Dehumidifier will shift the pressure so that it is lower pressure outside of her lungs and higher inside. As the pressure equalizes each breath, the goop in her lungs will have a chance to be expelled.
Worked with my brother, who up until I got the dehumidifier ($200 mind you) was in such horrible coughing fits it made him pass out.
Now he says he can't sleep without it on.
Again, make sure she drinks a lot, otherwise she might get Thrush. (Look up thrush images at your own risk, the pictures are nightmare fuel. Know when to spot it, and how to treat it with Nystatin)
In the mean time, fill a vase with salt and water, stir, then add ice IN THAT ORDER and have her breathe on/near it. I had to do this in the middle of the night with my brother before we got the dehumidifier, and it seemed to help in a pinch.
Drink a lot of water, and use a himalayan salt inhaler (can be bought on Amazon, online from Walmart, etc).
I have chronic bronchitis (a form of COPD) and my airways produce far too much mucus. Staying hydrated thins out the mucus so it can move more easily. When my insurance raised the price of my maintenance inhaler that I absolutely required 2-4 times per day from $5 per inhaler out of pocket to $103 per inhaler out of pocket and I couldn't afford it, I was desperate and started researching alternatives. I tried a himalayan salt inhaler, and I now use the salt inhaler daily and only have to use my maintenance inhaler once every 7-10 days instead of 2-4 times every day. The inhaled salt ions break up the mucus so it can be moved up and out, and also kill many pathogens. It's safe, and worth a try for a one time $15 purchase. It has been an absolute life-changing miracle for me.
Some foods to increase alkalinity are,green tea,avacado,pumpkin seed,fig,molasses,You should consider hydrogen peroxide and iodine inhaler treatments as as well as Lugol solution oral at same time.Look on Dr Mercola's site.
Seems backwards, I know. But that's what's working right now.
The best way I can figure how it's helping my brother is that taking water vapor out of the air, both, dries the air so it can accept moisture from the lungs and then also lowers the pressure in the room so breathing out is easier due to pressure equalization.
The lower pressure (low vapor content therefore less dense) in the room is drawing the high pressure (high vapor content, therefore more dense) out of his lungs.
I could be wrong on the science, but it's working so who cares if I got the process wrong on paper?
The medical group that my doctor belongs to has been sending out a newsletter every couple of weeks since the Covid started and the following info pertaining to clearing the gunk out of your lungs was in one of the earlier issues.
"As a medical student in the ‘70's at the VA Hospital, I would need to get up at 3 AM to perform an order for "Pulmonary Toilet.” In the 21st Century, political correctness renamed the process “Pulmonary Hygiene.” Either way, it’s getting the yucky mucus out of the lungs.
The premise is simple- put a glass of water on your front porch. In a few days, it turns brown, and has little things swimming around in it. But a garden hose trickling for days stays clear. Stagnant fluid in the lungs turns badly infected, and needs to be removed. Here are the three processes we teach--they should be done 3-4 times a day.
TURN, COUGH, AND DEEP BREATHE- Lie in bed on your right side, cough hard, take a deep breath, and turn to your left side and repeat. Do this for 5 minutes. Imagine trying to get honey from the bottom of a jar to the sides. Same idea.
INCENTIVE SPIROMETRY- If you have one of those gadgets with balls that rise as you take a deep breath; perfect. Otherwise, improvise by exhaling totally, take as deep a breath as deeply as possible, hold it for 5-10 seconds, exhale, and repeat the process for 5 minutes. We need the airways open, and this accomplishes that.
PERCUSSION AND DRAINAGE- Again we improvise for home use. You'll need a partner wearing PPE (protective personal equipment). They cup each hand and begin playing the bongos on your back as you lie over a table with your shirt off. They should pound fairly hard. After about a minute, they should leave the room as you cough deeply to remove as much fluid as possible. Repeat the process for five minutes or more."
Benadryl! I used everything, including horse paste. Not sure if it was covid but after starting horse paste nothing got worse but was taking time to get better. I added Benadryl at night and I was much better the next morning. I still have some mucus and last bit of congestion but hoping it will clear out soon.
Also, get a electric kettle and tea bags and constantly drink hot tea. No caffeine tea since the bronkaid is a stimulant and the amount of tea you'll need to drink could make that dangerous
Dr. Peter Mccolough constantly talks about betadine solution, diluted and every 6 hours up the nose, let it go back to throat and gargle it then spit out.
