I read through the whole thing and while much of it doesn't make sense to a lay person (me), the author does his best to explain what the jab and other jabs do and what the body does with them. The covid jab, for sure, effs with the immune system and causes high antibody levels which should only occur when fighting an infection.
As someone that does understand all of this, this explanation is excellent and one of the best I have read. It is somewhat toned down from a technical standpoint, but still maintains accuracy. The author does simplify processes that take up pages in textbooks. To really understand the differences between how traditional vaccines work and these new and untested shots of gene therapy, they did a really good job of condensing down very complicated human physiology into a more digestible form. It may take a few times of reading through it for many, but it is not outside of understanding for the people that lurk on these boards.
As you understand the science behind these things, what are your thoughts on REGEN-COV and sotrovimab?
Are the monoclonal antibody treatments just as bad as the mRNA vaccines? Can hardly find any information on them aside from the nightmare of Lemtrada for MS
I will say this, all of the monoclonal antibody therapies are biologics under EUA. They are neutralizing antibodies that target a part of the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein. If this is of concern, all mAbs are developed using human fetal cell lines for testing. REGEN-COV used immortalized HEK cells in its original research. Theoretically mAbs are a short term stop gap in disease progression to help until natural antibodies can be made by the body that are long lasting and have the ability to tackle variants.
The two antibodies used in REGEN-COV are derived from Regeneron’s trademarked humanized mice, which are genetically modified to have a human immune system, and B cells from the convalescent patients who have recovered from the COVID-19. REGEN-COV is made with synthetic proteins that are foreign to the body. It is hard to say what they gave these mice to generate antibodies since there are no known isolates of the virus.
Sotrovimab is a recombinant human IGg mAb that was tweaked to have an extended half life. It was developed using antibodies collected in 2003 from the first cases of SARS. The particular epitope targeted on the spike protein is believed not to be prone to mutation, thus allowing it to be effective against subsequent variants.
Monoclonal antibody therapy's effects are short lived and they can have side effects - just the same as any other biologic therapy. We do not know what the long term effects are of using either the synthetic proteins or the recombinant cellular derived genetic brew - pick your poison. The best line of attack against not just SARS-CoV-2, but other viruses, is still Ivermectin and HCQ along with certain supplements. We pretty much know what we are getting using these drugs and supplements as far as safety and efficacy. Remember, all the drugs coming out for Covid are made and distributed by the same cast of characters. Prevention and early treatment of illness is the key to not being hospitalized or needing experimental mAbs therapy.
I was on day four of Ivermectin+D+Quercetin+Zinc+C and not showing much improvement, so my doctor went ahead and recommended sotrovimab given my complicated health history. Hopefully I won’t get totally wrecked by it later.
If you tried the others already, and are not showing improvement, then the mAb may be warranted to give a helping hand until your own immune system can get into gear.. Although it has its problems, it is a far cry better than getting jabbed.
Yeah, that was what I had settled on; I had hoped to never need it, but my doctor was worried. The ivermectin and supplements were keeping my chest x-ray completely clear and my d-dimers/SpO2 normal, but my fever, tachycardia, and cough were getting out of hand.
I am hoping God forgives me for the fetal cell situation, as I didn’t think that sotrovimab came from the same line as REGEN-COV. I’m hoping he saves my whole family, since my parents aren’t on the ivermectin/supplements train, and are just trying to tough it out.
The nurse doing intake at the infusion center had a guy ask when he could get his booster after the treatment; she told him 90 days, not that it seems to matter when it comes to preventing illness and symptoms severity.
Perhaps healthcare workers are finally waking up. The nurses seem to be, at least.
Thanks again for all of your responses and your high quality posting on this site. Really appreciate it.
Mal adaptive coping skills. Everyone processes differently, doesn’t mean it’s wrong. Sometimes traumatic events at a young age set the stage. Everyone is unique and everyone has learned to process differently. Recognizing and then changing (or accepting) the things you can’t control are actually signs of a high EQ. I’m often too kind which is perceived as weakness. When I weigh the circumstances, I realize I’d rather stay true to my kindness and take the hits rather than become an egomaniac. Try not to be a moron.
have to disagree, for example in a battle your friend just blew up, just gotta say to yourself something funny and move on.
