I haven't heard anyone specifically allege that pharma was targeting Republicans, but I have seen several posts lately to the effect that all the vax injuries come from certain batches and that most of those batches went to red states.
Example: https://greatawakening.win/p/13zzoaBYHa/exclusive-vaers-data-confirmed-1/c/
Not saying I necessarily buy that, but I have seen that allegation made more than once recently.
Being that insipidly naive is why you Australians are running through the woods at night from your government employees, so they can't drag you back to the concentration camp.
Exactly when it became popular to outsource moral responsibility. If you're right, you take the credit. If you're wrong, the government takes the blame.
I'm pretty sure we should all at least give a listen to the guy that actually survived and see how he did it? What treatments etc? Does this idiot think we should follow the treatment plan of the dead people?
Actually and suprisingly, on a list of basically all the tried drugs vs covid, melatonin was much better than ivm which was better than hcq vs death. https://c19early.com/ even better, and almost best is provodine iodine. Few drops in a mouth gargle for 1 cent. Mayb a nasal flush with a netty pot woulda stopped this "pandemic." We know this aint about a virus though.
Really? Because my first reaction was that this was a patriot pretending to be a normie in order to redpill. If it was a real normie, he would be too stupid to live, but then, some of the normie posts I see . . . maybe not. Whatever .. if it gets the right information in front of the normies, that's all I care about.
This is bull. Why would he smuggle in vitamins and ivermectin into the hospital to take, but not take it at home when he started to feel under the weather, or worse? What a waste of a post.
I don't know... this reads like a clever way to get past the censors. For example he is supposedly on a "rant" about how doctors and nurses wanted him killed. Then the author is shocked by the insanity the guy spouts out. But what is the take away from the story? The gaming buddy recovers. IDK and I don't care I suppose I am just pointing out that if you wanted to distribute information around censors this is one way to do it.
I haven't heard anyone specifically allege that pharma was targeting Republicans, but I have seen several posts lately to the effect that all the vax injuries come from certain batches and that most of those batches went to red states. Example: https://greatawakening.win/p/13zzoaBYHa/exclusive-vaers-data-confirmed-1/c/ Not saying I necessarily buy that, but I have seen that allegation made more than once recently.
Being that insipidly naive is why you Australians are running through the woods at night from your government employees, so they can't drag you back to the concentration camp.
When in the hell did it become so popular to trust government?
These kids need to open a fucking history book.
Trust in government, according to MSM, only exists when there is a democrat in office!
Exactly when it became popular to outsource moral responsibility. If you're right, you take the credit. If you're wrong, the government takes the blame.
Hell when I was a kid it was respectable to not trust the government.
The history textbooks have all been rewritten to glorify the government and whitewash all the atrocities they have committed.
Who do you think writes and approves the history books they would read?
I'm pretty sure we should all at least give a listen to the guy that actually survived and see how he did it? What treatments etc? Does this idiot think we should follow the treatment plan of the dead people?
Yes cause that's the gubmint approved treatment
Just think about how much worse it would have been had he not had ivermectin
Actually and suprisingly, on a list of basically all the tried drugs vs covid, melatonin was much better than ivm which was better than hcq vs death. https://c19early.com/ even better, and almost best is provodine iodine. Few drops in a mouth gargle for 1 cent. Mayb a nasal flush with a netty pot woulda stopped this "pandemic." We know this aint about a virus though.
3rd chart. % improvement. Higher number is better
i had pink salt and baking soda to my netty gr8 when you have snot.
There's a lot of B's hyperbole in this one. And assumptions. This one is truly and idiot
Really? Because my first reaction was that this was a patriot pretending to be a normie in order to redpill. If it was a real normie, he would be too stupid to live, but then, some of the normie posts I see . . . maybe not. Whatever .. if it gets the right information in front of the normies, that's all I care about.
This may be a master covert red-piller's work
Meet the Spy
The Great Awakening is all about people thinking for themselves
Don't nitpick
"Le rant" - redditfag confirmed
“Even after it was,” you dumb bitch - it wasn’t approved and never has been, yet he still can’t figure out why people call him a sheep...
They're not able to think straight and reason logically.
The dude is lucky he wasn't murdered by the ventilator, that's what it's for vis-a-vis COVID.
This is bull. Why would he smuggle in vitamins and ivermectin into the hospital to take, but not take it at home when he started to feel under the weather, or worse? What a waste of a post.
I don't know... this reads like a clever way to get past the censors. For example he is supposedly on a "rant" about how doctors and nurses wanted him killed. Then the author is shocked by the insanity the guy spouts out. But what is the take away from the story? The gaming buddy recovers. IDK and I don't care I suppose I am just pointing out that if you wanted to distribute information around censors this is one way to do it.
Not to mention lefties don't even use Discord... they don't even know what it is
Yeah I mean smells like it was penned by someone that does believe Iver works.
Uh.. What?
Discord is the most popular VoIP service now, and I can assure you that lefties swarm it.
He seems almost upset that his friend recovered using ivermectin.
So, ShadowMel is upset that their friend lived? 🤔
So he's not even happy that he's alive? What a piece of shit.
How weird - as I read this, all I could think of was rainbows, Neil Sedaka and George Michael. Gaydar - 1 Programmed Leftist Ballet Afficionado - 0
How can they not be wise enough to hold opinions until perfect information.
story doesnt make any sense
"So, what's your point?"
Don’t knock til you try it. Gamer.
These people are unfathomable levels of retarded
I've not ever seen anyone say anything about a hoax meant to kill Republicans.
I should have clarified: I haven’t seen anyone around here make that claim.
Would I have seen it? Who can say, really. But I spend more time here than any other site so I’d say the chances would be better than not.