This is going to sound weird, but it helped me. Clasp one hand over the other (which is in a fist), then place at the top of your stomach, in the area just below where your ribs join. When you cough, press in and up, with a little force. It helped me cough up what needed to come out.
Warn her that it's possible to cough too hard. I had allergies to an area I moved to that I wasn't prepared for an gave myself an umbilical hernia coughing too hard and too frequently.
I suggest looking up Dr. Mercola's nebulizer treatment. Nebulizers are cheap nowadays (around $25.00) He did a video talking about using a combo of Hydrogen peroxide and iodine in a nebulizer. Not sure if this would pertain to what she's dealing with, but I would definitely look it up if I were you. Good luck!
Are you sure there is mucous down there? I coughed for a good while after recovering, but there never seemed to be much mucous to cough up, and what little did come up was clear - never the green/yellow stuff of infection.
Then I threw my back out. Believe me, the coughing stopped pretty quickly after that.
A couple of weeks ago I had a nagging cough. I couldnt even sleep. I coughed so much though it felt like a dry raspy cough the coughing made me throw up. Whats weird is that I threw up clear water. All I ate that day was a sandwich (same as the day before without a problem) and there was absolutely no food particles in the vomitus. Finally I slept and in the morning checked the garbage, again it was just clear liquid but my chest felt wonderful. No longer heavy, no more short of breath. Felt so good to be able to take a deep breath.
There is a old country remedy I always use when I get the heavy chest congestion from a cold/flu. Scald a cup of milk with 1-2 cloves of crushed fresh garlic, melt a couple of tablespoons of butter (not margarine) in it. Let cool just enough that you could drink it but still hot. Sounds awful, I know, but you cant taste it anyway.
I swear by that. I had legionnaires pneumonia once, 10 days in hospital on IV abx with no improvement. Even my doctor friends came to visit me because they thought I wouldnt make it. Mom brought me this concoction in the hospital, I drank it and the next day started to improve, discharged the day after that.
My toddler kid got that long lasting mucus crud. It was likely enterovirus, as several kids at daycare got that diagnosis around the same time. Took about 10 weeks to clear on its own.
I have it now (no other signs of illness). One of the best things you can do is keep your sinuses clear, since that drains into your chest. Cut off the source and your body can work to clear out the reserves. Take a decongestant daily and do a sinus wash with saline solution and a little iodine as often as you need. You might have to do it 4 or more times a day to start but once your sinuses are clear once a day should be fine. If you're really congested, double up the salt for a bit as that will encourage better drainage. Be careful about putting too much pressure up there. Enterovirus can also cause ear infections and inflammation in the ear canal.
Mucinex and bromelain can help with mucus. Quercetin works as an anti inflammatory and antihistamine if you need some pain relief or to cut down mucus production. Stack with Q with zinc if you think this is viral and you need some immune support. Vitamin D and C wouldn't be a bad idea, either.
Get a dehumidifier, and she needs to drink A LOT.
Drinking will loosen up the sludge.
Dehumidifier will shift the pressure so that it is lower pressure outside of her lungs and higher inside. As the pressure equalizes each breath, the goop in her lungs will have a chance to be expelled.
Worked with my brother, who up until I got the dehumidifier ($200 mind you) was in such horrible coughing fits it made him pass out.
Now he says he can't sleep without it on.
Again, make sure she drinks a lot, otherwise she might get Thrush. (Look up thrush images at your own risk, the pictures are nightmare fuel. Know when to spot it, and how to treat it with Nystatin)
In the mean time, fill a vase with salt and water, stir, then add ice IN THAT ORDER and have her breathe on/near it. I had to do this in the middle of the night with my brother before we got the dehumidifier, and it seemed to help in a pinch.
Hope this helps.
Drink a lot of water, and use a himalayan salt inhaler (can be bought on Amazon, online from Walmart, etc).
I have chronic bronchitis (a form of COPD) and my airways produce far too much mucus. Staying hydrated thins out the mucus so it can move more easily. When my insurance raised the price of my maintenance inhaler that I absolutely required 2-4 times per day from $5 per inhaler out of pocket to $103 per inhaler out of pocket and I couldn't afford it, I was desperate and started researching alternatives. I tried a himalayan salt inhaler, and I now use the salt inhaler daily and only have to use my maintenance inhaler once every 7-10 days instead of 2-4 times every day. The inhaled salt ions break up the mucus so it can be moved up and out, and also kill many pathogens. It's safe, and worth a try for a one time $15 purchase. It has been an absolute life-changing miracle for me.
