I won’t divulge too much detail, but I’m supposed to be headed to the academy for law enforcement. Unfortunately, they require cadets to be vaccinated. I had to decline the offer because I strongly refuse to take the vaccine.
We are all in this fight together. We have to take a stand against this tyranny. I’m blessed to still have a job that hasn’t mandated the vaccine... yet. However, we have those who have lost their jobs and they still continue to hold their ground against this death prick. True patriots. We are at war against evil, God has plans for us all. No matter what, we all have a role in this battle. God bless!
Good. I am on the brink of losing my job. I am not even sure how I will pay my bills currently. But it doesn't matter. I am at zero risk from COVID, and my God-designed immune system works just fine. The ones pushing this vaccine are nothing more than anti-Christ itself. Fear, division, hatred, agendas... it's all rooted in pure evil & satan himself.
If this tyrannical demand is not refused here, it's game over. We will have stepped onto the slippery slope of no return. I don't care if I lose my job. I don't care if I lose my house and have to move my family in with other family. We have to stand for what is right. It doesn't matter what happens now. We must begin to think 10 steps ahead. Tell them to take that vaccine and shove it up their ass.
God gave us everything we need. Food, water, wood/trees, wildlife, vegetables/gardens, tools. We must not be afraid to unplug from this man-made "system".
We all continue to fight this battle together. I pray for the best for you and everyone else in the same situation. God has opened the eyes to the masses and the resistance continues to grow against this tyranny. Trials and tribulations are not to keep us down, but to learn, adapt, and grow stronger. Keep the faith and God Bless.
Not only that, synthetically (anthropogenically) changing your DNA, makes you a synthetic organism. The patent is owned by the vaccine companies. In 2004, the Supreme Court opened the Pandora's box and ruled synthetic organism's are indeed patentable. The 'oncomouse' was ruled as patentable.
The narrative regarding this has been to discredit any higher life form as being patentable. That's what they are paid to say. The vast majority of articles insist only elemental lifeforms such as transgenic bacteria and mold are patentable while at the same time forgetting to mention that GMO corn, wheat, and papaya are patented synthetic organisms. The oncomouse is deliberately left out of the conversation. This is because it has opened the Pandora's box to every GMO as being patentable and you aren't suppose to know about it.
In 1871, the United States filed bankruptcy and created the corporate entity of the United States. At that moment, our individual sovereignty was sold out from under us. Has any one ever told you this? Has anyone ever told you exist as a corporate entity that dominates and overshadows your individual sovereignty?
Why would the same cryptocracy tell you by taking this mRNA vaccine, you are now patentable and unwittingly your soul was sold to evil?
So the idea is the vaccines add a genetic modification to one's DNA, thus making them patentable? And then, presumably, giving free reign to science to do experiments on us.
Sounds a little scifi. Is there any indication that this is taking place?
I'll let you imagine that. What do they do with the oncamouse?
I think its self-explanatory.
This list needs to be updated, but shows what our government has done so far to give you an indication of the possibilities.
1931 Dr. Cornelius Rhoads, under the auspices of the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Investigations, infects human subjects with cancer cells. He later goes on to establish the U.S. Army Biological Warfare facilities in Maryland, Utah, and Panama, and is named to the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission. While there, he begins a series of radiation exposure experiments on American soldiers and civilian hospital patients.
1932 The Tuskegee Syphilis Study begins. 200 black men diagnosed with syphilis are never told of their illness, are denied treatment, and instead are used as human guinea pigs in order to follow the progression and symptoms of the disease. They all subsequently die from syphilis, their families never told that they could have been treated.
1935 The Pellagra Incident. After millions of individuals die from Pellagra over a span of two decades, the U.S. Public Health Service finally acts to stem the disease. The director of the agency admits it had known for at least 20 years that Pellagra is caused by a niacin deficiency but failed to act since most of the deaths occured within poverty-striken black populations.
1940 Four hundred prisoners in Chicago are infected with Malaria in order to study the effects of new and experimental drugs to combat the disease. Nazi doctors later on trial at Nuremberg cite this American study to defend their own actions during the Holocaust.
1942 Chemical Warfare Services begins mustard gas experiments on approximately 4,000 servicemen. The experiments continue until 1945 and made use of Seventh Day Adventists who chose to become human guinea pigs rather than serve on active duty.
1943 In response to Japan's full-scale germ warfare program, the U.S. begins research on biological weapons at Fort Detrick, MD.
1944 U.S. Navy uses human subjects to test gas masks and clothing. Individuals were locked in a gas chamber and exposed to mustard gas and lewisite.
1945 Project Paperclip is initiated. The U.S. State Department, Army intelligence, and the CIA recruit Nazi scientists and offer them immunity and secret identities in exchange for work on top secret government projects in the United States.
1945 "Program F" is implemented by the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission (AEC). This is the most extensive U.S. study of the health effects of fluoride, which was the key chemical component in atomic bomb production. One of the most toxic chemicals known to man, fluoride, it is found, causes marked adverse effects to the central nervous system but much of the information is squelched in the name of national security because of fear that lawsuits would undermine full-scale production of atomic bombs.
1946 Patients in VA hospitals are used as guinea pigs for medical experiments. In order to allay suspicions, the order is given to change the word "experiments" to "investigations" or "observations" whenever reporting a medical study performed in one of the nation's veteran's hospitals.
1947 Colonel E.E. Kirkpatrick of the U.S. Atomic Energy Comission issues a secret document (Document 07075001, January 8, 1947) stating that the agency will begin administering intravenous doses of radioactive substances to human subjects.
1947 The CIA begins its study of LSD as a potential weapon for use by American intelligence. Human subjects (both civilian and military) are used with and without their knowledge.
1950 Department of Defense begins plans to detonate nuclear weapons in desert areas and monitor downwind residents for medical problems and mortality rates.
1950 I n an experiment to determine how susceptible an American city would be to biological attack, the U.S. Navy sprays a cloud of bacteria from ships over San Franciso. Monitoring devices are situated throughout the city in order to test the extent of infection. Many residents become ill with pneumonia-like symptoms.
1951 Department of Defense begins open air tests using disease-producing bacteria and viruses. Tests last through 1969 and there is concern that people in the surrounding areas have been exposed.
1953 U.S. military releases clouds of zinc cadmium sulfide gas over Winnipeg, St. Louis, Minneapolis, Fort Wayne, the Monocacy River Valley in Maryland, and Leesburg, Virginia. Their intent is to determine how efficiently they could disperse chemical agents.
1953 Joint Army-Navy-CIA experiments are conducted in which tens of thousands of people in New York and San Francisco are exposed to the airborne germs Serratia marcescens and Bacillus glogigii.
1953 CIA initiates Project MKULTRA. This is an eleven year research program designed to produce and test drugs and biological agents that would be used for mind control and behavior modification. Six of the subprojects involved testing the agents on unwitting human beings.
1955 The CIA, in an experiment to test its ability to infect human populations with biological agents, releases a bacteria withdrawn from the Army's biological warfare arsenal over Tampa Bay, Fl.
1955 Army Chemical Corps continues LSD research, studying its potential use as a chemical incapacitating agent. More than 1,000 Americans participate in the tests, which continue until 1958.
1956 U.S. military releases mosquitoes infected with Yellow Fever over Savannah, Ga and Avon Park, Fl. Following each test, Army agents posing as public health officials test victims for effects.
1958 LSD is tested on 95 volunteers at the Army's Chemical Warfare Laboratories for its effect on intelligence.
1960 The Army Assistant Chief-of-Staff for Intelligence (ACSI) authorizes field testing of LSD in Europe and the Far East. Testing of the european population is code named Project THIRD CHANCE; testing of the Asian population is code named Project DERBY HAT.
