🕵️ 20 Years Ago today the Pentagon lost trillions of dollars and reported to Congress that they didn't know where it went. #BlackOps #SSP
🚔 Crime & Corruption 💸

And the next day was hit by a missile.
Payment for a contract perhaps?
I do hope these transactions are fully declassified in the days to come.
SSP = Secret Space Program
Get out of here with that SSP flat earth level bullshit.
I think therer was more than one financial irregularity being investigated. There was an office in one of the inner rings of the Pentagon which, for some reason, was moved to be in the outer ring just at the place where the missile, sorry, plane, hit it. Other investigations were taking place on the upper floors of one of the Twin Towers and another in Building 7.
Would you believe it? All those offices were destroyed together with all their data and many of their employees. What an amazing coincidence.
Those wedges of the building were also 'upgraded' or 'hardened' in 2000 against missile strikes. hmmmm Why not all the wedges, hmm?
I remember reading there were some remodeling done and that was the spot hit
Hmmm interesting
On the same day that a drill was being conducted, ironically enough, simulating the exact events which transpired. Too weird
In which the participants of that drill died not long after, by what appeared to be extreme radiation poisoning. Hmmm
You know those auditing the trillions were killed at the pentagon right?
Thank you brother!
This level of awareness is stunning. You need to do a paper. An annotated paper or book.
There's so much info on UFOs that if you chose to be ignorant then that's living in denial.
Cept this MJ12 is just a larp
Yeah, not the same as the original one.
Somene with knowledge, thanks
Id know... cause i did all these:
That MJ12 book alone is an inch and a half thick.
Its a freaking dictionary lol
So is Q ... according to CNN.
This is not a legit argument and you know it......What about Bigfoot?
The harder you defend the more you reveal about your TRUE intentions. But in fairness I still am NOT positive as to whether or not you are a true Patriot who is just being misled or a SHILL of the organization.
This MJ12 on Telegram, like many Telegram accounts are full of it.
Tenacious bugger, aren't you?
What about him? Most folks leave the bigfoot community alone. I rarely see anyone making fun of bigfoot believers anymore.
I defend open and free thought. That is all. Believe what you want to believe, but I take issue with people who attempt to derail and shut down discussions on topics they disagree with.
So now you want to gatekeep being a patriot? You sure about that?
Nope YOU are the one trying to shut it down.
I advise people to research for themselves and will continue to comment whenever MJ12 and other known larps are being posted.
The projection is strong with this one.
Nah fella, I got my eyes on you and you are becoming more transparent by the post.
You have ALREADY proven yourself to be a LIAR by misquoting me.
You are PROTESTING WAYYYYY to hard, let the people decide for themselves rather than trying to shut me down with your nonsense.
Research my background and you will see who and what I am, though I know it is a side (distraction subject) I know that bigfoot is real because I have seen one and all the signs of another twenty some years later.
More members of Majestic 12 were from Wisconsin than any other state.
Lloyd Berkner, Nathan Twining and Hoyt Vandenberg are all from Wisconsin.
Admiral Byrd’s missions to Little America and beyond were partially funded out of Racine, The Horlick famliy helped fund the expeditions as key members of the Knights of Pythias, Freemasons, Knights Templars and other groups.
The global elite have been meeting in Racine for generations leading to what is happening today.
Fred Gates became Rockefeller’s most trusted advisor after marrying his replacement wife in Racine. Detlev Bronk was also a member of Majestic 12 and President of Rockefeller University.
Racine is the gateway pivot district used to rig Wisconsin and the swing states, and is the historic Bellwether of America.
Please help expose the Root and model for their real Agenda beyond 21 and 2030 - Racine, Wisconsin.
Rumsfeld's exact words were "We cannot account for 2.3 trillion dollars in transactions." Slick way of declaring piracy by the military contractors.
Don't forget all the treasury bonds that were coming due on 09/12
Cheney, Rumsfeld, Bush trifecta.
Rather interesting that Rumsfeld and Bush Sr. are now deceased.
I wonder when Cheney will have his day.
Money to build DUMBs ? For secret bases on moon and Antarctica?
Wonder what they did with all that money
Definitely funding for their D.U.M.B.s. Those bunkers cannot be cheap to construct and stockpile. So much American taxpayer money has been stolen away.
