we have won, NCSWIC, but that DOES NOT MEAN it won't get bad.
How bad undoubtedly depends on where you live and what your situation is.
The only person who got it right that I know of is ToreSays.
She never said Trump would win the election and she said they would lock us in our houses and steal the election and she was saying that in 2018.
On new years eve she said we would be disappointed on the 6th. She said it would be like we had 2 presidents for a while.
She knew they would use the 6th to do a false flag. Because she watches their zoom calls coordinating the treason.
She is saying now that it will get bad, she is saying that Trump will come back in office at some point after it gets bad, and that we will have to stand up and to trust humanity, follow your gut, pray and have faith when it does get bad.
AT NO TIME has TS said to get comfy and do nothing.
She also has said you can't prep for what is coming.
The Tore Says Show can be found on multiple platforms - I personally prefer to listen the next day when it’s typically posted to the iHeart Radio App. She has a website and she livestreams her show where her audience can chat in a sidebar in real time. I’ve never watched that version but I get the impression that she never shows her face during the episodes.
Give it a few episodes to get used to her. I originally found her to be annoying but damn if she doesn’t hit the information out of the park. Don’t look for Q hopium she’s quite the opposite of X22 when it comes to that. Tore has been on fire the past few weeks and she’s pretty much the lone show that doesn’t kick the can down the road like all the others do, X22, Praying Medic, Jordan Sather, Red Pill Radio, etc,..
She doesn’t get much love here because she has talked a ton of shit about Alex Jones and was accused of being a Paytriot - which is ironic because she has the least amount of ads compared to all the other info warrior podcasts out there.
Give her a chance, I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised. Start with the latest episodes and work your way back and you’ll start to understand more about where she’s coming from.
She's streaming on many platforms. She is heavily censored on YT and has found freedom on twitch and trovo. No sponsors, no ads, no fees, no "now lets talk about our health."
She's on telegram. She is organizing movements in every state to create a citizen uprising while we are still free on paper. WE were always the plan.
She was a spook who worked for Brennan but never for the CIA, always for private firms. She had Q clearance, just saying.
She talks like Q. She has never claimed to be Q. She could very well have been involved, a lot of things fit but she would never say.
She said Q was legit, became part of the GA, but then got compromised when they lost control of the trip codes and was not as pure of a movement after that.
She has hunter's laptop(s) and phone(s) and has an image of HRC's server. She has proved that.
Lately she's been on a tirade going off on the PAYtriots who had lots of critical info that she gave them that they sat on and are only now talking about.
She is quite enigmatic, and just wants to educate her listeners and save humanity from a boot stepping on our faces forever.
Ok, wow! I’ve always been conservative but didn’t know anything about Q (other than the false narrative about QAnon) until after the election. I know how things are so easily twisted and that the actual truth is generally the opposite of whatever MSM is peddling to the masses. So, I started researching Q and within an hour stumbled on GA and the rest is history. I watched maybe 5 minutes of that Q proof video and by the time he started explaining deltas and giving examples of deltas happening between Trump and Q and the delta w/ No names death, etc., I knew that for better or worse, Q was absolutely real. I’ve hardly taken any breaks from GA since then and I can’t believe I haven’t heard anything of what you just told me. I have so many questions!😂
“ but then got compromised when they lost control of the trip codes and was not as pure of a movement after that.”
What happened with the trip codes? Is that why they kept switching from 8chan to 8kun or whichever order. I can’t keep it all straight. 😂 Did someone start posting as Q who was a fraud and if so, do we know which drops are the real Q’s and which ones are from the poser?
“ Lately she's been on a tirade going off on the PAYtriots who had lots of critical info that she gave them that they sat on and are only now talking about.”
I’ve seen this word “PAYtriots” a lot and I think I get the gist of what it means since it seems to be used in the context of when people are talking about podcasters and such who are making money through advertisements and talking about Q like they actually know something. 🙄 If I hear one more douchebag say “my sources are telling me x,y,z,” it’s gonna send me over the edge! 🤦🏼♀️😂
So did I understand that correctly? X22 is a PAYtriot and didn’t report on info that this lady gave them? How long ago are we talking about and do we have any idea why they sat on this critical info? Sounds like they took a page out of MSM’s playbook. 🙄 Anyways, sorry for all the questions and thanks for the explanation. I’m definitely intrigued now and I’ll have to do a dig into this lady and everything she knows.
