of video = “an Eye for an Eye” (Hammurabi’s Code) = my handle @I4NI2th4a2th = an Eye for an Eye, a Tooth for a Tooth = Hammurabi’s q-deCodes (ANON) = Video = 25 sec = QD 25 = “Thank you ANONS.” (TY DAN!).
Page 2 = May 9 DELTAS (Δ) “PREDICT” the who/how/when/why’s of 2020 election fraud.
We have EVERYTHING. We have EVERYONE. It’s ALL coming OUT. Deep State going DOWN!-
I see the cannon drop as a hat tip to the cannon salute that was given to Biden where he was signaled to be a foreign dignitary not a president... I was wondering who's idea it was to set up the cannons as an early sign to Patriots that its all according to plan, its like this is the answer to it
How can you be sure of the color?
Orthography failure. They mean rogue.
Yes, but I've been dying to see someone comment.
Updoot for orthography...I love learning new words!
Thank you for your effort!
The cannon was me....love this one
At 11.4 you say?
Any time now would be just fine
Amen, Patriot. Let's DO this - too much damage is being done in the interim! It's hard to imagine how valuable some intel, set-up or logistics could outwegh the hellacious damage tgat ocvurs moment by moment. They would have to be taking down EXTREMELY high-value targets and/or ensuring that no one will escape. So, knowing that is The Plan, we will see and hooefully very, very soon.
That picture of the discharging cannon (which looks to be an 1857 Napoleon 12 pounder) is the icon picture used on 8chan's QResearh board until it was replaced with the Iwo Jima monument picture.
If you're picking a time-zone to use, why mountain time? Trump lives on the east coast, so it should be Eastern time, should it not?
Military time.
Mountain Division perhaps?
Because it never changes for daylight savings perhaps?
Mostly useless info, but:
I somehow ended up at the Pre_stage drops yesterday, but didn't really think much of it and forgot how.
Now this shows up not even one whole day later, how curious.
Are we on the 'Eve' of 11.4????
Aw yeah that's the good shit, give me another hit
also Q114 US Military = savior of mankind. We will never forget. Fantasy land. God save us all. Q
Eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth only applies to people of the same caste in Hammurabi's code, it's taken out of context just like Trump's very fine people. Higher status people only need to pay a fine.
Is the duly elected the Hatian President who was assinated?
Ok. So cannon means boom coming or already happened?
I like comms…I don’t even care if they are real or not…I believe some of them are for real and they are fun to contemplate while we wait for all the evil to be exposed and uprooted. It takes time to remove that much corruption; it won’t happen in a day. Hopefully outsiders can realize that some comm interpretations are good, some are not. Overall it doesn’t discredit anything that has been happening to expose the darkness…and a lot has been happening.
This is well thought out, and seems accurate. Great job, fren!
I’m from the government and I’m here to help!
Declas imminent frens. Be stocked and ready....
Go read Drop 4598, it is too complex to paste here but references 3570. Notice dates..
01-Aug-2019 12:22:36 PM CDT8ch/qresearch
[C] before [D].
[C]oats before [D]eclas.
The month of AUGUST is traditionally very HOT.
You have more than you know.
Also, I could use some thoughts on [C]. Searching through drops, I can't seem to make out anything specific. I am starting to think [C]hildren...I think the real reason for the drip method is to save as many trafficked children as possible....
Decode salads. THESE ARE TRASH
Okay, I still don't understand why a Q post from Oct 4, 2018 is relevant to the time of a recent twitter post. Q isn't a time-traveler. Q's post on Oct 4, 2018 was about the events of Oct 4, 2018 - not now. Are we putting too much into this tactic of Twitter times and Q's post number? Has this tactic proven to be worthwhile? Somebody explain, pls. Thx
Million dollar question: do you think Q is a time traveler? How else could it be prevalent now? Thanks for indulging me.
Sorry guys but These coms decoding thing is not interesting enough, no wonder attendance is going down
I can't make head or tail of this one, been following Q since Dec. 2017
(BTW since then, the easiest shorthand that has emerged for labeling a Q drop is simply Q and the number, like "Q1140" for example. No space, hyphen or extra wording needed. Sure you can put "Q post #" or "Q Drop Number" or whatever, but if we're busy people and simpler is better why use all those keystrokes LOL :)
Its all been declass it just hasnt all been released, or if it has been released it has not been widely disseminated. Im hoping all our tvs go blank, our radios go silent and our devices limited and the EBS comes on with the storm is upon us quote, followed by 24/7 declass, decode, tribunals and executions for weeks on end.
The bulk of the People are awake and ready. For those that are not we have our work cut out for us to help them thru the cognitive dissonance.
The one thing I am sure of is that the confluence of knowledge about their crimes and the nature of their satanic beliefs and pedophilia is rapidly approaching and its just about go time. I pray we have weeks to wait rather than months.
Please Lord grant us the wisdom and fortitude to make this happen before more lives are lost to Satan and his minions. Provide us with the Grace to help those who will struggle with the Truth.
Tucker is suddenly talking about the election fraud. Hmm. Maybe hes pivotal to the declassification and that's why the NSA targeted him? Trying to prevent this?
Nsa went after him because he was trying to set up an interview with Putin