If not for personal use and morale, then for trade.
If you're not a smoker and you want to have some tobacco in case of trade need, go with "rollies". Get a bag of cheap tobacco and a couple of books of rolling papers. way cheaper than spending on a carton of smokes you'll not need for yourself.
I don't know who downvoted this, it might be the best answer. In Yugoslavia tobacco and alcohol were something everyone wanted and if nothing else perfect for barter
Learn how to make a proper water filter and get the components. Activated charcoal and sand and a few other things, or maybe learn how to make the proper charcoal. Safe to drink water is the most important thing. The only thing that will take you out faster than dehydration is a disease from drinking tainted water.
Buy a single gravity fed ceramic candle style water filter -- Berkey or other brand. Cut the neck off a blue 5 gal water jug leaving a hole big enough to get your hand in -- typically 4 inch. Drill a small hole in the bottom and mount the filter. Fill the jug and catch the filtered water. It will make a lot.
Here are some types of things that I'd recommend - things that I wish I'd had when the crazy ice/snow storm hit Texas in February and got down to zero degrees - and nearly everyone had power outages and tainted water for almost a week. When there's no power, there's no safe water either.
Water purifier tablets (for drinking and bathing water). This is the tablet size for a garden size bathtub to take a bath, and this product is available in smaller tablet sizes for use in gallon or liter water bottles for drinking water:
Do elevation searches in your neighborhood to see where around you has the highest elevation - you'd have better luck connecting with someone via CB radio while being on higher ground, especially if there aren't any obstructions around
FOOD & DRINKS: Lots of plain bottled water - not the carbonated flavored kind 'cuz you can't bathe or wash your face/hair with that, as I discovered the hard way during the monster TX snowstorm- LOL!
Dehydrated/powdered foods that just need water to eat, such as oatmeal. Non-perishable foods like canned goods, boxed/bagged foods like pretzels, crackers and cereal, and snacks/treats (to cheer you up) that last forever like Twinkies or Ding Dongs (heehee).
Sources of PROTEIN such as peanut butter, protein shake drinks that don't require refrigeration, nuts, and dried meats like beef/turkey/bacon jerky or beef stick sausages. I'm worthless without protein in me, especially in hot environments.
TP, any medication you take and food and water for your dog or cat. Oh, write down phone numbers for family and friends. Most of us don't have those numbers memorized.
Meth. Use in moderation for energy, to hold off hunger, resilience to physical stress, focus, barter. Use in excess for prolonged periods without sleep (sleeping=vulerable), tenacity, suppressed fear, aggression, improvisational mentality. Don't allow females to consume under any circumstances....it affects them differently. Do not stay awake for more than 72 hour or you will sleep for days. Less is more with any type of speed (meth, cocaine, Adderall, etc). Beware, it is more likely to be a detriment to you and your crew. However, in certain situations at certain times....it could be the difference between success/failure, win/lose or life/death. Lol if you are taking this seriously: good luck when mental acuity and critical thinking is vital. Seriously, good luck....I'll be on meth hunting birds with rocks when the bullets run out! Lol
Righteous! However, I forgot to add the essential SHTF items to the list:
-scuba gear + extra tank
-soldering iron
-guille suit
-night camo
-day camo
-snow camo
-thermal nods
-Army Field Manual: FM 5-31
-DeWalt 20V tools: all of them + extra batteries
-Hepa air filter
-super glue
-hawiian shirt
-air compressor
-laser pointer
I'm probably forgetting a couple things but those are the most important.
Water filters, life straws, pedialyte packets (at some point if water is scarce you WILL need them to boost your hydration), multivitamins, candles to melt down and dip in cotton rounds. When wax has cooled, pop them in a ziploc bag. Multiple CHEAP and portable amazing fire starters. If kids, otc kid meds, feminine products!!! Hot glue gun STICKS. Melt the tip with a lighter and you can seal small holes in whatever. (Watertight).
A detailed paper map of your area or state. Your GPS maps will not work if there is "no signal" and if you need to travel in a hurry,best to know what's out there off the highways.
AV gas if you can get some from a local airport. It's 100 octane and has lead additive. It has no ethanol and does not go bad. Can run in any gas motor that DOES NOT HAVE A CATALYTIC CONVERTER.