1965 Project CIA and Department of Defense begin Project MKSEARCH, a program to develop a capability to manipulate human behavior through the use of mind-altering drugs.
1965 Prisoners at the Holmesburg State Prison in Philadelphia are subjected to dioxin, the highly toxic chemical component of Agent Orange used in Viet Nam. The men are later studied for development of cancer, which indicates that Agent Orange had been a suspected carcinogen all along.
1966 CIA initiates Project MKOFTEN, a program to test the toxicological effects of certain drugs on humans and animals.
1966 U.S. Army dispenses Bacillus subtilis variant niger throughout the New York City subway system. More than a million civilians are exposed when army scientists drop lightbulbs filled with the bacteria onto ventilation grates.
1967 CIA and Department of Defense implement Project MKNAOMI, successor to MKULTRA and designed to maintain, stockpile and test biological and chemical weapons.
1968 CIA experiments with the possibility of poisoning drinking water by injecting chemicals into the water supply of the FDA in Washington, D.C.
1969 Dr. Robert MacMahan of the Department of Defense requests from congress $10 million to develop, within 5 to 10 years, a synthetic biological agent to which no natural immunity exists.
1970 Funding for the synthetic biological agent is obtained under H.R. 15090. The project, under the supervision of the CIA, is carried out by the Special Operations Division at Fort Detrick, the army's top secret biological weapons facility. Speculation is raised that molecular biology techniques are used to produce AIDS-like retroviruses.
1970 United States intensifies its development of "ethnic weapons" (Military Review, Nov., 1970), designed to selectively target and eliminate specific ethnic groups who are susceptible due to genetic differences and variations in DNA.
1975 The virus section of Fort Detrick's Center for Biological Warfare Research is renamed the Fredrick Cancer Research Facilities and placed under the supervision of the National Cancer Institute (NCI) . It is here that a special virus cancer program is initiated by the U.S. Navy, purportedly to develop cancer-causing viruses. It is also here that retrovirologists isolate a virus to which no immunity exists. It is later named HTLV (Human T-cell Leukemia Virus).
1977 Senate hearings on Health and Scientific Research confirm that 239 populated areas had been contaminated with biological agents between 1949 and 1969. Some of the areas included San Francisco, Washington, D.C., Key West, Panama City, Minneapolis, and St. Louis.
1978 Experimental Hepatitis B vaccine trials, conducted by the CDC, begin in New York, Los Angeles and San Francisco. Ads for research subjects specifically ask for promiscuous homosexual men.
1981 First cases of AIDS are confirmed in homosexual men in New York, Los Angeles and San Francisco, triggering speculation that AIDS may have been introduced via the Hepatitis B vaccine.
1985 According to the journal Science (227:173-177), HTLV and VISNA, a fatal sheep virus, are very similar, indicating a close taxonomic and evolutionary relationship.
1986 According to the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (83:4007-4011), HIV and VISNA are highly similar and share all structural elements, except for a small segment which is nearly identical to HTLV. This leads to speculation that HTLV and VISNA may have been linked to produce a new retrovirus to which no natural immunity exists.
1986 A report to Congress reveals that the U.S. Government's current generation of biological agents includes: modified viruses, naturally occurring toxins, and agents that are altered through genetic engineering to change immunological character and prevent treatment by all existing vaccines.
1987 Department of Defense admits that, despite a treaty banning research and development of biological agents, it continues to operate research facilities at 127 facilities and universities around the nation.
1990 More than 1500 six-month old black and hispanic babies in Los Angeles are given an "experimental" measles vaccine that had never been licensed for use in the United States. CDC later admits that parents were never informed that the vaccine being injected to their children was experimental.
1994 With a technique called "gene tracking," Dr. Garth Nicolson at the MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, TX discovers that many returning Desert Storm veterans are infected with an altered strain of Mycoplasma incognitus, a microbe commonly used in the production of biological weapons. Incorporated into its molecular structure is 40 percent of the HIV protein coat, indicating that it had been man-made.
1994 Senator John D. Rockefeller issues a report revealing that for at least 50 years the Department of Defense has used hundreds of thousands of military personnel in human experiments and for intentional exposure to dangerous substances. Materials included mustard and nerve gas, ionizing radiation, psychochemicals, hallucinogens, and drugs used during the Gulf War.
1995 U.S. Government admits that it had offered Japanese war criminals and scientists who had performed human medical experiments salaries and immunity from prosecution in exchange for data on biological warfare research.
1995 Dr. Garth Nicolson, uncovers evidence that the biological agents used during the Gulf War had been manufactured in Houston, TX and Boca Raton, Fl and tested on prisoners in the Texas Department of Corrections.
1996 Department of Defense admits that Desert Storm soldiers were exposed to chemical agents.
1997 Eighty-eight members of Congress sign a letter demanding an investigation into bioweapons use & Gulf War Syndrome.
I mean if you look at what science has tried in the past then nothing is off the table. Why assume patented humans when these are so many other possibilities of what is taking place? You’re using a few instances of bad to support a possibility, when you’re not including all the other instances of bad, of good, of neutral.
The Supreme Court made it clear that abstract ideas, natural phenomena, and laws of nature are not patentable subject matter. However, it "ruled that if there is anything synthetic, not from nature, inside of our genome, then whoever owns the patent on those synthetic parts now owns part or all of you as a human.
In Diamond v. Chakrabarty, 447 U.S. 303 (1980), the U.S. Supreme Court, in 5-4 decision, affirmed. It ruled, in part:
Living, man-made micro-organism is patentable subject matter as a “manufacture” or “composition of matter” within the meaning of the Patent Act of 1952. The fact that the organism sought to be patented is alive is no bar to patentability. The case paved the way for biotechnology companies and universities. The OncoMouse, patented by Harvard in 1988, was the first mammal ever patented. Harvard scientists genetically-modified mice to be predisposed to cancer (thus the “onco” prefix) so other scientists could study the disease.
Scientists have since created an entire discipline on “transgenic non-human mammals.” Of course there are serious ethical concerns. But the practice continue.
The case that provides the blueprint for pharmaceutical companies claiming ownership of your genes is Association for Molecular Pathology v. Myriad Genetics, Inc., 569 U.S. 576 (2013). This case originated from a Utah-based company called Myriad Genetics.
Several Plaintiffs, including Yale, Columbia, individual patients, and patient advocacy groups filed a lawsuit against Myriad and the University of Utah in May of 2009. The Plaintiffs argued that BRCA1 and BRCA2 are not patent-eligible subject matter under 35 U.S.C. § 101 because they are naturally-occurring. Myriad argued that it isolated the sequences of the DNA and that the Patent Office had issued patents for other companies doing the same thing.
A long legal battle ensued that included two writs of certiorari to the U.S. Supreme Court. The Federal Circuit twice affirmed that both isolated DNA and cDNA are patentable.** Ultimately the Supreme Court ruled that only cDNA (synthetic DNA) is patentable.** Isolated, natural DNA is not patentable. Breast and ovarian cancer screening got much cheaper after the ruling since Myriad no longer owned patents on naturally-occurring genes and thus the testing.
On to Pfizer, Moderna, Et Al. And Your Genes.
The synthetic mRNA of Pfizer and Moderna, along with the viral vector DNA delivery systems of Johnson & Johnson and AstraZeneca, change your genetic code, making you “genetically-modified.” Granted mainstream media say the foregoing is “conspiracy theory.” But Moderna Chief Medical Officer Tal Zaks tells you straight up that the shots change your genetic code. He calls the Moderna shot “hacking the software of life.” Viral vectors do the same thing.