Having time to reflect and feel things definitely is great, but its a luxury. High EQ imo is the ability to get the desired response from others and yourself, just like a high IQ is the ability to get the desired response from things external to the human mind.
So if I called you a spoiled little Karen or a wise understanding teacher, does it change the state of who you are? It shouldn't but it 99% always do things to people.
However, Being too critical of people on the same awakening train as you is unwise. You may have to get off the train eventually cause, as far as we know, Trump knew about all this and steered into it on purpose. How do you feel if Trump knew and let it happen? will you concoct an excuse? or will you assume "its for the best"? will you want to know whether or not he knew it all? Hence you might wanna get off before we learn if he knew it all along. ;)
Scott Atlas's new book talks about Trump's reaction to this and how he went against his better judgment and listened to FauXi and others who lead him down the path that we're now on.
Red October was a movie about steering a submarine directly into the path of the torpedo, in doing so the torpedo didn’t have time to arm and basically bounced off the hull. Project warp speed comes to mind…
There’s a book called the The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz. They are very simple principles in life and if one can implement the rules in every situation, I believe they will find happiness. A high EQ has little to do with others, it’s about self. I have enough self awareness to not take things personally when others call me names and I enjoy a good discussion bc I am always willing to learn, even if it’s a different opinion.
As for you questions about Trump. A navy seal once told me that he believes 0% of what he hears and 50% of what he sees. When you consider the source and his profession, it’s a very bold statement, one that I have implemented into many areas of my life.
I am not arrogant enough to believe that I know the entire plan or that it will ever even be crystal clear. What I have been able to do is look at it from a larger picture and incorporate the wealth of factual knowledge out there. There are words and there are actions. In general, Trumps actions have been for the betterment of the country. I also realize, he is one man. One man that has the literal weight of the world on his shoulders. He is also human and no one is perfect. So for now, we wait and see but I will maintain the faith because he has awoken many to what we have become and where we were headed.
The Four Agreements sounds very much like Sadhguru. Eerily so, they must both see the same thing. Worth a listen if you get the time.
I had the fortunate misfortune of mistakenly believing my IQ is much higher than EQ. My EQ was merely miscalibrated due to a toxic environment, now I don't know which is higher. :) nor does it matter!
Not my choice. No way to suck the poison back out. Tough times likely ahead. Billions injected. You will need to harden your heart if you wish to survive. Many will not. Sorry, it's just the way it is.
You're right you cannot suck the poison out, but you can heal from it. The same treatments for covid also fight the vax.
I know someone who was pretty destroyed from the first Pfizer shot. In a few months of immune system building protocols they are recovering.
Don't write off the vaxed, encourage them to focus on their immune system. People getting sick while being vaxed has been one way I have found to get people to listen. Keep focusing on your immune system, and they'll listen to that.
They're saving their lives by rebuilding their immune system to fight covid, but they're really repairing their bodies from the harm the vax caused.
But none of us are able to divine the true Intent of the vaxx-pushers. Should they simply prove to be overconfident, overzealous, greedy fools; your scenario makes perfect sense.
Based upon all that I have observed, based upon their words and teachings (the globalists), based upon the policies I have seen them push, based upon the many different types of harm we have seen manifested; all within the framework of sytematic socio-economic destruction; benign intent is no longer plausable.
Really? No coddling? You haven't been paying attention to the sjw PC leftists that are overly sensitive because the whole participation trophy shit? Go look at a democratic socialist convention, they can't even take clapping. Let alone mean words. And they act like spoiled brats who never got disciplined so lash out rudely and violently expecting one sided respect while they show nothing but disrespect. That's what being weak does. Too much compassion is a weakness, the fact is life is survival of the fittest which is why the most aggressive dominate because if you worry about others first you don't eat. They don't deserve compassion because they don't have any themselves, it should be reserved for the ones who deserve it like the ones forced to take it or people in currently ran concentration camps.