I'm not an expert on the chans or Q but when you post on the chans the whole point is to be anonymous. Here is my limited and definitely not totally right understanding of what went down. It'll be enough to get you the gist.
There is an identifier that can be used, basically like a signature or a password or a key that will prove that you are a certain person. This is the trip code that Q used to prove to the BO (board owner) that it was Q that was posting. There were/are certain boards that only Q can post on, and the trip code is part of that control.
So, when Q would post in the specific rooms that were his alone, or when he (or she?) would post in the general Qresearch boards he could use the trip code and it would determine that this is Q posting and not just someone who put the letter Q in the name section of the post.
Somewhere and somehow that trip code was leaked or stolen or sold and some other group got it and I'm guessing either changed it or something and Q began posting with a new trip code or whatever. It's been a while since that all happened and I'm certainly not claiming to have been in the know.
TS has never ever claimed to be Q but if you find her shows and listen she will every now and then drop 1-liners and hints and vague statements that she does not go back to or clarify and it's like "wait a minute, did she just say what I think she said?" and you rewind and the enormity of the implication hits you, if she was actually meaning what she said.
What I've gathered is that she was part of the Q team and some of the posts were hers.
She has said the following openly: It (Q) started off as a means of fairly anonymous communication between people on the Q team. The autistic anons on the chans noticed it and realized that it was not just noise and was indeed something special.
So the Q team then kept it going and used the chans as a way to help the great awakening. They know it is coming and is basically here. It was an avenue to drop important info onto the people to help the GA.
About the PAYtriots-
The PAY triots are voices in this GA movement to whom the actual patriotic people, not only Americans, have been gravitating towards because they know the regular news is BS, they know the people are being lied to and they want more truth.
These PAYtriots claim to have truth and insider knowledge and are capitalizing on the Q movement, the great awakening movement and the general waking up of the people.
The PAYtriots get puffed up in their egos because they see the huge amount of followers and they see the possibility of cashing in. They also become compromised.
They get comp'd by the swamp and either bought off, threatened, blackmailed or whatever and get controlled. "You can say whatever you want but never this, this or this and you keep doing what we allow and then you'll get this, this and this payoff, we will see to it"
This control is either blatant or subtle, who knows.
I don't know how she does it but Tore has their chat logs. The PAYtriots get together and talk on discord or signal or whatever. And she has access to that, some how. She's posted it. Then she watches when they freak out and they realize she's the real deal and she knows what they're doing.
She has given them info on Hunter's laptop, the vaccines and more. And they hid it. They did not talk about it until now. This ROYALLY PISSED HER OFF.
So, are the PAYtriots bad people? Is X22 a bad person? Not my call.
What I go back to is the proof in the pudding. Judge the tree by the fruit.
I've got a guy at work who was hook-line-sinker into X22 and he was telling everyone at work to have 2 weeks of food because the lights were going to go out for 10 days and the tanks would roll and the cabal would be locked up and Trump would be inaugurated on Jan 20.
Still waiting, Dave. But first lets talk about our health.
Tore isn't afraid to tell us how bad it really is, she's got no sponsors to lose, no paying members to piss off.
So who is Tore really? WHAT is she? Beats me. I got no proof. She's made no overt claims.
I like Sci-Fi and I love me some conspiracy theories and I like to let the imagination go wild sometimes.
It's entirely possible that she is exactly who she tells you she is. This is one of her lines. She always says that people will tell you who they are, if you just listen.
She openly claims to be a time traveler. It's like "ha ha, look at that. She's saying she's a time traveler because she has some actual inside info and can predict things so well it looks like she is a time traveler." then it's like .... well, ummm... ok. Maybe?
She's more or less claimed to be the person who posted as John Titor, the time traveler, years ago on the boards.
She speaks about future events that will happen as if she is remembering how it all went down. Is that all pretend? Lies? A performance?
If so, she's consistent and has a good (perfect?) track record for being accurate. And she doesn't claim to be screwing a 9 foot alien like the one guy.
So I'll keep listening. I used to listen to Praying Medic and X22 and I early on liked some other PAYtriots and Alex Jones helped wake me up.
AJ is 80% right and that gets him tremendous credibility, but the man is controlled now and that has broken him mentally and physically and it's sad. To his credit he has redpilled countless souls and for that I hope he comes out of this ok.
