I'd like to see the original source for this claim. Can't find it from AP which is who this article is claiming to quote. I am also unable to locate it from the Florida Dept of Health (they claim that the comms director said this).
Sounds like someone made up a number and is running with it since they didnt even put it in quotes.
We need better sources people. Just because TampaFP reports it doesn't make it reliable.
I don't doubt the number though, I just want a source to back up my claims if I were to go out repeating this info.
**The more we lose credibility, more people will refuse to listen and more people will die. Not trying to be a dick, but I'd like to get this info from the primary or at least a secondary source.
I’ve spent the past hour trying to dig up more data but the results are all over the place. 37% vax rate in Florida to 67% and everything in between. CDC doesn’t have it. Hospitalizations for covid cases at “record numbers” but most are nursing home patients, I’ve read. Well, wouldn’t they hospitalize someone who was elderly if they had flu symptoms, to err on the side of caution? They’ve been mostly vaccinated. So have their healthcare workers. So I can only deduce the majority of hospitalized patients have been vax’d, like this article states. This is a conservative learning news outlet. Few and far between. I’d think they’d have the truth over any of the multitude of left leaning ones who are trying to push an agenda.
They’re trying to demonize DeSantis for not making mandates for both vax and masks but they’re not talking about how he’s even stated this is our flu season. This is what happens every year when people congregate indoors in Florida due to the heat. This is our winter. What are the real numbers of annual flu/colds this time of year compared to the so-called delta variant (which, they’ve never been able to isolate the covid 19 virus so how do they know this is a variant and it the annual flu? )
I’m fine with anyone criticizing the post but if you’re that knowledge about the data, by all means share it with us. I can’t get it yet. I welcome anything.
They’re suppressing data and lying about actual hospitalization rates. I read one article about how icu beds are at 80% capacity. They always are. The hospitals strive to keep beds filled or they lose money. Same with nursing homes. Omg they’re nearing 100% capacity!!! The horror of it! People on vents? Yes, there are always some people on vents.
Just keep an open mind. Don’t shoot the messenger when the messenger is on the same page as you are. Offer anything you have. That’s always appreciated. Do you want this to be a ghost town or a place where info is shared about the massive lie we’re being subjected to?
Didn't mean to sound like a dick, we're all aiming for the same goal. Honestly, in this age of disinformation it really wouldn't matter what data there is to back any of this up.
Your analysis of the icu beds is spot on IMO tho. I had to explain to someone the other day that having less than 20% of ICU beds available is exactly how it's supposed to be. I mean I hate the med industrial complex as much as anyone, but it simply isn't financially responsible to have 100 doctors in a place where they only regularly see a few patients. We all gotta stay profitable.
I wasn't insulting you at all tho fren :) I am just highly skeptical of any new information since every source seems to contradict one another. We need as much info to sift through as possible to get to the truth so thank you!
"Six percent of Florida’s COVID-19 cases in the past month have been among vaccinated individuals, Weesam Khoury, spokesperson for the state Department of Health, said in an emailed statement last week."
This is a polar opposite. Granted while I think this is BS numbers (because they are changing the thresholds / not testing vaccinated to skew the results), the point i'm trying to make is that it looks like someone is changing what the spokesperson said. I think this is purposeful misinformation to discredit us.
This recent CDC study shows 74% of cases are amongst vaccinated in a population with 69% vaccination rate. It shows that 4/5 of the hospitalization cases were vaccination (and the one unvaccinated person had underlying conditions). It shows that the viral load (ability to transmit to others) between vaccinated and unvaccinated is similar.
"Third, demographics of cases likely reflect those of attendees at the public gatherings, as events were marketed to adult male participants; further study is underway to identify other population characteristics among cases, such as additional demographic characteristics and underlying health conditions including immunocompromising conditions.*** "
I've also been reading that those hospitalizations of those that are vaccinated are within the first couple days post vaccination before the vaccine would even have full efficacy.
They wouldn't count as vaccinated if they are following CDC guidelines:
Fully vaccinated was defined as ≥14 days after completion of state
immunization registry–documented COVID-19 vaccination as recommended
by the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices.