My son and his girlfriend got the vaccine while she was pregnant because her doctor told her the hospital would not deliver the baby. They were young and scared. This is my first grandchild and I’m terrified that something awful will happen to them.
Not every person who takes the vaccine is ignorant.
That is my point, compassion should be reserved for those forced to take it not the willing. They (pro vaxers) dug their grave on their own will but being forced to dig your own grave is something to feel bad for.
It's not worth wasting energy feeling sorry for for something beyond your control when you can help yourself. If people want to dig their grave and lie in it then it's their choice. Feeling bad isn't going to change anything and only hurts yourself. Compassion should be reserved for people who are forced to take it rather than the willing. Even god purged the wicked so if that is the result again it's his will since he wouldn't flood the earth again this could be another purge of the wicked using their plans against them because the only result that could come of this is the people like us who are good remaining because their lack of self preservation and reproduction.
You are in the wrong place if you don't believe in God here. Just saying. Also nice projection, you don't actually feel bad you're just pretending to virtue signal like a typical sjw, so you grow up. I can even tell you're a leftist pretending to be one of us. Feeling sorry for people doesn't help anyone not you or the person you feel bad for and most people hate pity and they would reject your kindness and tell you to fuck off and blame you for not being vaccinated and say it's your fault they are sick. Growing up is learing to accept tragedy and only children feel bad for everyone because they're emotionally under developed like yourself who can't control their emotions. Go back to reddit and Twitter where you belong you shill. Because it isn't here.
I didnt see any notice you had to believe in a god to be here? Or is that just you? I am not political...sorry...I don't feel sorry...I feel compassion...different thing....I don't have a Twitter account or use redditt either....guess you are no good at working people out are you?
Notice you are not owning up to drinking fluoridated water or eating chemicals in your food either....so as I say grow up and admit you are not different from someone taking a jab because they need to keep a roofbobpver their head etc.
Look up words you don't understand before you speak.
Also I get leftover establishment shill goons planted here to make us look bad and cause division are absolute retards but at least try and have decent reading comprehension when you don't strawman. Anyone who is forced to take it or lose their job is forced and worth feeling sorry for but people who go out of their way to take it and demand we do as well are not worth feeling bad for since they will just blame you they got sick for not taking it and wish death upon you.
Tell me again why hospital administrators, pushing this crap on patients, and employees, refusing to allow off label use of medications that have proven to work, should not be arrested, tried for genocide and executed. Why doctors who don’t fully inform patients about risks of taking the Covid shot, shouldn’t be held liable. Why Congress voted to exempt Big Pharma from liability, should not be held liable-everyone of them past and present. Why business leaders, who have no medical background, mandated the employees take this experimental poison should not be held accountable via substantial lawsuits and prison time. All of the above have blood on their hands. Many were paid or blackmailed by Big Pharma or Government entities to push this and mandate it. Government, nor the health care industry, can be trusted to act in the interest of citizens and patients.
There's still a critical mass of normies who only listen to the media and fauci without question. No matter how many umpteen times these "experts" have flip flopped people line up like sheep
question.....there are many saline vaxxes out there...and then there are the deadlier ones.....if one had symptoms after taking the vaxx, for example, trembling or shaking, but it went away, would that be evidence that that person got the bad vaxx? even though there are no further symptoms.
Saline or placebo vaxx should have none of the real poison in it. Too many people get sick too fast would prove too hard to cover up and spook the herd.
Every immune system is different and many other variable can impact behavior of injection such as injection technique, size and density of muscle, vaxx storage conditions, in a blood vessel or not etc.
Take no more shots from these assholes and hope for best,
Drawing from a post of mine from a day ago. This post assumes no nefarious intent, focuses on inherent weaknesses in the technology and greed.
If this is a depopulation effort, overly hot vaccine would kill people too fast and most would be scared off. I have friends and family that have taken their first booster already. They have been talking 6 month boosters indefinitely.
Even at 10% (arbitrary figure) poison, 8 boosters will kill off over 50% of participants.
