I'm dumbfounded - she just posted a picture of her daughters on Instagram with the caption, "Vaxxed!" and they're both holding up their vax cards. I can't believe people are doing this to their children. In the beginning they said the jabs were 99% effective and it's dropped so far from that we're at 3rd and 4th jabs because it's so ineffective. If they didn't know extra jabs were needed and they were wrong about the efficacy, you're still going to trust that no harm will come from them?!?!? I just don't even understand what people are thinking and there was apparently no convincing my friend otherwise. She potentially killed her daughters and she's bragging about it online, like she did a good thing. She believes she did a good thing.. How can people be this stupid and negligent???
Anyway, what's done is done apparently and only time will tell. I'm sick to my stomach..
Have a workmate who got his whole family vaxed after the mandates and he just had to take his 9yr old to the ER for having seizures. He was aware of the risk as well. I am still fuming. What is wrong with people? They no longer care about health or science. Its pure brainwashing. They cannot think for themselves. They have to follow the herd or else they cant sleep at night.
I think they're the tares from the Bible, empty bodies, no connection to God.
My man. Been saying this all along. Nice to hear someone else reaching the same conclusion
yes, especially after Q said the end won't be for everyone. is surreal to think about.
Having worked in Baltimore City Schools, I have absolutely looked into some children's eyes and seen nothing behind them. That was when it first hit home for me. And I am not disparaging the children, because there were many who I cared for dearly and saw the humanity trying to get out if you will through the monstrous conditions we were in.
This is so wrong, IMHO. ITS THE FUCKING TV. I know people who are spiritual and decent, and still got vaxxed. Our brains are wired differently, they won’t believe it until it is on TV. It is a crime against humanity. There is either a “plan” or there isn’t. Pull the fucking trigger Q.
Maybe fluoride cut their connection to truth and love.
You ask people : "If the first two shots worked, why do you need a booster?"
"Oh well, Omicron"
"Sure. But your vaxx was for a strain STRONGER than Omicron so..... shouldn't you already be protected?"
Head explodes. These people are just so fucking dumb.
then you could argue that the spike proteins or w/e are different on omicron which is why the antibodies aren't effective against it, could you not? not that I'm trying to say the vax is good, I'm just trying to think like the opponent here
They have infinite mental gymnastics. Is there really an awakening ? Ask around.
I've met a couple people that took it back in the beginning and wont go near it again after really bad effects
Same. The fence sitters are starting to see the game in toto.
That is a good point. I just assume with the same base virus ( sars ) that the spike proteins are the same. Just like the flu shot, you get one for the season.
I had a colleague tell me they made their booster appointment this week, because case numbers are high / Omicron, etc.
So I said, "Oh yeah, they have a shot for Omicron variant already?" "I guess so," was the reply.
I said, "Is the juice in the booster the same stuff in the first round of shots?" "I don't know, good question," they replied, very puzzled and perplexed.
Perhaps I got them to think, just a tiny bit.
How about the recent video from Germany, I think. seventeen people who were vaxxed and died received autopsies. ALL of them had major damage to their internal organs, usually the heart, when the Killer - T - cells attacked its own body. So, you have the vax causing death by hijacking the person's immune system and turning it against itself. Death to all, eventually. That's 200 million people in America alone. 30% *unvaxxed" will be left to carry on. This is depopulation, and that was the plan all along.
Here's the PDF report that goes with those autopsies.
I did! I remember pasting it. Another example of computers making my life easier...
Here ya go: https://doctors4covidethics.org/on-covid-vaccines-why-they-cannot-work-and-irrefutable-evidence-of-their-causative-role-in-deaths-after-vaccination
Cognitive dissonance. They seek validation.
Virtue signalling whenever someone posts that crap on social media about “doing my part”. Yeah, your part to depopulate the world.
All to get Likes on social media & to be in the “In crowd”.
the parents are spiritually/mentally unstable, like Munchausens. they don't think normally, and have been able to hide their compulsion, but this is too tempting, to get attention for their 'shots'. attention w*ores. and was shocked to find out how weird they are, didn't know their true thoughts until FB. just thought they were a bit different, not possessed.
People can't comprehend how Satanic the Harry Potter Banking Goblins who run the New World Order are.
Most Christians think claims that the goblins control our mainstream and social media, our internet and government, our banking and medical institutions, academia and music industry and even control our domestic terrorists... is ridiculous, let alone how these goblins are all working together to kill us.
Blood is thicker than water. Apparently for some, virtue signaling is thicker than blood. Seriously, #findthecure
It is after the vaxx anyway.
they are brainwashed and really believe that this virus is extremely dangerous, so they really believe that if you vax up, your being protected or protecting. and since they believe that the virus is that dangerous, they will lap up whatever story of there being variants that would justify a new booster. its not that they are uncaring, they just are that lost and think they are doing the right thing.