So do these companies “own you” once you get the shots? Well, they own mice and bacteria created with their inventions. Once you get these shots, you are no longer a “naturally-occurring” human being. Prosthetic limbs, breast implants, etc. are not “natural” per se. But they are removable and not part of what fundamentally makes you human. Gene therapy is irreversible. Do the math yourself.
Did the corporation of the United States 'own' you after 1871, when they defrauded you into believing the corporate straw man created from your birth certificate? Did anyone tell you that corporation was a diction and not the real flesh and blood you? The word for this from the Greek is 'pharmakeia', which means anyone in positions of authority, whether it is government, corporate, church, or positions of influence causing its people to stumble and be harmed because of their deceit is likened to witchcraft. Isn't ironic that pharmacy is derived from this term and a witchcraft magic symbol is used for promoting it?
Sadly you are already chattel property owned by the state. Your birth certificate and social both have investment accounts opened in your fictional name.
You contracted through marriage, drivers license , professional credentialing and licensing, incorporation and birth certificate.
A slave who they give permission to work
Or run a business through registration and regulation. A self inflicted wound.
.as for their patent, well killing you doesn't benefit them much.
Everything you said was spot-on until this following statement:
"..as for their patent, well killing you doesn't benefit them much."
Hospitals are receiving $48 thousand per COVID-19 death. This is why hospitals are now a very dangerous place to be. They are profiting on death. I have come to call hospitals "Nurse's Penitentiaries". Jim Morrison said this in a song called "Shaman Blues". I regress though.
Back to the topic. The larger agenda has always been about depopulation. Why does the cryptocracy want to reduce the world population by 90 percent? Why, it's a much easier population to control. Is this crazy? Not any more crazy than this democidal mRNA vaxxine. We are watching it in real time.
Population control is a euphemism for depopulation. I've been telling people this for over 30 years. I've been ridiculed and mocked by acquaintances and even family members when I'd point out the vectors for all the accepted societal and political dogmas that point to depopulation. A vector of course is a quantity represented by an arrow the direction of which indicates the direction of the quantity and the length of which is proportional to the magnitude. As an example abortion is a vector that has a direction and magnitude, which points directly at depopulation. War, euthanasia, drugs, and now the mRNA injectoid all vectors for depopulation. The elites openly discuss depopulation. The Georgia Guide Stones marked the open declaration of their intent. The Deagel Report forecasting the 2025 depopulation was no mistake. Deagel, a real intelligence organization for the U.S. government, predicts massive global depopulation (50-80%) by 2025. It's ironic the Rockefeller Report called the "Rockefeller Lockstep 2010" agrees with the Deagel forecast and is indeed the COVID-19 Plandemic blueprint being carried out.
In summary, the information above is a snippet of the voluminous of other evidence readily available. Their goal is exactly the long mocked 'tin-foil' hat allegation that depopulation is indeed a central pillar to the cryptocracy's plan for a one world totalitarian government. I believe we are witnessing it in real time.
Yea, it struck me. Why would he use "Nursin' penitentiary'? It's a emotional thought put to on paper and has is a different verse and thought from "Out on the train yard". Was this his glimpse into the future? Isn't this what hospitals have become? There are many other prophetic words Morrison spoke and some of them are extraordinary. He was more clairvoyant and prescient than many people know.
I agree completely. Jim Morrison was original and a creative genius. Dylan on the other hand, was a front man for 'Operation Rolling Stone'. Dylan's meteoric rise in New York in 1961 simply isn't believable. He was playing in Greenwich Village for only about six months, had no original material, hadn't written any of his great early songs yet, and somehow the New York Times does a review of him? Hmmmm...
Ah yes Robert Zimmerman (aka Bob Dylan) was quite the incredible story. Have ever read Miles Mathis expose on Bob Dylan(http://mileswmathis.com/dylanDOTpdf). Make sure you change the "DOT" for the link I provided. Do you remember Joni Mitchell's strange public disparagement of Dylan. There's more of interest to the story.
"… no one wants to patent you, you’re not worth anything to them."
This is your disbelief of something insidious. Except evil has no limits and plays by no rules. Prove me wrong.
"...they wouldn’t need a vaccine to do it."
The Supreme Court ruled on this in 2004. The requirement is a synthetic organism is patentable. A natural organism is not patentable. A GMO product is patentable. So, the answer is it must be a synthetic creation. The question is --- Those who submit to the mRNA vaxxine, are they genetically modifying (synthetically) their DNA. The answer is yes. The cryptocracy isn't going to tell you this, just as they didn't tell anyone after 1871 that their Constitutional government was replaced by a corporation.
Over 100 years ago, Rudolf Steiner warned of a diabolical plot to vaccinate all of humanity. He wasn't the only one either. I find that uncanny.
“In the future, we will eliminate the soul with medicine."
As a result of pharmaceuticals and toxins, which are vastly petro-chemically derived, our individual ability to be 'connected' with God is increasingly clouded. In fact, all anthropogenic pharmaceuticals compromise the immune system.
Do you think we arrived at this crisis overnight? What makes a slave?
Corticosteroids - brand names such as prednisone are medications that treat conditions including arthritis, asthma, allergic reactions, and autoimmune diseases such as lupus, sarcoidosis, or inflammatory bowel disease.
TNF inhibitors are medications that treat autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, and inflammatory bowel disease.
Heartburn Drugs that suppress stomach acid.
Statin Drugs to lower cholesterol such as Lipitor, Mevacor, Pravachol.
SSRI Antidepressants such as Prozac, Zoloft, and Paxil.
Proton pump inhibitors or PPIs such as Nexium, Prevacid, and Prilosec.
Opioid Drugs such as hydrocodone, oxycodone, fentanyl, codeine, and morphine block the immune system’s ability to attack viral and bacterial invaders.
Some Pain killing drugs such as Tramdol combine an opioid with acetaminophen (e.g. Tylenol), further compromising the immune system with acetaminophen’s toxic effects on liver function, Acetaminophen (e.g. Tylenol) is very hard on the liver, the body’s major organ of detoxification. A simple dosage mixup, such as giving a teaspoon of liquid acetaminophen vs. a dropperful, can cause liver damage, particularly in children. When the body is invaded by a virus or bacteria, the debris of the battle is processed through the liver. A compromised liver cannot effectively remove toxins caused by infection.
Fake fragrances, also known as fakegrances, such as the (so called) air fresheners, scented laundry soaps and personal care products, candles, and most perfumes can be problematic, especially with young children and the elderly.
If these links and evidence provided are interpretation by you as hubris, then you really need to have more confidence in yourself because that's really pathetic. Thanks for the laugh though. I'll end the correspondence with you now because there really isn't any value of me continuing.
That’s fine, I just think you’re drawing connections where there aren’t any, no one wants to patent you, simple as that. Patents are worth money because you can license them out to be other businesses, why would anyone want to license you? All of your other fluff is besides the point and you’re just offering them because you want someone to agree with you, sorry but I don’t. If you can’t see the contradictory nature of your argument then I too am done with our correspondence.
"I just think you’re drawing connections where there aren’t any, no one wants to patent you, simple as that."
This is again you're personal denial of evil. I provided you the 1871 proof of betrayal to your sovereignty and also the 'oncamouse' patent for a new synthetic species. The oncamouse looks identical to the 'natural' mouse species, but the Supreme Court ruled it no longer belongs to a 'natural' species and therefore is a new species.