I know what you mean. Now convinced this dumbing down was part of their plan. Harder to hunt a smart animal than a dumb animal.
We didn't just coddle stupid, we incentivised it.
Mid to worse case, I worry that many, that were sufficiently skeptical to avoid the vaxx, will give up when they see their friends and loved ones dying en mass.
Remember the fittest is more LIKELY to survive, not WILL.
It is better to say after 4 years of Trump and you still have such trust of the media and discriminate against the wary unvaxxed, then perhaps the only thing left is for reality to "show" you.
I want to change your thinking (a little).
By the metric of the strong, extremely intelligent and wise, most aren't very 'fit' but still beautiful and wonderful. Much like a baby, its weak now but what it can become? maybe not much, why is a blade of grass inferior to the giant oak tree? most people love their grass and do not have many oak trees.
Given how much the "White" hats and soldiers fight for us who might not be very "fit" comparatively, it's a bit rude to say those who took it are 'unfit' disregarding the feelings of those making most of the sacrifices.
I would like our train to be unified before the mass awakening (coming soon).
Disagree. Everyone in Western society, no matter their circumstance, has the opportunity to learn. They can break the cycle if they just try even a little bit.
Imagine you need to protect an area of ocean so you fill it with gunships. They all know who they are because they all have the same flag.
When a new threat is discovered (e.g. a virus) what they used to do was create a copies of the virus ships but with all the armaments removed. Those were sailed into the protected area, all flying their Jolly Rogers, and the gunships practised neutralising them. If a fully-armed intruder was later discovered the gunships would know exactly what to do.
With mRNA "vaccines" something different happens. Each gunship is sent instructions on how to make Jolly Rogers. They run up the flags they have made and then they attack each other because they now all look like enemies.
We tried this on mice, they all developed cancer, and died. And this wasnt just on the lab rats that normally always develop cancer the way they did the GMO tests.
Also, our solution to mRNA is to mRNA more code to make your cells do more things they werent supposed to do. Eventually after enough mRNA, your body will be fixed!
I think we would all like that, but it may be, that no such technology exists. Different people are at different places. Some of us knew enough to see the excessive risk of the vaxx. Others may still be on the fence, many willing to learn but ignorant, still others are blind and like it that way.
No doubt, we are smart enough to interfere with the most complex systems we have ever studied, but that doesn't mean we can comprehend all the implications and potential outcomes.
Choices have been made. in the fullness of time, the truth will reveal itself. We know the real elites have avoided the shot all together.
My first thought was about old medicinal practices... bloodletting, drain the bad blood (containing inorganic stuff). But I'm not a doctor, so play with leeches without me.
It’s a pretty good explanation. What is being described is basic immunology. I’m not sure most people will be able to get through it all, but it’s a good explanation as to why mRNA vaccines are causing so much problems.
Well for one, a normie would stop reading right after “TL;DR: there is no short version of this.”
I read through the whole thing and while much of it doesn't make sense to a lay person (me), the author does his best to explain what the jab and other jabs do and what the body does with them. The covid jab, for sure, effs with the immune system and causes high antibody levels which should only occur when fighting an infection.
As someone that does understand all of this, this explanation is excellent and one of the best I have read. It is somewhat toned down from a technical standpoint, but still maintains accuracy. The author does simplify processes that take up pages in textbooks. To really understand the differences between how traditional vaccines work and these new and untested shots of gene therapy, they did a really good job of condensing down very complicated human physiology into a more digestible form. It may take a few times of reading through it for many, but it is not outside of understanding for the people that lurk on these boards.
As you understand the science behind these things, what are your thoughts on REGEN-COV and sotrovimab?
Are the monoclonal antibody treatments just as bad as the mRNA vaccines? Can hardly find any information on them aside from the nightmare of Lemtrada for MS
I will say this, all of the monoclonal antibody therapies are biologics under EUA. They are neutralizing antibodies that target a part of the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein. If this is of concern, all mAbs are developed using human fetal cell lines for testing. REGEN-COV used immortalized HEK cells in its original research. Theoretically mAbs are a short term stop gap in disease progression to help until natural antibodies can be made by the body that are long lasting and have the ability to tackle variants.
