President Trump..." The Supreme Court has spoken, confirming what we all knew"..."We are proud of the Supreme Court for not backing down. No Mandates!"
⚠️ Vax-TYRANNY ☠️

Not happy about the health care ruling but still this is a massive victory.
Currently having some victory beers with my unvaxxed co-workers and another friend who came to join us at a bar in King County that isn’t enforcing vax mandates.
I am damn proud of everyone here who is holding the line. This is a massive morale boost for us and evern more so non-Q following conservatives and libertarians who needed a victory.
We CANNOT get complacent as the game is still being played but if this was a football game we just got our 4th down stop. Now the offense needs to get on the field and push FORWARD. Trump can Quarterback us but WE the rest of the team need to make our blocks, run our routes and play disciplined. Every disobedient action counts no matter how big or small.
The health care one is coming! Hold on tight. We are about to see if we have the right to our religious beliefs or if they have a right to question them. This one’s going to be huge and cross over to the military and federal employees! Get your popcorn.
Healthcare the ones who got it got it. There are already other measures vaccines and tests in place but being able to make that choice is huge.
Yes but precedent is set already for CMS to makes rules. They already do. They were involved in making rules for hospitals and anyone who takes Medicare.
This is why I quit homecare. Let me introduce you to CMS, the most busybody, pushy, criminal government apparatus that exists.
Every week it’s CMS made these changes, better learn them. I could give two shits about the vaccine, that’s easy. Just brave some health effects, maybe die who cares because CMS has some changes you need to learn.
I’d be damn happy if this lead to an awareness of what’s going on with Medicare. They are pushing us around so frequently they are like the bully that knows it will win, and is so proud of itself.
This week CMS changed these rules so now XYZ they thought was best last week is no longer best, there’s a new best and there will be a new rule next week.
Listen, this is about shaking off providers trying to suck off the government teat. The wealthy on both sides are fighting and it’s your loved one who means nothing. Why is the patient treated like expendable livestock?
If CMS thinks physical therapy will prevent burden of costs they make a rule and the healthcare corps or business start ups will agree, hire people to learn how to suck money off the government and hire more therapists to create problems they can solve for a fee, even promote joint surgery to help them. Are our parents and grandparents better off? Of course not. Because CMS is run by fucking psychopaths who just change things to shake off the wealthy who employ healthcare people. But that’s not the only reason they change things.
Y’all want to know about healthcare depravity I’m trying to explain it.
These policies about where they will spend money are not about the patients and what’s best for them at all
It’s about what problems are occurring.
2008 the bankers on Wall Street bought too many hookers and fucked up royally, right?
So government says: Let’s promote PT and OT in hospitals so they keep patients longer, do the therapy there, in house, that’s the new rule.
Why? Because we needed to give cheap loans to hospitals to build bigger more expansive hospitals so we can ride out the recession on the healthcare sector that’s building jobs.
Then a few years later:
Stop. No more PT/OT in house we want it in transitional care units (nursing homes that upgrade toward taking hospital level patients) because hospitals want to ramp down beds now to prepare for the boomers who will depend more on hospitals as they are a sick 30 percent of our population and the largest generation to need care all at once. Hospitals need to go to virtual care and close by 2025, to avoid losses from a large elderly group that dwarfs profits from private insurance which pay more.
New CMS rules y’all, (herd people around like cattle)
We want to let the mentally ill out of state hospitals and out of government care. No more group homes we can’t afford it.
So CMS says “we take it back that PT/OT helps hospital recidivism”. Now we believe PT/OT isn’t helpful AT ALL.
(Not based on needs of patients or studies, watch what they do next)
We need to street the mentally ill and keep the elderly out of hospitals which want to move to virtual care to limit costs of an extremely large elderly population.
CMS now needs transitional care units to take on hospital patients that aren’t acutely ill but displaced because they can’t manage at home. They poo poo the benefits of therapy in TCUs with an announcement.
CMS rules change! After hiring all those physical and occupational therapists that delivered us from the recession we will now fire them. Medicare will no longer pay for that many physical or occupational therapists.
Now we have TCUs taking the older mentally ill and the elderly who just need help with bathing or in between placement. PT/OT no longer helps anyone per CMS in garbled regulatory-speak.
