But it just depresses me. We knew in December that there was massive fraud, but nobody would do anything about it. No court would even look at it, despite massive amounts of evidence.
My normie friends all still believe the election was fair, and that if there were some minor bits of fraud they were insignificant.
I do have confidence that my President is going to win this, but I sure don't see how.
The plan calls for a "precipice" to wake up all the sheeple. It has to be severe enough that they cannot simply go back to being docile zombies once it is over.
We would not experience such a precipice under President Trump, and the sheeple would continue to sleepwalk their way through life... eventually getting us right back to the situation we are in now.
This war is intended to fix the root causes for most of the problems in the country and the world (the DS) for the long term going forward, rather than a short term bandaid-type fix.
To be clear it lumped the quotes together, it should be separate lines. I think it means the vaccine is the mass extinction event in order to cull the herd.
Yep, seeing it ramp up...seems like only the vaccinated are getting Fauci Flu, yet aggressive push for the unvaxxed to get needle raped, southern border wide open, but Cubans fleeing a communist hostile oppressive regime will not be allowed to set foot on American soil, biblical floods globally, China nuclear threat...were getting there.
Do you think the woke garbage the military has been putting out is "appear weak when you are strong" or actual rot within? I've been wondering for awhile.
Based Barber proposes the military is split with Air Force being Trump loyalist and Navy being a deep state experiment. Army and Marines seem to be a question mark. Could be internal conflict between branches to weaken the military from the inside. I am praying our armed forces are still on solid ground.
Based Barber is correct, however, have no doubt the Marines serve the President. They are his elite force aka Praetorian Guard. The Army falls with General Pansy Milley, garbo traitor of the Republic. The Navy is not lost!! General Flynn’s brother has control of the Western Seaboard and the Pacific fleet. He is currently harassing and haranguing China, China, China on behalf of our beloved CIC POTUS Trump. Yes pray!! Pray with all of your heart my fren. We will persist even against our own countrymen regardless of station or rank! God bless you and our Patriot forces WW! WWG1WGA ♥️
I hope not regarding the Navy, but we shall see. Brass is almost always out of touch no matter the branch, but it's been really bad lately. I'm hoping the relaxing of standards and woke-ism is just a front.
If the plan is real, I believe this delay in rectifying it has also allowed MANY people, including Republicans, to thoroughly implicate themselves, so that eventual trials will be open-and-shut cases. (either the plan is real, or we are screwed even worse than we thought :) )
The seventh day is the sabbath and its purpose is to rember you creator. It matters. Watering it down and dismissing the creation is what Satan wants. Do yes it divides us because the devil set it up that way. There is A truth here fren.
I was raised Baptist. My daughter is Pentecostal, my other daughter goes to a messianic congregation, my oldest son is an orthodox priest, and my youngest son and I attend a non-denominational church. Nothing is watered down. We worship the God of the Universe.
That wasn’t the point, at all, that I was trying to make. After the arrest and crucifixion of Jesus, his disciples and followers where scared, depressed and in hiding. Jesus had told them, up front, that he would die, and be raised, but their fear kept them captive.
But then came the third day, whatever day it was, it came. Some of the followers didn’t believe it, some were shocked it actually happened, and some were probably thinking were what took you so long I’m sure.
The point my friend is that it did happen. Just as He said it would.
So now in this time, and we are all here for a time such as this…are you going to be the doubter, the shocked, or the stand at the ready faithful?
Or are you going to nitpick an unimportant issue?
By the way, The Ten Commandments were written by God’s own hand.
