This is surprisingly insightful for a 12 year old, almost as precocious as those liberal 3 year old children who make complex socio-economic observations on current events.
Lol, I started making the comic when I was 9 on Thanksgiving. The plot was TurkeyMan and his army of primitive pilgrims and Indians were invading the world.
When I was 12, I realized something had to happen to our civilization so an army with muskets and arrows could have a fair fight.
Actually last year, for first time in many years I took up writing again and wrote a horror story about a boy that hears unsettling sounds in his walls when he lies in bed at night.
the noises the boy hears is actually of himself crying out for help from behind the bedroom wall.
The wall is a metaphor for the divide between the awaken world and the world of slumber.
Every night as he lays in bed, he awakens on the other side looking into his room. He bangs and screams but no one hears him, then when the night comes he sees himself getting into bed, so he screams and bangs the walls again hoping to get his attention. But he fails and realizes his time is near … as the sleepy boy dozes off into slumber he realizes he is but a dream and memory, oh how he wished he could’ve spent the one day of life doing something marvelous.
And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams:
How did you get Steven Segal to star in your comic!?
This is surprisingly insightful for a 12 year old, almost as precocious as those liberal 3 year old children who make complex socio-economic observations on current events.
Lol, I started making the comic when I was 9 on Thanksgiving. The plot was TurkeyMan and his army of primitive pilgrims and Indians were invading the world.
When I was 12, I realized something had to happen to our civilization so an army with muskets and arrows could have a fair fight.
Crazy. I know.
An amazing piece of work, cat anon! Btw, I’m a cat person too😉
Prodigy. I hope you're still writing! That's great narrative awareness from a twelve year old!
Haha! You're too kind. Actually not so profound. Here's what most of it was like:
Actually last year, for first time in many years I took up writing again and wrote a horror story about a boy that hears unsettling sounds in his walls when he lies in bed at night.
Plot twist,
the noises the boy hears is actually of himself crying out for help from behind the bedroom wall.
The wall is a metaphor for the divide between the awaken world and the world of slumber.
Every night as he lays in bed, he awakens on the other side looking into his room. He bangs and screams but no one hears him, then when the night comes he sees himself getting into bed, so he screams and bangs the walls again hoping to get his attention. But he fails and realizes his time is near … as the sleepy boy dozes off into slumber he realizes he is but a dream and memory, oh how he wished he could’ve spent the one day of life doing something marvelous.
Shiiiiiiiiiiiiit that's good lol. Well done
Good! Keep it up!
Dude, what kind of parents did you have to know about this diabolical stuff that young.
When/how did you learn about Rockefeller?
Mildly - I do not think this word means what you think it means.
Thank you for sharing.
Can you draw one for: Fauci? SHrillary? Nadler? Pelosi?
Well, you get the idea.
Start drawing!!!!!!!
I’ll start the bid at $500K please
Joel 2:28
Acts of the Apostles 2:17
And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams:
Ha. Precisely this. I was going to say "um maybe you prophesized." to the poster
For the past couple weeks my 4yo has been saying a big storm is coming. 👀
My my!
A few month back he also told me story about God collecting all the snakes from around the world and shooting them.
Very interesting indeed.
From the mouths of babes.
Don't doubt a child's words simply for the sake of their youth.
That paper sure held up over 38 years haha
That's pretty well thought out for a 9-12 yr old. I think someone was speaking thru you, trying to show you some truth.
Fren, you got that last frame right! Kek
You are a psychic.
Damn you were based at 12.
Also, for the early 80’s Genatech was a damn accurate guess as to what a megacorp in the biotech industry might be called.
Well done. Quite unusual, for a kid that age, I like it
Fauci... is that you?
You knew what a common denominator was when you were 12?
I have a had time believing any 12 year old would write this. This would be what, 1982ish??? That makes it harder to believe.
That said, if what you say is true, you might just be a prophet...!
I can't remember the exact year but it was probably around 1983 or 84 (I was born in 71).
In my comic, I call Russia USSR, Reagsn was the President, and I had a cameo of PacMan because I think there was some Pacamania still.
Top quality OC OP, you are the best!
Very Q-based ending. The ending won’t be for the faint of heart...or for everyone. your name Barron?
I keep telling people this you all are here for a reason you much more special then you think.
You are an important chess piece in this war its time you realize it
Now what each of us are suppose to do I dont know. But is in essence chaos theory, butterfly effect
A ripple create another ripple