Which makes this post by Trump all the more strategic: declare victory because the average person can assume it's a victory, and if the switch is indeed flipped overnight, the feeling of betrayal is that much more strong, because emotionally you already started to cling to the idea of victory. He's creating an emotional peak, so if there's an emotional valley, the disparity is greater, causing more outrage.
This is good because a motivated base is a strong base. And that motivation is primed for something greater up Qs sleeve.
The votes were held up due to supply chain issues and the shipping ports being blocked. Biden will clear this up with a quick call to Newsom and Pelosi.
Each comment gets better ty ,,fkn people at the tax office just today told me that the mistake on my house tax bill was probably due to covid , I was so stunned that the chick on the phone had to say ma’am are you still there .. I said yes ..oh I’m sorry someone was at my door and I had to tell them my door bell is no longer working due to covid that they would have to knock ..she literally said , can’t people read I’m sure you have a sign up ..I said no , I had to take it down due to covid , I then said thank you and don’t forget to get your booster , she said oh yes I already got mine. I hung up ..you just can’t make this up , people are gone !
I noticed that too, I must have missed it originally. Right before that it says D_insider_term so it could be that T_Wash is a codeword or phrase (terminology), laundering money does seem plausible. At first I thought it might be a name of someone, a D (insider)?
Fairfax is a cell pool of corruption, challenges DC in that and largely goes completely unexamined (less accountability than DC if you can image). Many of the DC swamp rats live on Fairfax, so there you go. . .
Dominion literally ran like rats from their
Toronto offices ( same building as Soros's Tide foundation) right after election and hide. Coomer is toast. Small and middle bureaucrats were deposed in Georgia months ago ( the crew who kicked everyone out under guide of water main break, Ruby Freeman, her daughter and supervisor Share Moss and Ralph Jones (elections chief), possibly also his niece, who coincidentally ( not!) worked for Atlanta's water system) and pulled the ballots from under tables to scan 3-4x as well and "covertly" transferring USB sticks to one another on camera. More video with sound shows much more, many involved, some already resigned, Ralph Jones and others, the low players probably made deals. Ralph Jones Jr. is also top side to Stacy Abrams and lots of dirt there, too. I will make a full post on it when I have time.
PA is the keystone to the fraud and hopefully, that battle has begun in earnest, but is not being leaked as yet. PS AG Josh Shapiro must NOT cheat his way into governor on Nov 8, running as the only Dem candidate.
Thank you for taking the time to respond - you bring up many good points. We can pull at a lot of threads that suggest big moves are happening behind the scenes, right as we speak.
I just hope it's not all political theatre. Feels like deception has been cranked to 11 these last few years. People deserve better.
No problem, and I agree that it seems like a lot of political theater going on, much certainly is, but there are real investigations happening as well, behind the theater. This is war, and tens of millions more have come to know this in the last year. Have hope, have faith, and never back down form the truth. Be prepared to be be attacked aggressively by these criminal scumbags, they will attempt to destroy you by any means, but know the truth, Logos, rests with use. Read John thoroughly. This will be biblical is becoming present. This is biblical. God Bless you, fren 🙏 and all fighting in whatever way we can.
It's a fantastic change, but public awareness alone won't fix our voting system.
Our enemies' ability to cheat is perhaps greater than ever, now that they have seized control of the highest levels of government.
It upsets some people when I say things like this, but the reason I do it is because I believe in the longterm value of public awareness. We need to be able to face reality for what is if we want any hope of effecting real change.
Without public awareness it won't be fixed either. The cockroaches need to be exposed with light so bright that there is no more dark for them to hide.
My BF was unglued watching MSM “scramble”. They blamed it on race, Dems not voting, and uneducated white women. It’s 100% devolution. I wouldn’t be surprised in the least to see the number change when we wake up. Like groundhogs day. BUT we know. Not everyone does, so they continue to come (and comment) and doom BUT they are seeking the truth. Be patient my fren, WWG1WGA. We’re just more exhausted than most
McAuliffe has not yet conceded. He's probably waiting for a late night ballot dump.
Which makes this post by Trump all the more strategic: declare victory because the average person can assume it's a victory, and if the switch is indeed flipped overnight, the feeling of betrayal is that much more strong, because emotionally you already started to cling to the idea of victory. He's creating an emotional peak, so if there's an emotional valley, the disparity is greater, causing more outrage.
This is good because a motivated base is a strong base. And that motivation is primed for something greater up Qs sleeve.
Wonder if he'll have John Podesta show up to make a concession speech like he did for Hillary?
Praying Youngkin's win holds.
After all, today is "11.3"
Still lots of votes to count from the veterans of the civil war.
Robert E Lee and his men still need there votes counted.
The votes were held up due to supply chain issues and the shipping ports being blocked. Biden will clear this up with a quick call to Newsom and Pelosi.
which were held up due to covid, climate change, and Jan 6th.
