Still, Ivermectin is a human anti parasitic medicine.
Ivermectin, sold under the brand name Stromectol among others, is a medication that is used to treat parasite infestations.[6][7] In humans, this includes head lice, scabies, river blindness (onchocerciasis), strongyloidiasis, trichuriasis, ascariasis, and lymphatic filariasis.[6][8][9][10] In veterinary medicine, it is used to prevent and treat heartworm and acariasis, among other indications.[9] It can be taken by mouth or applied to the skin for external infestations.[6][11]
AFAIK was later adopted for animals...
There will be no reason to win Nobel Prize for an animal medicine don't you think?
The Japanese scientist Satoshi Omura has recently received the Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine for his discovery of ivermectin more than 30 years ago. Invermectin is best known for its extraordinarily broad spectrum of activity against nematodes, the roundworms that cause a large proportion of the most common neglected diseases on our planet. It is used to treat millions of people at risk of contracting devastating diseases, such as onchocerciasis and lymphatic filariasis, and also plays an important role in the control of intestinal helminth infections. Because of its excellent safety profile and broad spectrum of activity, ivermectin is catalogued by the World Health Organisation as an essential medicine and is regarded by many as a "magic bullet" for global health. The effectiveness of ivermectin against many diseases associated with poverty makes it a candidate to be one of the next breakthroughs in global health owing to its potential for improving quality of life and reducing mortality rates in low-income countries.
I concur. I managed to contract Scabies from a healthcare facility where I worked. By the time they got around to diagnosing it, about thirty of the residents were infected and a handful of staff (lucky me, I was one of the staff). Two doses of ivermectin and it was gone. They also recommended Permethrin, which is a cream applied topically. You're supposed to leave it on for about eight hours, but I had to shower it off after two hours. My skin felt like it was on fire. Recently when I started reading about ivermectin and covid, I decided to stock up on some. Couldn't get anyone to prescribe it because it is now apparently considered "dangerous" as one MD told me. That's how I found out about the horse paste. BTW other than ivermectin the only other thing in the paste is a rather yucky tasting apple flavor. No chemical additives that are bad for humans. I've been buying it every few weeks, just in case.
Experiencing an injustice makes you understand what you inflict on others. Mankind being broken, it means some people actively WANT to do it to others.
People like this are stupid. Just because ivermectin is a dewormer doesn’t mean it can’t have other medical uses! I.e. Viagra was initially developed to treat cardiac conditions, but they found the side effects of boners was more lucrative so they marketed it as an ED drug
Likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful, and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was due.
What he doesn't understand is that it isn't an issue of trust about what's on these medicines. We have no idea what is actually in these doses. The trust issues are with the PEOPLE advocating each respective medicine. The people advocating Ivermectin as a covid treatment are trusted far more than the people pushing the vaccine with near-Nazi like tactics.
read Aajonus Vonderplanitz parasites have a purpose the idea that parasites can go into ur brain and kill u is fake news. Ur body has parasites when it is too unhealthy they are ur helpers. Taking poison to kill ur helpers is retarded.
I like how you can see hundreds of pro ivermectin posts then wonder how this is relevant when msm is vilifying people clever enough to circumvent the corrupt medical field. Sorry if that doesn't answer your question.
Still, Ivermectin is a human anti parasitic medicine.
Ivermectin, sold under the brand name Stromectol among others, is a medication that is used to treat parasite infestations.[6][7] In humans, this includes head lice, scabies, river blindness (onchocerciasis), strongyloidiasis, trichuriasis, ascariasis, and lymphatic filariasis.[6][8][9][10] In veterinary medicine, it is used to prevent and treat heartworm and acariasis, among other indications.[9] It can be taken by mouth or applied to the skin for external infestations.[6][11]
AFAIK was later adopted for animals...
There will be no reason to win Nobel Prize for an animal medicine don't you think?
It has literally saved hundreds of thousands of people from dying to intestinal parasites and countless more from going blind.
and thousands from covid, I'm one of them
It’s also a hell of a lot easier to use for treating scabies than using the cream.
I concur. I managed to contract Scabies from a healthcare facility where I worked. By the time they got around to diagnosing it, about thirty of the residents were infected and a handful of staff (lucky me, I was one of the staff). Two doses of ivermectin and it was gone. They also recommended Permethrin, which is a cream applied topically. You're supposed to leave it on for about eight hours, but I had to shower it off after two hours. My skin felt like it was on fire. Recently when I started reading about ivermectin and covid, I decided to stock up on some. Couldn't get anyone to prescribe it because it is now apparently considered "dangerous" as one MD told me. That's how I found out about the horse paste. BTW other than ivermectin the only other thing in the paste is a rather yucky tasting apple flavor. No chemical additives that are bad for humans. I've been buying it every few weeks, just in case.
