Trump admitted to us he was corrupt in the past, he was a Democrat businessman for god sakes. But he was a moral man, and he did only what was necessary to get along. That's why he was approached by Q I believe. He was given this opportunity to atone and save the nation he loves.
Doesnt mean you arent still going to go down when it all comes out. But his exact word where "they are all bought and paid for, I should know, I was the one buying them" or something like that.
He talked openly about bribing government officials, which is basically stealing the rights of the people, but when bribery is so widespread its forgivable totally.
"They're all bough and paid for, I know, I was the one buying them"
Something like that, said in a joking way, but it's still the truth. You really think the media is going to being attention to politicians being paid off? Lol.
If it's so widespread that you cannot do business without engaging in it, than I can understand the helplessness involved and forgive those who have felt forced to engaged in it. Especially if they stopped when they had the chance to do something about it.
If everyone is stealing the food off the lunch cart, and you are going to starve because it gets all stolen and you cant even buy any, it changes your moral obligations. Now, if you are the first to steal, then you deserve the worst punishment applicable, and may god have mercy on your soul.
Apply a little common sense before you get all outraged. It's annoying.
I have a theory Trump may be in deep hiding while all this plays out. Remember the speech he said he passed a lot of rich people off and "you might not see me for awhile"
Would it be impossible that he is even using doubles on occasion and maybe that is why it is also hard to find scavino? Also why they are freaking out because they can't find the boogeyman? Remember when they were trying to track him via Twitter?
Trumps first words back need to be "sorry folks, complicated business, did you miss me?"
Just like his first words on election night when he won
One of the most interesting things she said during the impeachment hearings was she knew the Steele Dossier was complete rubbish before it ever made it into the public eye. She also said she knew Christopher Steele personally. Nevertheless she remained silent.
Unlike her OpEd defense of Obama’s failure to render the Ukraine any serious aid while being attacked by Russia. And unlike her complete willingness to cast aspersions, but zero hard evidence during the impeachment hearings. Her silence on the origins and credibility of the Steele Dossier tells you everything you need to know about her.
The fact that Nussbaum and Co are in Durham's crosshairs is the whole reason she's come out of hibernation
RussiaGate is now about prosecuting the liars that made it up!
There's lots of them who worked the lie together. That's called a CONSPIRACY.
She's working to save her own ass. Plus she's scared they'll make her stay in a man's prison if they find that penis "she" was born with....
The use of the word "function" is particularly eye catching. "Survive" is also terrifying. To think how many times he put himself at risk. I used to think "How is he walking out in public so openly? I mean I know he has SS, but God damn."
Another q proof. There’s no way he was one business man that got elected on a fluke and runs his mouth and fucks up the DS plans and stays alive. (Unless he’s a black hat but then we would have been fucked either way but we wouldn’t know it)
Disclosure hasn't happened yet, so everything Trump says is going to be as if he has zero inside knowledge, that's how it has to be. The more important part of that letter was him saying what his "function" was. That's a big wink at us.
Starting a message this way still creates bias that it is dooming even before it's read...I expected a doom message to come next, though it didn't ;)
does it mean nothing is happening behind the scenes to save this country?
Absolutely not—unless we are to believe that Trump, Scavino, Pompeo, Flynn, and Lindell have suddenly gone clinically insane, SIMULTANEOUSLY... and begun sharing hopeful, powerfully positive messages about 'the best is yet to come' and WWG1WGA—just to psychologically torture the most fervent patriots in the country—when they know no help is on the way. None of these men has ever displayed signs of being a sociopath before. So the odds of all of them suddenly doing it at once are virtually zero.
I've shared this logic here a number of times before, and no one has even attempted to refute it. Seems pretty solid IMHO :)
His function was to "save our country and survive".
Sounds awfully close to "the Military asked me to run so they could put the Q plan into effect and save the Republic and then I had to just ride out the 4 years taking the arrows so they could work undisturbed in the shadows."
we all do
Yes ...Yes we do!
"my function was to save our Country and SURVIVE"
"our Country is not being saved, it is in big trouble"
Not sure which of those two statements are the scarier reality...... That one about one of his functions was to survive......yikes.
In that context.......what has happened after the election up to now makes sense.
Trump admitted to us he was corrupt in the past, he was a Democrat businessman for god sakes. But he was a moral man, and he did only what was necessary to get along. That's why he was approached by Q I believe. He was given this opportunity to atone and save the nation he loves.
Doesnt mean you arent still going to go down when it all comes out. But his exact word where "they are all bought and paid for, I should know, I was the one buying them" or something like that.
He talked openly about bribing government officials, which is basically stealing the rights of the people, but when bribery is so widespread its forgivable totally.
I don't remember that either, do you have any source? Feels like that clip would be played a lot in the MSM media if it exists.
"They're all bough and paid for, I know, I was the one buying them"
Something like that, said in a joking way, but it's still the truth. You really think the media is going to being attention to politicians being paid off? Lol.
What are you talking about?! “Stealing the rights of the people” but when it’s so widespread it’s forgivable?! Omg
If it's so widespread that you cannot do business without engaging in it, than I can understand the helplessness involved and forgive those who have felt forced to engaged in it. Especially if they stopped when they had the chance to do something about it.