Many people, including myself still under-estimate the widespread prevalence of evil and how utterly far evil goes. It's hard to wrap one's mind around it. There is no limit to evil. In the past, many people denied the communist conspiracy against America. It turns out Cleon Skousen's 1958 phophetic book "The Naked Communist" was uncanningly correct. He was vilified, mocked, harassed, and discredited. Yet, every thing about that book is true today. The same happened to William Cooper. He was murdered because he was the most popular talk-show host in America and was too big of a threat to the Cryptocracy. His book "Behold a Pale Horse" was prophetic too. He even provided the documents he obtained of their medical Marshall Law plans. People denied that adrenochrome harvesting (because they couldn't accept the truth) was sacrificing thousands of children each year to obtain this drug.
So I regret my 'fluff' shows you are compartmentalizing evil. You are telling us where evil exists and where it doesn't. Gad, I wish I had your insight. My perspective is evil is everywhere. One has to prove to me otherwise. With evil, you see, all things are possible, especially when people refuse to believe it is possible. Look where we are now. How many people are awakening to a tyranny and a 'mad' bunch of over lord lunatics committing democide worldwide.
That not a single organization is forcing someone to get vaccinated against his or her will?
That authoritarians in power are not ostracizing and expelling people from society for not taking the vaccine?
That people of color, who supposedly are unlikely to have identification and lack means of finding resources, and who have had horrible experiments done on them in the name of “science”, should be segregated from society, and that’s just ok?
That there’s no incongruity in the logic that a vaccine that does not prevent viral spread or contraction of disease should be mandated “to protect others”?
If they can push this on us without proper approval, testing, or liability coverage, it will set a precedent that its ok to experiment on us. It will give all businesses and authorities a green light to ask for your medical records, for employment, casual shopping, and even short commutes going outside your house, heck even living in your house, news is landlords are already discriminating based on vaccination status. It will give big pharma more opportunities to push out unlimited bullshit boosters and it will be paid for with our tax dollars. Your ability to provide or deny consent is at risk! If this shoe gets in the door it will never close and it will never stop...
And it will be muzzles on children for years and years and years. Don’t let them think there is some level of compliance you can reach that will make them stop. That’s not the game they are playing. Once you jump through one hoop, they will make you jump through another. Even if you take the injections, they will push to the next thing and you will be back in the same position you were before, only weaker.
When it comes to fighting totalitarianism, we are stronger now than later. We are still at that point where people lament that if they had only stopped it then. Think now where we would be if we had all resisted the mask mandates. Think how much easier it would have been to stop it then and return back to normal before people forgot what normal was.
This is indeed the worldwide Tuskegee Experiment. Did you know Congress authorized secretly experimenting on the US population? Do you know the History Of US Secret Human Experimentation.
It's been going on for a very long time. It's just that their 'push' to depopulate and to gain absolute control (servitude) over us makes their using 'plausible deniability' ineffective anymore..
As such, I gave the boss a straight up answer: have the paperwork ready to fire me. This Vax is not a cure, its a death sentence crapshoor and i aint playin.
My neighbor is hardcore republican hates Biden etc. Already had JJ shot. Yesterday he said if he has to get a booster or another shot for work he will. He says “it will be mandatory next public school year, kids get all sorts of shots anyway, will have enough data by then for these it’ll be fine” shook my head in disgust.
What is somewhat 'surprising' to me, if not infuriating, is many of these republicans wear 'Christian' on their sleeves. Yet, they are full of denial in regards to the 2 thousand year Christian belief that our bodies are the temple of the Lord and by polluting it is contrary to the Divine Order set forth by the Holy Spirit. God has given us a marvelous immune system that has gotten us to this point in time. No one can outdo what Nature has produced.
yep I have a friend who is republican and also mormon and she just told me she is OK with vax mandates and wishes everyone had gotten the vaccine right at the get-go. its like theres this whole giant subset of "mainstream conservatives" who somehow still accept the liberal version of reality.
Add a disincentive to compliance. That makes sense.
But tell me, for those in hostile zones what will be there for those facing the repercussions of non-conpliance? Will you be there to stand up for them?
Think, actions have objectives. How helpful will this attitude be in reaching the intended objective?
My sincere compliments, must be tough. I'm in a similar position but not as harsh.
But that doesn't answer the core question of my previous comment.
What is the goal of the stance taken in the OP?
And will it actually help acheiving that goal?
Remember why many people voted for Trump despite believing the MSM lies of him being a "pussy grabbing racist". Remember why the Walkaway movement gained traction.
I don't think there is a good excuse to be 50+ years old and still under this mass hypnosis. I'm 31 and would have been suspicious of all this in my early twenties.
Ignorance is not bliss. I'm going to send some energy towards ignorance and shake people up. I'm glad that it will make them uncomfortable. They need to wake up.
Certain personalities seem more succeptable than others. My mother has a bunch of siblings and two of them are completely lost to the illusion, and beyond that, they have been threatening the others for not complying. It's crazy. What's funny is those two consider themself the "smartest" ones. They aren't, they just have ego issues.
Are you fucking kidding me. I knew this when I was 23. Book called none dare call it a conspiracy lmao.
Blindness is a thing and this wasnt obvious at all until a few years ago. Which is the only readon you know jack shit. If you were 60 years old today you would still just be finding out.
Also, we will see just how open you are to truth soon when shit that even the most open minded people in here won't believe comes out.
"But tell me, for those in hostile zones what will be there for those facing the repercussions of non-conpliance? Will you be there to stand up for them?"
I know these are tough times and this is a question several other people are asking. In a very similar situation, Jesus asked a rich man to leave all his possessions and join Him. This story ought to be heavily considered in our current dilemma. There's little doubt the Evil One uses a mirror to pervert what is good. Isn't ironic our current situation, with the choice of 'selling' one's soul in exchange for a job is really the same issue the rich man had? It all centers around the 'Love of money is the root to all evil'. It really is that simple. We are being asked once again to have faith in Him. The rich man rejected Jesus to save his wealth at the cost of his salvation. Here people are being asked the same thing.
Pray for our military and give them strength to put God and their health before submitting to the Covid shot. What good are your benefits, if the shot ruins your health and that of future progeny, or kills you?
I agree that it’s an IQ test, but the DS needs to know who is swayed and who is not. At what point or pressure do they give in? Who’s going to give them trouble in the future.
I won’t divulge too much detail, but I’m supposed to be headed to the academy for law enforcement. Unfortunately, they require cadets to be vaccinated. I had to decline the offer because I strongly refuse to take the vaccine.
We are all in this fight together. We have to take a stand against this tyranny. I’m blessed to still have a job that hasn’t mandated the vaccine... yet. However, we have those who have lost their jobs and they still continue to hold their ground against this death prick. True patriots. We are at war against evil, God has plans for us all. No matter what, we all have a role in this battle. God bless!
Wait it out. They'll be calling you back.
This right here is the truth.
Yeah...or one of us will call him cuz everything will require rebuilding?
Good. I am on the brink of losing my job. I am not even sure how I will pay my bills currently. But it doesn't matter. I am at zero risk from COVID, and my God-designed immune system works just fine. The ones pushing this vaccine are nothing more than anti-Christ itself. Fear, division, hatred, agendas... it's all rooted in pure evil & satan himself.
If this tyrannical demand is not refused here, it's game over. We will have stepped onto the slippery slope of no return. I don't care if I lose my job. I don't care if I lose my house and have to move my family in with other family. We have to stand for what is right. It doesn't matter what happens now. We must begin to think 10 steps ahead. Tell them to take that vaccine and shove it up their ass.
