Some of you may have noticed some new mods circling overhead! GAW has been watching everyone, and, over the past month, we've secretly tapped some of our best and brightest test pilots to join us here at GAW's TOP GUN FLIGHT SCHOOL to prepare for the upcoming Audit report craziness! WELCOME, GUYS!

Thanks to all the mods! And welcome aboard to the newest ones.
Goodness Gracious Great Balls of Fire! Thanks Mods!! Definitely will not Lose that Loving Feeling now.
Show me the way home, baby!
Wonderful! Thank you all for the work you do. This site is the number one place for new and real information, in spite of the shills and doomers and fakers. You have taught me how to sift, how to take things with a grain of salt, how to spot fake stuff, and how to read between the lines. You have made this a place of open discussion and support. And news. And news analysis. Stories that matter and inform. And humor. Every day when (if) I look at other news sites or social media, I see that people posting here are ahead of all the others, and you seem to be able to deport most of the negativity and keep it sane and rational here. Bless you all!
Aw, wow, mate, thanks for saying. I have complete faith in our entire mod team. You guys wouldn't believe some of creative and incredibly intelligent solutions they come up with to keep this place running smoothly, and they are so supportive of our vision and mission and are so focussed on making this place the hardcore informative yet fun place to hang out and contribute. Feedback like this makes our week. I'll be sure to share this with the rest of the team. Thank you, pede!
I will give them a test..
The USN Top Gun school was started by instructors from the Intensive Warfare School at RNAS Lossiemouth in the 1960's. They were posted to Miramar and saw how useless the USN pilots training was and started lecturing the pilots on how to shoot down MiG 21's.
The training back in the 60's was gung ho nonsense. "Ghudamm bwah, you wouldn't have lasted seconds over death alley..."
The rice burners were shooting the F-4's out of the sky but after the very technical lectures by the Royal Navy this all changed and the USN gradually got the upper hand.
Welcome mods, I hope you don't have to get lectured on tactics by the RN but if you need a hand we will be there for you.
Friends and allies are invaluable
Ready aye ready.
Thank you all for your dedication.
Noice. Congrats!!
For this to work, we need one more thing: Get the goddamm audit numbers out now! Does that make me a shill?
Welcome, new Mods! Y'all will be awesome stewards of our free Q community.
Congrats to all of the new Mods! Especially, WinsAnon, whose "Wins of the Day" is a daily inspiration in these trying times!
Yes WOTD is awesome!
Awesome. Congrats to the new mods. There was definitely a need for them even though you do a fantastic job, catsfive. I’m really happy to see WinsAnon & PolishBald-Eagle on that list.
Any Polish is good enough for this team. Poland can STAY.
I'm a little insulted I wasn't chosen... just kidding lol I'm a noob. Welcome new mods!!!! Good luck fighting crime.
It feels real special being a part of this tiny active forum. Had it recommended to me by someone I met on a plane to D.C. on the 6th. I had saved the link a couple times but didn't ever come here and forgot about it.
It really isn't that small. It's probably one of the largest active, organized group of Q supporters on the internet. Sure, there are plenty of Q people floating around Facebook and such, but certainly not in organized communities quite like this one.
Thanks to whomever invited this patriot aboard! That's the stuff. Welcome, mate. It must have been amazing being there. I'm Canadian and considered going, but, wow.
This could be good, or this could end like 8kun QR. This is how boards get comped. Flood the board with BS and overwhelm the current mod(s). And then all the sudden new mods appear, who start deleting and banning whatever and whomever they please, particularly if it goes against the narrative or a mods personal opinion or tastes.
Ewww, I hate that. But, you're exactly right. That's exactly how such an op would be run. A comment like this is a good time to call attention to the mod log on the sidebar. All our decisions can be seen and audited (there's that lovely word!) by our user community in real time. We did this so that our relationship with the mod team can always be based on verifiable facts and not suspicion and supposition. Feel free to check it out. The link is on the sidebar.
hopefully we can all find the sidebar now;)
funny seeing the reactions in the other post, lots of people on mobile.