If everyone is stealing the food off the lunch cart, and you are going to starve because it gets all stolen and you cant even buy any, it changes your moral obligations. Now, if you are the first to steal, then you deserve the worst punishment applicable, and may god have mercy on your soul.
Apply a little common sense before you get all outraged. It's annoying.
That is a great scene. I miss old Rodney.
Ha! I had to search for and go find that scene again. Haven’t seen that movie in years. The most hilarious part is the triple lindy dive at the pool🤣
He explained in a recent interview that survive meant survive the onslaught of fake news and horrible criminality and corruption from the left.
I have a theory Trump may be in deep hiding while all this plays out. Remember the speech he said he passed a lot of rich people off and "you might not see me for awhile"
Would it be impossible that he is even using doubles on occasion and maybe that is why it is also hard to find scavino? Also why they are freaking out because they can't find the boogeyman? Remember when they were trying to track him via Twitter?
Trumps first words back need to be "sorry folks, complicated business, did you miss me?"
Just like his first words on election night when he won
One of the most interesting things she said during the impeachment hearings was she knew the Steele Dossier was complete rubbish before it ever made it into the public eye. She also said she knew Christopher Steele personally. Nevertheless she remained silent.
Unlike her OpEd defense of Obama’s failure to render the Ukraine any serious aid while being attacked by Russia. And unlike her complete willingness to cast aspersions, but zero hard evidence during the impeachment hearings. Her silence on the origins and credibility of the Steele Dossier tells you everything you need to know about her.
The fact that Nussbaum and Co are in Durham's crosshairs is the whole reason she's come out of hibernation . RussiaGate is now about prosecuting the liars that made it up!
There's lots of them who worked the lie together. That's called a CONSPIRACY.
She's working to save her own ass. Plus she's scared they'll make her stay in a man's prison if they find that penis "she" was born with....
The use of the word "function" is particularly eye catching. "Survive" is also terrifying. To think how many times he put himself at risk. I used to think "How is he walking out in public so openly? I mean I know he has SS, but God damn."
This man is an absolute beast.
Another q proof. There’s no way he was one business man that got elected on a fluke and runs his mouth and fucks up the DS plans and stays alive. (Unless he’s a black hat but then we would have been fucked either way but we wouldn’t know it)
Some words are capitalized that shouldn't - any meaning? For instance Survive, Border
Think Mirror: Border, Survivor = BS?
ridiculous BullShit!
Nah, it's Trump's longstanding habit to use, shall we say, creative uppercase in words that don't normally get capitalized. He does it for emphasis.
Could also be an international law thing.
Yeah, except Trump isn't a lawyer and has a history of doing this all the time for no discernible reason tied to necessity.
Agree. He may be the "sovereign" though? Idk.
"our country is not being saved.It is big trouble. ? what does that mean?
Disclosure hasn't happened yet, so everything Trump says is going to be as if he has zero inside knowledge, that's how it has to be. The more important part of that letter was him saying what his "function" was. That's a big wink at us.
Not to be a doomer, but does it mean nothing is happening behind the scenes to save this country? Or is this a misdirection tactic?
Have you people never heard of optics?
Think mirror in the water! XD
Starting a message this way still creates bias that it is dooming even before it's read...I expected a doom message to come next, though it didn't ;)
Absolutely not—unless we are to believe that Trump, Scavino, Pompeo, Flynn, and Lindell have suddenly gone clinically insane, SIMULTANEOUSLY... and begun sharing hopeful, powerfully positive messages about 'the best is yet to come' and WWG1WGA—just to psychologically torture the most fervent patriots in the country—when they know no help is on the way. None of these men has ever displayed signs of being a sociopath before. So the odds of all of them suddenly doing it at once are virtually zero.
I've shared this logic here a number of times before, and no one has even attempted to refute it. Seems pretty solid IMHO :)
Nor will I. Sound logic. 🤔
User name checks out :)
His function was to "save our country and survive".
Sounds awfully close to "the Military asked me to run so they could put the Q plan into effect and save the Republic and then I had to just ride out the 4 years taking the arrows so they could work undisturbed in the shadows."
Or am I reading too much into this lol
Sounds about right🐸
Did anyone else notice what he said about Kim Jong Un referring to John Bolton?
Trump kills me talking about the fake news with ...
Fiona Hill looks like a man to me, and I don't usually notice this, but HE/SHE?? Manny.
The Truth Teller speaks!
“My function”
“(I liked that)”
I know… right? Love my President and miss him too!
Calling someone a stiff is the most New York thing ever.
My function is to save our country and survive. If that doesn’t tell you something, I don’t know what will.
Does he say "deep state" often?
Only recently, hes started dropping it like crazy.
Fauci meme? Deep state department? Bueller?
“Deface the nation “ Kek....”Meet the Fake Press” double kek
There is some weird capitalization in there again. It has to mean something when he does this.
Good, he's keeping his talons and fangs sharp for the big fight on the horizon
Killed and Hannity love that Bitch
He called her a Deep State stiff. and said "was." How else to let us know she's dead?