The two antibodies used in REGEN-COV are derived from Regeneron’s trademarked humanized mice, which are genetically modified to have a human immune system, and B cells from the convalescent patients who have recovered from the COVID-19. REGEN-COV is made with synthetic proteins that are foreign to the body. It is hard to say what they gave these mice to generate antibodies since there are no known isolates of the virus.
Sotrovimab is a recombinant human IGg mAb that was tweaked to have an extended half life. It was developed using antibodies collected in 2003 from the first cases of SARS. The particular epitope targeted on the spike protein is believed not to be prone to mutation, thus allowing it to be effective against subsequent variants.
Monoclonal antibody therapy's effects are short lived and they can have side effects - just the same as any other biologic therapy. We do not know what the long term effects are of using either the synthetic proteins or the recombinant cellular derived genetic brew - pick your poison. The best line of attack against not just SARS-CoV-2, but other viruses, is still Ivermectin and HCQ along with certain supplements. We pretty much know what we are getting using these drugs and supplements as far as safety and efficacy. Remember, all the drugs coming out for Covid are made and distributed by the same cast of characters. Prevention and early treatment of illness is the key to not being hospitalized or needing experimental mAbs therapy.
Thank you for such a detailed response.
I was on day four of Ivermectin+D+Quercetin+Zinc+C and not showing much improvement, so my doctor went ahead and recommended sotrovimab given my complicated health history. Hopefully I won’t get totally wrecked by it later.
If you tried the others already, and are not showing improvement, then the mAb may be warranted to give a helping hand until your own immune system can get into gear.. Although it has its problems, it is a far cry better than getting jabbed.
Yeah, that was what I had settled on; I had hoped to never need it, but my doctor was worried. The ivermectin and supplements were keeping my chest x-ray completely clear and my d-dimers/SpO2 normal, but my fever, tachycardia, and cough were getting out of hand.
I am hoping God forgives me for the fetal cell situation, as I didn’t think that sotrovimab came from the same line as REGEN-COV. I’m hoping he saves my whole family, since my parents aren’t on the ivermectin/supplements train, and are just trying to tough it out.
The nurse doing intake at the infusion center had a guy ask when he could get his booster after the treatment; she told him 90 days, not that it seems to matter when it comes to preventing illness and symptoms severity.
Perhaps healthcare workers are finally waking up. The nurses seem to be, at least.
Thanks again for all of your responses and your high quality posting on this site. Really appreciate it.
Lol. Man, even my reaction when seeing this in a phone!
Yes. It felt like the "the left can't meme" meme with Anikin and Obiwan.
Normies don’t care.
They’re stupid.
That’s why they take the jab.
You are proven more right with each passing day.
Their removal may be the price for a better world.
Mal adaptive coping skills. Everyone processes differently, doesn’t mean it’s wrong. Sometimes traumatic events at a young age set the stage. Everyone is unique and everyone has learned to process differently. Recognizing and then changing (or accepting) the things you can’t control are actually signs of a high EQ. I’m often too kind which is perceived as weakness. When I weigh the circumstances, I realize I’d rather stay true to my kindness and take the hits rather than become an egomaniac. Try not to be a moron.
Kek… good mantra! Mines “be a shark” when I have to be tough in business.
have to disagree, for example in a battle your friend just blew up, just gotta say to yourself something funny and move on.
Having time to reflect and feel things definitely is great, but its a luxury. High EQ imo is the ability to get the desired response from others and yourself, just like a high IQ is the ability to get the desired response from things external to the human mind.
So if I called you a spoiled little Karen or a wise understanding teacher, does it change the state of who you are? It shouldn't but it 99% always do things to people.