My son is a paramedic and was on duty last night. I text him and asked if he was picking up any delta variant cases. His response was "Had more adverse reactions to vaccines than covid patients". Central Valley, CA.
As a floridian I am pretty certain that those numbers are fudged also. The local businesses are in on it too. Cannot fathom that I have gone this whole time with nothing and some places are losing 6 employees in one day. No mask, no vax, and nothing, these people masked and vaxed and all got sick as hell? Money is being moved.
On a sad note, have gotten confirmation of first death from the jab. An old buddies wife passed in her sleep. Couldn't have happened to a better or more deserving person of memory serves me correctly, still this shouldn't be happening.
Not that I was aware of. My most recent job said they had lost an employee because of the benefits from having covid, made too much to want to return, but it was sudden. At my previous job we had a few bounce on the same day. Some said covid parties, but I don't recall anyone looking or acting Ill, it was also sudden. Heard of a few places around town having to shutter because up to half of their work force tested positive, some were also mentioned as all on the same day. Sus from day 1.
"We recognize that cases and hospitalizations have shifted to a younger demographic because we have been so successful with vaccinating seniors,”
And 94% of them, apparently, are vaccinated. Seems like the vaccine is doing its job to perfection. No longer just a disease for the old, now the young ones are getting it to. I would however, like to see the actual data for this before screaming it from the rooftops
Only 6% of people currently hospitalized due to COVID-19 are unvaccinated, according to Weesam Khoury, communications director for the Florida Department of Health. “As of July 29, 2021, 61% of eligible Floridians are vaccinated. More than 334,000 Floridians have been vaccinated in just this last week, which is a 16% increase over the previous week,” she told the DCNF in a statement.
These Covid "vaccines" destroy the immune system (Covaids) which is the primary mechanism to reach 2025 global depopulation targets without it looking like genocide... governments are flat-out murdering their own citizens under the guise of vaccination
in my household everyone else is coughing and showing cold symptoms, they are all vaccinated, i am not and am the only one not coughing or showing any symptoms of physical illness
You should look at the county’s actual death tolls, hospital bed space, and death reasons too, usually with the county coroner. I bet that big jump went from like 10 to 20 people with Covid beds, maybe 5-6 deaths from Covid more than last month or the last two months, but in reality the news report left the actual facts out to scare people. When I bet it’s like a county around Miami with a population of 3 million. I say this because my wife works at our hospital in a city with a combined urban and rural pop of 95,000. She came home the other night giving me the scary voice that they have 15 Covid beds full and admitted 8 more. And then told me 1 just died. You do the math and tell me how much of a “pandemic” is this?!? It’s all BS and pushing fear while hiding factual numbers that aren’t as bad as deaths from other stuff and car accidents I’m sure! It’s nothing but push fear, hide facts!
It's funny I searched for other sources of this and google provided people on msnbc saying 96% of FL covid patients are unvaccinated. It doesn't matter what the truth is, they will continue to lie. It's time the military gets off their ass and fixes this.
God, I know. My employer is talking about requiring the vax. I’m so salty right now. Florida and TX getting blamed by xiden for the surge when he’s let countless illegals hemorrhage across the border. They came straight to FL and more coming every day. I’m having a hard time dealing. We’re being invaded and the military doesn’t seem to be doing a gdamned thing. And I’m a vet and I can’t understand the apparent inaction. It’s so extremely frustrating to know my service and the service of those who weren’t so lucky was for nothing. Nothing! I’m not dooming. I never have on here and I’ve been around a long time. I just can’t handle this today.
I try not to doom have been here since January. From voat before that. It is damn hard to watch. I am not a vet, but am willing to give it all up to save our country. The worst part is there is nothing we can do. Wothout a mass awakening any action would be futile. But, I will not take the jab no matter what the consequence.
Honestly the reason of this sort of thing, to me, is quite obvious.
Most people that didn't take the vaccine are the ones that can think for themselves, i.e, not abject retards.