Believe me I kept hoping that SOMETHING, ANYTHING would happen to keep this from going down on the 20th.
Once Jan 20 rolled past I knew without a doubt that every single one of those loud voices were full of shit and only one person told me the truth whether I liked it or not - and that is Tore. whoever or whatever she really is, she is the one that told me the truth.
Every time I think I’ve heard everything, someone on the board says “hold my beer” and proves me wrong! 😂 I’m definitely going to have to listen to this Tore lady. This is crazy and I can’t believe I didn’t know about this. I also didn’t know that the PAYtriots were not only trying to cash in on Q, but that some of them have actually become compromised. That’s really sad. Do we know which ones have been compromised and been compromised for sure by payoffs? I wonder if some of them had their families threatened instead of them actually being paid off.
I would like to think that there is no monetary price anyone could pay me to sell my country out or cover up atrocities committed by our government. However, if you threaten my child’s life? Well, only stopping short of selling my soul to the devil, there’s not much I wouldn’t do to protect my child. 🤷🏼♀️ I try to remember that whenever it seems like one of the “good guys” is stabbing us in the back. Who knows who is actually compromised and who is just trying to keep their family alive.
Anyways, that’s amazing that this lady has access to their convos. She’s either an amazing hacker or has connections b/c that’s not something your average Joe would be privy to. The only thing that raises my “spidey sense” is that she claims to be a time traveler and talks about events like she’s seen them. I’m not saying that’s not possible, it’s just that my Christian faith immediately makes me think about powers and principalities and things that are not of this realm. Demons and the extreme power that God allows them to have on earth to create confusion, twist reality, and create illusions and visions in order to deceive as many people as possible and put up a barrier between them and God. And yes, I’m one of those people who thinks that if aliens are real, they’re actually demons.😬
Anyways, it’s still all very fascinating and I myself love a good conspiracy theory b/c it seems like the majority of them wind up dropping the theory and are, in fact, just a conspiracy! 😂 Thanks for all the info. I’ve been needing some new stuff to listen to and checking out Tore will be just the kind of thing I like. ☺️
I don't feel the same (not dooming) but I see it as the enemy is gaining ground while being met with heavy resistance. Enlightened me, how are we winning? Doesn't feel like it.
Me, personally, I would like to have the ending spoiled so it can be here quickly; as I also feel like we are losing and/or just treading water until we actually drown.
Purposely not seeing?
Shill worthy.
You know why they remove soilders from battle who exhibit fear n panic..send them off the line for a small bit ?
Because fear spreads like the plague.
You seem to be still watching MSM.
Turn it off.
We already are.
We're boot camped in digital. But by our God given life ...we were born warriors.
We just need to remember to be warriors.
Dont hold back...why now? Why us?
We were born for this battle.
God leaves nothing to chance.
I will serve again, as I have served before, with HONOR.
No matter the cost. I have long dreamt that my blood will be shed for this mighty nation, but this is no nightmare to me. I would give all so that my children's children shall be free.
Self defense is an inherent right of all life - people, animals - of all life. It is not an acquired right. It comes as a characteristic of life itself.
The right of self defense cannot be taken away or given away.
The vaccination is clearly a biological weapon, designed to debilitate and eventually to kill. Its use is naked aggression.
I will defend myself on a "stand your ground" basis. I will not retreat.
That song will always remind me of that scene in Breaking Bad with Walt driving in the desert with the song blaring on the radio. La la la, la, la la la la! La la la la, la!
Totally agreed! Took the time to rewatch the whole series last week. God Bryan Cranston was so amazing. I'm glad he spoke out against cancel culture and isn't woke.
I re-watched the whole series a second time a couple months ago; it is awesome! One of the main themes/messages that comes across is that the notion that illegal drug use is a "victimless crime" is totally ridiculous.
Really? You thought that was one of the themes in the series? I didn't perceive that theme at all. There were countless victims throughout the entirety of the series. It's quite literally demonstrating the opposite of that lol.
Hmm maybe I'm misinterpreting your phrasing now that I'm rereading your comment.
He is one switched on Marine! These evil Cabal/DS scum don't realise the type of
Proud,Patriotic,Professional People they are about to unleash! Semper Fi!
It won't come in the form of police busting down your door and ramming a needle in your neck, it will come from your employer demanding that you take it or else you're fired, and then every other business in the area either complying and requiring the same, or being shut down by the government.