The Catholic religion is not the only game in town. They were a man-made religion from the start. Go find a real Bible living, Jesus believing church to give you something to hold on to. Then you’ll not only wake up, but be alive. And not fear what’s coming 😀 peace and love
The last head of the beast of revelation 17:3 is the beast of Revelation chapter 13, with elements of the chapter 12 beast and my sense is it began in 1666 when Sebatai Sevi 'converted' to Islam. (He started this backwards satanic 'spirituality' masquerading in the 3 major religions of the time that all the elities of the time had to join)
My sense is that the multiple is 100
1160 days 42 months & a time 2 times & half a time become
116000 days which is about 4200 months which is about 350 years which is duration of this beast (empire) 350 years after 1666 is 2016 the year Trump won
Also notice the woman of chapter 12 is protected for 1160 days ( which is 116000 days or 350 years) If that woman is the church it makes sense since the church was forced to close during the lockdown which is AFTER those 1160(00) days
The best part is Revelations 19:11-21:
& it's obviously DJT
I’m going to go line by line, bible in Quotes my comments underneath:
11 “I saw heaven standing open and there before me was a white horse, whose rider is called Faithful and True. With justice he judges and wages war.”
DJT has been faithful & true to his ideals, to his family, to his country & to God. As we all noticed, he has been a little too just (fair & patient) with the swamp.
12 “His eyes are like blazing fire, and on his head are many crowns. He has a name written on him that no one knows but he himself.”
Trump does come from wealth
The 2nd part is probably Q
13 “He is dressed in a robe dipped in blood, and his name is the Word of God.”
Trump has been exposed to Epstein & the adrenochrome crowd (dipped in blood) but rejected it.
His middle name John, is the gospel that the "Word of God" is mentioned
14 “The armies of heaven were following him, riding on white horses and dressed in fine linen, white and clean.”
Faithful & true Anons & patriots are helping him wherever we can, not to mention the US military as well as angels from heaven,
15 “Coming out of his mouth is a sharp sword with which to strike down the nations. “He will rule them with an iron scepter.”[a] He treads the winepress of the fury of the wrath of God Almighty.”
This is obviously, the words out of his mouth. We all know he doesn’t mince his words about the swamp characters. I assume the rest is yet to come but if he’s the one treading the winepress that must mean that he is still commander in chief of the military that is doing that.
16” On his robe and on his thigh he has this name written:
If you’re like me, you would have always thought that “King of Kings” means God But NO! Looking at it literally, it is his NAME which is called king of kings. He may never even want that office. The name Donald comes from the Gaelic name Domhnall meaning "ruler of the world". If we ever really had a ruler of the world they would be king of all the kings. right?
17 “And I saw an angel standing in the sun, who cried in a loud voice to all the birds flying in midair, “Come, gather together for the great supper of God, “
The air force is preparing to arrest the swamp….
18” so that you may eat the flesh of kings, generals, and the mighty, of horses and their riders, and the flesh of all people, free and slave, great and small.”
…. and put them in Gitmo
19 “Then I saw the beast and the kings of the earth and their armies gathered together to wage war against the rider on the horse and his army. “
The swamp uses the media lies & all else to chronically attack DJT & his allies. Trump is chronically attacked, Mayor Giuliani & Lin Wood also took hits as well as those Jan 6th patriots arrested. Even the rest of us take hits whenever we try to speak the truth about him.
20 But the beast was captured, and with it the false prophet who had performed the signs on its behalf. With these signs he had deluded those who had received the mark of the beast and worshiped its image. The two of them were thrown alive into the fiery lake of burning sulfur.
The Swamp(beast) heads & the media(false prophet) heads finally in Gitmo
21 The rest were killed with the sword coming out of the mouth of the rider on the horse, and all the birds gorged themselves on their flesh.
Trump’s own words will take care of the rest & the airforce will clean up.
Funny you should mention 2016. Several years ago I took Mathew 1:1-17 and followed the pattern laid out, to figure time from Jesus’ birth to His return. I came up with 2016 too. When DJT came into the scene in 2015, I felt it meant something big. I find the remainder of your post very interesting and to be contemplated!
You are sort of correct, it wasn't the Catholic church but a Roman emperor and Asian clerics
On March 7, A.D. 321, Constantine the Great issued the first civil Sunday law, compelling all the people in the Roman Empire, except farmers, to rest on Sunday. This, with five other civil laws decreed by Constantine concerning Sunday, set the legal precedent for all civil Sunday legislation from that time to the present.
