Brainwashed idiots. The healthcare workers seriously can't be this stupid, so it must be complacency from their paychecks and bonuses.
My sister-in-law is an LPN, she can get $100 extra per hour if she covers someone's shift on the weekend. She quickly changes the subject when I bring up all the suspicious testing, lack of people falling down dead in the streets, etc.
Pretty sure this is just the quarantine set ups at the hotels by the airports last year. Looks exactly what friends on socials posted last year. You were allowed to travel, had to pass a PCR pre flight.
Flying into Canada, if you were NOT a citizen of Canada, and you got a positive test result you had to stay in a hotel for a quarantine period. Canadian citizen you had to quarantine at home / where you were staying.
All that ended when they released the vaxxes. No quarantine for travellers coming into Canada if you have your vax pass.
Woman takes Video of what it looks like as she gets checked into a Canadian Covid Detention center.. This shit is insane. Aaron Ginn with the video.
This is all the information provided. Doesn't prove or provide anything to support a "detention centre" other than them saying it's a detention centre. And that's why I'm calling bullshit on this. It's from the hotel quarantines last year.
Did you read the article or just the headline? They call it a quarantine hotel.
Travellers returning from Africa say Canadian quarantine hotels have no laundry service, so they sit in dirty clothes eating bad food as they wait to hear when they can leave, even after getting the negative COVID-19 test result that is supposed to set them free.
Also the sub headline says they "revived" the covid detention centers not implying its new at all. So yeah your accusation of sensationalism doesnt really hit the target.
So you're saying this shouldn't be reported? You're saying all the videos Rebel News has produced are inaccurate? You're saying the police aren't arresting people in Canada? You're saying that pastor's aren't being arrested in the streets for holding church services?
Seems like the BEST way to get this word out is to expose EXACTLY what is happening. I wouldn't call sharing the truth sensationalism.
I don't think there is a group of people more cucked on this planet than in Canada and NZ. I've been watching all the hardcore countries and noticed one thing in particular; NZ an Canada are head of clucksville.
Australians mass protest and have been for months. NZ and Canada are a special type of stupid. I genuinely don't think those two nation's have a red line among the pop.
Why are the people pushing this so often morbidly obese? They didn't care enough about their own health to protect themselves from heart disease and diabetes, but now they're going to advise you on how to protect yourself from a cold? And detain you? And these are healthcare professionals? GTFOH
I wonder if any national leader will ever accuse Canada of holding their countries citizens hostage just over a COVID quarantine. If I was in Biden's shoes, I certainly would.
Brainwashed idiots. The healthcare workers seriously can't be this stupid, so it must be complacency from their paychecks and bonuses.
My sister-in-law is an LPN, she can get $100 extra per hour if she covers someone's shift on the weekend. She quickly changes the subject when I bring up all the suspicious testing, lack of people falling down dead in the streets, etc.
Have heard about someone who went to NY to do some covid stuff last year and they got paid outrageous sums of money per hour, in the hundreds.
I'm getting to the point where I have zero respect for the medical profession anymore, except those who are vocally speaking against the tyrants.
How is this possible? Who's picking up this astronomical cost??
Low level drug pusher bonuses. Rockefeller oil Pharma was always about culling.
Pretty sure this is just the quarantine set ups at the hotels by the airports last year. Looks exactly what friends on socials posted last year. You were allowed to travel, had to pass a PCR pre flight.
Flying into Canada, if you were NOT a citizen of Canada, and you got a positive test result you had to stay in a hotel for a quarantine period. Canadian citizen you had to quarantine at home / where you were staying.
All that ended when they released the vaxxes. No quarantine for travellers coming into Canada if you have your vax pass.
This is all the information provided. Doesn't prove or provide anything to support a "detention centre" other than them saying it's a detention centre. And that's why I'm calling bullshit on this. It's from the hotel quarantines last year.
December 07, 2021
Right.... so quarantine hotels.
Not a covid jail, not a covid 'detention centre'.
Rebel News.... sorry, but no. Sensationalism at it's finest.
Did you read the article or just the headline? They call it a quarantine hotel.
Also the sub headline says they "revived" the covid detention centers not implying its new at all. So yeah your accusation of sensationalism doesnt really hit the target.
So you're saying this shouldn't be reported? You're saying all the videos Rebel News has produced are inaccurate? You're saying the police aren't arresting people in Canada? You're saying that pastor's aren't being arrested in the streets for holding church services?
Seems like the BEST way to get this word out is to expose EXACTLY what is happening. I wouldn't call sharing the truth sensationalism.
I wonder how much tje Canadian Government wants to sell the rights for that horror show?
Oh, but I am sure putting plastic on the floor like that really changes everything. Saran-wrapped floors are the bane to viruses everywhere!
The lunatics have taken over the asylum
Yes think they are so clever.
why would you willingly take your children into this building. What the fuck is wrong with people. I can't believe this is in my city.
thats what im saying!
I don't think there is a group of people more cucked on this planet than in Canada and NZ. I've been watching all the hardcore countries and noticed one thing in particular; NZ an Canada are head of clucksville.
Australians mass protest and have been for months. NZ and Canada are a special type of stupid. I genuinely don't think those two nation's have a red line among the pop.
For an illness that's > 99% curable.
Chinese concentration camp:
Why are the people pushing this so often morbidly obese? They didn't care enough about their own health to protect themselves from heart disease and diabetes, but now they're going to advise you on how to protect yourself from a cold? And detain you? And these are healthcare professionals? GTFOH
"I was just doing my job" will soon be the new "I was just following orders"
IDIOTS!!!! Those people aren’t even sick. The kids are healthier than the fat ass nurse!
They have that place wrapped up like a Christmas present nobody wants! Or like there's a real pandemic going on or something!
I wonder if any national leader will ever accuse Canada of holding their countries citizens hostage just over a COVID quarantine. If I was in Biden's shoes, I certainly would.
So are they testing the masses in other countries before they unleash it in the US? Just to be safe?
All for a fricken survival rate of 99.7%