No, audits are not underwater. There are people spreading misinformation on various platforms. Different people have different ideas as to how to proceed. That is normal.
No, there is nothing “out” about Maricopa. They are as sound on NDAs as it gets.
No, there is nothing to “read in to” about anything from Wendy Rogers lately.
No, I don’t know exactly when the Maricopa report is out. But it is a forensic audit of 2.1mm ballots. I’d be more concerned if they turned the report out in 2 days, rather than taking a long time to document what was found. The answer is very soon.
No, I don’t know why there are personality conflicts and disagreements made public. This is why I don’t engage in them.
No, it’s not easy to wait. We wish things moved faster. Welcome to the harsh reality of life in a bureaucracy.
No, you should not commit to following only some people and condemning the rest. Save your ire for the enemy inside the wire, the RINO GOP.
We don’t need to read too far into everything. A Texas star on my outdoor chimney is not a secret sign that I am satanic. Me tucking my hand into my shirt for a split second while speaking does not mean I’m a mason. Me posting a picture of my friend from college with jersey number 17 means nothing other than that is what the equipment manager gave him.
Sometimes things just are what they are.
Trying to find hidden meaning and messages in every last thing is definitely a stress producer. Maybe the 48 hour rule and OCCAM's Razor and alternate explanations should be tried more. There is that commandment about bearing false witness, that applies to spreading rumors and discontent too.
“Ocean’s Razor” is rusty and dangerous.
So try Occam’s - despite the plethora of convoluted razoring solutions out there on the market, Occam’s tried-and-true, simple Razor usually provides the best shave.
I swear my auto correct changes things just as I hit send. If the sound were on I'd hear "heeheehee gotcha again." I was afraid to recommend the "Devil's Advocate" test because of all the cranks who would jump on it as sure proof of my evil intentions.
I 100% know what you’re saying.
Just teasing. 😁
Important note: Occam's razor does not state that the simplest theory is always true. It's sad, it states that whichever theory, no matter how complex it might be, the one with the least unsupported suppositions will likely be true. This is a very important distinction in one that we should all bear in mind.
🤨 Jokes, cats. Jokes.
As long as it ain't Gillette.
Never, ever again will it be Gillette for me.
They can go ahead and own the tranny segment, though. 🤷♂️
I have a beard flapping in the wind because of that $#!+!
There’s reportedly other options besides either using Gillette or going ZZ Top. 🤷♂️
I hate Occam's Razor. It basically just keeps you focused on the most obvious thing and distracts you from thinking outside the box.
Just where the cabal want you to be.
Rules of Intel. Data is not intelligence, intelligence is actionable and the most important... if you have no need to know than no matter what you think you know you don't know.
They've kept us busy here while they actually acted and have finished the part of the operation that we think we are waiting for. The end. Think mirror. Now u get the show so you don't go onto shock. They'll pretend to prosecute etc etc etc. Meanwhile we do still ha e enemies out there.
Welcome to the first actual world War of modern history.
No, that's the misinterpretation of it. I admit I fell into that trap for a while, but it's not as cut-and-dry as, "The simplest solution is usually the best." It's more about not going overboard with suppositions.
It absolutely doesn’t preclude uncovering the truth, in fact it promotes rigor and research.
But it does seek to head off people following cracked-out, unsupported lunacy leaps.
It would be nice if we didn't have people constantly saying everything else is a distraction from the audits when it isn't something we can participate in nor have real information of though
We can multitask. When things like this post are made, we see it.
We aren't somehow blinding ourselves to it by being pissed about Afghanistan.
We aren't leftists who can only focus on the current news cycle.
The news has been on it nonstop.
Right, what exactly are we paying attention too? And trump isn't forgetting g so I've no need for the info. Stolen is all I need. I can see that with my eyes.
I don't know if this guy can be trusted. He has the same number of letters in his name as something else:
That, in addition to the devil star, just about makes it an open and shut case. If you ask me, you CAN'T ignore evidence like that.