In the 4th century, the Council of Laodicea urged Christians to honor Sunday by abstaining from work on that day if at all possible, and prohibited them from abstaining from work on the Sabbath.
That may be the common notion today, but it goes against the New Testament.
There is clearly no New Testament evidence for a change of the Sabbath from Saturday, the seventh day of the week, to Sunday, the first day of the week. The change came after the days of Jesus and the apostles, so we must turn to history to see when and how this change came about.
The earliest authentic instance of Sunday observance by Christians occurred in Italy, in the middle of the 2nd century after Christ. For a long time after that, many Christians observed both days, while still others kept the seventh-day Sabbath only.
Thanks for mentioning that. What is your faith if you don't mind my asking? Someone else in this thread seems to think you're an atheist, would this be accurate?
Sunday is Sabbath in Christianity because it was the third day after the Passover feast which was the Last Supper Jesus had with his Disciples. He was arrested that evening, rushed through trial (against Jewish law BTW which specifies an open and public trial, the Establishment of the day wanted to get rid of Him descretly). Then taken to the Roman's, who crucified Him. The Sader feast is on Thursday. The next day was Friday. The women could not prepare his body on Saturday because that was their sabbath. So they went the next day and discovered His body missing. At which time Jesus appeared to them. That is why Sunday is our sabbath day.
That is not true and is NOT supported by the scriptures. It is a tradition based on a lie. Sorry to tell you that youre still asleep on this point bro.
I'm just going by what day the Seder is on, what day Jewish Sabbath is on, and the timeline that Scripture does indeed give us. I realize that it took humans later to officially recognize Sunday as sabbath, but this would have been at least part of the guidance.
We should be united. We don't all have to believe the same thing but we should be respectful to one another. They want us to be divided! That's where we are most vulnerable.
when a dam breaks mate it does it with teeny tiny little tremors and cracks , Right up to the second before it disintegrates before your eyes it looks like nothing has happened, everything is normal and hunky dory and then...
I do not see resolution either and the next steps are going to be very painful.
The DS has given the people a taste of freedom this summer.
The next step is going to be mass exodus of deaths from those who have taken the death shot, those deaths will be blamed on the non vax'd.
And with those deaths comes lockdown and round up/forced vax for all of us.
Big tech is getting ready to shut down communications from anyone who exposes the truth of what will be happening.
Everyone still going to be on-board with the trusting the plan, when we are at the camps?
I have faith that the flood of information coming out about the vaccine and it's effects will soon be known by everyone. The GAW has become the greatest site for starting the flood of truth. I believe our fellow Americans will all know soon. Pray there is some way to reverse the damage done to their bodies.
So according to the video, the Arizona senate has no power to recall the electors. The Az Ag has to investigate and turn his evidence over to Congress, and we have to wait for them to do something. Considering the current congressional makeup, this doesn't bode very well.
It's possible it has to go before a vote of the people before the Constitution of Az can be changed depending on their constitution. Of course we don't have fair elections yet so that will have to wait.
I've known since all the swing states stopped counting at once and enormous ballot drops went to the candidate for the party that just framed the president for the last four years.
I'm not sure what to think about this chick. I'm getting a weird tranny vibe from her, however, I keep coming to the conclusion that I would definitely tap that ass! I'm so confused right now....
Natalie Harp did an excellent job on this story.
But it just depresses me. We knew in December that there was massive fraud, but nobody would do anything about it. No court would even look at it, despite massive amounts of evidence.
My normie friends all still believe the election was fair, and that if there were some minor bits of fraud they were insignificant.
I do have confidence that my President is going to win this, but I sure don't see how.
Must have been part of the Plan. Biden needed to get in to complete the steal and give us a taste of communism
The plan calls for a "precipice" to wake up all the sheeple. It has to be severe enough that they cannot simply go back to being docile zombies once it is over.
We would not experience such a precipice under President Trump, and the sheeple would continue to sleepwalk their way through life... eventually getting us right back to the situation we are in now.