Plus they have to do it in secret. Can't have these big excavation and build sites when you're making secret bases literally right under everybody.
I would be interesting to analyze the seismological data from the suspected D.U.M.B. sites and cross reference the large seismic activity from the past few years with that of activity from ten to twenty years back. I would imagine that there were many "earthquakes" in these locations that were not natural.
Do you guys think the Boring Company (e musk) is involved in that ?
Boring a hole? Maybe
I had read that each may have cost a couple billion and there are supposed hundreds of them so that could add up to trillions over decades
Fortunately TNT and H20 are very affordable. 😄
MOABs work well, too.
9/11 was an inside job.
Undeniably at this point.
So many things to remember, but yes. I do remember and at the time was furious that an unconscious congress didn't demand someone's head on a platter. If I knew then what I know now. If only there was one hero in government.
Yup the real reason we lost 3000 Americans that day
Some gold got stolen. 9/11 has something to do with the fall of the Soviet Union.
Jesus man, you never saw the "Tailor of Panama." men like Andy Osnard have got it all.
I do this all the time. Silly me.
Ah... lost your crypto keys in a tragic boating accident as well?
lol! You know me too well.
So many good guns have met similar fates .
They did it before that too - sometime in the early 1980s they changed our paydays from the 15th & 30th to the 1st and the 15th, on Oct 1st start of the fiscal year, saving a load of cash. Where tf did that money go?
Thank you for refreshing our memory. Many people missed this when it happened, and when it was reported shortly after 9/11. I believe Alex Jones was one of, if not the first to mention this.
Secret Space Programs. USAP. "SOLAR WARDEN"
Funny how the naval office in the Pentagon that was investigating the cabal took a missle strike.
Um.....it was 2.3 trillion. C'mon man
Can we keep this up for a while i feel like alot of people dont know
20 years ago today I was 17. The next day I would bare witness to the long-term plan of ultimately where we are today. Growing up in the 90's I was really blessed as my only concern was when the newest episodes of Rocko's Modern Life would be on. Now- it's which of my loved ones will drop dead due to the MRNA kill-shot they felt they just had to take, losing my job in defiance of "what's in my best health interests", and so on. The death knell of the world began on 9/11/2001 at 8:46AM. Thankfully, I'm not afraid or fearful of what's to come. My peace and faith is based in God. When Christ comes back he's going to be pissed.
Gonna need a BIG distraction for that one...
And the EXTRA BIG ASS FRIES that go with it is taking away the freedoms of the victims.
DOV ZAKHEIM was the Comptroller 'looking' for the missing $2.3 Trillion.
He was also on the development team at Raytheon for the Flight Termination System, a remote control system that could pilot 8 jumbo jets, simultaneously.
Start with him. He is the keystone of the entire 9/11 Plot.
Congress said, "oh, so you need more?". It was actually like $80 billion iirc Could have been more, but the pentagon doesn't have trillions.
MJ12 lol
I see nothing amusing for funny about the Pentagon losing trillions of tax payer dollars the day before the destruction of the World Trade Center Towers.
Neither do I fella.
BUT MJ12...lol
What's MJ12?
Read for yourself.
Here is are the two Telegram Channels associated with MJ12.
Majestic 12
MJ12 Speaks
Ignore posters who would dissuade you from coming to your own conclusions.
A full blown LARP...
You sure are tenacious in your quest to discredit a "larp".
I think you are trying a little too hard there.
NAH.......me thinks YOU are the one trying tooo hard here.
So where did the money go?
Laugh all you want.
The information is real.
OK, you are being taken for a ride and will find out for yourself one day.
I already know you buy into the LARP so my comments are more for people who dont know how foolish the whole MJ12 thing is.
If you replaced MJ12 with Q, you'd be echoing the exact argument of the Main Stream Media.
Find a better argument.
NAH, I think you are shilling for them hard.
Find a better arguement...Hell if I replace Santy Clause with MJ12 we could say the same thing.
Look keep on believing, I aint trying to convince you of sheeet.
That moment where you say bullshit but provide nothing to hold your argument. stfu or put out something.
Not to worry. The autists over on r/superstonk have all the backups. 😆
Hedgies R Fuk
Best of all... a world without the TSA.