Because everyone knows that Lego sets are rigorously researched and constructed to exacting standards to perfectly recreate the buildings in question -- even down to the laptop and scattered papers on Pelosi's desk. <dripping sarcasm>
You don't have to tell us you are being sarcastic. We get it. I am sarcastic ALL the time. This is not the lamestream media who will run with sarcasm as if it were the truth. Don't worry......
Not with you guys, no. But there are some here that will start an argument at the drop of a hat. It is to those people that I want to make myself perfectly clear.
Besides, there are glowies and just plain old fashion propagandists who will happily take any little thing said here as proof that .win is some haven violent extremists ready eat babies or whatever the lie of the week is.
This shows me just how desperate they are. The fact they allowed the lego set into evidence shows they are trying EVERYTHING to get convictions, because they have NOTHING against Patriots. What they have lots of though, is evidence of ANTIFA infiltrating and initiating violence that was interrupted by Patriots who wanted a peaceful assembly. They won't use THAT evidence though, it doesn't fit their narrative.
Battles of war arent a video game, and nor are battles in court. There is no gradual increasing difficulty of enemies you present to your foe so they can 'level up' and acclimate to the way you do battle.
You lead with your heaviest munition and armament, to achieve that overwhelming victory at first contact, leaving devastation and demoralization and hopefully ending the war at once.
Bringing up a childs lego set is manic lunacy.. and it wasn't even real after all that was said and done, quite contrary to the claims being made in legal documents. So the prosecution has NOTHING. For this, peaceful lawful people have been abducted from their homes and have been held in solitary and mistreated? While murderers walk free and are protected?
Even more farcical than the claim that Biden was elected president.
Does it make a difference? It's a fucking lego set, it isn't relevant regardless of whether it was put together or still in the box. These retards in DOJ should all be charged with the crime of professional idiocy. These aren't serious people.
You know what is truly sad? That I don't think these idiots even understand how Legos work. That you can make virtually anything out of them in any configuration you want. That is the purpose. Sad. Very sad.
PSA - Almost any Lego set has enough pieces to deviate from the set's included plans and build a gun, or a pipe bomb, or a big yellow dildo that the DOJ can wear on its head when it goes to court with this finding.
Guess they couldn't take the meme barrage however, if both reports are true, reaching much?? WhoTF cares if someone has a lego set, in or, out of the box.. well ok, parents may, if the set is scattered all over the floor, that is a bitch to clean up.
You have got to be kidding me! Now they are going to try to persecute people for buying LEGO! I guess some things just have to get to that level of stupid to wake some people up.
If you're not on you are missing the comedy of this movie. We are seeing the destruction of the old guard/govt. They are making a mockery of all things federal govt in this movie.
I think the point is to paint a picture of the "insurrectionists" being maniacally obsessed with the Capitol building, to show some sort of pre-meditation. But ironically that goes against the lefts argument that this insurrection was inspired "spur-of-the-moment" by Trumps "inciteful" words.
Legos are the worst possible modeling tool for planning a heist or whatever let alone and official set that does NOT include any of the jucy secrets of the building...
I think they are grasping at straws. As they illegally deep dive into the people's lives that they have held prisoner they are trying to find anything that will support their narrative.
LOL This cracks me up! When I was still teaching 5th grade US History, I had two 3-D puzzles in my classroom for the kids to work on when they had free time. One was the Capitol and the other the White House. LOL these puzzles are EMPTY on the INSIDE. You are only putting together a SHELL of the bldg.
Because everyone knows that Lego sets are rigorously researched and constructed to exacting standards to perfectly recreate the buildings in question -- even down to the laptop and scattered papers on Pelosi's desk. <dripping sarcasm>
You don't have to tell us you are being sarcastic. We get it. I am sarcastic ALL the time. This is not the lamestream media who will run with sarcasm as if it were the truth. Don't worry......
Not with you guys, no. But there are some here that will start an argument at the drop of a hat. It is to those people that I want to make myself perfectly clear.
What is that? A Capitol Building for ants?
How can they expect erectionists to train when they can't even fit inside the building‽
It would have to be DOUBLE that size!
But why maga models?
Besides, there are glowies and just plain old fashion propagandists who will happily take any little thing said here as proof that .win is some haven violent extremists ready eat babies or whatever the lie of the week is.
"Turn left at the big square blue piece!"
This shows me just how desperate they are. The fact they allowed the lego set into evidence shows they are trying EVERYTHING to get convictions, because they have NOTHING against Patriots. What they have lots of though, is evidence of ANTIFA infiltrating and initiating violence that was interrupted by Patriots who wanted a peaceful assembly. They won't use THAT evidence though, it doesn't fit their narrative.