God gave us everything we need. Food, water, wood/trees, wildlife, vegetables/gardens, tools. We must not be afraid to unplug from this man-made "system".
Very well said.
Stand strong & firm Patriot, God has plans for those who survive. I firmly believe this. 🙏😇
We all continue to fight this battle together. I pray for the best for you and everyone else in the same situation. God has opened the eyes to the masses and the resistance continues to grow against this tyranny. Trials and tribulations are not to keep us down, but to learn, adapt, and grow stronger. Keep the faith and God Bless.
Thank you, fren. God Bless.
Not only that, synthetically (anthropogenically) changing your DNA, makes you a synthetic organism. The patent is owned by the vaccine companies. In 2004, the Supreme Court opened the Pandora's box and ruled synthetic organism's are indeed patentable. The 'oncomouse' was ruled as patentable.
The narrative regarding this has been to discredit any higher life form as being patentable. That's what they are paid to say. The vast majority of articles insist only elemental lifeforms such as transgenic bacteria and mold are patentable while at the same time forgetting to mention that GMO corn, wheat, and papaya are patented synthetic organisms. The oncomouse is deliberately left out of the conversation. This is because it has opened the Pandora's box to every GMO as being patentable and you aren't suppose to know about it.
In 1871, the United States filed bankruptcy and created the corporate entity of the United States. At that moment, our individual sovereignty was sold out from under us. Has any one ever told you this? Has anyone ever told you exist as a corporate entity that dominates and overshadows your individual sovereignty?
Why would the same cryptocracy tell you by taking this mRNA vaccine, you are now patentable and unwittingly your soul was sold to evil?
So in theory, if this is true, how would the patents between individuals be distinguished? You can't have a single patent cover such a broad category.
Read about the 'oncamouse'. It was ruled as a new 'synthetic' species.
So the idea is the vaccines add a genetic modification to one's DNA, thus making them patentable? And then, presumably, giving free reign to science to do experiments on us.
Sounds a little scifi. Is there any indication that this is taking place?
I'll let you imagine that. What do they do with the oncamouse? I think its self-explanatory.
This list needs to be updated, but shows what our government has done so far to give you an indication of the possibilities.
1931 Dr. Cornelius Rhoads, under the auspices of the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Investigations, infects human subjects with cancer cells. He later goes on to establish the U.S. Army Biological Warfare facilities in Maryland, Utah, and Panama, and is named to the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission. While there, he begins a series of radiation exposure experiments on American soldiers and civilian hospital patients.
1932 The Tuskegee Syphilis Study begins. 200 black men diagnosed with syphilis are never told of their illness, are denied treatment, and instead are used as human guinea pigs in order to follow the progression and symptoms of the disease. They all subsequently die from syphilis, their families never told that they could have been treated.
1935 The Pellagra Incident. After millions of individuals die from Pellagra over a span of two decades, the U.S. Public Health Service finally acts to stem the disease. The director of the agency admits it had known for at least 20 years that Pellagra is caused by a niacin deficiency but failed to act since most of the deaths occured within poverty-striken black populations.
1940 Four hundred prisoners in Chicago are infected with Malaria in order to study the effects of new and experimental drugs to combat the disease. Nazi doctors later on trial at Nuremberg cite this American study to defend their own actions during the Holocaust.
1942 Chemical Warfare Services begins mustard gas experiments on approximately 4,000 servicemen. The experiments continue until 1945 and made use of Seventh Day Adventists who chose to become human guinea pigs rather than serve on active duty.
1943 In response to Japan's full-scale germ warfare program, the U.S. begins research on biological weapons at Fort Detrick, MD.
1944 U.S. Navy uses human subjects to test gas masks and clothing. Individuals were locked in a gas chamber and exposed to mustard gas and lewisite.
1945 Project Paperclip is initiated. The U.S. State Department, Army intelligence, and the CIA recruit Nazi scientists and offer them immunity and secret identities in exchange for work on top secret government projects in the United States.
1945 "Program F" is implemented by the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission (AEC). This is the most extensive U.S. study of the health effects of fluoride, which was the key chemical component in atomic bomb production. One of the most toxic chemicals known to man, fluoride, it is found, causes marked adverse effects to the central nervous system but much of the information is squelched in the name of national security because of fear that lawsuits would undermine full-scale production of atomic bombs.
1946 Patients in VA hospitals are used as guinea pigs for medical experiments. In order to allay suspicions, the order is given to change the word "experiments" to "investigations" or "observations" whenever reporting a medical study performed in one of the nation's veteran's hospitals.
1947 Colonel E.E. Kirkpatrick of the U.S. Atomic Energy Comission issues a secret document (Document 07075001, January 8, 1947) stating that the agency will begin administering intravenous doses of radioactive substances to human subjects.
1947 The CIA begins its study of LSD as a potential weapon for use by American intelligence. Human subjects (both civilian and military) are used with and without their knowledge.
1950 Department of Defense begins plans to detonate nuclear weapons in desert areas and monitor downwind residents for medical problems and mortality rates.
1950 I n an experiment to determine how susceptible an American city would be to biological attack, the U.S. Navy sprays a cloud of bacteria from ships over San Franciso. Monitoring devices are situated throughout the city in order to test the extent of infection. Many residents become ill with pneumonia-like symptoms.
1951 Department of Defense begins open air tests using disease-producing bacteria and viruses. Tests last through 1969 and there is concern that people in the surrounding areas have been exposed.
1953 U.S. military releases clouds of zinc cadmium sulfide gas over Winnipeg, St. Louis, Minneapolis, Fort Wayne, the Monocacy River Valley in Maryland, and Leesburg, Virginia. Their intent is to determine how efficiently they could disperse chemical agents.
1953 Joint Army-Navy-CIA experiments are conducted in which tens of thousands of people in New York and San Francisco are exposed to the airborne germs Serratia marcescens and Bacillus glogigii.
1953 CIA initiates Project MKULTRA. This is an eleven year research program designed to produce and test drugs and biological agents that would be used for mind control and behavior modification. Six of the subprojects involved testing the agents on unwitting human beings.
1955 The CIA, in an experiment to test its ability to infect human populations with biological agents, releases a bacteria withdrawn from the Army's biological warfare arsenal over Tampa Bay, Fl.
1955 Army Chemical Corps continues LSD research, studying its potential use as a chemical incapacitating agent. More than 1,000 Americans participate in the tests, which continue until 1958.
1956 U.S. military releases mosquitoes infected with Yellow Fever over Savannah, Ga and Avon Park, Fl. Following each test, Army agents posing as public health officials test victims for effects.
1958 LSD is tested on 95 volunteers at the Army's Chemical Warfare Laboratories for its effect on intelligence.
1960 The Army Assistant Chief-of-Staff for Intelligence (ACSI) authorizes field testing of LSD in Europe and the Far East. Testing of the european population is code named Project THIRD CHANCE; testing of the Asian population is code named Project DERBY HAT.
1965 Project CIA and Department of Defense begin Project MKSEARCH, a program to develop a capability to manipulate human behavior through the use of mind-altering drugs.
1965 Prisoners at the Holmesburg State Prison in Philadelphia are subjected to dioxin, the highly toxic chemical component of Agent Orange used in Viet Nam. The men are later studied for development of cancer, which indicates that Agent Orange had been a suspected carcinogen all along.
1966 CIA initiates Project MKOFTEN, a program to test the toxicological effects of certain drugs on humans and animals.
1966 U.S. Army dispenses Bacillus subtilis variant niger throughout the New York City subway system. More than a million civilians are exposed when army scientists drop lightbulbs filled with the bacteria onto ventilation grates.
