Love this vid, sharing it with everyone!!! This needs to be it's own post, stickied.
He made ONE mistake here, and that was when he got up off the ground, he turned his back on the guy he shot in the arm (the guy was running away at that point, but he could have turned back around). That guy had a weapon, and while that arm wasn't going to be doing any shooting, the guy could have used his other arm.
Yeah - he’s that unintentional HERO. He was the right guy, with the right skills at the right time defending himself! He’s admired by all the right people!
Probably a Soros funded Sherriff. I think mine here in St Clair County is as well. They have a successful tyrannical medical mental health arm of the sheriffs office here. its so nuts. I live in apt complex. Neighbor has been taken by cops and force medicated with injections against his will and now he see's things in his house and other neighbors complained and apparently they came back to take him away recently :/
Still looking for that webm with his footage set to Doom music lol.
Ask and you shall receive
Wow. thanks fren
Thanks King.
I'm off to make /pol/ cry a little.
And receive he did! Darwin Awards Candidate 2021
Love this vid, sharing it with everyone!!! This needs to be it's own post, stickied.
He made ONE mistake here, and that was when he got up off the ground, he turned his back on the guy he shot in the arm (the guy was running away at that point, but he could have turned back around). That guy had a weapon, and while that arm wasn't going to be doing any shooting, the guy could have used his other arm.
If you find it, please reply!
It's up there
Kyle, if you are got this, stand tall!
Anyone wanna bring a dumbass up to speed?
Fellow dumbass...can't help🐸
We are legion here, fren.
Yippee kiyay motherfucker
As a mum, I wish I could hug this poor baby. He's been through so much. I pray that he and his Mum will be protected and that Justice will be done.
Kyle has done his part. He has inspired a nation through his actions.
Yeah - he’s that unintentional HERO. He was the right guy, with the right skills at the right time defending himself! He’s admired by all the right people!
Top Fucking Kek 🤣
God, thank you for Kyle... Bless him & keep him and let him know he is not alone.
He's been through so much at such a young age. .
God bless you Kyle. Stay strong and stay frosty fren 😎
Probably a Soros funded Sherriff. I think mine here in St Clair County is as well. They have a successful tyrannical medical mental health arm of the sheriffs office here. its so nuts. I live in apt complex. Neighbor has been taken by cops and force medicated with injections against his will and now he see's things in his house and other neighbors complained and apparently they came back to take him away recently :/