However, Being too critical of people on the same awakening train as you is unwise. You may have to get off the train eventually cause, as far as we know, Trump knew about all this and steered into it on purpose. How do you feel if Trump knew and let it happen? will you concoct an excuse? or will you assume "its for the best"? will you want to know whether or not he knew it all? Hence you might wanna get off before we learn if he knew it all along. ;)
Scott Atlas's new book talks about Trump's reaction to this and how he went against his better judgment and listened to FauXi and others who lead him down the path that we're now on.
Red October was a movie about steering a submarine directly into the path of the torpedo, in doing so the torpedo didn’t have time to arm and basically bounced off the hull. Project warp speed comes to mind…
There’s a book called the The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz. They are very simple principles in life and if one can implement the rules in every situation, I believe they will find happiness. A high EQ has little to do with others, it’s about self. I have enough self awareness to not take things personally when others call me names and I enjoy a good discussion bc I am always willing to learn, even if it’s a different opinion.
As for you questions about Trump. A navy seal once told me that he believes 0% of what he hears and 50% of what he sees. When you consider the source and his profession, it’s a very bold statement, one that I have implemented into many areas of my life. I am not arrogant enough to believe that I know the entire plan or that it will ever even be crystal clear. What I have been able to do is look at it from a larger picture and incorporate the wealth of factual knowledge out there. There are words and there are actions. In general, Trumps actions have been for the betterment of the country. I also realize, he is one man. One man that has the literal weight of the world on his shoulders. He is also human and no one is perfect. So for now, we wait and see but I will maintain the faith because he has awoken many to what we have become and where we were headed.
The Four Agreements sounds very much like Sadhguru. Eerily so, they must both see the same thing. Worth a listen if you get the time.
I had the fortunate misfortune of mistakenly believing my IQ is much higher than EQ. My EQ was merely miscalibrated due to a toxic environment, now I don't know which is higher. :) nor does it matter!
It's like dark humor and meta irony and parody being a coping mechanism for trauma as well. People that get offended at it just don't understand this.
Not my choice. No way to suck the poison back out. Tough times likely ahead. Billions injected. You will need to harden your heart if you wish to survive. Many will not. Sorry, it's just the way it is.
You're right you cannot suck the poison out, but you can heal from it. The same treatments for covid also fight the vax.
I know someone who was pretty destroyed from the first Pfizer shot. In a few months of immune system building protocols they are recovering.
Don't write off the vaxed, encourage them to focus on their immune system. People getting sick while being vaxed has been one way I have found to get people to listen. Keep focusing on your immune system, and they'll listen to that.
They're saving their lives by rebuilding their immune system to fight covid, but they're really repairing their bodies from the harm the vax caused.
100% truth right there.
But none of us are able to divine the true Intent of the vaxx-pushers. Should they simply prove to be overconfident, overzealous, greedy fools; your scenario makes perfect sense.
Based upon all that I have observed, based upon their words and teachings (the globalists), based upon the policies I have seen them push, based upon the many different types of harm we have seen manifested; all within the framework of sytematic socio-economic destruction; benign intent is no longer plausable.
What treatment?
You have seen nothing yet. Cruel to be kind. Where has coddling gotten us?
I have held stangers hands while they were alone and dying
I have seen a man die while 20 inches from his face, looking into his eyes and seeing the life leave.
I have sewn up and washed the body of a dead toddler.
I have risked my life and saved those of strangers.
I know what you are saying, substitute harden with toughen.
Never Mind, Really. Go in Peace and the best of luck.
Really? No coddling? You haven't been paying attention to the sjw PC leftists that are overly sensitive because the whole participation trophy shit? Go look at a democratic socialist convention, they can't even take clapping. Let alone mean words. And they act like spoiled brats who never got disciplined so lash out rudely and violently expecting one sided respect while they show nothing but disrespect. That's what being weak does. Too much compassion is a weakness, the fact is life is survival of the fittest which is why the most aggressive dominate because if you worry about others first you don't eat. They don't deserve compassion because they don't have any themselves, it should be reserved for the ones who deserve it like the ones forced to take it or people in currently ran concentration camps.
My son and his girlfriend got the vaccine while she was pregnant because her doctor told her the hospital would not deliver the baby. They were young and scared. This is my first grandchild and I’m terrified that something awful will happen to them.