1967 CIA and Department of Defense implement Project MKNAOMI, successor to MKULTRA and designed to maintain, stockpile and test biological and chemical weapons.
1968 CIA experiments with the possibility of poisoning drinking water by injecting chemicals into the water supply of the FDA in Washington, D.C.
1969 Dr. Robert MacMahan of the Department of Defense requests from congress $10 million to develop, within 5 to 10 years, a synthetic biological agent to which no natural immunity exists.
1970 Funding for the synthetic biological agent is obtained under H.R. 15090. The project, under the supervision of the CIA, is carried out by the Special Operations Division at Fort Detrick, the army's top secret biological weapons facility. Speculation is raised that molecular biology techniques are used to produce AIDS-like retroviruses.
1970 United States intensifies its development of "ethnic weapons" (Military Review, Nov., 1970), designed to selectively target and eliminate specific ethnic groups who are susceptible due to genetic differences and variations in DNA.
1975 The virus section of Fort Detrick's Center for Biological Warfare Research is renamed the Fredrick Cancer Research Facilities and placed under the supervision of the National Cancer Institute (NCI) . It is here that a special virus cancer program is initiated by the U.S. Navy, purportedly to develop cancer-causing viruses. It is also here that retrovirologists isolate a virus to which no immunity exists. It is later named HTLV (Human T-cell Leukemia Virus).
1977 Senate hearings on Health and Scientific Research confirm that 239 populated areas had been contaminated with biological agents between 1949 and 1969. Some of the areas included San Francisco, Washington, D.C., Key West, Panama City, Minneapolis, and St. Louis.
1978 Experimental Hepatitis B vaccine trials, conducted by the CDC, begin in New York, Los Angeles and San Francisco. Ads for research subjects specifically ask for promiscuous homosexual men.
1981 First cases of AIDS are confirmed in homosexual men in New York, Los Angeles and San Francisco, triggering speculation that AIDS may have been introduced via the Hepatitis B vaccine.
1985 According to the journal Science (227:173-177), HTLV and VISNA, a fatal sheep virus, are very similar, indicating a close taxonomic and evolutionary relationship.
1986 According to the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (83:4007-4011), HIV and VISNA are highly similar and share all structural elements, except for a small segment which is nearly identical to HTLV. This leads to speculation that HTLV and VISNA may have been linked to produce a new retrovirus to which no natural immunity exists.
1986 A report to Congress reveals that the U.S. Government's current generation of biological agents includes: modified viruses, naturally occurring toxins, and agents that are altered through genetic engineering to change immunological character and prevent treatment by all existing vaccines.
1987 Department of Defense admits that, despite a treaty banning research and development of biological agents, it continues to operate research facilities at 127 facilities and universities around the nation.
1990 More than 1500 six-month old black and hispanic babies in Los Angeles are given an "experimental" measles vaccine that had never been licensed for use in the United States. CDC later admits that parents were never informed that the vaccine being injected to their children was experimental.
1994 With a technique called "gene tracking," Dr. Garth Nicolson at the MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, TX discovers that many returning Desert Storm veterans are infected with an altered strain of Mycoplasma incognitus, a microbe commonly used in the production of biological weapons. Incorporated into its molecular structure is 40 percent of the HIV protein coat, indicating that it had been man-made.
1994 Senator John D. Rockefeller issues a report revealing that for at least 50 years the Department of Defense has used hundreds of thousands of military personnel in human experiments and for intentional exposure to dangerous substances. Materials included mustard and nerve gas, ionizing radiation, psychochemicals, hallucinogens, and drugs used during the Gulf War.
1995 U.S. Government admits that it had offered Japanese war criminals and scientists who had performed human medical experiments salaries and immunity from prosecution in exchange for data on biological warfare research.
1995 Dr. Garth Nicolson, uncovers evidence that the biological agents used during the Gulf War had been manufactured in Houston, TX and Boca Raton, Fl and tested on prisoners in the Texas Department of Corrections.
1996 Department of Defense admits that Desert Storm soldiers were exposed to chemical agents.
1997 Eighty-eight members of Congress sign a letter demanding an investigation into bioweapons use & Gulf War Syndrome.
I mean if you look at what science has tried in the past then nothing is off the table. Why assume patented humans when these are so many other possibilities of what is taking place? You’re using a few instances of bad to support a possibility, when you’re not including all the other instances of bad, of good, of neutral.
The Supreme Court made it clear that abstract ideas, natural phenomena, and laws of nature are not patentable subject matter. However, it "ruled that if there is anything synthetic, not from nature, inside of our genome, then whoever owns the patent on those synthetic parts now owns part or all of you as a human.
In Diamond v. Chakrabarty, 447 U.S. 303 (1980), the U.S. Supreme Court, in 5-4 decision, affirmed. It ruled, in part:
Living, man-made micro-organism is patentable subject matter as a “manufacture” or “composition of matter” within the meaning of the Patent Act of 1952. The fact that the organism sought to be patented is alive is no bar to patentability. The case paved the way for biotechnology companies and universities. The OncoMouse, patented by Harvard in 1988, was the first mammal ever patented. Harvard scientists genetically-modified mice to be predisposed to cancer (thus the “onco” prefix) so other scientists could study the disease.
Scientists have since created an entire discipline on “transgenic non-human mammals.” Of course there are serious ethical concerns. But the practice continue.
The case that provides the blueprint for pharmaceutical companies claiming ownership of your genes is Association for Molecular Pathology v. Myriad Genetics, Inc., 569 U.S. 576 (2013). This case originated from a Utah-based company called Myriad Genetics.
Several Plaintiffs, including Yale, Columbia, individual patients, and patient advocacy groups filed a lawsuit against Myriad and the University of Utah in May of 2009. The Plaintiffs argued that BRCA1 and BRCA2 are not patent-eligible subject matter under 35 U.S.C. § 101 because they are naturally-occurring. Myriad argued that it isolated the sequences of the DNA and that the Patent Office had issued patents for other companies doing the same thing.
A long legal battle ensued that included two writs of certiorari to the U.S. Supreme Court. The Federal Circuit twice affirmed that both isolated DNA and cDNA are patentable.** Ultimately the Supreme Court ruled that only cDNA (synthetic DNA) is patentable.** Isolated, natural DNA is not patentable. Breast and ovarian cancer screening got much cheaper after the ruling since Myriad no longer owned patents on naturally-occurring genes and thus the testing.
On to Pfizer, Moderna, Et Al. And Your Genes.
The synthetic mRNA of Pfizer and Moderna, along with the viral vector DNA delivery systems of Johnson & Johnson and AstraZeneca, change your genetic code, making you “genetically-modified.” Granted mainstream media say the foregoing is “conspiracy theory.” But Moderna Chief Medical Officer Tal Zaks tells you straight up that the shots change your genetic code. He calls the Moderna shot “hacking the software of life.” Viral vectors do the same thing.
So do these companies “own you” once you get the shots? Well, they own mice and bacteria created with their inventions. Once you get these shots, you are no longer a “naturally-occurring” human being. Prosthetic limbs, breast implants, etc. are not “natural” per se. But they are removable and not part of what fundamentally makes you human. Gene therapy is irreversible. Do the math yourself.