Home care went through similar shifts. Instead of CMS paying for the elderly to be cared for, they force the elderly to give their own IV antibiotics, and instead of a nurse watching over them they do catheter changes or any treatment in clinics. (CMS told clinics they had to, so rules changed for them too. Herd more cattle)
Now Home Care has social workers and nurses to go individually into acutely mentally ill patients homes as they streeted them. Wanna know why crime rates are so high in cities? Mentally ill, violent patients were sent to apartments, where Home Care nurses have to try and not get attacked by them. I was locked in by a rapist and they sent me despite a court order this patient was to have no female staff.
CMS rules said so! Instead of police let’s sent a 110 pound new grad with a nursing degree and no experience to deal with the problem, patient is out of control, she can handle it.
Now there’s less access to home care, especially aides for the elderly because the government wants home care to handle the unstable mentally ill.
Next up:
TCUs/now handle the elderly who are sick. And they bring in immigrants who have little empathy for our culture or our loved ones. (IMO it’s my opinion that they are worked in such poor conditions it’s bad for the people they care for, democrats will not stop bringing in overseas nurses, it helps them sweep problems of safety in these places under the rug)
Physical therapists and occupational therapists were again cut in TCUs, because they needed TCUs to care for acutely ill or moderately ill elderly so the hospitals weren’t burdened. (Remember NY nursing home scandal well they were doing this way before that)
Now due to the pandemic, hospitals are pissed they can’t partially shut down by 2024. The reason there’s a crisis in hospitals is because they quietly forced nurses into retirement, reduced beds for a decade. 2024 Medicare cuts to hospitals are next so let’s see what the government devises.
Outright genocide?!!
It’s not going to help your older loved ones because it’s not about them. Not about their needs.
It’s about helping Wall Street buy hookers and hospitals staying solvent without making cuts to CEOs and managers. There’s so many managers in hospitals, we never see them and I expect all they do is read stocks and figure out ways to day trade. Meanwhile your loved one fights to be relevant in this situation and to have a voice in their care at all.
No, CMS has been making rules already. The vaccine rule is laughable. Meaningless to me. The shit they do to support the elite is a crime.
They built up PT/OT around years they found it useful, and it’s been a slow devastating ride down. How can they just pay for it and promoted it then, cut, cut, cut?
They do these kinds of things to the patients and the providers.
And in 2009 Medicare apologized for over paying physical therapists in nursing homes. Rates of spending were increasing in the health care sector to the point Obama is apologizing, whoops we paid these people too much money.
And this article that explains government expenditures rose during the Great Recession.
“The U.S. health care industry has often been referred to as “recession-proof.” Historically, this characterization has held true. During the Great Recession, the numbers of health care jobs and national expenditures rose consistently, despite substantial cuts in other sectors.”
So they rode the healthcare sector out of the recession. My point is they gave people the idea the care was there now they are yanking it from them and the providers.
This is all financial policy. The patients and providers are yanked around to control the economy.
If patients knew they were cared for just to improve Obama’s numbers on the economy, they should know about it.
Let’s see what kind of plan they have now with all these Medicare cuts. Is it really that bad, would our government know they can’t increase expenditures on a larger than average older population for benefit? Are they scared in how to care for so many as they age? Yes they knew this was coming, and this was their plan? To cut Medicare?
So it’s no longer ride healthcare but stifle it. Suffocate it.
Or who and what are they planning to suffocate here to fix their government problems?
CMS has way to much power and giving them the ability to now mandate this vaxx to workers is a bridge to far. CMS now feels even more embolden and will take this win and amp it up to crazy levels. They will start coming out with more and more bullshit to enforce and will say "we have SCOTUS on our side". CMS is a massive roadblock to healthcare and they're corrupt as hell.
Shouldn't need a religious exemption, but hopefully in due time..
Well not many things more American then football.
Explanation of the CMS ruling. https://greatawakening.win/p/141ErmtgOI/let-me-try-to-explain-the-courts/
Whereabouts in King County?
PM me
Hey neighbor!
Howdy partna
So does this mean that since this "Man-Date" is unconstitutional, and it was given forth from Biden himself, he will be held responsible for this attempt?
