Don’t see a WINS post yet today, hope this holds you guys over
- Crowd at Massachusetts school breaks out in laughter as person speaking attempts to praise Dr Fauci
- Database of pro critical race theory teachers. Pick your state and see if you know any of them and call them out
- Australian shouts “Nuremberg 2.0” at official addressing existing mandates in Australia
- Hannity “Trump, are you considering running for 2024?” Trump- “I legally cannot answer that”! WINNING!!!
- Trudeau claims there will be “consequences” for not complying with his tyrannical orders And a Response from the people to his orders
- Gov Abbott Double Vaccinated and still contracts the COVID
- The people are RISING UP and bring on THAT HEAT in the school board meetings!!!
- some wise words from Julian Assange
- Now they want you to take a boosters 8 months after your second dose… lemme guess then a 4th and 5th Can’t wait to see these big pharma guys on an upcoming show of American Greed
- Bank of America joining the “be less white” rhetoric. Should’ve closed my accounts a long time ago.. based alternatives welcome.
At work, that’s all I have for now but I will keep adding to it!!
Can’t wait for the u/WinsAnon and u/Puncake drop!! Hope this holds you guys over in the mean time!!
Thank you!
Wins wasn’t posted because everyone knows we’re winning... 😂
Thanks, Eagle! It takes a village... fuck. Wait. I take that back. Uh...
Haha I try my best to contribute where I can
You will need to wash your mouth out with extra strength dishwashing detergent, then say 6000 Hail Mary's, or whatever it is preists tell you to do when you sin.
NZ update. Now have 21 cases, mandatory masks for all essential service provider's and visitors. Big push for testing and death jabs. Government has just approved jab for 12-15 year olds. We are the new Australia. A herc left NZ with 80 military personnel bound for Afghanistan this morning to rescue Kiwis and those Afghanistan's who assisted us and their families. Still waiting on those audit results :).
Masks are coming back in a few days in Washington state. Sometime after getting of the phone with my mom where I stubbornly insisted I would never wear one again, I walk outside of my building to overhear two guys saying the same thing. "I for sure am not gonna wear one" "There's no point, it's over". Felt like a serendipitous win.
Don’t wear one if you don’t want to. Prior to the first mask mandate life, people in stores and other places didn’t really care if you went in without a mask on. I suggest you continue to do so
Nice work and thanks very much, Eagle! I'm up to my ears in family and work obligations and I will miss another day or two here. Can you or someone please step in another day or two?
Thanks again.
I got one done for today as well if you need it.
We miss you, but take all the time you need. We so appreciate all the hard work you do. Thanks for keeping us up to speed and assuring us that you’re okay. God bless.
Visit your local credit union(s). They usually offer better rates and are legally obligated to loan out every single dollar deposited back to the community. So you are helping your neighbors get car loans, mortgages, etc.
☝️ This
Thanks my friend!
No problem… we’re all human and busy with life some days. Glad to help where I can
This was so nice of you to do. Thank you for these!
Thanks. Not happy about Trudeau’s threats. Canadians better wake up and withdraw their support in the upcoming election or we’re all gonna be screwed here in Canada.
Canadians are actively fighting back. The only problem is that Trudeau, being the sociopath that he is, actually enjoys the protests and protestor/police engagements because it makes him feel even more empowered. Sick people we have in power.
Trump can’t “legally” comment about 2024 because “legally” he’s the real President right now.
Nice one Polish 👍👊
Thanks a lot for this!
If it was me, I'd move my money out of ANY large bank and to a Credit Union TODAY.
The banking cabal is about to have a history-making rough few weeks.
Many will go under.
Not financial advice. Not a financial advisor.
Join a local, well-established community bank. It's 2021, they all have options for everyone, ranging from remote deposits (mine has no charge for it as well as completely free checking accounts, which is rare from a large bank) to check scanners for businesses. Way better customer support too.
I'm honestly shocked that it took this woke nonsense for people to wake up to the fact that BoA is, and always has been, a gigantic pile of shit.
I've tried opening that CRT page on 3 different browsers and it won't open. I'd love to see the names of the teachers in my area pushing that crap
HOLY crap Batman...checkout the page-1 comments!! Those from "teachers"!! Homeschool your children people; it's critical.
This is the first I’ve heard of this page, thank you!
Hmmm that’s strange. I opened it up on my phone. Maybe “they” took it down already
Fuck you Trudeau, you just committed a crime by saying that
Thank you!
As far a teachers who are pro CRT, there is something severely wrong in Bellmead, TX. Is this Texas’ newest, up-and-coming hard left liberal loony tunes city??
We doing banking with a small home town bank, have for 30 years. They have probably 5 locations in two counties. Also you can look for a Credit Union, they are everywhere too. They function very similar to a bank.
Thank you so very much
Is there an easier way to search the database for CRT Teachers?
I search NY and get a huge list, where only 3 names are displayed at a time.... I can't or haven found a way search by town or anyway to narrow my search.
Sweet cherry wine I was famished 😂👍🏼
Nice work bro !
Grazie Pede.
How are things like Bank of America being anti white a win? You just celebrated lost ground.
The alternative to banks is state credit unions. I left banks behind over 30 years ago.
Under the julian Assange telegram video on telegram there are plain clothed police trying to trick shop owners to then force directives on them... what a bunch of fuckheads the police are being
Thank you PolishBaldEagle! I was reluctant to “waste my time just to hear some people laugh” for #1, but I must say it warmed my heart to hear laughter from the awake!