This war is intended to fix the root causes for most of the problems in the country and the world (the DS) for the long term going forward, rather than a short term bandaid-type fix.
Is the "you" specific to Q followers who do not take the vaccine? (6k deaths so far)
Has Q said or warned anything about vaccines, by the way?
Answering my own question.
wtf does that mean? they gonna threaten to nuke us to stop us taking vaccines or something? huh?
To be clear it lumped the quotes together, it should be separate lines. I think it means the vaccine is the mass extinction event in order to cull the herd.
VAERS reporting around 11K dead now, for what it’s worth.
Thanks, I stand corrected
You know you can fight for your country and post on an internet forum right? Its not either or.
You dont have to be pacified to post on GAW lol.
What are YOU doing to fight the deep state big man?
Yep, seeing it ramp up...seems like only the vaccinated are getting Fauci Flu, yet aggressive push for the unvaxxed to get needle raped, southern border wide open, but Cubans fleeing a communist hostile oppressive regime will not be allowed to set foot on American soil, biblical floods globally, China nuclear threat...were getting there.
Yep, the only way is the military.
Do you think the woke garbage the military has been putting out is "appear weak when you are strong" or actual rot within? I've been wondering for awhile.
Based Barber proposes the military is split with Air Force being Trump loyalist and Navy being a deep state experiment. Army and Marines seem to be a question mark. Could be internal conflict between branches to weaken the military from the inside. I am praying our armed forces are still on solid ground.
Based Barber is correct, however, have no doubt the Marines serve the President. They are his elite force aka Praetorian Guard. The Army falls with General Pansy Milley, garbo traitor of the Republic. The Navy is not lost!! General Flynn’s brother has control of the Western Seaboard and the Pacific fleet. He is currently harassing and haranguing China, China, China on behalf of our beloved CIC POTUS Trump. Yes pray!! Pray with all of your heart my fren. We will persist even against our own countrymen regardless of station or rank! God bless you and our Patriot forces WW! WWG1WGA ♥️
I hope not regarding the Navy, but we shall see. Brass is almost always out of touch no matter the branch, but it's been really bad lately. I'm hoping the relaxing of standards and woke-ism is just a front.
If the plan is real, I believe this delay in rectifying it has also allowed MANY people, including Republicans, to thoroughly implicate themselves, so that eventual trials will be open-and-shut cases. (either the plan is real, or we are screwed even worse than we thought :) )
The Disciples wanted Jesus to right the wrongs immediately too.
But He didn’t. There was a plan. It involved all of mankind, not just the few Jews of the day.
It took Jesus going to the cross to change the world.
And three days. But it did happen.
Hold on tight kids, Sunday’s coming.
Ra. Sunday. The day of the sun - not the son. Catholic “church” changed the Sabbath to worship the sun. Wake up
Actually, Sonday. Any day, and every day is Son day.
But you know what I mean, and meant.
The seventh day is the sabbath and its purpose is to rember you creator. It matters. Watering it down and dismissing the creation is what Satan wants. Do yes it divides us because the devil set it up that way. There is A truth here fren.
I was raised Baptist. My daughter is Pentecostal, my other daughter goes to a messianic congregation, my oldest son is an orthodox priest, and my youngest son and I attend a non-denominational church. Nothing is watered down. We worship the God of the Universe.
The God of the Universe wrote only one small section of the Bible with His own hand (the rest is inspired). Do you know it?
P.S. I'm happy there is so much RELIGION in your family fren. And?
That wasn’t the point, at all, that I was trying to make. After the arrest and crucifixion of Jesus, his disciples and followers where scared, depressed and in hiding. Jesus had told them, up front, that he would die, and be raised, but their fear kept them captive.
But then came the third day, whatever day it was, it came. Some of the followers didn’t believe it, some were shocked it actually happened, and some were probably thinking were what took you so long I’m sure.
The point my friend is that it did happen. Just as He said it would.
So now in this time, and we are all here for a time such as this…are you going to be the doubter, the shocked, or the stand at the ready faithful?