I mean apparently Biden has now been officially branded a pusher of Unconstitutional laws as the sitting "Pee-Resident"... That seems like a pretty brash thing to try and do as an elected official.
I do believe he took an "Oath" as well, to uphold the constitution he so gleefully and adamantly trounces all over. What is that Oath, if one can just break it on a whim?
This supreme court business is good news! Hope the winning continues!!
Arent the healthcare workers still screwed with the mandates tho?
Apparently that is the case, but as it stands now, the supreme court has ruled the mandate for the federal government's perspective as unconstitutional. So in my opinion only, I say let those who still wish to impose, please do so, and identify yourself clearly, and what you stand for. Because those that will still impose their heinous mandates, will identify them selves just as they are, unconstitutional.
So if the federal government has decided that is unconstitutional why then is it constitutional for healthcare workers?... i it’s a bunch of BS The hospitals need reimbursement from Medicare it’s a federal contract they will continue to roll this out fast and furious along with boosters because they will not -not get compensated financially
I 100% agree with you. The healthcare system seems to be heavily influenced by foreign entities that do not have Americans best interest in mind. And that is pretty messed up. So it's kinda like... What do we do but expose as much of it as possible? Not sure, but in my opinion, it is absolutely crazy.
It's not unconstitutional because it's a mandate, it's unconstitutional because the mandate was through OSHA, which the court ruled doesn't have authority over broad public health measures and the order was too broad. The ruling actually would still allow OSHA to mandate vaccines for jobs that may present more risk to workers of getting covid, like close quarters manufacturing, food processing, office workers who work close together, things like that. And a mandate for all citizens would have been legal if Congress had passed it instead of Biden authorizing the mandate through OSHA according to the supreme court's decisions.
Because healthcare companies are privatized, and thus can have their own mandates
Healthcare companies that take federal dollars are mandated.
Yes but they can still impose their own vaccine regulations for its private employees
So we are back to this. The cms rule says the employer must mandate it. They also have to allow exemptions.
So it comes down to whether or not an employer is going to question the sincerity of a held religious belief.
And if they accept one and not another, or if they dont accept any, they are opening themselves up to the possibility of being sued.
Au contraire, Dear Leader doesn't let minor obstacles like law and morality stop him.
Presto. Businesses can still mandate their own company policies even if it contradicts the highest court in the land. Psaki was bragging about it earlier saying that over 1/3 of Fortune 500 companies have already stood up saying they would protect their employees and customers by instituting their own mandates. We'll have to see how employees and employers react over the next few weeks.
Next stop - mass lawsuits. The lawyers will have a field day.
Yep and Thanks be to God.
Agree - right to work. It sucks to see them do it, but let's hope the overwhelming loss of employees for some of these orgs has them reconsider.
It does not surprise me at all that this geriatric retard would say something that dumb after the supreme court has ruled against him personally. My opinion, let him scream louder about what he stands for. The power and control to tell people that against their better judgement, they need to be injected with an experimental/controlled substance that shows more harm in people than good. Joe Biden is a supreme fartknocker.
Biden knew it would be struck down, it’s all about inflicting as much damage before the court kills it, it’s a huge win, but for many, the damage is done
Well stated. In prep for the potential ruling, he forced a lot of corps to institute the mandate. This has multiple benefits for the marxist - commie brethren. It clearly identifies those employees within the ranks that tend to be conservatives. Now, just the government, military, local law enforcement, state gov, police, fire and medical, they have made a list and purged out their enemies. Rest assured, this effort was much more of an effort to inflict damage as you clearly stated. Spot On.
So, now we get to see them shit in their nest as well as shoot themselves in the foot. The injected are getting covid as well as a whole host of other medical maladies. The ones that got fucked by these companies, are leaving to the competitors or directly competing against their former employer, with piss and vinegar as a motivational factor.
There is nothing more heart warming to see a former employer bankrupted by stupid moves and revenge by those it fucked. Seen it a time or two and it is glorious.
Lets get rid of the mandate for the military and medical fields. Lets continue to start local and win races and take back our nation. Seems like the tide is turning in our favor ?
