And she could have died on any of those 3650 or so days. But only one of those days was exactly 17 days from her 100th birthday. That seems a little too coincidental.
I just saw a acreenshot of an article written 12/28 about a special coming on 1/12 about her that talks about her secret to long life of not eating anything green. Goes on to say she enjoys dogs. More coincidences? I mean you have that kind of money and that's a favorite food? Bizarre
Hot dogs. You know like they had at Barry Soetoro's white house.
Fun Fact: When you google his birth name the first google result is a florida lawsuit filing against him lol.
Edit: What a strange thing to downvote. You guys take cuck dick in the ass or what? Your plebian ass gets no respect with no response. Guess that's above your garbage paygrade tho. Pass it along the synagogue of satan chain of command or whatever they convinced you weak pansy asses is next in line. I welcome being corrected even if it goes against the conservative circle jerk. The bible never said the antichrist would fool the normies while the autists go on wild goose chaes lol
Yeah same here. However, she did get tributes from some big name Cabal folks for her 90th birthday (and also now) - like Obama, Oprah, Ellen DeGenerous, Bill Cosby etc. Makes me wonder
Lots of deaf people throwing up “I love you” in sign language are gonna have a rude awakening then, huh? Or anyone else that’s used this hand gesture too, including myself. Gonna be hard pressed not to find anyone that ever has. Only the armless/handless, I reckon. Nevermind the intentions in your heart, God/Satan view Salvation/Damnation by hand gestures.
Im not saying she is or isn’t one of [them] but to me, using one pic of something that has Satanic connotations is the same as the people that say Trump is a pedophile bc he has been seen rubbing elbows with Epstein. Like, a billionaire hanging out at an event with another billionaire at a party of billionaires? No way! I thought he’d be hanging out with me, a pleb! 😂 And to that point, what matters is when was he friends with Epstein? Before or after him being a known pedophile. Catch my drift?
I absolutely do catch your drift. I have been at parties with people I barely know who have later turned out to be not such good people, and am in pictures with them somewhere I am sure. I always thought the picture thing was stupid.
I mean, don’t get me wrong, I’m guilty of this jumping to conclusions thing too, I’m no different. But I do know my own abyss and have escaped it. And I know that the intentions of/in the heart and soul of the person is what matters.
Think about this tho. That is the picture Ruffalo chose to use. That's not a thumbnail from an article that is auto generated for a twitter post. So yeah, in general not all people throwing up the horns are devout satanists. When somebody with such severe TDS as ruffalo uses a picture of her throwing them up tho? I think the thoery has legs at that point.
Maybe, maybe not. Like i said in another comment, idk if she is or isn’t. None of us really do, we all just speculate. And even still, on our deathbed in our last breath we can still repent and accept Jesus/God into our hearts. Ruffalo is an asshole. I think he used this photo intentionally, yes, I agree. Like, Betty rocks! (Devil Horns) However, the Devil Horns sign isn’t what she throwing up. Devil Horns is the pinky and forefinger up with the two middle under an enclosed thumb.
You're correct here, it should be facing away from her (or toward people) so she most likely had it backwards (probably confused on how to use it properly).
Lol all good. I apologize for being snarky in my original comment. Being someone who has experienced his own “abyss”, I know that what really matters is what is in the heart of the person. I can’t say for sure that she’s “good” or “evil”, but I do know that what matters is intention and dedication through that intention; I can attest to this.
It does look like she's saying "I Love You" in sign language but she have it backwards.
Why is that sign used? The pinkie finger sticking outwards in sign language represent the letter "I", both the index finger and the thumb sticking outwards represent the letter "L" and both the pinkie finger and the thumb sticking outwards represent the letter "Y" so when combined, you have "ILY" in one sign.
That's why we use that sign to say, "I LOVE YOU", instead of having to sign out "I" "LOVE" and "YOU" out.