Or are you going to nitpick an unimportant issue?
By the way, The Ten Commandments were written by God’s own hand.
The Catholic religion is not the only game in town. They were a man-made religion from the start. Go find a real Bible living, Jesus believing church to give you something to hold on to. Then you’ll not only wake up, but be alive. And not fear what’s coming 😀 peace and love
The way I see it is like this.
The last head of the beast of revelation 17:3 is the beast of Revelation chapter 13, with elements of the chapter 12 beast and my sense is it began in 1666 when Sebatai Sevi 'converted' to Islam. (He started this backwards satanic 'spirituality' masquerading in the 3 major religions of the time that all the elities of the time had to join)
My sense is that the multiple is 100 1160 days 42 months & a time 2 times & half a time become 116000 days which is about 4200 months which is about 350 years which is duration of this beast (empire) 350 years after 1666 is 2016 the year Trump won
Also notice the woman of chapter 12 is protected for 1160 days ( which is 116000 days or 350 years) If that woman is the church it makes sense since the church was forced to close during the lockdown which is AFTER those 1160(00) days
The best part is Revelations 19:11-21:
& it's obviously DJT I’m going to go line by line, bible in Quotes my comments underneath:
11 “I saw heaven standing open and there before me was a white horse, whose rider is called Faithful and True. With justice he judges and wages war.”
DJT has been faithful & true to his ideals, to his family, to his country & to God. As we all noticed, he has been a little too just (fair & patient) with the swamp.
12 “His eyes are like blazing fire, and on his head are many crowns. He has a name written on him that no one knows but he himself.”
Trump does come from wealth
The 2nd part is probably Q
13 “He is dressed in a robe dipped in blood, and his name is the Word of God.”
Trump has been exposed to Epstein & the adrenochrome crowd (dipped in blood) but rejected it. His middle name John, is the gospel that the "Word of God" is mentioned
14 “The armies of heaven were following him, riding on white horses and dressed in fine linen, white and clean.”
Faithful & true Anons & patriots are helping him wherever we can, not to mention the US military as well as angels from heaven,
15 “Coming out of his mouth is a sharp sword with which to strike down the nations. “He will rule them with an iron scepter.”[a] He treads the winepress of the fury of the wrath of God Almighty.”
This is obviously, the words out of his mouth. We all know he doesn’t mince his words about the swamp characters. I assume the rest is yet to come but if he’s the one treading the winepress that must mean that he is still commander in chief of the military that is doing that.
16” On his robe and on his thigh he has this name written: KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS.”
If you’re like me, you would have always thought that “King of Kings” means God But NO! Looking at it literally, it is his NAME which is called king of kings. He may never even want that office. The name Donald comes from the Gaelic name Domhnall meaning "ruler of the world". If we ever really had a ruler of the world they would be king of all the kings. right?
17 “And I saw an angel standing in the sun, who cried in a loud voice to all the birds flying in midair, “Come, gather together for the great supper of God, “
The air force is preparing to arrest the swamp….
18” so that you may eat the flesh of kings, generals, and the mighty, of horses and their riders, and the flesh of all people, free and slave, great and small.”
…. and put them in Gitmo
19 “Then I saw the beast and the kings of the earth and their armies gathered together to wage war against the rider on the horse and his army. “
The swamp uses the media lies & all else to chronically attack DJT & his allies. Trump is chronically attacked, Mayor Giuliani & Lin Wood also took hits as well as those Jan 6th patriots arrested. Even the rest of us take hits whenever we try to speak the truth about him.
20 But the beast was captured, and with it the false prophet who had performed the signs on its behalf. With these signs he had deluded those who had received the mark of the beast and worshiped its image. The two of them were thrown alive into the fiery lake of burning sulfur.
The Swamp(beast) heads & the media(false prophet) heads finally in Gitmo
21 The rest were killed with the sword coming out of the mouth of the rider on the horse, and all the birds gorged themselves on their flesh.
Trump’s own words will take care of the rest & the airforce will clean up.
