If I may - ever since I read your comment here I've had an image in my head. It's kind of a two-fer: if you're familiar with South Park, they did an episode in which Rod Stewart was portrayed as a decrepit old man who poops his pants (Season 3, Episode 16 "Are You There God? It's Me, Jesus"), yet they wheel him out on stage anyway for a millennium concert bash that Jesus throws for the people of South Park. I'd love to see Rod Stewart's South Park body with joe biden's actual head superimposed on it, like they do with saddam hussein's character, on stage with a caption that says, "Pooped my pants." THEN, the flip side of that is when the nurse comes out on stage to clean him up, same joe biden but this time the caption says, "My butt's been wiped."
:) I hope it's worthy - have a great day!! You're very talented!
He's called Sleepy Joe for a reason...time to wake him up from this very long day dream about being president of the United States. He has a very vivid imagination!
But, the MSM isn't big on being able to distinguish when something is "clearly a joke" or not.
Like we give a fuck? Why do you care what MSM thinks?
News flash: They ALREADY lie and say we're murderous insurrectionists and violent terrorists. So it's doubtful that telling a joke is going to get us any worse labeling than that LOL
If we cared what the deep state thinks of us we wouldn't be here. If we play all nice nice they will just stomp all over us. Besides people are waking up to the fraud that is the media.
I noticed it was a Blue Pill-ow. Still, bad idea. Let's keep in mind the Rules here: No posts or comments that violate laws in your jurisdiction or the United States. The Feds are always watching!
This is the shit that results in the Secret Service pounding on your door at 3 AM. I know it's hard to respect the office when itself has been violated, however fake president or real President, this could still be considered a death threat and should be removed.
Thanks to u/Brent75 for this high thread-count meme! Seriously. I'm still laughing at this one.
Guys, I'm going to keep on meme'ing some of your funniest comments, so keep the creativity rolling. I'll try to shout out everyone I steal from!
Not sure how to embed photos.
But wanted to share this relevant gem.
Smother Them
If I may - ever since I read your comment here I've had an image in my head. It's kind of a two-fer: if you're familiar with South Park, they did an episode in which Rod Stewart was portrayed as a decrepit old man who poops his pants (Season 3, Episode 16 "Are You There God? It's Me, Jesus"), yet they wheel him out on stage anyway for a millennium concert bash that Jesus throws for the people of South Park. I'd love to see Rod Stewart's South Park body with joe biden's actual head superimposed on it, like they do with saddam hussein's character, on stage with a caption that says, "Pooped my pants." THEN, the flip side of that is when the nurse comes out on stage to clean him up, same joe biden but this time the caption says, "My butt's been wiped."
:) I hope it's worthy - have a great day!! You're very talented!
Somebody tell Jill she's not pressing hard enough there.
Yes! Its awful but I just couldn’t help the thought! Hahahaha!
Is it awful?
At this point I'd say that you'd be a hero
Ask not who the pillow is fluffed for, for it is fluffed for thee
Dear Lord all Mighty! We need common sense pillow control!!!😱😭
TBH, that mans Pillows are so perfect. I highly doubt it could take someone life. Its just too soft and breathable.
He's called Sleepy Joe for a reason...time to wake him up from this very long day dream about being president of the United States. He has a very vivid imagination!
I think he mumbled...”mmblgwf%~]£!!”
Jill! Stopppp!
While funny, isn't this sort of promoting violence? I thought we wanted to discourage that sort of thing...
Bear-proof bins.
There is considerable overlap between the smartest bear and the dumbest tourist
When it's clearly a joke, reddit-style warnings aren't necessary
I get your point. But, the MSM isn't big on being able to distinguish when something is "clearly a joke" or not. Your call I guess.
Like we give a fuck? Why do you care what MSM thinks?
News flash: They ALREADY lie and say we're murderous insurrectionists and violent terrorists. So it's doubtful that telling a joke is going to get us any worse labeling than that LOL
I'm still waiting for that footage...
If we cared what the deep state thinks of us we wouldn't be here. If we play all nice nice they will just stomp all over us. Besides people are waking up to the fraud that is the media.
What level of firmness do you prefer?
Biden was never president.
I noticed it was a Blue Pill-ow. Still, bad idea. Let's keep in mind the Rules here: No posts or comments that violate laws in your jurisdiction or the United States. The Feds are always watching!
This is the shit that results in the Secret Service pounding on your door at 3 AM. I know it's hard to respect the office when itself has been violated, however fake president or real President, this could still be considered a death threat and should be removed.