How many people do you know who are part of an organization that is getting ready to do just that, that isn't infiltrated by a bunch of snitches? How many militias are ready to fight a guerilla style war against the federal government and NOT get immediately arrested the moment any of them try to act on that rhetoric? In fact, you won't just be fighting the feds, you'll be fighting the states, too. The entire fucking thing is fucked from top to cop. Notice not a single governor is really challenging the authority of the deep state in any meaningful way whatsoever?
Spouseanon is former USMC. I have seen this come out in him (in conversation). It doesn't happen often. The first time, I have to admit, it threw me a little. Just the absolute calmness of it. It wasn't hyperbole. This guy reminds me of that.
E5, different branch... but he has exactly the right attitude. Cause / effect. Action / reaction.
Anyone that would be tasked with forcibly injecting people (that have a functional brain) would know this is the outcome awaiting them and refuse to do it as a way to preserve their own lives.
I don't think it will ever come to that, but this is the correct response if it does.
I am on board with this patriot. If someone comes to my door and tries to forcefully inject me with the “vaccine” I will be forced to inject them with lead (proven to achieve the same quality results as the vaccine and it’s even works faster).
Damn right. When the police show up and a score of SWAT officers tear down my front door, as they hold the barrels of their guns to my kids' heads and demand, "Take the vaccine or your whole family dies in a blaze of glory, Trumper!"
--I will calmly rise to my feet as the needles move closer to my precious wife
--as the boots of police crush my childrens' throats
--as they look at me in fear and awe,
and I shall say, "Never."
And shoot them all down like the dogs of hell they are.
Time to carry a vest of C4. Make it hurt for the fascists if they won't be dissuaded from surrounding you and subduing you and forcing the needle into your skin. YOU may be the spark that begins THE STORM.
With all this marine talk in the comments, my mind just went to Halo with Sgt. Johnson saying on a pelican "Get tactical, marines!" As they load mags and rack their guns. Ahhhh, good times. Back before games were woke.
Are you retarded? We're talking about reality. Better get your head out of Halo and start fortifying your home. Load real mags. They are better deterrent to the police than digital guns. I see that you didn't serve, and you likely have no training, but it's time to get real, kid.
You must not have been lurking for too long because they’ve been keeping handshake accounts in check for a lot longer than a month. They have to if they don’t want to get overrun like the Donald. No one is perfect and so I’m sure some handshakes get wrongly accused of being shills but as a whole I think the mods and pedes here do a good job of weeding out shills and bots The number of shill attacks seem to fluctuate depending on the news cycle and whether or not we’re over the target, going scorched earth on a particular subject. Just my humble observation, take from it what you will. 🤷🏼♀️
We will all be soldiers before long. It will be forced upon us.
It will not get to that point. I believe we are already winning even if it doesn't seem like it.
I follow the wins and pray it is as you say. I also pray for the Lords judgement day come swiftly.
Our fathers were part of what has been labeled the Greatest Generation.
If we don't do something before we pass, our generation will be known as the "Latest Generation"
Let me also say that I agree with this guy and it is a powerful message.
we have won, NCSWIC, but that DOES NOT MEAN it won't get bad.
How bad undoubtedly depends on where you live and what your situation is.
The only person who got it right that I know of is ToreSays.
She never said Trump would win the election and she said they would lock us in our houses and steal the election and she was saying that in 2018.
On new years eve she said we would be disappointed on the 6th. She said it would be like we had 2 presidents for a while.
She knew they would use the 6th to do a false flag. Because she watches their zoom calls coordinating the treason.
She is saying now that it will get bad, she is saying that Trump will come back in office at some point after it gets bad, and that we will have to stand up and to trust humanity, follow your gut, pray and have faith when it does get bad.
AT NO TIME has TS said to get comfy and do nothing.
She also has said you can't prep for what is coming.
Who is ToreSays? I’m not familiar with that name but apparently I’ve been missing out. Lol
The Tore Says Show can be found on multiple platforms - I personally prefer to listen the next day when it’s typically posted to the iHeart Radio App. She has a website and she livestreams her show where her audience can chat in a sidebar in real time. I’ve never watched that version but I get the impression that she never shows her face during the episodes.