Not every person who takes the vaccine is ignorant.
That is my point, compassion should be reserved for those forced to take it not the willing. They (pro vaxers) dug their grave on their own will but being forced to dig your own grave is something to feel bad for.
I'd argue that too much "compassion" and "tolerance" is what got us in this mess in the first place (Fall of Western Civilization).
It's not worth wasting energy feeling sorry for for something beyond your control when you can help yourself. If people want to dig their grave and lie in it then it's their choice. Feeling bad isn't going to change anything and only hurts yourself. Compassion should be reserved for people who are forced to take it rather than the willing. Even god purged the wicked so if that is the result again it's his will since he wouldn't flood the earth again this could be another purge of the wicked using their plans against them because the only result that could come of this is the people like us who are good remaining because their lack of self preservation and reproduction.
You are in the wrong place if you don't believe in God here. Just saying. Also nice projection, you don't actually feel bad you're just pretending to virtue signal like a typical sjw, so you grow up. I can even tell you're a leftist pretending to be one of us. Feeling sorry for people doesn't help anyone not you or the person you feel bad for and most people hate pity and they would reject your kindness and tell you to fuck off and blame you for not being vaccinated and say it's your fault they are sick. Growing up is learing to accept tragedy and only children feel bad for everyone because they're emotionally under developed like yourself who can't control their emotions. Go back to reddit and Twitter where you belong you shill. Because it isn't here.
I didnt see any notice you had to believe in a god to be here? Or is that just you? I am not political...sorry...I don't feel sorry...I feel compassion...different thing....I don't have a Twitter account or use redditt either....guess you are no good at working people out are you?
Notice you are not owning up to drinking fluoridated water or eating chemicals in your food either....so as I say grow up and admit you are not different from someone taking a jab because they need to keep a roofbobpver their head etc.
Look up words you don't understand before you speak.
Also I get leftover establishment shill goons planted here to make us look bad and cause division are absolute retards but at least try and have decent reading comprehension when you don't strawman. Anyone who is forced to take it or lose their job is forced and worth feeling sorry for but people who go out of their way to take it and demand we do as well are not worth feeling bad for since they will just blame you they got sick for not taking it and wish death upon you.
Just because you are lying to me doesn't mean what you say is true.
What I typically hear from normies is - don't have time like you to do all this searching, have to take care of kids, etc.
They only get their info from the media and trust them and fauci without question
Not all.
The people that created this shit don't care, all of the people that have taken it DO care that's how they were manipulated into taking it.
The people promoting it & silent about it, don't care, but that's probably wrong too - they care about something too, it's not just us.
Tell me again why hospital administrators, pushing this crap on patients, and employees, refusing to allow off label use of medications that have proven to work, should not be arrested, tried for genocide and executed. Why doctors who don’t fully inform patients about risks of taking the Covid shot, shouldn’t be held liable. Why Congress voted to exempt Big Pharma from liability, should not be held liable-everyone of them past and present. Why business leaders, who have no medical background, mandated the employees take this experimental poison should not be held accountable via substantial lawsuits and prison time. All of the above have blood on their hands. Many were paid or blackmailed by Big Pharma or Government entities to push this and mandate it. Government, nor the health care industry, can be trusted to act in the interest of citizens and patients.
There's still a critical mass of normies who only listen to the media and fauci without question. No matter how many umpteen times these "experts" have flip flopped people line up like sheep
A member of the choir here, I've hated on those bastards for about 40 years. Those fucks are only capable of seeing the universe in red and black.
There is more than enouigh justice owed to satisfy any blood lust.
question.....there are many saline vaxxes out there...and then there are the deadlier ones.....if one had symptoms after taking the vaxx, for example, trembling or shaking, but it went away, would that be evidence that that person got the bad vaxx? even though there are no further symptoms.
Saline or placebo vaxx should have none of the real poison in it. Too many people get sick too fast would prove too hard to cover up and spook the herd.
Every immune system is different and many other variable can impact behavior of injection such as injection technique, size and density of muscle, vaxx storage conditions, in a blood vessel or not etc.