Mentally ill, criminal actions by this: The caregiver with MSBP (Munchausen syndrome by proxy) may: Lie about the child's symptoms. Change test results to make a child appear to be ill. Physically harm the child to produce symptoms. Victims are most often small children. They may get painful medical tests they don't need
The more you try to warn them the more they resent you. There are two teams now, not by my choice. The vaxxed will ride their Sunk Cost and justify it and work it till the end. they will not admit they made a mistake. There is no way a dumb redneck can be smarter than a manhattanite. They will never acknowledge that any of the side effects, chronic illness is from the vax. Totally normal that kids dropping on the field, developing life long illnesses. I am resigned to it. I can't even protect my nephews and neices from their parents.
Same. At first I thought I might be adopting a bunch of kids. Then they all got vaccinated too...
My god ...the same thing. I love my 5 year old niece. She's a little angel.....my sister thinks I'm crazy and won't listen to me. She is scared out of her fucking mind and really thinks these shots help.
In the past week my entire family with the exception of the two unvaxxed conspiracy theorists have gotten covid [influenza a] omicron Including my recently vaxxed 5 year old niece.
I didnt know how test crazy they were till the week before Christmas when insidious hints of testing before our party started to be hinted at. I blew up the whole party by refusing. They canceled the whole thing and were possed at me and then all proceeded to test positive....even after I told them how bunk those tests were. Oh...they are sick. These people are sick?
They are and there stupid as shit.how can you be scared when none of them know anybody dying.
I know right
That’s part of what’s made me sick about it.. they’d sell me out in a heartbeat.
I had a group that I met with once a week. We had a shared interest, but unfortunately all of them were Democrats, except for me. Once the coof hit, all reason left them. They're all triple vaxxed at this point, still wearing masks, and living in fear of the coof. They're still "mandating" masks and distancing when they do meet, which isn't nearly as frequently as it was. Since I'm unvaxxed, I no longer attend. I know exactly what would happen if one of them got sick -- I'd be blamed for it. They would absolutely freak out on me, too, if they knew I was living my life like normal. No masks for me!
It’s insane to me that the vaxxed people have lost the ability to be logical. Propaganda is effective though and we’re seeing it first hand.
Totally agree about this.
Here is one link to Dr. Malone talking about concept of mass psychosis formation.
There is a reason why so many intelligent people, and those not so intelligent, are caught up in this horror.
Dr. Mattias DeSmet began to talk about this...I really liked the joint interview with him and Dr. Malone, and I think Dr. McCullough...but link isn't where I saved it. I think it was linked here in a post in the last week.
Choose Better Friends
Relevant video: 100, 99, 98, 97... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yb9sUuAZ40g
That should be the most popular video on the internet.
There People lost on vaaxx. Its a shame, but irreversible
Same reason these morons keep buying the latest iPhone or Samsung phone for $1000+.
Marketing is the answer.
Marketing of fear, in this case.
Makes me wonder how many of these fucking POS have taken out a life insurance policy on their kids.
drop her as a friend, but giver her a stern warning first about the potential harm she's subjected her daughters to.
Gimme an R....gimme an E...gimme a T....gimme an A....Gimme a R...gimme a D...whats it spell??????
How about I give you a:
Thirty-three adenine nucleotides in the Covid 19 sequence they patented.
If that's not sending a message to everyone, I don't know what is.
Interesting…I hadn’t come across that one yet..do you have sauce?
"I can't believe people are doing this to their children."
I was talking to someone whose daughter has a 2 month old baby. Apparently, the daughter got vaxxed after the baby was born. She's now breastfeeding the baby and HOPING the baby acquires her "immunity." I wanted to do a face palm right then and there. WTF are these people thinking?!? Then in the same breath they said that the rest of the family was coming down with all sorts of illnesses. Well, duh -- they've ruined their immune systems. Unbelievable. All this and still clueless.
Another friend of mine got vaxxed and a couple weeks after her second poke got covid. The vax “hadn't kicked in yet.” The mental gymnastics is crazy.
And, let me guess...after having gotten through the coof, your friend still went and got boosted.
How did you know? The brain washing is unbelievable.
Guess she doesn't want grandchildren
How aweful. How old are the girls?I feel sorry for them
5 and 8. Such high covid risk for them.
So so sad.
Its all about the virtue signaling and being accepted by their group think peers.
If the kids die this person will be on social media crying for likes and comments. it wouldn't even occur to them they killed the kids with a vaccine nor would they care.
they are forever victims.
No truer words, my friend.