Give it a few episodes to get used to her. I originally found her to be annoying but damn if she doesn’t hit the information out of the park. Don’t look for Q hopium she’s quite the opposite of X22 when it comes to that. Tore has been on fire the past few weeks and she’s pretty much the lone show that doesn’t kick the can down the road like all the others do, X22, Praying Medic, Jordan Sather, Red Pill Radio, etc,..
She doesn’t get much love here because she has talked a ton of shit about Alex Jones and was accused of being a Paytriot - which is ironic because she has the least amount of ads compared to all the other info warrior podcasts out there.
Give her a chance, I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised. Start with the latest episodes and work your way back and you’ll start to understand more about where she’s coming from.
Tore is easy to listen to I've found. Haven't since December or so, but pretty woman, nice voice, good enthusiasm and smart.
She's streaming on many platforms. She is heavily censored on YT and has found freedom on twitch and trovo. No sponsors, no ads, no fees, no "now lets talk about our health."
She's on telegram. She is organizing movements in every state to create a citizen uprising while we are still free on paper. WE were always the plan.
She was a spook who worked for Brennan but never for the CIA, always for private firms. She had Q clearance, just saying.
She talks like Q. She has never claimed to be Q. She could very well have been involved, a lot of things fit but she would never say.
She said Q was legit, became part of the GA, but then got compromised when they lost control of the trip codes and was not as pure of a movement after that.
She has hunter's laptop(s) and phone(s) and has an image of HRC's server. She has proved that.
Lately she's been on a tirade going off on the PAYtriots who had lots of critical info that she gave them that they sat on and are only now talking about.
She is quite enigmatic, and just wants to educate her listeners and save humanity from a boot stepping on our faces forever.
Ok, wow! I’ve always been conservative but didn’t know anything about Q (other than the false narrative about QAnon) until after the election. I know how things are so easily twisted and that the actual truth is generally the opposite of whatever MSM is peddling to the masses. So, I started researching Q and within an hour stumbled on GA and the rest is history. I watched maybe 5 minutes of that Q proof video and by the time he started explaining deltas and giving examples of deltas happening between Trump and Q and the delta w/ No names death, etc., I knew that for better or worse, Q was absolutely real. I’ve hardly taken any breaks from GA since then and I can’t believe I haven’t heard anything of what you just told me. I have so many questions!😂
What happened with the trip codes? Is that why they kept switching from 8chan to 8kun or whichever order. I can’t keep it all straight. 😂 Did someone start posting as Q who was a fraud and if so, do we know which drops are the real Q’s and which ones are from the poser?
“ Lately she's been on a tirade going off on the PAYtriots who had lots of critical info that she gave them that they sat on and are only now talking about.”
I’ve seen this word “PAYtriots” a lot and I think I get the gist of what it means since it seems to be used in the context of when people are talking about podcasters and such who are making money through advertisements and talking about Q like they actually know something. 🙄 If I hear one more douchebag say “my sources are telling me x,y,z,” it’s gonna send me over the edge! 🤦🏼♀️😂 So did I understand that correctly? X22 is a PAYtriot and didn’t report on info that this lady gave them? How long ago are we talking about and do we have any idea why they sat on this critical info? Sounds like they took a page out of MSM’s playbook. 🙄 Anyways, sorry for all the questions and thanks for the explanation. I’m definitely intrigued now and I’ll have to do a dig into this lady and everything she knows.
I'm not an expert on the chans or Q but when you post on the chans the whole point is to be anonymous. Here is my limited and definitely not totally right understanding of what went down. It'll be enough to get you the gist.
There is an identifier that can be used, basically like a signature or a password or a key that will prove that you are a certain person. This is the trip code that Q used to prove to the BO (board owner) that it was Q that was posting. There were/are certain boards that only Q can post on, and the trip code is part of that control.
So, when Q would post in the specific rooms that were his alone, or when he (or she?) would post in the general Qresearch boards he could use the trip code and it would determine that this is Q posting and not just someone who put the letter Q in the name section of the post.
Somewhere and somehow that trip code was leaked or stolen or sold and some other group got it and I'm guessing either changed it or something and Q began posting with a new trip code or whatever. It's been a while since that all happened and I'm certainly not claiming to have been in the know.
TS has never ever claimed to be Q but if you find her shows and listen she will every now and then drop 1-liners and hints and vague statements that she does not go back to or clarify and it's like "wait a minute, did she just say what I think she said?" and you rewind and the enormity of the implication hits you, if she was actually meaning what she said.