Funny you should mention 2016. Several years ago I took Mathew 1:1-17 and followed the pattern laid out, to figure time from Jesus’ birth to His return. I came up with 2016 too. When DJT came into the scene in 2015, I felt it meant something big. I find the remainder of your post very interesting and to be contemplated!
You are sort of correct, it wasn't the Catholic church but a Roman emperor and Asian clerics
That may be the common notion today, but it goes against the New Testament.
Study also the council of Trent. Much evil came from it.
Thanks for mentioning that. What is your faith if you don't mind my asking? Someone else in this thread seems to think you're an atheist, would this be accurate?
Sunday is Sabbath in Christianity because it was the third day after the Passover feast which was the Last Supper Jesus had with his Disciples. He was arrested that evening, rushed through trial (against Jewish law BTW which specifies an open and public trial, the Establishment of the day wanted to get rid of Him descretly). Then taken to the Roman's, who crucified Him. The Sader feast is on Thursday. The next day was Friday. The women could not prepare his body on Saturday because that was their sabbath. So they went the next day and discovered His body missing. At which time Jesus appeared to them. That is why Sunday is our sabbath day.
That is not true and is NOT supported by the scriptures. It is a tradition based on a lie. Sorry to tell you that youre still asleep on this point bro.
Do you believe the Bible is inspired by Jehova?
I'm just going by what day the Seder is on, what day Jewish Sabbath is on, and the timeline that Scripture does indeed give us. I realize that it took humans later to officially recognize Sunday as sabbath, but this would have been at least part of the guidance.
Read Exodus 20, written by Gods own hand. Then show me the scripture indicating the change. Ill wait.
We should be united. We don't all have to believe the same thing but we should be respectful to one another. They want us to be divided! That's where we are most vulnerable.
Do do you believe the Bible is inspired by Johova and is the only truth?
when a dam breaks mate it does it with teeny tiny little tremors and cracks , Right up to the second before it disintegrates before your eyes it looks like nothing has happened, everything is normal and hunky dory and then...
I do not see resolution either and the next steps are going to be very painful. The DS has given the people a taste of freedom this summer. The next step is going to be mass exodus of deaths from those who have taken the death shot, those deaths will be blamed on the non vax'd. And with those deaths comes lockdown and round up/forced vax for all of us. Big tech is getting ready to shut down communications from anyone who exposes the truth of what will be happening.
Everyone still going to be on-board with the trusting the plan, when we are at the camps?
I have faith that the flood of information coming out about the vaccine and it's effects will soon be known by everyone. The GAW has become the greatest site for starting the flood of truth. I believe our fellow Americans will all know soon. Pray there is some way to reverse the damage done to their bodies.
You had me in the first half ngl. Had me fucking raging lol then it was all good ;)
Same. Was about to lose my damn mind
This needs to go to the top. Sent to all blue pilled friends and let them see what actual reporting and journalism looks like.
Gotta love that.
OAN for the win!
Natalie is one of my favorites on OAN
OAN is awesome
So according to the video, the Arizona senate has no power to recall the electors. The Az Ag has to investigate and turn his evidence over to Congress, and we have to wait for them to do something. Considering the current congressional makeup, this doesn't bode very well.
Rats out of the bag. Time to Rage...
The last part with Karen saying the next steps sucks. We are looking at way more time and unprecedented waters. Ughhhhggh
Does the Constitution of Arizona need to change to give the Arizona Senate the authority to recall electors?
How is such a Constitutional change accomplished?
It's possible it has to go before a vote of the people before the Constitution of Az can be changed depending on their constitution. Of course we don't have fair elections yet so that will have to wait.
I've known since all the swing states stopped counting at once and enormous ballot drops went to the candidate for the party that just framed the president for the last four years.
I'm not sure what to think about this chick. I'm getting a weird tranny vibe from her, however, I keep coming to the conclusion that I would definitely tap that ass! I'm so confused right now....
I would sum it up in six words:
President Trump won in a landslide.
It’s so important to color what this person is saying with the knowledge that there is a bigger picture.....