I actually do maybe 60% of my modding on mobile. I wish the sidebar had a solution for that.
you must be patient, that would drive me nuts. I'm old/need a big screen. wonder if maybe those new folding phones would work better, maybe more like a laptop?
Which one is the spook?
I almost guarantee one of them is a sleeper.
Worse. The sleeper doesn't know it until activated by secret, subconscious, subliminal trigger.
"Beware the green monkey."
"He barks at midnight."
I'm just realizing that I didn't ask any of them their vaccination status
Don't be a wise ass. Just because someone is being legitimately helpful doesn't meant they aren't a sleeper or spy. Something must be sacrificed in the short term for a long term gain. Otherwise, spying as a profession would not exist.
Whether we have a genuine sleeper or not is irrelevant. The price of freedom is constant vigilance. Trust but verify.
No one's life depends on this.
Pretend I didn't write a (half) wise-ass reply. Pretend you were head mod around here. What would you have said?
I vet the mods as best I can, and I monitor the mod log closely while they're getting started. Several of these mods have been modding for more than three weeks, with me watching the mod logs, before me announcing them here. What more would you ask?
What I'd ultimately love to do is build a trust with our user base where snarky, hypercritical comments like this are unnecessary.
You seem to be taking my comments personally.
You know what they say about taking flak. ;)
As it is, I am not accusing anyone of anything yet, nor have I. I am simply commenting on the situation based on past observservations where I have seen this happen again and again (8kun QR most notably).
Verify, THEN trust.
People have a really, really bad habit of not verifying the things they already trust.
I’ve been hoping for new mods. Had the thought for a while that we needed more cause ngl the stickied posts have been lacking buy it seems catsfive has been doing a lot. Props to the entire mod team and welcome new mods.
That's on me. The content hasn't been great lately and there's not that much to work with /NEW. With the new mods coming on board I'm hoping to get more time to get back to researching and putting more effort in on content quality side. But we cannot lose our main focus, which is current events. There's been precious little happening on that front.
Time to light the wick!!!!
Woooooot! LFG!
How does one get a duke nukem pepe? Asking for a friend...."bitchin"
Ask the mods.
By kicking ass and chewing gum.
It's a pleasure to make your acquaintances! I'm confident you'll all do a fabulous job, I feel it in my bone.
Fan-fricken-tastic. It is the measure of a board, as a whole, to recognize help is needed and tap the best and brightest to step up to make it even better.
Well done lads and lasses. Wear the badge well, you earned it.
HS class of 83 kek I approve this message as a newbie welcome mods cannot imagine the job here and work - thank y’all Reminds me of a friend in
#4808 Keep charging, Midnight Riders! Nightwatch. Q
Woohoo! I'm class of 68.
I respect you more now fren (:
Board, Salute! o7
I wish you all well on the job!
Welcome aboard frens!! Popcorn 🍿🐸🍿?
Congrats new mods!!
Kick the tires and light the fires. Y’all are going vertical, and your wingmen are not leaving ! ✈️ Congrats
Hey! Congrats!
Sorry about your head, u/winsanon
You know what this means ….
WinsAnon can finally sticky his own WOTD … ✈️
He is in charge of certain things, indeed
In honor of all the hard work catsfive has done, and as the best show of support I can offer, I am giving each of you a cat. Congrats! Let's lock and load. Hold the line frens!
P.s. Don't any of you dare pull a Josh Merritt!
u/#catdance u/#catdance u/#catdance u/#catdance u/#catdance u/#catdance
5 new mods plus 1 catsfive. 😉
This is such a cool cat!
L M A O - one of those GIFs that'll always have sound
Think mirror.
But I’m not bald/balding in that photo 😐
Thanks for the hair C5
Foreshadowing. You’ll grow some hair soon.
Am I the only one who saw this graphic and was confused for a second? Inverted? Elite Gender Inversion (EGI)?
I thought you guys/gals were telling us more than we really want to know. My apologies.
Just did a deep dive on it, so it was on my mind. Mind blowing stuff btw.
Beautiful Mind ya got, there
I’ve been bitching non-stop and still no invite! :D