What I've gathered is that she was part of the Q team and some of the posts were hers.
She has said the following openly: It (Q) started off as a means of fairly anonymous communication between people on the Q team. The autistic anons on the chans noticed it and realized that it was not just noise and was indeed something special.
So the Q team then kept it going and used the chans as a way to help the great awakening. They know it is coming and is basically here. It was an avenue to drop important info onto the people to help the GA.
About the PAYtriots-
The PAY triots are voices in this GA movement to whom the actual patriotic people, not only Americans, have been gravitating towards because they know the regular news is BS, they know the people are being lied to and they want more truth.
These PAYtriots claim to have truth and insider knowledge and are capitalizing on the Q movement, the great awakening movement and the general waking up of the people.
The PAYtriots get puffed up in their egos because they see the huge amount of followers and they see the possibility of cashing in. They also become compromised.
They get comp'd by the swamp and either bought off, threatened, blackmailed or whatever and get controlled. "You can say whatever you want but never this, this or this and you keep doing what we allow and then you'll get this, this and this payoff, we will see to it"
This control is either blatant or subtle, who knows.
I don't know how she does it but Tore has their chat logs. The PAYtriots get together and talk on discord or signal or whatever. And she has access to that, some how. She's posted it. Then she watches when they freak out and they realize she's the real deal and she knows what they're doing.
She has given them info on Hunter's laptop, the vaccines and more. And they hid it. They did not talk about it until now. This ROYALLY PISSED HER OFF.
So, are the PAYtriots bad people? Is X22 a bad person? Not my call.
What I go back to is the proof in the pudding. Judge the tree by the fruit.
I've got a guy at work who was hook-line-sinker into X22 and he was telling everyone at work to have 2 weeks of food because the lights were going to go out for 10 days and the tanks would roll and the cabal would be locked up and Trump would be inaugurated on Jan 20.
Still waiting, Dave. But first lets talk about our health.
Tore isn't afraid to tell us how bad it really is, she's got no sponsors to lose, no paying members to piss off.
So who is Tore really? WHAT is she? Beats me. I got no proof. She's made no overt claims.
I like Sci-Fi and I love me some conspiracy theories and I like to let the imagination go wild sometimes.
It's entirely possible that she is exactly who she tells you she is. This is one of her lines. She always says that people will tell you who they are, if you just listen.
She openly claims to be a time traveler. It's like "ha ha, look at that. She's saying she's a time traveler because she has some actual inside info and can predict things so well it looks like she is a time traveler." then it's like .... well, ummm... ok. Maybe?
She's more or less claimed to be the person who posted as John Titor, the time traveler, years ago on the boards.
She speaks about future events that will happen as if she is remembering how it all went down. Is that all pretend? Lies? A performance?
If so, she's consistent and has a good (perfect?) track record for being accurate. And she doesn't claim to be screwing a 9 foot alien like the one guy.
So I'll keep listening. I used to listen to Praying Medic and X22 and I early on liked some other PAYtriots and Alex Jones helped wake me up.
AJ is 80% right and that gets him tremendous credibility, but the man is controlled now and that has broken him mentally and physically and it's sad. To his credit he has redpilled countless souls and for that I hope he comes out of this ok.
Believe me I kept hoping that SOMETHING, ANYTHING would happen to keep this from going down on the 20th.
Once Jan 20 rolled past I knew without a doubt that every single one of those loud voices were full of shit and only one person told me the truth whether I liked it or not - and that is Tore. whoever or whatever she really is, she is the one that told me the truth.
Every time I think I’ve heard everything, someone on the board says “hold my beer” and proves me wrong! 😂 I’m definitely going to have to listen to this Tore lady. This is crazy and I can’t believe I didn’t know about this. I also didn’t know that the PAYtriots were not only trying to cash in on Q, but that some of them have actually become compromised. That’s really sad. Do we know which ones have been compromised and been compromised for sure by payoffs? I wonder if some of them had their families threatened instead of them actually being paid off.
I would like to think that there is no monetary price anyone could pay me to sell my country out or cover up atrocities committed by our government. However, if you threaten my child’s life? Well, only stopping short of selling my soul to the devil, there’s not much I wouldn’t do to protect my child. 🤷🏼♀️ I try to remember that whenever it seems like one of the “good guys” is stabbing us in the back. Who knows who is actually compromised and who is just trying to keep their family alive.
