I know, right? Oh Tom Hanks doesn't respect me? Boo hoo hoo. My life is now ruined.
Never liked the guy. It might be an odd thing, but something about the shape of his mouth just bugs me. It's like he has worms pasted to his face rather than normal lips.
Someone on Voat said he had a secret room in his basement. Then there were all those weird photos of shoes and the pic of him with Oprah holding up a sign with something like I'm not allowed to speak. We'll see what comes out.
not sure if i missed it, but just wondering if the hwood stars who use stage names would use their real names on pedo flight logs, hotels, anything else?
Maybe, but the point is that if their name wasn’t on the flight log, then it’s inaccurate to say they were on the flight log without some confirmed manner of decoding the names. You can’t just assume somebody was on the log just because they might be there under a code name.
Getting a lift and going to the island are two different things. I have no hesitation in saying there is zero chance of DJT ever being implicated in any pedo practice.
I think the only reason we know about Epstein is that Donald Trump manipulated the situation so that the world would know. I think over the years Trump and the security for his hotels and other venues had to watch as the child trafficking would happen on his property.
Do you really think that after careful planning for 50 odd years (since JFK) to rid America of the DS that the Military would put a person in place (ask them to run for President) - DJT - that had the same evil hanging over his head - financially, morally, spiritually, judicially . - as the VERY PEOPLE the Military were trying to remove? Think about that - I’ll wait for your answer. BTW, 45s plane had issues that grounded it. He needed to get to NYC and Epstein’s brother was heading back and 45 hitched a ride.
yeah the whole point was he was a guy who couldnt be bought bullied or blackmailed so they must have vetted the shit out of him, and I mean fucking QUANTUMLY, before deciding to bring him onboard to lead the salvation of fucking mankind and the western world.
I know, right? Oh Tom Hanks doesn't respect me? Boo hoo hoo. My life is now ruined.
Never liked the guy. It might be an odd thing, but something about the shape of his mouth just bugs me. It's like he has worms pasted to his face rather than normal lips.
Methinks it’s a meme, not a post. Primarily to get stubborn normies to see that Hollywood is a cesspool with many pedophiles in it.
Source for anyone curious https://m.facebook.com/22433917219/photos/a.252617427219/10151657635092220/
Tom Hanks is a goddamn communist.
IF he is still alive, many doubt he is.
Yeppo. Supposedly he was tried and executed a while ago
Yeah, no signs of the guy for a while.
I think he recently gave a eulogy at a wrinkle-flagged funeral. Can’t remember who it was.
He supposedly just made an Ad for Biden https://greatawakening.win/p/141FAdH7HF/tom-hanks-showing-face-after-all/c/
hold up.
last time i claimed that Tom Hank was on Epstein flight log list,
someone challenged me, and told me that was not true.
so after some debate, i was forced to admit that i could find no evidence of Tom Hanks on Epstein's flight logs.
i think Hanks implicated himself in Pizzagate with that weird Pizza photo he posted, with the pizza clock on the wall behind him
Someone on Voat said he had a secret room in his basement. Then there were all those weird photos of shoes and the pic of him with Oprah holding up a sign with something like I'm not allowed to speak. We'll see what comes out.
I can't find any evidence of Tom Hanks being in the flight logs, either. Including a direct look at the flight logs. Maybe I missed it.
Issac Kappy called Hanks out as a pedophile and died shortly after.
not sure if i missed it, but just wondering if the hwood stars who use stage names would use their real names on pedo flight logs, hotels, anything else?
Maybe, but the point is that if their name wasn’t on the flight log, then it’s inaccurate to say they were on the flight log without some confirmed manner of decoding the names. You can’t just assume somebody was on the log just because they might be there under a code name.
Tom Hanks, may he rest in Hell, was certainly a big fan of wearing masks way before COVID was a pipedream.
i don't have respect for anyone who purchases lil girls to abuse them
remember Sarah Ruth Ashcraft on twitter claimed Tom Hanks paid her parents for permission to have sex with her when she was only 13 years old
i believe her
Or is in the red shoe club...
The mask. I seriously can't understand this, even more than the jab.
He will always be semi-retarded to me… momma said life is like a box of chocolates… SHE MEANT FOOD NOT CHILDREN AND ADRENOCHROME YOU FREAKING LOSER!!
Careful with this one since Trump took that one flight to NJ before he knew what was up with the slimeball.
Getting a lift and going to the island are two different things. I have no hesitation in saying there is zero chance of DJT ever being implicated in any pedo practice.
I think the only reason we know about Epstein is that Donald Trump manipulated the situation so that the world would know. I think over the years Trump and the security for his hotels and other venues had to watch as the child trafficking would happen on his property.
Do you really think that after careful planning for 50 odd years (since JFK) to rid America of the DS that the Military would put a person in place (ask them to run for President) - DJT - that had the same evil hanging over his head - financially, morally, spiritually, judicially . - as the VERY PEOPLE the Military were trying to remove? Think about that - I’ll wait for your answer. BTW, 45s plane had issues that grounded it. He needed to get to NYC and Epstein’s brother was heading back and 45 hitched a ride.
yeah the whole point was he was a guy who couldnt be bought bullied or blackmailed so they must have vetted the shit out of him, and I mean fucking QUANTUMLY, before deciding to bring him onboard to lead the salvation of fucking mankind and the western world.
I'm on your side, 100%. I was simply stating that if you throw this meme around that's going to be the first rebuttal.
I don't respect anyone who was treated successfully with hydroxychloroquine, and then badmouths it.
Woody is the one wearing the helmet this time.
I think Hanks is dead.
I'm legitimately having a hard time respecting maskers. So it's a two way street Tommy.
Trump was also on Epstien's flight log... It should state "no respect for anyone who was on Lolita Express flight log"
I posted that and got this “fact” check…
Has anyone here heard the flight log is fake?
Yet they introduced it as evidence in court. It’s very real.