It's simply a result of the Q moniker: "How many coincidences before it becomes mathematically impossible." and while it's a nice quote, there can be a lot of coincidences that all line up together that can be simply, coincidences.
Each new coincidence changes the likelihood though. The question deals with the amount.
Why is this stickied? This is from Seth Keshel's channel, passed along by Praying Medic. Thanks.
It's broken sorry
How can we have faith in elections when you can’t even audit one in a timely manner? By that, I mean, within, at most, a couple of weeks of the election.
What are you talking about? There has never even been an audit like this. How long are they supposed to take? Can you point to the last time, or to an average amount of time? What if the team gets covid? Let's face it. This audit has to be perfect. And it is going to. It will happen when it happens, boys and girls.
Ideally, by rough rule of thumb, the audit should appear before the country that it is taking place in collapses completely. 10k illegals a day, ever growing China flu madness, Black Swans....Time is short!
Considering I'm Canadian and was 1/2 block from 9/11, I've likely waited longer than most people here
Can we sticky the last paragraph for the next 6 months or so?
Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar
My uncle just told me that about January 6th.
Let's face it, the vast majority of us never knew about the insane level of corruption until recently.
I'm gonna go ahead and check out every cigar extra close for a while. I'm not really interested in being told to calm down and not think about thithingso deeply, that's the attitude that got us here in the first place...
You know, you're onto something. No one can blame you!
NCSWIC, bishes and snishes.
Now chill.
For 12 marines and hundreds more the audits are too late.
but they may save billions more in the future if they take the time to get this right
And the mods
Some great points to keep in mind. This audit was a massive undertaking and the results will be intensely scrutinized and challenged in court so all of the details need to be nailed down. There might also be timing considerations regarding unknown (to us) events. Who knows, maybe the Durham investigation ties in somehow to the timing of the audit results and the coming storm that will follow.
wont be complete or bulletproof without the all he key stuff maricopa was witholding from them unfortunately.
I think if Brnovich sees other evidence of fraud he will seize them. Or, if he took what he had to court, they might enter into discovery. Plus, there was that missing DB that the CyberNinjas found and restored by image. If it's missing on the servers, it's spoliation of evidence.
People really need to live by that last paragraph. I'm bored of seeing useless fluff on this site, like a picture of Hillary in heels next to a picture of her not in heels with a lengthy discussion about how she's "shrinking" (yes, that really happened here).
Dude, Q stopped posting last year, there's been a drought of content to really discuss or investigate so now it's just memes and shitposts mainly.
Devolution, doe
We know the audit is finished, as the report is supposed to be delivered to the AZ senate. If that's the case, then "It'll come out when it comes out" doesn't really cut it anymore.
Yeah, I understand that people around here think it should wait until Afghanistan gets out of the news cycle, and I understand that. But Cyber Ninjas and AZ Senate should be more interested in getting the fucking truth out.
If DJT won, it will be earth shattering compared to basically anything regarding the mid east. MSM will have the same reaction whenever it comes out. Just give the info to the patriots across the world and let them spread it like wildfire
Will the AZ audit be more impactful than the Pillow Symposium? That event ended like a big wet blanket, compared to what it was anticipated to be. I fear the AZ audit is being delayed because they really don't have the details they need (like the Cyber Symposium didn't have the PCAPs). MSM will blow it off regardless, but it needs to have some real substance for Patriots. 'traces of bamboo fibers' won't cut it.
In before the "two weeks" comment.
Well, dear badger, one day "Two weeks!" might actually be right. We seem to be moving towards some kind of storm.
Somewhere I read that their were cooperating States in forensic audits. Perhaps the Maricopa County delay is a stall for those cooperating States to complete the supporting evidence to Maricopa Counties incomplete forensic audit, routers and other important data are still in hiding in Maricopa County.
I hope so. Wendy Rogers is certainly flying all over talking about it. She is being something of a flak catcher, and admitted it. "We (her and Borelli) are the ones ranting and casting recriminations while Fann is quietly getting the job done." (paraphrased)
So much for "this wednesday."