Quality post, 2022 is off to a good start as far as the Supreme Court goes, we are also seeing backlash against gun grabbing states and looks like we will get pro 2A rulings as well
As for employers, for everyone that mandates one out there won’t, my job never mandated anything and has been pulling talent from competition in mass due to higher wages and NO mandates
All we ever got was;
If your sick stay home
If you have a positive test u get 10 days off paid
Please wear a mask or social distance
That last sentence is full-blown retard policy, but we’ve all known that for years now. If that’s the least you have to be concerned about, sounds like you work for a solid company. It’s nice to hear that some orgs are indeed reaping what they sow (both good and bad). As a pede deep behind enemy lines in the VA, it’s encouraging to hear some companies are making sound decisions during this scamdemic.
No mandates? Did he not see the part about Healthcare workers?
Exactly!!!!! What an off-the-cuff statement how demoralizing if you happen to be a healthcare worker which I happen to be
Same! 🙋🏼♀️ Think about all the clinics, Urgent Cares, and hospitals across the nation. There are still A LOT of us that have a long fight ahead of us b/c I’m sure they will try to come after exemptions next. Which is also a load of crap b/c you shouldn’t need an exemption to say that you don’t want something injected into your body. Everyone who keeps saying “Hooray! The mandates were struck down!” are obviously the people who skip over the fine print in legal documents. 😂 I’m sorry, but this is yet another example of Rino’s placating our side w/ “half wins”. They present a threat to our “freedom” so egregious and horrifying and frightening, that we gladly submit to “the lesser of the evils” and think we’ve won and our side took a stand. This is how they’ve chipped away at America bit by bit. We mock the left and Dems as being dumb and stupid when in reality they have played this game masterfully and we are the ones who have been idiots for decades now. We are awakening but I pray that our awakening happens faster than the decades it took to get us where we are today. Ok, I’m off my soap box 😬🤷🏼♀️
Well said
Can you look into independent networks like what Peter McCullough does, or AFLD?
Do you mean for a job or to look into lawsuits being filed? I’m sorry
Well I guess both but I do know there are independent networks in the medical field, may be a pay cut but you may be able to find something with your experience for the time being.
Exactly. I to have been out of work for close to 4 months. Im incredibly bummed out right now. Hard to feel like we are on the winning side. Im glad for the OSHA mandate. Not sure what im going to do now, i cant not work. Have a 1 month old and its incredibly difficult. I think im at my breaking point. Thanks for reading, god bless you all.
What kind of work did you do before all of this craziness?
I was working in the Surgery department for over 10 years. Did everything from Tonsil&Adenoids removal, to on/off-pump CABG. Plan wasto moveto a different state where i could work without the shot. However the healthcare worker mandade will make that much harder now i think. God Bless You
Except for health care workers. Jog on SCOTUS.
Best News in a year!!!
The very fact that this issue even got proposed and went all the way to the SCOTUS is a national disgrace.It shows how badly the DS has chippd away at our freedoms. If we feel taking medical freedom away from millions of healthcare workers is a victory we are the losers.
Thank you! I basically said the same thing in a much more wordy paragraph! I like your summary better! 😜 Also, I love your username! 🙌🏻
“You had one job. I gave you the tools”
Now I see why Trump is taking the pro-vax stance.
Suck it left-tards!
Say What ??? The healthcare mandate is still enforced Now supported by the Supreme Court !!! this is not a win until the constitution is applied to all persons all employees all citizens
And they seem to be saying that Congress can impose vaccine mandates. That would be the end of freedom in America.
No mandates????? HEALTH-CARE?? DOESN'T COUNT???
Apparently not. 🙄🤦🏼♀️ Read the fine print people and don’t skip over paragraphs, it all matters!
I'm predicting an end to this covid shit at least by summer, you can sense it. They are bigly losing the narrative, something tells me Omicron wasn't in their playbook.
I tend to Agree with you...Losing everyday...Even some Glowies are beginning to se....
Let's be grateful for the crumbs off the table.
Have we been slaves for so long? If some of us aren't free, we all aren't free.
The fact is 10 million workers at least have to get vaccinated or lose their jobs. The fact is the enemies of freedom are still coming after us. The fact is, this was a bogus ruling.
