Ummmm?!?!?! Rare, contagious monkeypox virus appears in Maryland after patient returned from overseas travel.
👀 EYES ON! 👀
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the only way a monkey pox can live in a human is for it to be weaponized and injected into the human body, covid vax anyone? Remember how they said AIDS was from fucking apes, I bet fauci was rolling on the floor laughing over that one.
bingo...lowered immune systems...***pox with Aids delivery systems..I don't want to "doom" but connecting the dots scare the $%#& out of me.
Don't fear, you can't catch it. The whole narrative is a lie.
In other words: fear monkeypox about as much as you fear the Kung flu.
Get right with God and fear becomes a distant memory.
Why is either of these men still breathing?
I think this almost hourly.
Threat to Humanity.
Outside of that Gates sickly gets all giddy talking about Weaponized Smallpox. He practically shits his depends w excite
Both with Shit-Eating Grins. That alone has meaning.
Dupers delight
He needs to be room temperature
That's what they are injecting into people. You can't catch it from others.
Keep your immune system healthy
Even if they aren't directly injecting *pox, compromised immune systems will spontaneously "get" pox infections from past exposure. That's what shingles is: you get chicken pox year's ago and fight it off, but never kill it all. Its just held dormant by your immune system. If your immune system is compromised it comes roaring back without any additional exposure because it was already there.
Can confirm. Have had chickenpox twice once as a kid and once when I was 30. Much worse as an adult tbh
Isn't this the third or fourth time they've tried to get this story going in the past few months? It's feeling a bit like how "Asian Murder Hornets" kept fizzling out.
Yeah. I heard of monkey pox a while ago, I thought it Baltimore or near there
My question is ... was this person c-19 vaxxed?
Always!!!! My first question now too.
A friend and colleague just told me this week he was going to get a ‘shingles’ vaccine because he knew 4 friends that recently got the shingles.
My first question/comment; ‘Ask all 4 of these people if they have been Covid19 vaxxed’.
If so, that is what has depressed their immune system and given then the shingles. Thank God he hasn’t been CV19 vaxxed yet so there is hope this is his red pill 💊 to open his eyes and realize what is going on. Worst thing he is a PhD in microbiology - I thought he was smarter.
You know, I had the shingles and I'm still alive. NOBODY needs a shingles vaccine.
What is the survivability rate of Shingles?
I don't know why it wouldn't be 100%. I haven't done research on it, but it seems nowadays vaccines deadly not illness. It's (shingles) extremely painful, and not contagious.
Yes this is correct. My grandpa is suffering from nerve damage caused by shingles and he's hating every day of existence. The family is trying to keep him from becoming hooked on the pain meds they give him to handle the pain but it just leads to him being unable to socialize and feel comfortable outside his home. Watching loved ones deal with healthcare near their end opens your eyes to so much. His wife died the 3rd time they tried to get her off a vent. This was a year or two before c19 so finding out they're death sentences was not as surprising for me. The worst part was my mother was in the room the day she died and had to witness it all. I'll never unhear that scream when she called me. We get to hear all the hatian nurses yucking it up while we are all crying at her bedside. You're told it's because they work around death daily. Then you wake up and realize it's because they've given up their humanity.
The shingles vaccine has aborted fetal cells - I looked it up cause I was considering taking it- not anymore!
I know 4 people that got the shingles vax, 3 of them got shingles afterwards.
They also switched formulas to get previously vaxed ppl to come get 2 more shots... sound familiar?
Well that's how vaccines are supposed to work. You get the flu when you take a flu shot. Your immune system learns to kick it's ass so when you encounter it in the wild it can handle the fight easily. Idk about the formula stuff but that's the basics of vaccines before the establishment decided they needed to push gene therapy on the naive and ignorant.
irrelevant....mRna jabs decrease your immune system like "Aids" (Fauci involved with this as well)..lower the population's immune system and introduce something worse than the black plague.
How is my question irrelevant? I'm asking if the person was vaxxed which compromises the persons immune system, and easier to contract viruses easier or his symptoms could be because of the vaxx.
I’m with you but it’s not “irrelevant”
Isn’t it great that we can trust the all knowing and faithful CDC. They say that it can be managed so it’s doesn’t spread. So glad we have the CDC.
Report it even if it's something else to cause the greatest amount of panic!!
Monkeypox! Right on time! What a coincidence!
best comment
Same shit, different day
Stupid mad cows.
So you've seen this from another post on here?
A relative of smallpox? 🤔 Okay, how stupid do they think we are? First, the WEF enacts a pandemic simulation in 2019 and we get a pandemic in 2020.
Live Simulation Exercise to Prepare Public and Private Leaders for Pandemic Response > Press releases | World Economic Forum
Then, these headlines pop up in the news in the last week or so...
Vials labeled 'smallpox' found at vaccine research facility in Pennsylvania, CDC says - CNN
Bill Gates warns world leaders to practice 'germ games' to prepare for bioterrorist attacks | TheHill
But wait, there's more in case one isn't enough.
CDC monitoring 200 people in 27 states for monkeypox,the%20US%2C%20according%20to%20Stat.
Listen guys. We just need 21 days to slow the spread and wear a mask if you look out your window because of the droplets and stuff.
Each mention of monkeypox makes me think of this song🐸
I have officially seen more pics of monkeypox than the rona, as of this post.
ugh, it seems as if this is the way shit is going to go down honestly....
Oh, ok..... Here we go.........
But wait!! There's more!!! The rona gab works for for 12 Monkeys too!!! KEK
Before the Cabal can contaminate the current vaccines, it might be prudent go get your Small Pox and regular disease boosters ASAP. Of course check what company makes them before letting them do it haha. Because if it’s Pfizer, Moderna, J&J or Astra-Zeneca, it may be to late. I hope not though.
A needle filled with unnecessary poison of ANY type will never again enter my body or my loved ones.
mRna jab lowers the immune system...small pox talk around and now this...Dark Winter coming? #ThesePPLAreSick.
can you not see the connection?..the jab lowers the immune system..Gates speak openly of smallpox outbreaks coming...and now this? I hope I am wrong, but de-population is something they have openly speaking of for decades...when does it stop being coincidences?
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