If Tylenol cured covid it would be yanked of the market tomorrow.
Yeah, it would.
He literally jerked off some dude on Howard Stern’s show, and he is “married”. He even breaks the rules on breaking the rules. A total degenerate.
George Takei says people ‘willfully unvaccinated’ from COVID should be last in line for priority care.
Next, he will say the ‘willfully unvaccinated' will need to go to a camp. This fucker has forgotten his own history.
He remembers.
Experiencing an injustice makes you understand what you inflict on others. Mankind being broken, it means some people actively WANT to do it to others.
The abused becomes an abuser. 👍
And a faggot, but I repeat myself. He's an abomination before God and should be shunned, not celebrated.
Me: not giving a single flying fuck what other people call me.
Gross things are gross, and I'm tired of pretending that they're not.
I don't think anyone here really gives a shit about being called either lol
His opinion only holds enough value to know what not to trust. If it come out of his mouth, you know it's cancer.
People like this are stupid. Just because ivermectin is a dewormer doesn’t mean it can’t have other medical uses! I.e. Viagra was initially developed to treat cardiac conditions, but they found the side effects of boners was more lucrative so they marketed it as an ED drug
Vasodilator Gonna Vasodilate.
👆actual science.
We aim to please.
You aim too, please.
Oh myyyy.
My dog takes benedryl. Does that mean I can’t take it anymore?!?
Take your AZT, you raging faggot.
wasn't AZT developed by Fauci?
Edit: or at least championed by him.
Taking it up the ass from a dude is so San Fran 1982.
It's The Harvey's Milk Special.
Sorry I did that. Sean Pennis is in the news, and that is how my diseased brain works.....
I had a rainbow snow cone the other day. I ate it too slowly and it melted and turned brown. I now call rainbow snow ones the San francisco special.
I didnt know that sperm contained parasites.
He needs to deworm his mouth and asshole then
Is that sarcasm, or are you not understanding the connection?
Not certain of the accuracy, but this is jaw dropping information if true: Parasites
Yes, /s. But then, I dont really want to analyze it at any level of indulgence: there is no good rationale for that lifestyle whatsoever.
It was never about logic. Ever see a gay Vulcan, Mr. Sulu?
good pdf- thanks!
rimming is a good way to pass on parasites.
Like I said, I avoided close analysis. Its revolting and depraved.
Takei is a sick pervert. There's a video of him on Howard Stern jerking off some dude on camera.
Not real interested in the opinion of a guy, who takes all manner of unnatural things up his ass, on what I put in my body.
As Sulu he was awesome... As a human being??? Not so much...
Give him a red shirt and beam him down...
Imagine that actors are good at being fake.
I agree completely... That's what they excel at... Have a blessed day and keep calling these asshats out...
Takei is a child abuser that needs to be put to death.
Scorchin. Saving that for use later.
Dude is nobody
That dude is the biggest fag on the internet. Fucking disgusting...
Romans 1:27
Likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful, and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was due.
George is like Don Lemons. Can't think straight with a stick up his ass.
the stupidity of the left astounds me. they all overlook the fact that the creator of Ivermectin has won a Nobel Peace Prize for it's use in HUMANS.
As usual, as idiotic & clueless as can be.
Oh myyyyyy
Oh my!!!!
What he doesn't understand is that it isn't an issue of trust about what's on these medicines. We have no idea what is actually in these doses. The trust issues are with the PEOPLE advocating each respective medicine. The people advocating Ivermectin as a covid treatment are trusted far more than the people pushing the vaccine with near-Nazi like tactics.
read Aajonus Vonderplanitz parasites have a purpose the idea that parasites can go into ur brain and kill u is fake news. Ur body has parasites when it is too unhealthy they are ur helpers. Taking poison to kill ur helpers is retarded.
Of course because nobody ever died of brain-eating ameoba...
Can't wait for this crypt keeper faggot to die. oooohhhhhh myyyyy
How is this relevant?
I like how you can see hundreds of pro ivermectin posts then wonder how this is relevant when msm is vilifying people clever enough to circumvent the corrupt medical field. Sorry if that doesn't answer your question.