You miss Harper? Really? Who do you think is behind NAFTA, Agenda21/2030, and the FIPA (That allows the CCP to station communist Chinese troops on our soil to protect their investments)?. The cons are just libs in plain packaging. They all feed the eye. Give Bernier another look, unless you really just want more of the same.
I was there, we were waiting for him to come outside and talk to the crowd but he was talking inside a foodfare lmao! A foodfare is a tiny grocery store. Trump gets 80 thousand people at his campaign rally's and Turdeau cant even get enough people to fill a parking lot at a food fare.
THANKS for this post! Did my heart good! I do wish there were thousands or hundreds of thousands there ALL chanting the same words as these men. It's a good start though!!
The people who help the tyrants. The "only doing my job" types are accountable, too. Tyrants can't succeed without the assistance of our fathers, mothers, sisters, brothers, sons and daughters who help them. Tyranny IS ALWAYS done by people betraying their own friends and family in favor of the tyrants.
Look at these turds protecting him. They are every bit as guilty and contemptible as he is. People who know them need to ostracize them and shame them. Reject them from fellowship until they stop helping tyrants.
This warms my heart
So, what’s going on with the right tit?
I live here, we needed some local encouragement.
NWO-loving Commie Faggot Cuckistan Jewdeau getting the reception he deserves.
One day it will be a hot welcome. Hot lead.
Pb and jam it up his ass
At least an actual piece of shit is evidence that something productive happened.
So true. At least it can fertilize something.
at least it keeps someone employed.
At least it has a cleaner record
At least we can remove a actual peace of shit, and the stink will be gone.
“They won’t be able to walk down the streets.”
That day cannot come soon enough.
And when that reception will be one of the warmer ones on his trip, it might taint the vision he has of a majority.
3815 What happens when people learn the TRUTH? What happens when people WAKE UP? They will not be able to walk down the street. THE GREAT AWAKENING. Q
Those are the DACA cacas. We need Real citizens to do that.
The only proper way to address a tyrant.
Sometimes I think Canadians are too polite-- including this instance.
'Excuse me honourable tard(eau), could i kindly tell you that you are a piece of shit, or that bothers you?'
In Canada you could catch a hate crime and they'll probably call it uttering death threats.
I’m so scared for our next election. He’s threatening unvaxxed
I'm in your neighborhood, and I would rather die a natural death than from whatever that jab will be causing here soon.
I think it won't come to that, but I am mentally preparing myself for multiple possibilities.
There are a bunch of us. I know quite a few around my area.
We just need the conservatives in there
You miss Harper? Really? Who do you think is behind NAFTA, Agenda21/2030, and the FIPA (That allows the CCP to station communist Chinese troops on our soil to protect their investments)?. The cons are just libs in plain packaging. They all feed the eye. Give Bernier another look, unless you really just want more of the same.
Do you think we have a chance? I thought we did last election. Where abouts are you? I’m in BC
Man, I’m down for any local protest or anything! Keep me informed!! Everyone around here are pussys im so sick of it
I’m in bc, I requested lawn signs let my faggot neighborhood know what’s up
Lower mainland
Haha where abouts !?!? I’m on the island
Don't worry. He'll get what he deserves. What you're seeing here is only the start.
I hope so.
This is the way...
They wont be able to walk down the street
I was there, we were waiting for him to come outside and talk to the crowd but he was talking inside a foodfare lmao! A foodfare is a tiny grocery store. Trump gets 80 thousand people at his campaign rally's and Turdeau cant even get enough people to fill a parking lot at a food fare.
THANKS for this post! Did my heart good! I do wish there were thousands or hundreds of thousands there ALL chanting the same words as these men. It's a good start though!!
My advice to Canadians is to secede from Ottawa, or look into how the French Canadians started to get the government to listen to them.
Should have yelled: "We know you're Castro's son!"
Shit is warm…just saying
I'm not 100% sure, but I think that guy thinks Justin Trudeau is a piece of shit.
And he's right!
Happening everywhere he goes so far
This brings me such joy. Justin Trudeau is a pedo cuck
They are not wrong
The best real question is:
"Is he in control, or is he controlled?"
I wish they would a have been a little better spoken, but many Canadians agree with the sentiment.
Happy to see this in my city. We are surrounded by zombies here overall so It’s nice to see some vocal ones.
I'm so happy as well. Glad to know there's some sanity here after all.
Hes probably just picking up "pizza"
These guys are héros! Canadians need to sack-up and follow their lead! IMHO
I love the You. Are. A. Piece. Of. Shit slow delivery. 😂
Looks like they're having a hard time walking down the street, and they appear to be sneaking.
Where are they.., sneaking out a back alley....
What is the woman whispering at the end?
Should have been 1000x the amount of people screaming that there
The people who help the tyrants. The "only doing my job" types are accountable, too. Tyrants can't succeed without the assistance of our fathers, mothers, sisters, brothers, sons and daughters who help them. Tyranny IS ALWAYS done by people betraying their own friends and family in favor of the tyrants.
Look at these turds protecting him. They are every bit as guilty and contemptible as he is. People who know them need to ostracize them and shame them. Reject them from fellowship until they stop helping tyrants.
Tru-castro piece of shit! Put your blackface back on you scumbag
Love this!!!