Each comment gets better ty ,,fkn people at the tax office just today told me that the mistake on my house tax bill was probably due to covid , I was so stunned that the chick on the phone had to say ma’am are you still there .. I said yes ..oh I’m sorry someone was at my door and I had to tell them my door bell is no longer working due to covid that they would have to knock ..she literally said , can’t people read I’m sure you have a sign up ..I said no , I had to take it down due to covid , I then said thank you and don’t forget to get your booster , she said oh yes I already got mine. I hung up ..you just can’t make this up , people are gone !
They sheep are on autopilot. If you push the right buttons, you’ll get the expected response!
lol...love it
Yeah lol the fucks couldn’t get their container of ballots from China brahhahha
You guys are my medicine thank you
Doesnt matter. Murphy committed genocide and lots of other crimes I’m sure so even if he fake-wins he will be gone soon regardless. He did not win.
Those veterans got cancelled when it got woke… Arlington is Lee’s property, obviously they all headed down to Florida for sunnier pastures!
Lol Howls ty needed that ...although they were probably red votes
"Taxes Washed" ?
Probably a term for money laundering. Sounds like he may have used term in other posts about soros.
I noticed that too, I must have missed it originally. Right before that it says D_insider_term so it could be that T_Wash is a codeword or phrase (terminology), laundering money does seem plausible. At first I thought it might be a name of someone, a D (insider)?
Arent absentee ballots getting counted Friday?
And Saturday depending on how many are needed.
To fkn funny omg these comments are classic
Great post Thank Q
As a Brit, I'm a token maga :D
We're all MAGA here brother/sister. Doesn't matter where you are from, if you want freedom, you are MAGA.
still votes to count during the graveyard shift.... the votes coming FROM the graveyard!
He all capped BASE which raised an eyebrow.
Base = 162 in English gematria
162 = JFK
On the same night that jfk Jr conspiracy theorists were hanging out at the grassy knoll awaiting his return...
Very odd...
All of these Republicans that get elected had better do a great job!
I noticed how he capitalized "BASE". Is that code for anything?
Has McAuliffe conceded yet? Then it ain't over.
Fairfax is a cell pool of corruption, challenges DC in that and largely goes completely unexamined (less accountability than DC if you can image). Many of the DC swamp rats live on Fairfax, so there you go. . .
Now audit it. Today.
Youngkin distance himself from Tump which helped him with the suburban white women, it's a real problem for Trump, I know many that hate the man.
So then what has changed since the 2020 election? Did I miss an announcement where it was fixed and dominion has been arrested?
Nothing has changed that the public has been made aware of.
This is a premature celebration, to say the least.
Dominion literally ran like rats from their Toronto offices ( same building as Soros's Tide foundation) right after election and hide. Coomer is toast. Small and middle bureaucrats were deposed in Georgia months ago ( the crew who kicked everyone out under guide of water main break, Ruby Freeman, her daughter and supervisor Share Moss and Ralph Jones (elections chief), possibly also his niece, who coincidentally ( not!) worked for Atlanta's water system) and pulled the ballots from under tables to scan 3-4x as well and "covertly" transferring USB sticks to one another on camera. More video with sound shows much more, many involved, some already resigned, Ralph Jones and others, the low players probably made deals. Ralph Jones Jr. is also top side to Stacy Abrams and lots of dirt there, too. I will make a full post on it when I have time.
PA is the keystone to the fraud and hopefully, that battle has begun in earnest, but is not being leaked as yet. PS AG Josh Shapiro must NOT cheat his way into governor on Nov 8, running as the only Dem candidate.
God Bless you all and NCSWIC!!!
Thank you for taking the time to respond - you bring up many good points. We can pull at a lot of threads that suggest big moves are happening behind the scenes, right as we speak.
I just hope it's not all political theatre. Feels like deception has been cranked to 11 these last few years. People deserve better.
God bless.
No problem, and I agree that it seems like a lot of political theater going on, much certainly is, but there are real investigations happening as well, behind the theater. This is war, and tens of millions more have come to know this in the last year. Have hope, have faith, and never back down form the truth. Be prepared to be be attacked aggressively by these criminal scumbags, they will attempt to destroy you by any means, but know the truth, Logos, rests with use. Read John thoroughly. This will be biblical is becoming present. This is biblical. God Bless you, fren 🙏 and all fighting in whatever way we can.
That's a big change.
It's a fantastic change, but public awareness alone won't fix our voting system.
Our enemies' ability to cheat is perhaps greater than ever, now that they have seized control of the highest levels of government.
It upsets some people when I say things like this, but the reason I do it is because I believe in the longterm value of public awareness. We need to be able to face reality for what is if we want any hope of effecting real change.
Without public awareness it won't be fixed either. The cockroaches need to be exposed with light so bright that there is no more dark for them to hide.
My BF was unglued watching MSM “scramble”. They blamed it on race, Dems not voting, and uneducated white women. It’s 100% devolution. I wouldn’t be surprised in the least to see the number change when we wake up. Like groundhogs day. BUT we know. Not everyone does, so they continue to come (and comment) and doom BUT they are seeking the truth. Be patient my fren, WWG1WGA. We’re just more exhausted than most
He isn't negative... he is well above average in positive points here.
Back up to 3% almost. They are having a tough time trying to steal. Poor them.