Therefore when they get a little sniffle, or a sore throat, they don't go running to the hospital deathly afraid of dying of the kungflu
Which of course can't be said of the other group, the retards that took this thing will run to the hospital at the barest sign of a little cold, where then they can then be served with the fake test, and voila, Covid bs statistics++
Just grabbed this to show you how BS all this “Pandemic Scare” is! Now as you read this article I want you to keep in mind that Butte County, Ca., where I live has a total population of 196,880 people, as of the 2021 Census. Look at the bed numbers, then do the math. Just total Covid BS!
Only 6% of people hospitalized unvaccinated though.
Only 6% of people hospitalized unvaccinated though.
Only 6% of people hospitalized unvaccinated though.
Only 6% of people hospitalized unvaccinated though.
Only 6% of people hospitalized unvaccinated though.
So that means.... most of the super duper sick people are vaccinated!
I'd like to see the original source for this claim. Can't find it from AP which is who this article is claiming to quote. I am also unable to locate it from the Florida Dept of Health (they claim that the comms director said this).
Sounds like someone made up a number and is running with it since they didnt even put it in quotes.
We need better sources people. Just because TampaFP reports it doesn't make it reliable.
I don't doubt the number though, I just want a source to back up my claims if I were to go out repeating this info.
**The more we lose credibility, more people will refuse to listen and more people will die. Not trying to be a dick, but I'd like to get this info from the primary or at least a secondary source. **
So would I.
I’ve spent the past hour trying to dig up more data but the results are all over the place. 37% vax rate in Florida to 67% and everything in between. CDC doesn’t have it. Hospitalizations for covid cases at “record numbers” but most are nursing home patients, I’ve read. Well, wouldn’t they hospitalize someone who was elderly if they had flu symptoms, to err on the side of caution? They’ve been mostly vaccinated. So have their healthcare workers. So I can only deduce the majority of hospitalized patients have been vax’d, like this article states. This is a conservative learning news outlet. Few and far between. I’d think they’d have the truth over any of the multitude of left leaning ones who are trying to push an agenda.
They’re trying to demonize DeSantis for not making mandates for both vax and masks but they’re not talking about how he’s even stated this is our flu season. This is what happens every year when people congregate indoors in Florida due to the heat. This is our winter. What are the real numbers of annual flu/colds this time of year compared to the so-called delta variant (which, they’ve never been able to isolate the covid 19 virus so how do they know this is a variant and it the annual flu? )
I’m fine with anyone criticizing the post but if you’re that knowledge about the data, by all means share it with us. I can’t get it yet. I welcome anything.
They’re suppressing data and lying about actual hospitalization rates. I read one article about how icu beds are at 80% capacity. They always are. The hospitals strive to keep beds filled or they lose money. Same with nursing homes. Omg they’re nearing 100% capacity!!! The horror of it! People on vents? Yes, there are always some people on vents.
Just keep an open mind. Don’t shoot the messenger when the messenger is on the same page as you are. Offer anything you have. That’s always appreciated. Do you want this to be a ghost town or a place where info is shared about the massive lie we’re being subjected to?
I'm with you brotha. And I don't doubt the 6%.
Didn't mean to sound like a dick, we're all aiming for the same goal. Honestly, in this age of disinformation it really wouldn't matter what data there is to back any of this up.
Your analysis of the icu beds is spot on IMO tho. I had to explain to someone the other day that having less than 20% of ICU beds available is exactly how it's supposed to be. I mean I hate the med industrial complex as much as anyone, but it simply isn't financially responsible to have 100 doctors in a place where they only regularly see a few patients. We all gotta stay profitable.
I wasn't insulting you at all tho fren :) I am just highly skeptical of any new information since every source seems to contradict one another. We need as much info to sift through as possible to get to the truth so thank you!
Keep up the good work!
Thanks so much. I really appreciate what you wrote more than you know, fren.
I found this from about a week ago:
"Six percent of Florida’s COVID-19 cases in the past month have been among vaccinated individuals, Weesam Khoury, spokesperson for the state Department of Health, said in an emailed statement last week."