Anyways, that’s amazing that this lady has access to their convos. She’s either an amazing hacker or has connections b/c that’s not something your average Joe would be privy to. The only thing that raises my “spidey sense” is that she claims to be a time traveler and talks about events like she’s seen them. I’m not saying that’s not possible, it’s just that my Christian faith immediately makes me think about powers and principalities and things that are not of this realm. Demons and the extreme power that God allows them to have on earth to create confusion, twist reality, and create illusions and visions in order to deceive as many people as possible and put up a barrier between them and God. And yes, I’m one of those people who thinks that if aliens are real, they’re actually demons.😬
Anyways, it’s still all very fascinating and I myself love a good conspiracy theory b/c it seems like the majority of them wind up dropping the theory and are, in fact, just a conspiracy! 😂 Thanks for all the info. I’ve been needing some new stuff to listen to and checking out Tore will be just the kind of thing I like. ☺️
I don't feel the same (not dooming) but I see it as the enemy is gaining ground while being met with heavy resistance. Enlightened me, how are we winning? Doesn't feel like it.
I just want to see mobile teams of clot shot givers in a real ghetto or homeless encampment.
you're watching a movie. the patriots are in control.
do you want the ending spoiled?
Me, personally, I would like to have the ending spoiled so it can be here quickly; as I also feel like we are losing and/or just treading water until we actually drown.
Purposely not seeing? Shill worthy. You know why they remove soilders from battle who exhibit fear n panic..send them off the line for a small bit ? Because fear spreads like the plague. You seem to be still watching MSM. Turn it off.
Right? The evidence since nov 3 has ONLT been that we are losing. Everyone here is so high on Hopium they just can’t understand.
China is in control, trump is not coming back, we are all fucked.
I’ve been around since 2015, I’m not shilling. It’s the fucking TRUTH WAKE THE FUCK UP!!!
You fool. We are ACTUALLY WINNING BIGLY! They are playing into The Plan just as Q said they would!
What makes you think so?
We already are. We're boot camped in digital. But by our God given life ...we were born warriors. We just need to remember to be warriors. Dont hold back...why now? Why us? We were born for this battle. God leaves nothing to chance.
You speak truth fren.
I will serve again, as I have served before, with HONOR. No matter the cost. I have long dreamt that my blood will be shed for this mighty nation, but this is no nightmare to me. I would give all so that my children's children shall be free.
That's my position too.
Self defense is an inherent right of all life - people, animals - of all life. It is not an acquired right. It comes as a characteristic of life itself.
The right of self defense cannot be taken away or given away.
The vaccination is clearly a biological weapon, designed to debilitate and eventually to kill. Its use is naked aggression.
I will defend myself on a "stand your ground" basis. I will not retreat.
If we all made the same declaration, I don't think they would try to force upon us, they could not force on us.
WWG1WGA is not just a slogan, right?
My 20 year old Aspergers son pointed out that the background song “A Horse With No Name” was by the group AMERICA!
That song will always remind me of that scene in Breaking Bad with Walt driving in the desert with the song blaring on the radio. La la la, la, la la la la! La la la la, la!
Totally agreed! Took the time to rewatch the whole series last week. God Bryan Cranston was so amazing. I'm glad he spoke out against cancel culture and isn't woke.
Cranston called trump a demagogue and defended the media.
Oh that's lame. I thought he said "I am awake". Damn liar.
I re-watched the whole series a second time a couple months ago; it is awesome! One of the main themes/messages that comes across is that the notion that illegal drug use is a "victimless crime" is totally ridiculous.
Really? You thought that was one of the themes in the series? I didn't perceive that theme at all. There were countless victims throughout the entirety of the series. It's quite literally demonstrating the opposite of that lol.
Hmm maybe I'm misinterpreting your phrasing now that I'm rereading your comment.
The notion that drug use is a "victimless crime" is totally ridiculous, as illustrated by all the victims, as you pointed out.
You are agreeing with him; read it again.
He's pretty woke.
Maybe not the worst, but not the best.
One of the last great TV shows.
Fascinating! I remember listening to both America and Dan Peek (on the oldies station and the Christian station, after Peek became a Christian).
Semper Fi, Marine. I made it to E4 (Corporal) in my time in the Corps, but I was a mere 4-year enlisted grunt. Hoorah!
Thank you for your service.