Battles of war arent a video game, and nor are battles in court. There is no gradual increasing difficulty of enemies you present to your foe so they can 'level up' and acclimate to the way you do battle.
You lead with your heaviest munition and armament, to achieve that overwhelming victory at first contact, leaving devastation and demoralization and hopefully ending the war at once.
Bringing up a childs lego set is manic lunacy.. and it wasn't even real after all that was said and done, quite contrary to the claims being made in legal documents. So the prosecution has NOTHING. For this, peaceful lawful people have been abducted from their homes and have been held in solitary and mistreated? While murderers walk free and are protected?
Even more farcical than the claim that Biden was elected president.
I guarantee the FBI bought that lego set themselves and couldn't be arsed to build it.
Two thoughts come to mind:
If you don't get involved in politics, you will be ruled by inferior people.
The more corrupt a government is, the more silly laws it passes.
They just couldn't figure out the instructions
Does it make a difference? It's a fucking lego set, it isn't relevant regardless of whether it was put together or still in the box. These retards in DOJ should all be charged with the crime of professional idiocy. These aren't serious people.
I was wondering that but then I thought maybe this is just to underline that the doj is a joke.
I literally thought this was Babylon Bee article by the headline and had a laugh. Clown world knows no limits.
Lego - 'Building blocks' - comms? (not sure what capacity that might refer to)
You know what is truly sad? That I don't think these idiots even understand how Legos work. That you can make virtually anything out of them in any configuration you want. That is the purpose. Sad. Very sad.
Just think about how bad that day could have been if he emptied that box on the floor.
(When each block clicked-into place, he knew victory would be his)!!
You're right - and just imagine if he'd had a bunch of sandwich baggies around, they might have gotten him on trafficking those legos...
Oh my GOD he has a lego set of the Capital. How dangerous that is . ROFLMAO
Legos of mass destruction Fully semi automatic Lego sets
Ever stepped on one barefoot tho? They're lucky the agents didn't charge them with booby trapping.
PSA - Almost any Lego set has enough pieces to deviate from the set's included plans and build a gun, or a pipe bomb, or a big yellow dildo that the DOJ can wear on its head when it goes to court with this finding.
Does that mean he's innocent?
Thanks God they didn’t find my Lincoln Logs!!!
That's how they took down John Wilkes Booth. 😂
Dear DOJ, You apparently didn't get the memo: never go full retard. Sincerely, The Watching World
LOL they tried to put it together and were unable. Maybe some 12+ year old could help them out.
Kek, "tell them we found an assembled Capitol set - we will just assemble it ourselves"...
2 days later, after failing to assemble it
"Alright, time to just tell everyone it was unassembled to begin with"
So funny!!
These guys are top notch, TOP NOTCH! Now able to predict crimes a la Minority Report! Really amazing, great job, faggots!
Guess they couldn't take the meme barrage however, if both reports are true, reaching much?? WhoTF cares if someone has a lego set, in or, out of the box.. well ok, parents may, if the set is scattered all over the floor, that is a bitch to clean up.
You have got to be kidding me! Now they are going to try to persecute people for buying LEGO! I guess some things just have to get to that level of stupid to wake some people up.
I thought how gay and childish when that story came out
If you're not on you are missing the comedy of this movie. We are seeing the destruction of the old guard/govt. They are making a mockery of all things federal govt in this movie.
I think the point is to paint a picture of the "insurrectionists" being maniacally obsessed with the Capitol building, to show some sort of pre-meditation. But ironically that goes against the lefts argument that this insurrection was inspired "spur-of-the-moment" by Trumps "inciteful" words.
That’s the GENIUS of this guy..... he only needed the instruction booklet....!
Nancy Pelosi, Merit Garland and Christopher Wray must have put in a huge call order on Lego stock prior to the announcement
Even worse. Are they going to start raiding toy stores for having a Lego Capital set on sale? Fucking fascist pigs.
Legos are the worst possible modeling tool for planning a heist or whatever let alone and official set that does NOT include any of the jucy secrets of the building...
I think they are grasping at straws. As they illegally deep dive into the people's lives that they have held prisoner they are trying to find anything that will support their narrative.
LOL This cracks me up! When I was still teaching 5th grade US History, I had two 3-D puzzles in my classroom for the kids to work on when they had free time. One was the Capitol and the other the White House. LOL these puzzles are EMPTY on the INSIDE. You are only putting together a SHELL of the bldg.
This is what they do and how the play the game. The damage of the initial lie is done. When the correction is made with the truth, it gets no coverage
We aught to sue them for the IQ points we lost reading this as an actual story they put out.
What's with all the LEGO stuff lately?
Product placement gone wild
This shit wasn't even put together?! 🤡🌎
"Brick by Brick"