Did the corporation of the United States 'own' you after 1871, when they defrauded you into believing the corporate straw man created from your birth certificate? Did anyone tell you that corporation was a diction and not the real flesh and blood you? The word for this from the Greek is 'pharmakeia', which means anyone in positions of authority, whether it is government, corporate, church, or positions of influence causing its people to stumble and be harmed because of their deceit is likened to witchcraft. Isn't ironic that pharmacy is derived from this term and a witchcraft magic symbol is used for promoting it?
Sadly you are already chattel property owned by the state. Your birth certificate and social both have investment accounts opened in your fictional name.
You contracted through marriage, drivers license , professional credentialing and licensing, incorporation and birth certificate.
A slave who they give permission to work Or run a business through registration and regulation. A self inflicted wound.
.as for their patent, well killing you doesn't benefit them much.
Everything you said was spot-on until this following statement:
Hospitals are receiving $48 thousand per COVID-19 death. This is why hospitals are now a very dangerous place to be. They are profiting on death. I have come to call hospitals "Nurse's Penitentiaries". Jim Morrison said this in a song called "Shaman Blues". I regress though.
Back to the topic. The larger agenda has always been about depopulation. Why does the cryptocracy want to reduce the world population by 90 percent? Why, it's a much easier population to control. Is this crazy? Not any more crazy than this democidal mRNA vaxxine. We are watching it in real time.
Population control is a euphemism for depopulation. I've been telling people this for over 30 years. I've been ridiculed and mocked by acquaintances and even family members when I'd point out the vectors for all the accepted societal and political dogmas that point to depopulation. A vector of course is a quantity represented by an arrow the direction of which indicates the direction of the quantity and the length of which is proportional to the magnitude. As an example abortion is a vector that has a direction and magnitude, which points directly at depopulation. War, euthanasia, drugs, and now the mRNA injectoid all vectors for depopulation. The elites openly discuss depopulation. The Georgia Guide Stones marked the open declaration of their intent. The Deagel Report forecasting the 2025 depopulation was no mistake. Deagel, a real intelligence organization for the U.S. government, predicts massive global depopulation (50-80%) by 2025. It's ironic the Rockefeller Report called the "Rockefeller Lockstep 2010" agrees with the Deagel forecast and is indeed the COVID-19 Plandemic blueprint being carried out.
In summary, the information above is a snippet of the voluminous of other evidence readily available. Their goal is exactly the long mocked 'tin-foil' hat allegation that depopulation is indeed a central pillar to the cryptocracy's plan for a one world totalitarian government. I believe we are witnessing it in real time.
Always wondered what Morrison meant by this
Yea, it struck me. Why would he use "Nursin' penitentiary'? It's a emotional thought put to on paper and has is a different verse and thought from "Out on the train yard". Was this his glimpse into the future? Isn't this what hospitals have become? There are many other prophetic words Morrison spoke and some of them are extraordinary. He was more clairvoyant and prescient than many people know.
Yeah, I think he was a far better poet than Nobel Laureate Bob Dylan...at least, I should say I like his stuff way better.
I agree completely. Jim Morrison was original and a creative genius. Dylan on the other hand, was a front man for 'Operation Rolling Stone'. Dylan's meteoric rise in New York in 1961 simply isn't believable. He was playing in Greenwich Village for only about six months, had no original material, hadn't written any of his great early songs yet, and somehow the New York Times does a review of him? Hmmmm...
Ah yes Robert Zimmerman (aka Bob Dylan) was quite the incredible story. Have ever read Miles Mathis expose on Bob Dylan(http://mileswmathis.com/dylanDOTpdf). Make sure you change the "DOT" for the link I provided. Do you remember Joni Mitchell's strange public disparagement of Dylan. There's more of interest to the story.
This is your disbelief of something insidious. Except evil has no limits and plays by no rules. Prove me wrong.
The Supreme Court ruled on this in 2004. The requirement is a synthetic organism is patentable. A natural organism is not patentable. A GMO product is patentable. So, the answer is it must be a synthetic creation. The question is --- Those who submit to the mRNA vaxxine, are they genetically modifying (synthetically) their DNA. The answer is yes. The cryptocracy isn't going to tell you this, just as they didn't tell anyone after 1871 that their Constitutional government was replaced by a corporation.
Over 100 years ago, Rudolf Steiner warned of a diabolical plot to vaccinate all of humanity. He wasn't the only one either. I find that uncanny.
As a result of pharmaceuticals and toxins, which are vastly petro-chemically derived, our individual ability to be 'connected' with God is increasingly clouded. In fact, all anthropogenic pharmaceuticals compromise the immune system.
Do you think we arrived at this crisis overnight? What makes a slave?
Corticosteroids - brand names such as prednisone are medications that treat conditions including arthritis, asthma, allergic reactions, and autoimmune diseases such as lupus, sarcoidosis, or inflammatory bowel disease.
TNF inhibitors are medications that treat autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, and inflammatory bowel disease. Heartburn Drugs that suppress stomach acid.
Statin Drugs to lower cholesterol such as Lipitor, Mevacor, Pravachol.
SSRI Antidepressants such as Prozac, Zoloft, and Paxil.
Proton pump inhibitors or PPIs such as Nexium, Prevacid, and Prilosec.
Opioid Drugs such as hydrocodone, oxycodone, fentanyl, codeine, and morphine block the immune system’s ability to attack viral and bacterial invaders.
Some Pain killing drugs such as Tramdol combine an opioid with acetaminophen (e.g. Tylenol), further compromising the immune system with acetaminophen’s toxic effects on liver function, Acetaminophen (e.g. Tylenol) is very hard on the liver, the body’s major organ of detoxification. A simple dosage mixup, such as giving a teaspoon of liquid acetaminophen vs. a dropperful, can cause liver damage, particularly in children. When the body is invaded by a virus or bacteria, the debris of the battle is processed through the liver. A compromised liver cannot effectively remove toxins caused by infection.
Fake fragrances, also known as fakegrances, such as the (so called) air fresheners, scented laundry soaps and personal care products, candles, and most perfumes can be problematic, especially with young children and the elderly.
That’s a lot of words to say “I think I’m more important than I really am”
If these links and evidence provided are interpretation by you as hubris, then you really need to have more confidence in yourself because that's really pathetic. Thanks for the laugh though. I'll end the correspondence with you now because there really isn't any value of me continuing.
That’s fine, I just think you’re drawing connections where there aren’t any, no one wants to patent you, simple as that. Patents are worth money because you can license them out to be other businesses, why would anyone want to license you? All of your other fluff is besides the point and you’re just offering them because you want someone to agree with you, sorry but I don’t. If you can’t see the contradictory nature of your argument then I too am done with our correspondence.
This is again you're personal denial of evil. I provided you the 1871 proof of betrayal to your sovereignty and also the 'oncamouse' patent for a new synthetic species. The oncamouse looks identical to the 'natural' mouse species, but the Supreme Court ruled it no longer belongs to a 'natural' species and therefore is a new species.
Many people, including myself still under-estimate the widespread prevalence of evil and how utterly far evil goes. It's hard to wrap one's mind around it. There is no limit to evil. In the past, many people denied the communist conspiracy against America. It turns out Cleon Skousen's 1958 phophetic book "The Naked Communist" was uncanningly correct. He was vilified, mocked, harassed, and discredited. Yet, every thing about that book is true today. The same happened to William Cooper. He was murdered because he was the most popular talk-show host in America and was too big of a threat to the Cryptocracy. His book "Behold a Pale Horse" was prophetic too. He even provided the documents he obtained of their medical Marshall Law plans. People denied that adrenochrome harvesting (because they couldn't accept the truth) was sacrificing thousands of children each year to obtain this drug.