Some sort of cooking element in your home that doesn’t require electricity. I totally spaced it; not sure what Ill do my complex doesn’t allow outdoor cooking so Ill need to get creative or break the rules if power goes out. God sends his mana though so I am not worried.
Soap, other hygiene products that might be needed.
Not necessarily for the go bag but I have about 4 years worth of bar soap and bottles of dish soap on my basement shelf (along with a bunch of TP, lol)
A torch ("flashlight") with rechargeable battery and a sun-powered charger. A really good charger. And maybe a mechanically operated charger, too, in case the nuclear/volcanic fallout blots the sun.
An iPad mini or similar tablet crammed with survival books and information for times when you are bored. Keep it in "airplane mode" (no WiFi) and wrapped in aluminium foil against EMP. Charger as above. Keep it charged. While it's charging, wrap it in aluminium fly-screen mesh - not aluminium foil, which might cause it to overheat.
Vitamins and minerals if your diet is likely to be poor. I suggest salt, pepper, zinc, magnesium, plus the usual vitamins.
Borax powder - look it up.
Fucicort cream - effective against insect bites, cuts and grazes.
There are lots of good ideas here. I keep the rule of 3 - 3 methods of whatever I need like food, water, fuel, heat, light, etc. I am probably the only person in town who bought meat instead of TP last year. As for this I have:
1 - OK I stored up lots of TP. Buying in bulk since 2008
2 - I cut up old t-shirts, flannel shirts, ripped sheets into washable TP, like in the old days having a diaper pail.
3 - I have a hot water bottle/enema hanging from my shower rod to use as a bidet.
A possible lifesaver: I have a pop-up camper. Cooking & fridge can use electric, propane or marine battery. Easy to move.
A pool noodle cut to fit around a 5 gal bucket will be a luxury if you need to go. Kitty litter to add on top of each layer. Won’t fit in a bag, but will fit in car. Solar powered camping lamps
a plan that is well thought out and well written that all parties involved can understand.
training of said plan. (We do ours when we change smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors)
Don't be the guy(or gal) that has all of the things but gets tripped up on their own shoe laces.
Not a single item on its own but always good idea to put your feet into the shoes of all the others you will be immediately leading. Like a signifigant other, kids, older adults, handicap or special needs, etc)
The Solar Backup Bank, the Solar Hot Water Heater and Ageless Multi Collagen.....
Your forgot the Patriot Flashlight. Sorry, you die.
Yes! Don’t forget solar banks to charge things
Yo dawg! We heard you like solar banks, so we put a solar bank on your solar bank!
Classic :).
In a wet climate, solar is worthless…diesel backup generator…electric water heater.
Tobacco and alcohol.
If not for personal use and morale, then for trade.
If you're not a smoker and you want to have some tobacco in case of trade need, go with "rollies". Get a bag of cheap tobacco and a couple of books of rolling papers. way cheaper than spending on a carton of smokes you'll not need for yourself.
I don't know who downvoted this, it might be the best answer. In Yugoslavia tobacco and alcohol were something everyone wanted and if nothing else perfect for barter
Heck the currency of the western zone in occupied Germany was American cigarettes! Before they instituted the DM.
Get wet wipes instead of toilet paper. Dual function…face AND butt…only in that order. Got me thru the Great Toilet Paper Fiasco of 2020.
Having a bidet is even better.
Needle and thread. Both are small enough and has multiple uses. May come in handy if you need to stitch a wound too.
Throw in some low pound test braided fishing line. Get 300 yards cheap and is strong for sewing anything.
I keep a bit of white silk thread for just in case.
It lasts indefinitely
Duct Tape!
Shovel and plastic tarps!
I taught escape, evasion and survival techniques in the military.
Never carry "just in case" or comfort items.
People tend to think they'll need all these things they couldn't carry across the street let alone for miles in the wilderness.
My jump bag has a pocket knife, a fixed blade knife and a very good hatchet.
Two methods of starting a fire.
An ultralight pan for cooking.
Collapsible water container.
Small survival fishing kit, cord and wire for setting small animal traps.
I don't ever unpack anything I'm not using and everything is always within an arms reach in case I need to move out quickly.
In all seriousness you need to know how to use a few simple tools to survive instead of carrying more things with you.