Take no more shots from these assholes and hope for best,
Drawing from a post of mine from a day ago. This post assumes no nefarious intent, focuses on inherent weaknesses in the technology and greed.
If this is a depopulation effort, overly hot vaccine would kill people too fast and most would be scared off. I have friends and family that have taken their first booster already. They have been talking 6 month boosters indefinitely.
Even at 10% (arbitrary figure) poison, 8 boosters will kill off over 50% of participants.
I know what you mean. Now convinced this dumbing down was part of their plan. Harder to hunt a smart animal than a dumb animal.
We didn't just coddle stupid, we incentivised it.
Mid to worse case, I worry that many, that were sufficiently skeptical to avoid the vaxx, will give up when they see their friends and loved ones dying en mass.
Consider this, if a person is never exposed to any danger or hardship, can you expect them to be strong or smart?
Thus it is wrong to say those who messed up deserved it or is unfit to survive.
If you grew up in an honest town you are more susceptible to be fooled. But in 1 year you might be more aware and foolproof than most.
Then again, we did have 4 years of Trump...so lol
Remember the fittest is more LIKELY to survive, not WILL.
It is better to say after 4 years of Trump and you still have such trust of the media and discriminate against the wary unvaxxed, then perhaps the only thing left is for reality to "show" you.
I want to change your thinking (a little).
By the metric of the strong, extremely intelligent and wise, most aren't very 'fit' but still beautiful and wonderful. Much like a baby, its weak now but what it can become? maybe not much, why is a blade of grass inferior to the giant oak tree? most people love their grass and do not have many oak trees.
Given how much the "White" hats and soldiers fight for us who might not be very "fit" comparatively, it's a bit rude to say those who took it are 'unfit' disregarding the feelings of those making most of the sacrifices.
I would like our train to be unified before the mass awakening (coming soon).
Disagree. Everyone in Western society, no matter their circumstance, has the opportunity to learn. They can break the cycle if they just try even a little bit.
People have certainly been conditioned to trust authority over the last 20 years. 9/11 and Obama’s administration come to mind.
"no one seems to notice , no one seems to care" Jorge "heavy dick" Carlin
OK, my take on a TL;DR:
Imagine you need to protect an area of ocean so you fill it with gunships. They all know who they are because they all have the same flag.
When a new threat is discovered (e.g. a virus) what they used to do was create a copies of the virus ships but with all the armaments removed. Those were sailed into the protected area, all flying their Jolly Rogers, and the gunships practised neutralising them. If a fully-armed intruder was later discovered the gunships would know exactly what to do.
With mRNA "vaccines" something different happens. Each gunship is sent instructions on how to make Jolly Rogers. They run up the flags they have made and then they attack each other because they now all look like enemies.
With HIV and AIDs your "viral levels are supposed to be undetectable"
This is very good info! Thank you Anon.
I believe OP wants that.
Great find, thank you!
TL:DR Summary:
We tried this on mice, they all developed cancer, and died. And this wasnt just on the lab rats that normally always develop cancer the way they did the GMO tests.
Also, our solution to mRNA is to mRNA more code to make your cells do more things they werent supposed to do. Eventually after enough mRNA, your body will be fixed!
I think we would all like that, but it may be, that no such technology exists. Different people are at different places. Some of us knew enough to see the excessive risk of the vaxx. Others may still be on the fence, many willing to learn but ignorant, still others are blind and like it that way.
No doubt, we are smart enough to interfere with the most complex systems we have ever studied, but that doesn't mean we can comprehend all the implications and potential outcomes.
Choices have been made. in the fullness of time, the truth will reveal itself. We know the real elites have avoided the shot all together.
My first thought was about old medicinal practices... bloodletting, drain the bad blood (containing inorganic stuff). But I'm not a doctor, so play with leeches without me.
It’s a pretty good explanation. What is being described is basic immunology. I’m not sure most people will be able to get through it all, but it’s a good explanation as to why mRNA vaccines are causing so much problems.