I agree that we should celebrate our victories but I dont see how this was one. They still kept their foot in the door by allowing mandates on health care workers. Kavanaugh and Roberts caved again.
I'm still holding on. I still fight. But I dont understand what Trump said. There is still a mandate in place.
Trump doesn’t seem to want to fight on this. His going along with the scamdemic was a disaster.
Whatever is going on behind the curtain, what is obvious to me-we cannot be complacent. Wwg1wga means ALL. We should not accept anything less than liberty and justice for all.
There's nothing massive about this "win."
What about state issued mandates violating one's constitutional rights? The court basically punted on the essential, root question of this entire debate. Does any government entity at any level, have the authority to force citizens to undergo a medical treatment on threat of being barred from being able to equally participate in society? Unpacking further, do businesses have the authority to force the same upon employees and/or customers? The answer to both questions is NO... not during an "emergency" and absolutely not in general. Look how quickly we went from "inconveniences" like masks (temporary "emergency" measures) to permanent irreversible genetic alteration. We "conspiracy theorists" warned you. Conservatives claiming this ruling is a "win" shouldn't be rejoicing too loudly. Now we have to hope that challenges to local and city "mandates" reach SCOTUS so that they will be forced to address the essential elephant in the room.
Those of us who are stuck living in a state with retard tyrants, didn't win a damn thing. The federal government is supposed to protect the liberties of ALL Americans. SCOTUS is essentially adopting popular sovereignty theory. We should be much more concerned about this than many here are...
I agree.
Let's end it for our military now as well as the medical field.
Yes! We did need this, ok I take back what I said this morning I thought for sure we’d have a 3 - 6 since they have failed previously good to see, thank you God!
How come every time I hear "mandate" I think of Big Mike?
The Supreme Court on Thursday blocked the Biden administration from enforcing its sweeping vaccine-or-test requirements for large private companies, but allowed similar requirements to stand for medical facilities that take Medicare or Medicaid payments.
Proud is a strong word. I'd use pleasantly surprised, considering how ignorant of the constitution some of them are.
Anyone know what the vote count was? Did the libs show their colors?
For health care workers, Roberts and Kavanaugh sided with the three libs for a 5-4 ruling. 😕
What a FUCKING piece of shit that Bitch Kavanaugh turned out to be!!
Thanks again. Unreal
6 - 3 😉
6-3 Breyer, Sotomayor and Kagan dissenting
Thank you!
You’re welcome, fren
Sucks for the healthcare workers, though, but they did not fight for patients rights for the most part and were happily prescribing deadly drugs while suppressing effective treatment. They reap what they sow. The healthcare industry is corrupt beyond saving.
Not this health worker. I fought hard for my rights and my patients. Many do fight hard. I was fired for not taking the jab.
Careful to not over generalize and assume the worst stating they “reap what they sow.”
...Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye, and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brothers eye... 🙏
That a jab was even strongly suggested as something I "needed" to do via weasel talk is something I will never forgive. Something like this even making it to a SC vote is ludicrous. I am never letting this go away. They "took a shot" at all of us......and they missed. Now they are fucked.
Oh the covidiots at work...not one word about jabs or covid tonight.......when they've purposely spent much time each night talking about it and how the unjabbed..like me are stupid and will soon be fired. I told them back in October...its unconstitutional. They all said I was wrong... basically I was told I'm Forest Gump w breasts... ... sat n smiled at them all night kek 😂🤣
Yeah this is a huge loss. The boat load of normies can rejoice that they won while Healthcare workers have their rights removed. Have yall forgetten wwgowga.
If we had lost on osha there was a chance for a unified movement, instead the deepstate continues its divide and conquer. They never expected to win on osha, it was smoke and mirrors. Osha was a distraction. The cms mandate, as a targeted attack on the health care system, was always plan A.
The supreme court will fail us when we need them the most!
“Shut down the virus”. Is a virus(as most understnad it) something you “shut down”? 😉
You are right on that. This is a win. Good vs Evil.
What you say is true. Corporate medical care-you're a treatment plan/protocols, not a patient. I do hope we go back to family doctors and neighborhood care, where people aren't just "customers".
I have been lucky enough to work for good caring doctors. Rare. Now, no job.