I don't know if that's a demonic gesture or she just have the "ILY" sign backwards lol
She didn't die the way we were told. She was so old she probably is dead by now, but there is video of her coming out of a restaurant with her old manager or something not long after news broke of her death. No wig/make up but that laugh/voice is there and you can see her reaction to noticing the camera.
That voice and laugh is fucking iconic. It would take some serious work to convince me it wasn't her. It was never even hinted to that maybe the video was from before she died. I think the paparazzo were trying to get tmz footage of the manager or something. She was great tho. I really hope she went into witness protection and is helping white hats or something and got caught slipping.
Agree. . .BW just "happened" to recently give an interview that made it over the MSM wires. ("Stayiing away from anything green" or something like that.) Then, Boom! She's gone! It reminded me of the double Carrie Fisher/Debbie Reynolds deaths, that also occurred around New Years. Carrie was just coming back into the public eye with the Star Wars film.
This is true. That's why certain people can die on days that fit a comm. That's why you have a dog like "Champ" die and then 10 days later Donald Rumsfeld is dead.
Ruths Ginsberg was dead months before her actual death date. I think Trump and them finally just forced the Left to admit she was dead. They were hoping to keep her "alive" longer to hold that seat.
All the supposed awakened people on social media with their praises of her today.. no fucking clue. No one she was clean with her VERY LONG run of fame in the industry. Sick of the media devoting so much attention to stories of celebs passing away as though they are any more important than anyone else on the planet.
HIdden rabbit ears on the sleeve of her deviled horn hand too
👏 I can’t stand her! It’s nothing new for me, even when my I watched Golden Girls she got on my nerves. It literally seemed like I was the only one that thought she was fake!
I do appreciate people educating people like me. I want to know the bad people’s names.
the horns, as ronny dio pointed out when he started using them were to ward off the evil eye.
now, apply what else Q taught us about Y-heads. would you want to warn the people around you if a Y-head aristocrat was around? would you want to hide the women and children from that Y-head? would you want to do that silently? would that be warding off the evil eye of the Y-head in question?
next, consider that the same symbol is used to say someone was cuckolded. now, was that originally saying that someone's wife got raped by a Y-head and the next child may not be theirs?
I'm just saying that it could be a blunder on her part when trying to say "I Love You" to her fans. I don't think she's doing the demonic gesture like Bush did with both index and pinkie fingers sticking outwards, mimicking the bull horns.
Or, get this: She was 99 years old. She was at deaths door for over 10 years.
And she could have died on any of those 3650 or so days. But only one of those days was exactly 17 days from her 100th birthday. That seems a little too coincidental.
I dont think they killed Betty for coms though
They dont kill for comms. But when they kill, they imprint it with comms as a way to let their folks know what it's about.
Betty is a pet form for Elizabeth.
I think this is Notable. Im neutral with mu thoughts if she was a pedo or not. But 17 days is very coincidental.
She ALWAYS had gigs in Hollywood no matter how old she got. That was always suspicious to me even back before I went down the rabbit hole.
I just saw a acreenshot of an article written 12/28 about a special coming on 1/12 about her that talks about her secret to long life of not eating anything green. Goes on to say she enjoys dogs. More coincidences? I mean you have that kind of money and that's a favorite food? Bizarre
Hot dogs. You know like they had at Barry Soetoro's white house.
Fun Fact: When you google his birth name the first google result is a florida lawsuit filing against him lol.
Edit: What a strange thing to downvote. You guys take cuck dick in the ass or what? Your plebian ass gets no respect with no response. Guess that's above your garbage paygrade tho. Pass it along the synagogue of satan chain of command or whatever they convinced you weak pansy asses is next in line. I welcome being corrected even if it goes against the conservative circle jerk. The bible never said the antichrist would fool the normies while the autists go on wild goose chaes lol
The antichrist is the one they worship.
