I actually got in trouble in college for using that word in a paper. I still got strange looks after showing the class the definition...it's like they want us to be racists.
Wait until you see the looks you get after saying someone was niggardly dickering...both legit words with harmless definitions that somehow sound racist.
I think they’re not allowed to use this “N” word, so, with a little bit of creativity, they somehow attempted to get a point across… and the point they made was, looking like a fool.
And with the emotional capacity of a four-year-old child in mid-tantrum, the shill emerges from his/her mommy-and-daddy’s basement with the screenshot to proudly show his/her lefty parents, upstairs watching CNN, what a good little marxist he/she is. ...
Why yes, I am from Africa. I'm a total Chad.
If Biden doesn't shape up soon, he'll be a Ghana before he knows it.
Kenya feel it?
These puns Congo on forever...
take my uproot, both of yous
I was expecting another stimulus check, but Egypt me!
take out the a, and u got it :)
Nice 😆
Sending you 500 mPesa.
So,Malia Obama - did her dads have to explain this tweet to her, or nah?
Why is this stickied?
Voltaire said, 'I have never made but one prayer to God, a very short one: Oh Lord, make my enemies ridiculous. And God granted it.
Our enemies are ridiculous. Let us meme them until they cry. And then make memes about them crying.
Mods are... Nigerian princes?
Love it 😆
WTF is a Niger?
Not sure, a country or something? kek
I knew it! We're all a bunch of African countries!
I hear there's a great place there in Niger to get a dish called the Qanon.
Niger-erians lol
we're all rivers here
A river
A country in Africa
I actually got in trouble in college for using that word in a paper. I still got strange looks after showing the class the definition...it's like they want us to be racists.
Let’s just leave changing the definition of words to what suits us to the democrats
I'm sick of all these reneging niggards and sniggering nigglers.
I am university educated and have never heard that word in my life.
I'm going to start using it in every conversation to see how many libtards I can trigger in a niggardly fashion.
Or shall I start with the mods? xD
Wait until you see the looks you get after saying someone was niggardly dickering...both legit words with harmless definitions that somehow sound racist.
What a wordsmith!
AND you have a proposition?
I think they’re not allowed to use this “N” word, so, with a little bit of creativity, they somehow attempted to get a point across… and the point they made was, looking like a fool.
And with the emotional capacity of a four-year-old child in mid-tantrum, the shill emerges from his/her mommy-and-daddy’s basement with the screenshot to proudly show his/her lefty parents, upstairs watching CNN, what a good little marxist he/she is. ...
I bless the rains down in Africa.
Niger, a county with yellow cake, I believe.
Maybe they're Chinese and meant to write tiger....
Or does that make it more racist? 🤭
Pronounced, "Nye-Jurž"
Dang, can't even spell their hatred correctly.
Well we do agree with them on vaccine hesitancyHello my fellow nigers
I once knew a lady from Niger, she rode on the back of a tiger.
I once knew a lady from Niger, she rode on the back of a tiger. I asked for her kitty, She found it unwitty, And now she won't let me inside her.
Seriously! It should be upper cased, too. Like Nigeria or Nigerian
congratulations i award you with the worst sticky of all time trophy
I am autistic
You can't even cut 'n paste anymore
No one cares, bud. We're having fun!