Why is this stickied? This one's for all the old goats still with us. Because it's hilarious. It's accurate. And (see context) opens it all up to some "this one time at band camp" goat stories.
Because the fact is that the reddit style filtration has shown itself to be one that lends itself to infiltration which must target people as they expose themselves.
The methods worked until the owner pulled the plug for reasons not made completely clear.
Racine, Wisconsin is the real reason they shut Voat down.
The Path of Truth is P > Q > R. Pizzagate > Q > Racine.
Many offered to take over the site and pay the costs. They would not allow that.
Corrupt moderators on Voat were exposed running alts, doxxing, threatening, attacking and blackmailing users.
Many of them are now running alts here on WIN.
Some users were threatened and attacked in real life. What really happened to Jenny Moore and Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt after they met in Racine?
Racine is the reason they chose Christmas Day to shut it down.
What was shared about Racine years ago before Q ever started?
Racine is Paul Ryan’s district. Why did Paul Ryan really leave office at the peak of his careers as the most powerful man in Congress for a decade?
Racine was the most targeted, attacked, stalked, threatened, censored, deleted and banned topic of all on Voat’s top subverses - pizzagate and Great Awakening.
The Truth was shared on Reddit Pizzagate and they shut it down.
The Truth was shared on Voat and they shut it down.
The Truth is now shared on WIN.
Keep WIN alive. Share The Truth. Expose The Root. Reveal The Agenda. Deny The Mark.
Users who signed up before the change can still use the voat scheme. Something about lawyers getting involved and the voat designation so it had to be changed. Talk.lol is an awful name though. I think they are trying to attract free speech investors, who freaken knows. I was hoping for mindfuck.co
Why is this stickied? This one's for all the old goats still with us. Because it's hilarious. It's accurate. And (see context) opens it all up to some "this one time at band camp" goat stories.
As an "old goat," those were the days...
shoutout to all the true voat OGs I joined after they banned pizzagate on reddit 2017 also dont forget https://searchvoat.co/search.php
Thanks to you and the other amazing mods many of us old goats still have a place we can call home.
Amen my frens! I miss voat but love my patriot family here here!
website janitors*
Because the fact is that the reddit style filtration has shown itself to be one that lends itself to infiltration which must target people as they expose themselves.
The methods worked until the owner pulled the plug for reasons not made completely clear.
Racine, Wisconsin is the real reason they shut Voat down.
The Path of Truth is P > Q > R. Pizzagate > Q > Racine.
Many offered to take over the site and pay the costs. They would not allow that.
Corrupt moderators on Voat were exposed running alts, doxxing, threatening, attacking and blackmailing users.
Many of them are now running alts here on WIN.
Some users were threatened and attacked in real life. What really happened to Jenny Moore and Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt after they met in Racine?
Racine is the reason they chose Christmas Day to shut it down.
What was shared about Racine years ago before Q ever started?
Racine is Paul Ryan’s district. Why did Paul Ryan really leave office at the peak of his careers as the most powerful man in Congress for a decade?
Racine was the most targeted, attacked, stalked, threatened, censored, deleted and banned topic of all on Voat’s top subverses - pizzagate and Great Awakening.
The Truth was shared on Reddit Pizzagate and they shut it down.
The Truth was shared on Voat and they shut it down.
The Truth is now shared on WIN.
Keep WIN alive. Share The Truth. Expose The Root. Reveal The Agenda. Deny The Mark.
Jesus Christ and The Truth are The Only Way.
I like goatse and still find it sexy.
I miss Voat and all the glorious niggerfaggots that inhabited it.
Faggotniggers = GloboHomos
nothing else has been the same
Please produce your N word pass ™️
I don’t, it was a shitty platform.
I still feel like I missed-out
Pretty sure Q specifically directed people to voat.
I'm still a goat at heart....
Racine, WI destroyed voat.
I typed in voat.co just for the shiggles. 522 error. :(
That means it’s working
Voat.xyz is up now, seems okay but the color scheme is horrendous on mobile
Users who signed up before the change can still use the voat scheme. Something about lawyers getting involved and the voat designation so it had to be changed. Talk.lol is an awful name though. I think they are trying to attract free speech investors, who freaken knows. I was hoping for mindfuck.co
Obligatory Searchvoat.co post
Go there and search for any red pill topics to see some history being dissected and discussed
Miss that place :(
Nah. Voat was trash aside from the Q community who migrated there because there was no where left to go.
So-called "goats" shit all over the Q community there continually, lamenting the fact we were even there.
Outside of Q, 9 out of 10 threads and 9 out of 10 comments were neckbeards tripping over themselves to prove which of them hates Jews more.
Think I'm wrong? Go without moderation for a week on GA see what it looks like.