posted ago by MegaMAGAMichiPede ago by MegaMAGAMichiPede +251 / -0

If you’re on here a lot, I’m sure you’ve at least scrolled past one of my posts about the shenanigans my leftist family has pulled surrounding everything from my wedding to holidays to trying to manipulate me into the jab etc...

Well, this Christmas, realization dawned in some of them that they’ve been out of line. They’ve been humbled. For the first time since this all started, there was love, sincere appreciation, communication, and joy swirling in the air for Christmas Eve.

My Aunt that has given me the most grief was pretty much herself again.

My cousins, one of whom treated me poorly, currently have triple vaxxed husbands with Covid, and are starting to wake up and realize the truth SLOWLY.

God in His wisdom watched our family walk through the fire of disagreement, disdain, disrespect, and even outright cruelty...and stilled His hand, knowing the love we share would win out in the end. Because love is of God, and when we love, we do His will here on Earth. Just keep loving each other. This hard time will pass, life will go on, and we will all be together to experience whatever comes next.

Wishing anyone who has struggled with family and friends during this pandemic the peace and reconciliation I’m beginning to experience. I will pray for you. It is possible and it is so beautiful!