Evil bitch then for sure, if you ask me
May be legit they are mostly preservatives
Yeah same here. However, she did get tributes from some big name Cabal folks for her 90th birthday (and also now) - like Obama, Oprah, Ellen DeGenerous, Bill Cosby etc. Makes me wonder
Lots of deaf people throwing up “I love you” in sign language are gonna have a rude awakening then, huh? Or anyone else that’s used this hand gesture too, including myself. Gonna be hard pressed not to find anyone that ever has. Only the armless/handless, I reckon. Nevermind the intentions in your heart, God/Satan view Salvation/Damnation by hand gestures.
Is this really I Love You in sign? I will feel so much better if it is.:Okay I took a look and indeed it is. Thanks for commenting.
She has it backwards but it’s this.
Im not saying she is or isn’t one of [them] but to me, using one pic of something that has Satanic connotations is the same as the people that say Trump is a pedophile bc he has been seen rubbing elbows with Epstein. Like, a billionaire hanging out at an event with another billionaire at a party of billionaires? No way! I thought he’d be hanging out with me, a pleb! 😂 And to that point, what matters is when was he friends with Epstein? Before or after him being a known pedophile. Catch my drift?
I absolutely do catch your drift. I have been at parties with people I barely know who have later turned out to be not such good people, and am in pictures with them somewhere I am sure. I always thought the picture thing was stupid.
I mean, don’t get me wrong, I’m guilty of this jumping to conclusions thing too, I’m no different. But I do know my own abyss and have escaped it. And I know that the intentions of/in the heart and soul of the person is what matters.
Think about this tho. That is the picture Ruffalo chose to use. That's not a thumbnail from an article that is auto generated for a twitter post. So yeah, in general not all people throwing up the horns are devout satanists. When somebody with such severe TDS as ruffalo uses a picture of her throwing them up tho? I think the thoery has legs at that point.
Maybe, maybe not. Like i said in another comment, idk if she is or isn’t. None of us really do, we all just speculate. And even still, on our deathbed in our last breath we can still repent and accept Jesus/God into our hearts. Ruffalo is an asshole. I think he used this photo intentionally, yes, I agree. Like, Betty rocks! (Devil Horns) However, the Devil Horns sign isn’t what she throwing up. Devil Horns is the pinky and forefinger up with the two middle under an enclosed thumb.
betty white was high priestess of hollywood
Appreciate your statement, but the "I love you" sign is the pinky-thumb. The 3 middle fingers are down.
I’m sorry, but with all due respect, that is incorrect.
Yes that's the right way to say "ILY".
Here's the explanation on why we use "ILY" that way, as I replied to OP about the "ILY" sign:
EDIT: Didn't realize you're the OP lol
Thank you so much for that u/deaf_MAGA_Pede. Couldn’t have said(or signed😉) it better myself. 🙏🏻👊🏻🇺🇸🦅
However, it is with the hand facing toward someone and not one's self for " I love you in sign language"
You're correct here, it should be facing away from her (or toward people) so she most likely had it backwards (probably confused on how to use it properly).
Like an inversion of i love you?
Lol yeah you can say that, or like she's saying "ILY" to herself lol
Huh. Well, thank you! Guess i have just been saying "you" all these years! LOL
Lol all good. I apologize for being snarky in my original comment. Being someone who has experienced his own “abyss”, I know that what really matters is what is in the heart of the person. I can’t say for sure that she’s “good” or “evil”, but I do know that what matters is intention and dedication through that intention; I can attest to this.
Lol thanks for the page.
Just replied to OP here:
It does look like she's saying "I Love You" in sign language but she have it backwards.
Why is that sign used? The pinkie finger sticking outwards in sign language represent the letter "I", both the index finger and the thumb sticking outwards represent the letter "L" and both the pinkie finger and the thumb sticking outwards represent the letter "Y" so when combined, you have "ILY" in one sign.
That's why we use that sign to say, "I LOVE YOU", instead of having to sign out "I" "LOVE" and "YOU" out.
I don't know if that's a demonic gesture or she just have the "ILY" sign backwards lol
True it is I love you in sign language, but why is it turned toward her instead of to the ones she is signaling?
