You beat me to it. It is like they have one setting.
My girlfriend had a VW Rabbit in college. There was a point where the heater would not turn off and it ran full blast when you turned on the car. Riding around when it was 90 degrees outside was not a pleasant experience. The left and their full throttle triggers remind me of that car. Miserable and you couldn't shut it off...
I had a VW Scirocco a couple decades ago, it was the biggest hunk of shit I’ve ever owned. It was fun to drive, when it wanted to work. I swore I would never own another VW ever again.
Well that sucks. I was hoping they went under. Why do they get to do this and then turn around and rescind? Do people really just flip and switch and go back? I wouldn't be giving anyone business if they wanted to segregate me or wanted me dead - even if they changed their mind one day.
Do people really just flip and switch and go back?
Yes. It's odd having conversations with coworkers and they discuss their season tickets to football games. How could you support that when they hate you? Ehh...leftists.
Funny how you want out money. Please help these people fail. No sport is cool enough to comply with a mandate to enjoy. If you still support woke sports then fuck you too.
Breitbart (website which I believe has been compromised for some time) I think it’s time to toss the word “leftist.” These branch Covidian people are communist authoritarian nanny-staters. So call them communists and break out of the stupid left/right paradigm we’ve been purposefully boxed into. It keeps people in our country shut off from the truth.
I disagree. It's about getting the most people infected in the shortest amount of time. How to do that? By jamming people into close quarters, whether they're vaxxed or not.
Can these NPCs just stop for a moment and realize they're authoritarians and not 'liberals'?? Tyrants are always miserable
You beat me to it. It is like they have one setting.
My girlfriend had a VW Rabbit in college. There was a point where the heater would not turn off and it ran full blast when you turned on the car. Riding around when it was 90 degrees outside was not a pleasant experience. The left and their full throttle triggers remind me of that car. Miserable and you couldn't shut it off...
Ahhhhh refreshing to see comments like this.
Pure and simple.
And nothing but hot air!
I was actually discussing a Rabbit yesterday. That's hilarious.
My Mrs. was using hers .... well until the batteries died....!
I had a VW Scirocco a couple decades ago, it was the biggest hunk of shit I’ve ever owned. It was fun to drive, when it wanted to work. I swore I would never own another VW ever again.
My sister taught me how to drive when I was 11 in our stick shift,orange rabbit! I will never forget that.
The same people that would gladly turn you into the Gestapo for not being vaxed and laughing as you were tossed into the truck.
Who said they were even people ? It’s just the grid, Zuckerface algobots on steroids making you think anyone cares about they say on Twitstream9000
HA HA HA it only took one month from when he announced the Vaxpass for fans. I will repeat, even going forward BOYCOTT MARK CUBAN BOYCOTT THE MAVERICKS GO WOKE GO BROKE
Fuck Mark Cuban.
The higher you go, the lower you become.
Exactly what my comment was going to be when I saw his face. Guy is the biggest deucebag ever
Yep. American hating communist-capitalist Chinese puppet.
He's gone beyond being a douchebag. He's a douchenozzle.
I hope Cuban takes all the boosters
Well that sucks. I was hoping they went under. Why do they get to do this and then turn around and rescind? Do people really just flip and switch and go back? I wouldn't be giving anyone business if they wanted to segregate me or wanted me dead - even if they changed their mind one day.
Yes. It's odd having conversations with coworkers and they discuss their season tickets to football games. How could you support that when they hate you? Ehh...leftists.
Leftists working? 🤔
In all seriousness, though, it's not really so much leftists as it is sleepy normies.
He’s such a piece of shit overall
Funny how you want out money. Please help these people fail. No sport is cool enough to comply with a mandate to enjoy. If you still support woke sports then fuck you too.
I support based UFC and that’s it.
I hope the unvaccinated fans stay away and stick it to Cuban.
Good a flip-flopper. We can use that against him if he runs for office.
Breitbart (website which I believe has been compromised for some time) I think it’s time to toss the word “leftist.” These branch Covidian people are communist authoritarian nanny-staters. So call them communists and break out of the stupid left/right paradigm we’ve been purposefully boxed into. It keeps people in our country shut off from the truth.
commie rat bastards
Good for him!
Follow the $cience
If Cuban thought providing his "fans" with hot and cold running babies' blood would improve his bottom line, he would install it immediately.
I wonder what changed his mind to make it ok for all the fans to die of the covid
I would rather whack my dick with a ball pein hammer than give that fucktard a single . red . cent .
Lefties and sportsball. Two things I can’t stand. They deserve each other.
Once a traitor always a traitor. Where’s your mask marky?
His cards are all on the table. We aren’t deceived and we will never forget
I disagree. It's about getting the most people infected in the shortest amount of time. How to do that? By jamming people into close quarters, whether they're vaxxed or not.
Meh. The real hook for the totalitarians is in contact tracing and restricting your liberty by finding associates, Soviet-style
Seriously, it’s all about the money. Top down...all about the money.