Learn how to make a proper water filter and get the components. Activated charcoal and sand and a few other things, or maybe learn how to make the proper charcoal. Safe to drink water is the most important thing. The only thing that will take you out faster than dehydration is a disease from drinking tainted water.
Buy a single gravity fed ceramic candle style water filter -- Berkey or other brand. Cut the neck off a blue 5 gal water jug leaving a hole big enough to get your hand in -- typically 4 inch. Drill a small hole in the bottom and mount the filter. Fill the jug and catch the filtered water. It will make a lot.
I got my filters today and added them to my prep stash.
Here are some types of things that I'd recommend - things that I wish I'd had when the crazy ice/snow storm hit Texas in February and got down to zero degrees - and nearly everyone had power outages and tainted water for almost a week. When there's no power, there's no safe water either.
Butane gas portable stove with a COVERED FLAME area and adjustable heat (super hard to find) - it operates on an 8-oz can of Butane that just costs a few bucks each: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B017HISJGE/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o01_s00
Kettle (for boiling water on butane-generated stove)
Solar+USB powered collapsible lantern: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07NZSRBNJ/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o00_s01
Collapsible water bucket: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0919CMKXF/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o09_s04
Water purifier tablets (for drinking and bathing water). This is the tablet size for a garden size bathtub to take a bath, and this product is available in smaller tablet sizes for use in gallon or liter water bottles for drinking water: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B078YVQB5D/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o09_s02
Water filter straw - purifies the water as you drink: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B089K5DJDS/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o09_s03
Battery-powered fan (8-10" desktop and 4-5" handheld sizes)
Compass + thermometer combo device, such as: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0009TNUKE/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o01_s05
4-panel solar power bank (the single-panel ones take several days to even charge up in the sun): https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07T49HH94/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o05_s00
Faraday cases/bags for electronics - in case the enemy pulls off an EMP strike: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00WLI5G7G/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o04_s01
Ammo - of course :-)
CB radio (find one with multiple power sources including rechargeable battery, USB, and car-charger) - such as this one: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00000K2YR/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o04_s02
For the CB, also get extra batteries and a telescopic expandable 3-foot antenna attachment such as this one: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07PYG7QD6/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o04_s00
Do elevation searches in your neighborhood to see where around you has the highest elevation - you'd have better luck connecting with someone via CB radio while being on higher ground, especially if there aren't any obstructions around
NOAA radio - with solar+crank+rechargeable battery+single use battery power sources and get lots of extra batteries (I got a digital one and an analog one): Analog: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B091TTF7FY/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o02_s01
Digital: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08RRRP3S6/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o09_s00
FOOD & DRINKS: Lots of plain bottled water - not the carbonated flavored kind 'cuz you can't bathe or wash your face/hair with that, as I discovered the hard way during the monster TX snowstorm- LOL!
Dehydrated/powdered foods that just need water to eat, such as oatmeal. Non-perishable foods like canned goods, boxed/bagged foods like pretzels, crackers and cereal, and snacks/treats (to cheer you up) that last forever like Twinkies or Ding Dongs (heehee).
Sources of PROTEIN such as peanut butter, protein shake drinks that don't require refrigeration, nuts, and dried meats like beef/turkey/bacon jerky or beef stick sausages. I'm worthless without protein in me, especially in hot environments.
TP, any medication you take and food and water for your dog or cat. Oh, write down phone numbers for family and friends. Most of us don't have those numbers memorized.
Knowledge about low-tech ways to do things. Don't buy it from Amazon, but here's an example: https://smile.amazon.com/Encyclopedia-Country-Living-50th-Anniversary/dp/1632172895
Meth. Use in moderation for energy, to hold off hunger, resilience to physical stress, focus, barter. Use in excess for prolonged periods without sleep (sleeping=vulerable), tenacity, suppressed fear, aggression, improvisational mentality. Don't allow females to consume under any circumstances....it affects them differently. Do not stay awake for more than 72 hour or you will sleep for days. Less is more with any type of speed (meth, cocaine, Adderall, etc). Beware, it is more likely to be a detriment to you and your crew. However, in certain situations at certain times....it could be the difference between success/failure, win/lose or life/death. Lol if you are taking this seriously: good luck when mental acuity and critical thinking is vital. Seriously, good luck....I'll be on meth hunting birds with rocks when the bullets run out! Lol
Righteous! However, I forgot to add the essential SHTF items to the list:
-sandbags -scuba gear + extra tank -katana -soldering iron -guille suit -night camo -day camo -snow camo -thermal nods -drone -Army Field Manual: FM 5-31 -DeWalt 20V tools: all of them + extra batteries -Hepa air filter -mdma -chicks -super glue -hawiian shirt -air compressor -laser pointer
I'm probably forgetting a couple things but those are the most important.