When you sign 'I love you'. The palm faces the person you are signaling.
Maybe the pic was snapped before she turned it around? Idk.
Well, well; another one.
I still can't believe she "died" right before her 100th birthday. Definitely was murdered by the Elites.
Or she sang and got to bow out gracefully to the normies?
Same with Joan Rivers.
Worth considering inre JR —
Cc: u/Zeitreise
She didn't die the way we were told. She was so old she probably is dead by now, but there is video of her coming out of a restaurant with her old manager or something not long after news broke of her death. No wig/make up but that laugh/voice is there and you can see her reaction to noticing the camera.
I saw this, it really looked like her. She was terrified of the cameras and tried to duck her head and walk away. It was super awkward.
That voice and laugh is fucking iconic. It would take some serious work to convince me it wasn't her. It was never even hinted to that maybe the video was from before she died. I think the paparazzo were trying to get tmz footage of the manager or something. She was great tho. I really hope she went into witness protection and is helping white hats or something and got caught slipping.
Agree. . .BW just "happened" to recently give an interview that made it over the MSM wires. ("Stayiing away from anything green" or something like that.) Then, Boom! She's gone! It reminded me of the double Carrie Fisher/Debbie Reynolds deaths, that also occurred around New Years. Carrie was just coming back into the public eye with the Star Wars film.
How long will they hold onto the Queen and the Pope, I wonder?
I don’t keep track of her, but hasn’t the Queen been missing in action the last few weeks?
I wonder if Operation London Bridge will be changesd due to covid.
This is true. That's why certain people can die on days that fit a comm. That's why you have a dog like "Champ" die and then 10 days later Donald Rumsfeld is dead.
Ruths Ginsberg was dead months before her actual death date. I think Trump and them finally just forced the Left to admit she was dead. They were hoping to keep her "alive" longer to hold that seat.
Thanks! Yours as well.
What is your opinion on Austin Steinbart?
TRUTH vs Satan...I choose TRUTH
A Rommel death has been chosen.
Pffft. Your answer is right there. If Ruffalo is mourning her she’s as dirty as he is
This is some interesting information
Rehosted for people that care about internet trackers
Also she's an actress and this could be off any random thing she made before the world was blessed with full color visuals.
Edit: Yeah I figured lol.
All the supposed awakened people on social media with their praises of her today.. no fucking clue. No one she was clean with her VERY LONG run of fame in the industry. Sick of the media devoting so much attention to stories of celebs passing away as though they are any more important than anyone else on the planet.
HIdden rabbit ears on the sleeve of her deviled horn hand too
Yeah, I wondered about Betty White. I guess time will tell.
#17? Makes you wonder if there is some kind of divine intervention about Q. Or something of that orchestrated by the non-corrupt side of the military.
Perhaps BW was a high priestess or whatever in their evil cult.
👏 I can’t stand her! It’s nothing new for me, even when my I watched Golden Girls she got on my nerves. It literally seemed like I was the only one that thought she was fake! I do appreciate people educating people like me. I want to know the bad people’s names.
Fake news, moronsantos!
I love the babble though, ya'll are hilarious.
the horns, as ronny dio pointed out when he started using them were to ward off the evil eye.
now, apply what else Q taught us about Y-heads. would you want to warn the people around you if a Y-head aristocrat was around? would you want to hide the women and children from that Y-head? would you want to do that silently? would that be warding off the evil eye of the Y-head in question?
next, consider that the same symbol is used to say someone was cuckolded. now, was that originally saying that someone's wife got raped by a Y-head and the next child may not be theirs?
This is a bit exaggerating here but yeah who knows which side she's on but honestly I think she has the "ILY" sign backwards here.
Here's my explanation on this:
and that applies to the rest of what was said in what manner?
I'm just saying that it could be a blunder on her part when trying to say "I Love You" to her fans. I don't think she's doing the demonic gesture like Bush did with both index and pinkie fingers sticking outwards, mimicking the bull horns.
and completely avoiding what was said in the comment.