He is one switched on Marine! These evil Cabal/DS scum don't realise the type of Proud,Patriotic,Professional People they are about to unleash! Semper Fi!
“Semper Fi” from a E7, different branch!
+1, E4 from a different branch
Me Too!
I believe him... dude didn't flinch at all.
See that look in his eyes at the end? Gave me goosebumps.
He is not even playing.
You see the raving leftist and commies with their wide psychotic eyes and yelling, not really very scary.
The look on his face, terrifying if you are on the wrong end of it.
You still got it Marine! Thanks for your service.
It won't come in the form of police busting down your door and ramming a needle in your neck, it will come from your employer demanding that you take it or else you're fired, and then every other business in the area either complying and requiring the same, or being shut down by the government.
So we kill them. What’s the problem
How many people do you know who are part of an organization that is getting ready to do just that, that isn't infiltrated by a bunch of snitches? How many militias are ready to fight a guerilla style war against the federal government and NOT get immediately arrested the moment any of them try to act on that rhetoric? In fact, you won't just be fighting the feds, you'll be fighting the states, too. The entire fucking thing is fucked from top to cop. Notice not a single governor is really challenging the authority of the deep state in any meaningful way whatsoever?
I like this guy. I believe him too.
Fuck around and find out.
Spouseanon is former USMC. I have seen this come out in him (in conversation). It doesn't happen often. The first time, I have to admit, it threw me a little. Just the absolute calmness of it. It wasn't hyperbole. This guy reminds me of that.
I love him.
E5, different branch... but he has exactly the right attitude. Cause / effect. Action / reaction.
Anyone that would be tasked with forcibly injecting people (that have a functional brain) would know this is the outcome awaiting them and refuse to do it as a way to preserve their own lives.
I don't think it will ever come to that, but this is the correct response if it does.
Hey if you think the shot will help my dead body go for it 😂
I am on board with this patriot. If someone comes to my door and tries to forcefully inject me with the “vaccine” I will be forced to inject them with lead (proven to achieve the same quality results as the vaccine and it’s even works faster).
That's actually what will happen especially in the ghetto areas of deep blue areas.
Damn right. When the police show up and a score of SWAT officers tear down my front door, as they hold the barrels of their guns to my kids' heads and demand, "Take the vaccine or your whole family dies in a blaze of glory, Trumper!"
--I will calmly rise to my feet as the needles move closer to my precious wife
--as the boots of police crush my childrens' throats
--as they look at me in fear and awe,
and I shall say, "Never."
And shoot them all down like the dogs of hell they are.
Time to carry a vest of C4. Make it hurt for the fascists if they won't be dissuaded from surrounding you and subduing you and forcing the needle into your skin. YOU may be the spark that begins THE STORM.
Beware the quiet man. Danger. Can you hear us now, Commies?
This is the way.
With all this marine talk in the comments, my mind just went to Halo with Sgt. Johnson saying on a pelican "Get tactical, marines!" As they load mags and rack their guns. Ahhhh, good times. Back before games were woke.
Are you retarded? We're talking about reality. Better get your head out of Halo and start fortifying your home. Load real mags. They are better deterrent to the police than digital guns. I see that you didn't serve, and you likely have no training, but it's time to get real, kid.
Heck Yeah !!
Well said,it's definitely a line in the sand.
I could watch this all day long, especially his shrug at the end. So good!!
That ending though...
This is the way
What did you feel when you took out that jackbooted Fascist force-jabber?!?!
What he said! It's the ability and the resolve to preserve one's life, which IS a solemn duty of all sentient beings created by GOD.
You truly create your own reality, friend. Think about it.
You must not have been lurking for too long because they’ve been keeping handshake accounts in check for a lot longer than a month. They have to if they don’t want to get overrun like the Donald. No one is perfect and so I’m sure some handshakes get wrongly accused of being shills but as a whole I think the mods and pedes here do a good job of weeding out shills and bots The number of shill attacks seem to fluctuate depending on the news cycle and whether or not we’re over the target, going scorched earth on a particular subject. Just my humble observation, take from it what you will. 🤷🏼♀️
It's a botnet designed to do psyops to coerce you into doing the Deep State's bidding.
If anyone is thinking about this, don't post about it.
It's much for fun for the Feds to guess which doorknock will be their last.
There are still karma whores, even on tiny networks such as this. It’s not blasphemy to point it out. This isn’t quietly encouraged like on Reddit.