Drink hot drinks (tea, coffee)
Yes. The more bitter, the better.
Bitter denotes alkalinity (bases).
Sinus mucus is typically acidic.
This is because amino acids are the building blocks for proteins.
Proteins get sticky when they are misfolded or sheared. During an infection, proteins are released as cells die.
As the proteins decay they get sticky.
Which forms a viscous "glue."
Alkaline (basic) agents can neutralize the amino acids.
That's the reason bleach feels slippery, because it destroys the proteins that allow things to be sticky.
So, increasing your alkalinity helps to neutralize the viscosity of the mucus.
So... The more bitter the tea/coffee is, the more alkaline it is.
Coffee might not be the best option though, as the caffeine is a diuretic and can make you dehydrated faster, which could hurt more than benefit.
Some foods to increase alkalinity are,green tea,avacado,pumpkin seed,fig,molasses,You should consider hydrogen peroxide and iodine inhaler treatments as as well as Lugol solution oral at same time.Look on Dr Mercola's site.
Hot water alone is boss.
Do you mean humidifier or de-humidifier? One adds water vapor to the air, the other extracts water from the air.
DE - humidifier.
To extract moisture. Not add.
Seems backwards, I know. But that's what's working right now.
The best way I can figure how it's helping my brother is that taking water vapor out of the air, both, dries the air so it can accept moisture from the lungs and then also lowers the pressure in the room so breathing out is easier due to pressure equalization.
The lower pressure (low vapor content therefore less dense) in the room is drawing the high pressure (high vapor content, therefore more dense) out of his lungs.
I could be wrong on the science, but it's working so who cares if I got the process wrong on paper?
Clotrimazole troches are better for thrush in my experience.
This. Mucinex extended release is best.
Can cause elevated bp and anxiety for those prone to it.
Mucinex D, its behind the counter, much better than regular Mucinex.
NAC is supposed to be good for that
It's getting hard to find lately but it works really well for this.
NAC and Budesonal inhaler.
Same for me. I had the same experience. Incredible.
Mercola's protocol for nebulized hydrogen peroxide (in which you can include iodine, NAC, etc.):
The medical group that my doctor belongs to has been sending out a newsletter every couple of weeks since the Covid started and the following info pertaining to clearing the gunk out of your lungs was in one of the earlier issues.
"As a medical student in the ‘70's at the VA Hospital, I would need to get up at 3 AM to perform an order for "Pulmonary Toilet.” In the 21st Century, political correctness renamed the process “Pulmonary Hygiene.” Either way, it’s getting the yucky mucus out of the lungs.
The premise is simple- put a glass of water on your front porch. In a few days, it turns brown, and has little things swimming around in it. But a garden hose trickling for days stays clear. Stagnant fluid in the lungs turns badly infected, and needs to be removed. Here are the three processes we teach--they should be done 3-4 times a day.
TURN, COUGH, AND DEEP BREATHE- Lie in bed on your right side, cough hard, take a deep breath, and turn to your left side and repeat. Do this for 5 minutes. Imagine trying to get honey from the bottom of a jar to the sides. Same idea.
INCENTIVE SPIROMETRY- If you have one of those gadgets with balls that rise as you take a deep breath; perfect. Otherwise, improvise by exhaling totally, take as deep a breath as deeply as possible, hold it for 5-10 seconds, exhale, and repeat the process for 5 minutes. We need the airways open, and this accomplishes that.
PERCUSSION AND DRAINAGE- Again we improvise for home use. You'll need a partner wearing PPE (protective personal equipment). They cup each hand and begin playing the bongos on your back as you lie over a table with your shirt off. They should pound fairly hard. After about a minute, they should leave the room as you cough deeply to remove as much fluid as possible. Repeat the process for five minutes or more."
Best of luck. I hope this helps your wife.
A nurse told me once to drink pineapple juice as a natural expectorant.
I’m dealing with the same and it helps.
pineapple contains bromelain
how is giving her the shits gonna help....lololol
Try Throat Coat tea From Traditional Medicinals.
oil of oregano
Inversion. Gravity is your fren
Benadryl! I used everything, including horse paste. Not sure if it was covid but after starting horse paste nothing got worse but was taking time to get better. I added Benadryl at night and I was much better the next morning. I still have some mucus and last bit of congestion but hoping it will clear out soon.
