The human race has never been well adapted to the cold. It can cause heart attacks and blood clots. That is why humans generally live closer to the equator and why we are fighting so hard to prevent Global Cooling.
We first started noticing this trend of Global Cooling in the late 20th century. We began increasing our CO2 output to prevent this. All of the worlds scientists agree that if we do our part, and increase CO2 levels by 50% before 2100 we can prevent the next Ice Age and save the human race from the cold that would kill us.
That's our history lesson for today children. What else can we do to help humans survive Global Cooling?
"Know it all" child raises hand
Yes Adolf?
We can take the new vaccine that Pfizer made that helps prevent against the Cold Virus.
That's right Adolf. All of you should do your best to get your vaccinations every month to make sure that everyone else doesn't die.
Student Two:
But how does me getting a shot help everyone else?
That's not a very socially responsible question. Do you want to kill other people? Do you want to kill your grandparents? I think you may need another Treatment. Please go see the Autodoc and watch the pretty Monarch as it flies across the screen.
Please let me know if I'm missing any, because I'm trying to keep track. Also, just to be clear, are they talking about cold weather while also talking about global warming? Hard to keep track of all the constantly changing lies.
Damn impressive, the effort to create excuses for the adverse effects of the jabs is huge and coordinated. Ramped up in a week or two. So many journo, nay, propagandists. They know it can't be swept under the carpet much longer.
Plenty of people to add to Durham's naughty list, if you ask me.
They mean the cold weather that literally every human being experiences every single year of their life including their ancestors and the ancestors before them? As if we haven't experienced cold weather before? Not to mention this is counter to their global warming narrative
edit: also just realized the dude in the pic is wearing shorts. how cold is the weather that supposedly triggers a heart attack? 60?
Thank God the chinese communists and life long inept bureaucrats are here to save the day! We were gonna go extinct any day now. How would we even survive without the social justice warriors?
How is this suddenly a thing but never has been before in history? Answer: it's the clot shots, but they'll blame anything else. Watch as they blame breathing air next.
"During high temperatures, the heart must work harder as it tries to cool the skin. It pumps up to four times as much blood per minute as it would on a cold day," says cardiologist Kimberly Parks, MD, assistant professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School and medical director of Synergy Private Health.
Gee, how did George Washington and his men survive the extreme cold crossing the Delaware River if the cold causes blood clots and heart attacks. I think it has been cold every winter since then, yet here we are. They are obviously trying to get ahead of what is coming due to the clotshot.
Teacher reads from history book in 2050:
The human race has never been well adapted to the cold. It can cause heart attacks and blood clots. That is why humans generally live closer to the equator and why we are fighting so hard to prevent Global Cooling.
We first started noticing this trend of Global Cooling in the late 20th century. We began increasing our CO2 output to prevent this. All of the worlds scientists agree that if we do our part, and increase CO2 levels by 50% before 2100 we can prevent the next Ice Age and save the human race from the cold that would kill us.
That's our history lesson for today children. What else can we do to help humans survive Global Cooling?
"Know it all" child raises hand
Yes Adolf?
We can take the new vaccine that Pfizer made that helps prevent against the Cold Virus.
That's right Adolf. All of you should do your best to get your vaccinations every month to make sure that everyone else doesn't die.
Student Two:
But how does me getting a shot help everyone else?
That's not a very socially responsible question. Do you want to kill other people? Do you want to kill your grandparents? I think you may need another Treatment. Please go see the Autodoc and watch the pretty Monarch as it flies across the screen.
Well done!
So over the past two weeks they've claimed...
Not enough sleep
Pandemic related stress
Cold weather
Please let me know if I'm missing any, because I'm trying to keep track. Also, just to be clear, are they talking about cold weather while also talking about global warming? Hard to keep track of all the constantly changing lies.
U are on to something.
Bacon!!!! No!!!!!!
Laying down can cause them. (Such as sick, injured, fukkin lazy.)
How many people have died during a "polar bear plunge" then?
American propaganda: Sky is the limit.
Damn impressive, the effort to create excuses for the adverse effects of the jabs is huge and coordinated. Ramped up in a week or two. So many journo, nay, propagandists. They know it can't be swept under the carpet much longer.
Plenty of people to add to Durham's naughty list, if you ask me.
First, it was post-pandemic stress disorder. Now this...
I'm sure surprised there weren't a bunch of heart attacks earlier this year in TX when we were having blackouts and temps in the 20s. Go figure!
They mean the cold weather that literally every human being experiences every single year of their life including their ancestors and the ancestors before them? As if we haven't experienced cold weather before? Not to mention this is counter to their global warming narrative
edit: also just realized the dude in the pic is wearing shorts. how cold is the weather that supposedly triggers a heart attack? 60?
Yeah. It's amazing the human race has survived this long. Sheesh!
Thank God the chinese communists and life long inept bureaucrats are here to save the day! We were gonna go extinct any day now. How would we even survive without the social justice warriors?
wim hoff has entered the chat
LOL. -30F right now, havent seen anyone drop of a heart attack yet!
How is this suddenly a thing but never has been before in history? Answer: it's the clot shots, but they'll blame anything else. Watch as they blame breathing air next.
Yesterday it was Post Pandemic Stress
I found a study from last year that says summer and winter can both cause heart attacks.
Here's a quote from another article:
"During high temperatures, the heart must work harder as it tries to cool the skin. It pumps up to four times as much blood per minute as it would on a cold day," says cardiologist Kimberly Parks, MD, assistant professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School and medical director of Synergy Private Health.
So, in other words, bullshit.
Okay let's see if they say the summer heat in Australia will cause the same thing!
It is such a problem that we must help brown people move back to their ancestral, equatorial homelands!
Well this will throw a wrench in global warming.
Thank god the planets getting warmer. . .
That's a conspiracy theory
Link to ops source:
Link to first news article I could find (feb 2019, and it references a study done in late 2018):
interesting how they starting building this narrative in february of 2019
I’m pretty sure the author, named “admin”, did make it up.
Lets be honest, most people will believe it.
The modern populace has the memory of a goldfish.
They will point to this and pretend its always been a trend and that theyre just documenting it now.
This is a good sign if you asked me. It wreaks of desperation.
Gee, how did George Washington and his men survive the extreme cold crossing the Delaware River if the cold causes blood clots and heart attacks. I think it has been cold every winter since then, yet here we are. They are obviously trying to get ahead of what is coming due to the clotshot.