So I regret my 'fluff' shows you are compartmentalizing evil. You are telling us where evil exists and where it doesn't. Gad, I wish I had your insight. My perspective is evil is everywhere. One has to prove to me otherwise. With evil, you see, all things are possible, especially when people refuse to believe it is possible. Look where we are now. How many people are awakening to a tyranny and a 'mad' bunch of over lord lunatics committing democide worldwide.
If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.
Again, no one wants to patent you
I feel the same way because this entire hoax has to end, or else there will never be an end in our life times.
How will that stop the idiots from. Forcing vaccines. Frivolously remark much?
Time for more bong loads.
Whoo! Bong loads!
Where, exactly, is the LARPing here?
Are you saying that this is all fake?
That not a single organization is forcing someone to get vaccinated against his or her will?
That authoritarians in power are not ostracizing and expelling people from society for not taking the vaccine?
That people of color, who supposedly are unlikely to have identification and lack means of finding resources, and who have had horrible experiments done on them in the name of “science”, should be segregated from society, and that’s just ok?
That there’s no incongruity in the logic that a vaccine that does not prevent viral spread or contraction of disease should be mandated “to protect others”?
Pray tell, where’s the LARP?
coughs out smoke
Sorry, cqvfefe just gave me bong loads. What was the question again?
If they can push this on us without proper approval, testing, or liability coverage, it will set a precedent that its ok to experiment on us. It will give all businesses and authorities a green light to ask for your medical records, for employment, casual shopping, and even short commutes going outside your house, heck even living in your house, news is landlords are already discriminating based on vaccination status. It will give big pharma more opportunities to push out unlimited bullshit boosters and it will be paid for with our tax dollars. Your ability to provide or deny consent is at risk! If this shoe gets in the door it will never close and it will never stop...
And it will be muzzles on children for years and years and years. Don’t let them think there is some level of compliance you can reach that will make them stop. That’s not the game they are playing. Once you jump through one hoop, they will make you jump through another. Even if you take the injections, they will push to the next thing and you will be back in the same position you were before, only weaker.
When it comes to fighting totalitarianism, we are stronger now than later. We are still at that point where people lament that if they had only stopped it then. Think now where we would be if we had all resisted the mask mandates. Think how much easier it would have been to stop it then and return back to normal before people forgot what normal was.
This is indeed the worldwide Tuskegee Experiment. Did you know Congress authorized secretly experimenting on the US population? Do you know the History Of US Secret Human Experimentation.
It's been going on for a very long time. It's just that their 'push' to depopulate and to gain absolute control (servitude) over us makes their using 'plausible deniability' ineffective anymore..
Jesus spoke to a woman and said on, 9/14/202 1 2:15pm:
"My child, the danger to mankind is not the evil forces that seek to rule the world, it is those who seek to comply with evil."
This is from the "Mary Refuge of Souls" prophesies and not found anywhere in the Bible.
I posted Jesus spoke to the woman on Sept. 9th of this year. Never claimed it was from the Bible.
It's good. I wanted to assure clarification.
Perpetual war for perpetual peace.
Couldnt agree more. This is a hill to die on.
As such, I gave the boss a straight up answer: have the paperwork ready to fire me. This Vax is not a cure, its a death sentence crapshoor and i aint playin.
We'll see what happens.
My neighbor is hardcore republican hates Biden etc. Already had JJ shot. Yesterday he said if he has to get a booster or another shot for work he will. He says “it will be mandatory next public school year, kids get all sorts of shots anyway, will have enough data by then for these it’ll be fine” shook my head in disgust.
Blind as a Wuhan bat.
Kek! Sad but true. It’s wild. Like said bat.
What is somewhat 'surprising' to me, if not infuriating, is many of these republicans wear 'Christian' on their sleeves. Yet, they are full of denial in regards to the 2 thousand year Christian belief that our bodies are the temple of the Lord and by polluting it is contrary to the Divine Order set forth by the Holy Spirit. God has given us a marvelous immune system that has gotten us to this point in time. No one can outdo what Nature has produced.
yep I have a friend who is republican and also mormon and she just told me she is OK with vax mandates and wishes everyone had gotten the vaccine right at the get-go. its like theres this whole giant subset of "mainstream conservatives" who somehow still accept the liberal version of reality.
It’s unbelievable. Ron Johnsons recent video here literally shows how after mass vax the cases skyrocketed. You can’t coach stupid!
Not sure if the leftist shame tactic is the best approach for this.
The truth is the best approach. If you wear a mask, your are a huge part of the problem and should be called out for it.
Add a disincentive to compliance. That makes sense.
But tell me, for those in hostile zones what will be there for those facing the repercussions of non-conpliance? Will you be there to stand up for them?
Think, actions have objectives. How helpful will this attitude be in reaching the intended objective?
I was fired for refusing the vaccine. I've been denied food for not wearing a mask. I won't ever put a mask on again.
My sincere compliments, must be tough. I'm in a similar position but not as harsh.
But that doesn't answer the core question of my previous comment.
What is the goal of the stance taken in the OP? And will it actually help acheiving that goal?
Remember why many people voted for Trump despite believing the MSM lies of him being a "pussy grabbing racist". Remember why the Walkaway movement gained traction.
Don't repeat the mistakes of your enemy.
I don't think there is a good excuse to be 50+ years old and still under this mass hypnosis. I'm 31 and would have been suspicious of all this in my early twenties.
Ignorance is not bliss. I'm going to send some energy towards ignorance and shake people up. I'm glad that it will make them uncomfortable. They need to wake up.
Certain personalities seem more succeptable than others. My mother has a bunch of siblings and two of them are completely lost to the illusion, and beyond that, they have been threatening the others for not complying. It's crazy. What's funny is those two consider themself the "smartest" ones. They aren't, they just have ego issues.
Are you fucking kidding me. I knew this when I was 23. Book called none dare call it a conspiracy lmao.
Blindness is a thing and this wasnt obvious at all until a few years ago. Which is the only readon you know jack shit. If you were 60 years old today you would still just be finding out.
Also, we will see just how open you are to truth soon when shit that even the most open minded people in here won't believe comes out.
I know these are tough times and this is a question several other people are asking. In a very similar situation, Jesus asked a rich man to leave all his possessions and join Him. This story ought to be heavily considered in our current dilemma. There's little doubt the Evil One uses a mirror to pervert what is good. Isn't ironic our current situation, with the choice of 'selling' one's soul in exchange for a job is really the same issue the rich man had? It all centers around the 'Love of money is the root to all evil'. It really is that simple. We are being asked once again to have faith in Him. The rich man rejected Jesus to save his wealth at the cost of his salvation. Here people are being asked the same thing.
God provides.... if only we would believe this.
Same here. Kicked out of s grocery store.
Will l be there to stand up for them???
I am them.
Saying No to vax = Civil Disobedience = warrior in this spiritual fight. Trust in Jesus, not man.
Pray for our military and give them strength to put God and their health before submitting to the Covid shot. What good are your benefits, if the shot ruins your health and that of future progeny, or kills you?
Bu, but, bu muh job, muh retirement, muh future!!!
Silly sheep, jabs are for fags.
I agree that it’s an IQ test, but the DS needs to know who is swayed and who is not. At what point or pressure do they give in? Who’s going to give them trouble in the future.
Exactly. This is it. The principle of it.
Once you take the vaccine, you can never "untake" it. This is a permanent decision. We do not know what will happen, period.
Excellent video by the same man, Professor Sucharit Bhakdi, if you haven't seen it:
Perspectives on the Pandemic | "Blood Clots and Beyond" | Episode 15
It's a smoking gun.