This is a polar opposite. Granted while I think this is BS numbers (because they are changing the thresholds / not testing vaccinated to skew the results), the point i'm trying to make is that it looks like someone is changing what the spokesperson said. I think this is purposeful misinformation to discredit us.
A FAR better example is CDC report: https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/70/wr/pdfs/mm7031e2-H.pdf
This recent CDC study shows 74% of cases are amongst vaccinated in a population with 69% vaccination rate. It shows that 4/5 of the hospitalization cases were vaccination (and the one unvaccinated person had underlying conditions). It shows that the viral load (ability to transmit to others) between vaccinated and unvaccinated is similar.
Note that CDC is up to its old tricks again, lumping together "not fully vaccinated" and "unknowns" into the "unvaccinated" category.
Yep. If they didn't ask 10% of the people, then those are all basically counted as unvaccinated. Which is just plain dishonest.
I just noticed this in the MMWR article:
"Third, demographics of cases likely reflect those of attendees at the public gatherings, as events were marketed to adult male participants; further study is underway to identify other population characteristics among cases, such as additional demographic characteristics and underlying health conditions including immunocompromising conditions.*** "
So, do you think this was a Gay Pride thing?
I heard on the radio a few days ago that someone make a statement about this, and then later said the opposite and that the original was a mistake.
I don't remember which was which, because I was only casually listening, and it caught my attention almost after the fact.
So, it needs to be looked into more, for sure.
That was UK stating 60% of hospitalizations were vaccinated, then "correcting" to 60% of hospitalizations were unvaccinated.
I've also been reading that those hospitalizations of those that are vaccinated are within the first couple days post vaccination before the vaccine would even have full efficacy.
They wouldn't count as vaccinated if they are following CDC guidelines:
Fully vaccinated was defined as ≥14 days after completion of state immunization registry–documented COVID-19 vaccination as recommended by the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices.
You are correct, I should have said after receiving the vaccine and not vaccinated.
I'll bet it's 100% vaccinated. They didn't want to really scare all the vaxxed.
My son is a paramedic and was on duty last night. I text him and asked if he was picking up any delta variant cases. His response was "Had more adverse reactions to vaccines than covid patients". Central Valley, CA.
Wish we could get more boots on the ground reporting their findings
Yes!! We need more frontline medical personnel to report these things.
Talk about burying the lede. This needs to be shouted from the rooftops.
Why do I hear Bart Simpson's voice?
As a floridian I am pretty certain that those numbers are fudged also. The local businesses are in on it too. Cannot fathom that I have gone this whole time with nothing and some places are losing 6 employees in one day. No mask, no vax, and nothing, these people masked and vaxed and all got sick as hell? Money is being moved.
On a sad note, have gotten confirmation of first death from the jab. An old buddies wife passed in her sleep. Couldn't have happened to a better or more deserving person of memory serves me correctly, still this shouldn't be happening.
Not that I was aware of. My most recent job said they had lost an employee because of the benefits from having covid, made too much to want to return, but it was sudden. At my previous job we had a few bounce on the same day. Some said covid parties, but I don't recall anyone looking or acting Ill, it was also sudden. Heard of a few places around town having to shutter because up to half of their work force tested positive, some were also mentioned as all on the same day. Sus from day 1.
Yeah, and they're catching it from all of us unvaxxed people who are well. :-P
Happy Opposite Day to you all!
Basically split along political lines for the most part.
Yep, seems like it
BC so many from the NE moved there during the Lockdowns
"We recognize that cases and hospitalizations have shifted to a younger demographic because we have been so successful with vaccinating seniors,”
And 94% of them, apparently, are vaccinated. Seems like the vaccine is doing its job to perfection. No longer just a disease for the old, now the young ones are getting it to. I would however, like to see the actual data for this before screaming it from the rooftops
Yeah - the double speak causes head explosions!