Also, my $.02, even when it does come out, I suspect the biggest reaction will be from MSM & UniDems attempting to discredit the audit.
I think the audit will show exactly what we're all anticipating, but aside from what I said above, next will be the audit will kick other states into overdrive for their own forensic audit. Also it'll most likely lend massive movement to Wendy Rogers' action to decertify.
Which I would be surprised if AZ doesn't decertify, but that wouldn't be enough to oust the current regime as he'd still have the electoral votes needed to hold office. Either way we're both in, and heading deeper in, to unprecedented times.
Await the results, but don't anticipate! No one knows what is going to happen nor when it will happen, anticipating events only leads to discouragement and disappointment. May not, not saying it will, but if things don't go as we're all anticipating, we don't need that kind of negative energy.
I think the audit will confirm - more than confirm - what every American knows about the Nov 3rd elections. However, the MSM and Scotus will ignore the results. That we can take for granted. Nevertheless, the real effect will be in convincing sleeping Americans of the illegality of the Biden regime and pushing other states into doing the same. It will be rolling thunder that will hopefully blow the Biden gang away.
They needed ALL 50 States Certified to Certify the Federal Election. Don’t forget that part?
Yeah, agreed, but I'm not sure if that's 100%, at least in the case if a State decertifying after the fact.
I myself have no idea but just going off from what I saw in a video a few days ago indicating even if AZ decertifies that he still has the votes to win/keep office.
My recollection is shit, only part I remember is that but most likely was a video someone linked to from here.
Interesting. Well my hopes just got cut down a notch, sorta? I still have a strong feeling it’s going to bring down the house. 🙏
That, sir, I am 100% on this happening:
Perfectly apropos 👍🏽💥 Girl’s got talents too!!
if audits aren't the magic bullet to trigger widespread change then what on earth is?
Call me doomer all you want, this is fucked.
I really hope all this AZ audit is a kinda of a distraction while all the audits in other states are actually being done and all of them will be released soon and we get a big BOOM's
Pretty much checked myself out of the forensic audit nonsense.. too prone to corruption by both sides.. too prone to the legal patty cake games of the deep state... checking out and researching the viability of ground level canvassing... free of fucked up political games and the legal patty cake games we see with the az audits... at this rate by the time the "forensic" audit of maricopa county is released... all those guilty of treason will have died of old age... it time we the people did this on our own at our level... let's canvass
Two more weeks!
What is he talking about? This kind of simplistic thinking is antithetical to the Great Awakening. What happened to "symbolism will be their downfall"? What happened to "there are no coincidences"? This whole movement is about awakening to the hidden meanings behind things, and not accepting things as they appear.
Yeah, but surely, sometimes a Texas star on the chimney really is just a reminder of his respect for Texas and not a sign that he's a satanist?
Yeah, the problem is by the time this audit comes out, it will be largely irrelevant. No one will care because the DS will have long moved on to its next vector of attack.
This was the big problem with Trump. By the time he started taking action that any real teeth, it didn't matter anymore.
Yeah yeah, I'm a doomer, whatever. Insert picture of tired Asian man here.
Moral of the story, be fucking objective.
You can speculate but don't assume speculation that's well written is factual.
Anybody that is halfway decent at sales can write out a bunch of bullshit that sounds right.
Q said think logically. Logic isn't unfounded speculation with no proof to back it up, that's just being retarded
The AZ Audit has much more lasting power UNRELEASED, hanging over all the traitors heads.
Damocles Sword.
You write fiction to explain away fiction.
Waiting for some loonies to complain that Eric Clapton is now a pedophile because of his latest video.
I missed THAT one?! LOVE Eric 💝
Waiting patiently for the good shit to hit the fan! lol
You know something. People's opinions change on this board depending on the thread. It's getting a little irritating.
Just like BBQ, It’s done when it’s done.
L I S T E N to Seth. P E R I O D
Maybe privacy should be honored again.
The Rino GOP are more treacherous to our nation than are the retard dimwits.
Thank you 🙏