Try mucinex dm for a week
Bronkaid and Mucinex
Mucinex DM to include the cough suppressor so your coughs are actually productive instead of torturous
Also, get a electric kettle and tea bags and constantly drink hot tea. No caffeine tea since the bronkaid is a stimulant and the amount of tea you'll need to drink could make that dangerous
I had similar issues. I have asthma and about a year ago, I kept getting phlegm & mucus and constantly coughing. Was lasting for months.
Then one day, God led me to a PDF... I read Rapid Virus Recovery ( and purchased a nebulizer on Amazon along with some peroxide from the local super market.
After three sessions of about 15 minutes each, it cleared my lungs and I still feel great now.
Dr. Peter Mccolough constantly talks about betadine solution, diluted and every 6 hours up the nose, let it go back to throat and gargle it then spit out.
This is going to sound weird, but it helped me. Clasp one hand over the other (which is in a fist), then place at the top of your stomach, in the area just below where your ribs join. When you cough, press in and up, with a little force. It helped me cough up what needed to come out.
Live healthily, physically, emotionally and mentally and it will go. Stop searching for some magic hack,
Eat something salty, or add some salt to a beverage. Eat something spicy.
Took me a few months for it to leave
Took me 3 days to get rid of the dry cough. I took 5mg Cetirizine Hydrochloride once a day at bedtime for 3 days (or up to a week if necessary).
nebulizer and peroxide saline solution to inhale.
Horsetail tea
Chilies, as powerful as you can stand. Jalapeno minimum.
Is she coughing up anything? My cough lasted about two or three weeks or so, then one day was just gone.
I wasn't coughing anything up, tho, so didn't take anything.
N-Acetyl cystine (NAC) is great for pulmonary issues. It's even better if taken with flush niacin.
Water and pineapple. It has an enzyme in it that breaks phlegm up very well. It's what I used.
Warn her that it's possible to cough too hard. I had allergies to an area I moved to that I wasn't prepared for an gave myself an umbilical hernia coughing too hard and too frequently.
I broke a rib once when I had pneumonia.
I suggest looking up Dr. Mercola's nebulizer treatment. Nebulizers are cheap nowadays (around $25.00) He did a video talking about using a combo of Hydrogen peroxide and iodine in a nebulizer. Not sure if this would pertain to what she's dealing with, but I would definitely look it up if I were you. Good luck!
Are you sure there is mucous down there? I coughed for a good while after recovering, but there never seemed to be much mucous to cough up, and what little did come up was clear - never the green/yellow stuff of infection.
Then I threw my back out. Believe me, the coughing stopped pretty quickly after that.
A couple of weeks ago I had a nagging cough. I couldnt even sleep. I coughed so much though it felt like a dry raspy cough the coughing made me throw up. Whats weird is that I threw up clear water. All I ate that day was a sandwich (same as the day before without a problem) and there was absolutely no food particles in the vomitus. Finally I slept and in the morning checked the garbage, again it was just clear liquid but my chest felt wonderful. No longer heavy, no more short of breath. Felt so good to be able to take a deep breath.
There is a old country remedy I always use when I get the heavy chest congestion from a cold/flu. Scald a cup of milk with 1-2 cloves of crushed fresh garlic, melt a couple of tablespoons of butter (not margarine) in it. Let cool just enough that you could drink it but still hot. Sounds awful, I know, but you cant taste it anyway.
I swear by that. I had legionnaires pneumonia once, 10 days in hospital on IV abx with no improvement. Even my doctor friends came to visit me because they thought I wouldnt make it. Mom brought me this concoction in the hospital, I drank it and the next day started to improve, discharged the day after that.
My toddler kid got that long lasting mucus crud. It was likely enterovirus, as several kids at daycare got that diagnosis around the same time. Took about 10 weeks to clear on its own.
I have it now (no other signs of illness). One of the best things you can do is keep your sinuses clear, since that drains into your chest. Cut off the source and your body can work to clear out the reserves. Take a decongestant daily and do a sinus wash with saline solution and a little iodine as often as you need. You might have to do it 4 or more times a day to start but once your sinuses are clear once a day should be fine. If you're really congested, double up the salt for a bit as that will encourage better drainage. Be careful about putting too much pressure up there. Enterovirus can also cause ear infections and inflammation in the ear canal.
Mucinex and bromelain can help with mucus. Quercetin works as an anti inflammatory and antihistamine if you need some pain relief or to cut down mucus production. Stack with Q with zinc if you think this is viral and you need some immune support. Vitamin D and C wouldn't be a bad idea, either.