🎆🎇Fireworks, for celebrating!🧨💥
Water filters, life straws, pedialyte packets (at some point if water is scarce you WILL need them to boost your hydration), multivitamins, candles to melt down and dip in cotton rounds. When wax has cooled, pop them in a ziploc bag. Multiple CHEAP and portable amazing fire starters. If kids, otc kid meds, feminine products!!! Hot glue gun STICKS. Melt the tip with a lighter and you can seal small holes in whatever. (Watertight).
A detailed paper map of your area or state. Your GPS maps will not work if there is "no signal" and if you need to travel in a hurry,best to know what's out there off the highways.
AV gas if you can get some from a local airport. It's 100 octane and has lead additive. It has no ethanol and does not go bad. Can run in any gas motor that DOES NOT HAVE A CATALYTIC CONVERTER.
I bought a bidet last year during the TP shortage
Some sort of cooking element in your home that doesn’t require electricity. I totally spaced it; not sure what Ill do my complex doesn’t allow outdoor cooking so Ill need to get creative or break the rules if power goes out. God sends his mana though so I am not worried.
Soap, other hygiene products that might be needed.
Not necessarily for the go bag but I have about 4 years worth of bar soap and bottles of dish soap on my basement shelf (along with a bunch of TP, lol)
A torch ("flashlight") with rechargeable battery and a sun-powered charger. A really good charger. And maybe a mechanically operated charger, too, in case the nuclear/volcanic fallout blots the sun.
An iPad mini or similar tablet crammed with survival books and information for times when you are bored. Keep it in "airplane mode" (no WiFi) and wrapped in aluminium foil against EMP. Charger as above. Keep it charged. While it's charging, wrap it in aluminium fly-screen mesh - not aluminium foil, which might cause it to overheat.
Vitamins and minerals if your diet is likely to be poor. I suggest salt, pepper, zinc, magnesium, plus the usual vitamins.
Borax powder - look it up. Fucicort cream - effective against insect bites, cuts and grazes.
There are lots of good ideas here. I keep the rule of 3 - 3 methods of whatever I need like food, water, fuel, heat, light, etc. I am probably the only person in town who bought meat instead of TP last year. As for this I have: 1 - OK I stored up lots of TP. Buying in bulk since 2008 2 - I cut up old t-shirts, flannel shirts, ripped sheets into washable TP, like in the old days having a diaper pail. 3 - I have a hot water bottle/enema hanging from my shower rod to use as a bidet.
A possible lifesaver: I have a pop-up camper. Cooking & fridge can use electric, propane or marine battery. Easy to move.
A pool noodle cut to fit around a 5 gal bucket will be a luxury if you need to go. Kitty litter to add on top of each layer. Won’t fit in a bag, but will fit in car. Solar powered camping lamps
A solar boiler, unlimited clean water for drinking and preparing your dried/powdered food
Potable water tablets. I ordered a bulk pack.
Emergency Mylar sleeping bags for each member of the household. These roll up to be very small and easy to carry.
Collapsible water container
Blade and axe
A book on edible native plants
A fire starter rod. Matches can get wet or break and take up space in bulk, you get thousands of strikes off the one rod.
Liquid stitches. Amazon.
Should be boycotting Amazon tbh
Liquid IV
Don't be the guy(or gal) that has all of the things but gets tripped up on their own shoe laces.
Not a single item on its own but always good idea to put your feet into the shoes of all the others you will be immediately leading. Like a signifigant other, kids, older adults, handicap or special needs, etc)
A non-powered water filter.
Honestly depends on climate and durration. And you can never have enough socks. And make sure your shoes are field rated and compfy.
Biggest life saver is skill. Knowledge of flora that can be used for nourishment or medicine.
And a well trained dog. Young and keep swappimg. If you heave means, a horse.
Vaseline- hydrogen peroxide- vitamins- pain killers- if not for yourself for others or trade. Same with vegetable seeds.