Only 6% of people currently hospitalized due to COVID-19 are unvaccinated, according to Weesam Khoury, communications director for the Florida Department of Health. “As of July 29, 2021, 61% of eligible Floridians are vaccinated. More than 334,000 Floridians have been vaccinated in just this last week, which is a 16% increase over the previous week,” she told the DCNF in a statement.
These Covid "vaccines" destroy the immune system (Covaids) which is the primary mechanism to reach 2025 global depopulation targets without it looking like genocide... governments are flat-out murdering their own citizens under the guise of vaccination
I'm seeing some sixes and thirteens in this:
6% of people hospitalized
.6 less than the national average
Florida’s 7-day average of newly reported deaths was 58. 5+8 = 13
The Sunshine State averaged 1,525 adult hospitalizations a day . 1+5+2+5 = 13
Also, read the two comments at the end of the article. People are catching on and are starting to ask the right questions.
The entire nation of Canada has heard nothing differently yet, bad flu season coming
Hello Vaccinated,
Trust your vaccine and shut the fuck up.
The Unvaccinated
in my household everyone else is coughing and showing cold symptoms, they are all vaccinated, i am not and am the only one not coughing or showing any symptoms of physical illness
Sounds like me and friends and work ppl. All the vax’d ones are or have been sick. I’ve been fine.
You should look at the county’s actual death tolls, hospital bed space, and death reasons too, usually with the county coroner. I bet that big jump went from like 10 to 20 people with Covid beds, maybe 5-6 deaths from Covid more than last month or the last two months, but in reality the news report left the actual facts out to scare people. When I bet it’s like a county around Miami with a population of 3 million. I say this because my wife works at our hospital in a city with a combined urban and rural pop of 95,000. She came home the other night giving me the scary voice that they have 15 Covid beds full and admitted 8 more. And then told me 1 just died. You do the math and tell me how much of a “pandemic” is this?!? It’s all BS and pushing fear while hiding factual numbers that aren’t as bad as deaths from other stuff and car accidents I’m sure! It’s nothing but push fear, hide facts!
It's funny I searched for other sources of this and google provided people on msnbc saying 96% of FL covid patients are unvaccinated. It doesn't matter what the truth is, they will continue to lie. It's time the military gets off their ass and fixes this.
God, I know. My employer is talking about requiring the vax. I’m so salty right now. Florida and TX getting blamed by xiden for the surge when he’s let countless illegals hemorrhage across the border. They came straight to FL and more coming every day. I’m having a hard time dealing. We’re being invaded and the military doesn’t seem to be doing a gdamned thing. And I’m a vet and I can’t understand the apparent inaction. It’s so extremely frustrating to know my service and the service of those who weren’t so lucky was for nothing. Nothing! I’m not dooming. I never have on here and I’ve been around a long time. I just can’t handle this today.
I try not to doom have been here since January. From voat before that. It is damn hard to watch. I am not a vet, but am willing to give it all up to save our country. The worst part is there is nothing we can do. Wothout a mass awakening any action would be futile. But, I will not take the jab no matter what the consequence.
Praying for a hot August.
Me too
Honestly the reason of this sort of thing, to me, is quite obvious.
Most people that didn't take the vaccine are the ones that can think for themselves, i.e, not abject retards.
Therefore when they get a little sniffle, or a sore throat, they don't go running to the hospital deathly afraid of dying of the kungflu
Which of course can't be said of the other group, the retards that took this thing will run to the hospital at the barest sign of a little cold, where then they can then be served with the fake test, and voila, Covid bs statistics++
I live in Florida and i know 2 people that were vaccinated that now have Covid
And yet the MSM keeps reporting "covid cases and hospitalizations are up in areas where vaccination rates are low"
I work healthcare in Florida. 2 vaxed coworkers with positive test and symptoms within the last 2 weeks. Found out about 2nd coworker today.
Just grabbed this to show you how BS all this “Pandemic Scare” is! Now as you read this article I want you to keep in mind that Butte County, Ca., where I live has a total population of 196,880 people, as of the 2021 Census. Look at the bed numbers, then do the math. Just total Covid BS!
Where does that 6% number come from? I looked up to find the quote of Khoury saying it but I couldn't find one.