yup, I've heard enough smug bullshit about the vax and heard what they want to do with "unvaxxed". I'm going to have a hearty laugh at them when it all gets revealed
went to a top 10 school last year to finish my MBA. the things I've heard professors and other students say about "unvaxxed" are not kind. like we're all devils
Well college professors are almost all communist plants. I just think the loudest voices against jab-free are specifically trying to create division on behalf of the elite and a lot of people are playing right into their hands
Marxism changed its approach in the 1960s/1970s when it realized it could not win an economic war with Capitalism.
It shifted to winning an ideological war. It figured that the only way to kill capitalism was to convince people living in capitalist countries that they were evil and needed to change their ways. (You don't need as much money, you don't need as much food, you don't need as much freedom)
This was a multi-pronged approach. The primary prongs were 1) destroy the church and family - as they were the two places an individual could go to escape marxist ideology; 2) infiltrate the school systems and indoctrinate the youth to hate their country, hate their lifestyle, and create a groundswell for 'change'; 3) the change would be crafted to harm the economy and military, while simultaneously shredding individual liberties.
All of these prongs have been successful. The church and family are in tatters: church attendance is down by 50% and ~ 50% of families are broken. Americans aged 25 - 50 have negative opinions about America in a way their parents and grandparents would have considered treason.
Americans in the same age bracket are now pushing for greater spending on entitlement programs (free healthcare, free college) and "green energy" while demanding that we reduce our military budget, reduce our oil production, reduce our livestock production. The 1-2 punch loads our country with debt, diminishes our economic capacity, and interferes with our global projection of military strength.
If you were a Marxist in 1970, and you were presented with a plan to bring about this version of 2022 America - you would take it in a heartbeat. Everything you see unfolding before you is the result of Marxist ideological warfare. It started in academia - and infiltrated every facet of American life.
If you vaxxed yourself and your kids, or you publicly endorsed the vaccine such as employer mandates, celebrity endorsements, politicians who encouraged the vax, etc, etc; your opinion should be considered worthless in matters of seriousness like national security, health care, politics, etc.
I went to a dermatologist decades ago about a toenail fungus. I was prescribed some drug that was a tiny little pill, to be taken once a month for three months. This was the early years of the internet, and when I trusted doctors. It turned out that the doctor was supposed to do a blood test after the first pill to see if I was one of the rare people who react VERY badly to the pills. After the second dose, I got drug-induced hepatitis. I went back to the doctor, and asked her why she didn't have the blood test done (I'm not sure how I found out that should have been done), and she said, "Well, it's such a rare thing I didn't think a blood test was necessary". I kid you not. To this day, I have a less-than-fully-functional liver. I should have sued, but didn't. (I could have used the money to pay for graduate school :) ) It is because of that incident, and a few others involving other family members, that I have no trust in medical doctors anymore, and unless I'm unconscious, or bleeding really badly, or have a broken bone, I will avoid a hospital visit if at all possible.
I suggest concentration camps are a good thing to put THEM in. Shedding spike proteins all over because they were vaxed? They should be concentrated and quarentined until a way is found to reverse the damage.
You can already see Scott Adams hedging for this. He knows it's coming.
"No one could have possibly known.", etc.
This is why it's important not to move straight to forgiveness. There must be accountability and punishment. We must always remember what the worst of us did when they got a taste of power.
An enormous number of Americans failed the "if I were a German in the 1940's" behavioral test.
"The LORD replied to Moses, "If her father had spit in her face, would she not have been in disgrace for seven days? Confine her outside the camp for seven days; after that she can be brought back." So Miriam was confined outside the camp for seven days, and the people did not move on till she was brought back." -- Numbers 12
Base it on their post Vax immune response. Your immune system now functions at 12‰ because you were janes...? Well, Your vote is now worth 12% of one vote!
That's different. I'm talking about people in positions of influence, pressuring others to get it. The fact is, if it turns out that they were wrong about one of the, if not THE single biggest issues of our times, they forfeit future credibility.
My dad is vaxxed (3x), for the same reasons as you, and he employs 600 people in a business he owns. Not once, did he pressure them to get the vaccine. He was ALWAYS against the mandates, and for personal choice.
He made a personal decision for himself to get it, but did not try to play God with his employees and force them into it..... (thank God for that).
The social media platforms that censored & banned us should experience a great deal of animus from us. Not attacking individuals so much as making them face the fact that their support & tolerance of these platforms that openly banned opposing views lead to their being mislead and vaxxx damaged. There could even be lawsuits against these platforms.
No. Not ever going back. I was in the Great Awakening group. We must use discernment. The communists, both reddit’s owners & community members have seen the writing on the wall. They know they must go back to the beginning if they are ever going to rise again & they think we are starved for their acceptance & friendship, whilst our side believes then to be devoid of reason & logic. As for FB, Twitter, Instagram, reddit all those that practiced censorship, must die on the vine or be bought out by free speech loving patriots.
When that sort of blind outrage happens - the Elite lay in wait to exploit it.
I am all for the gallows - just clearly defined swift and precise justice. Not lynchings in town squares. There has to be a line or we will get exploited in the chaos.
If that happens, I'll have to face the biggest moral and ethical question I've ever had to face in life:
When I'm photographing the executions for posterity, should I use a 77mm f/1.8 and try to capture the raw emotion of individuals, or I should I stick with a wide-angle 19mm at f/8 and just "be there"?
I'm not so sure about being too compassionate.
Anyone who went along with covid scam plandemic needs to be kicked down a few notches.
they don't need to be making anymore decisions on the behalf of others
yup, I've heard enough smug bullshit about the vax and heard what they want to do with "unvaxxed". I'm going to have a hearty laugh at them when it all gets revealed
How much of that have you heard personally, and how much of that is from Chinabots and Soros Shills on twitter?
went to a top 10 school last year to finish my MBA. the things I've heard professors and other students say about "unvaxxed" are not kind. like we're all devils
Well college professors are almost all communist plants. I just think the loudest voices against jab-free are specifically trying to create division on behalf of the elite and a lot of people are playing right into their hands
Marxism changed its approach in the 1960s/1970s when it realized it could not win an economic war with Capitalism.
It shifted to winning an ideological war. It figured that the only way to kill capitalism was to convince people living in capitalist countries that they were evil and needed to change their ways. (You don't need as much money, you don't need as much food, you don't need as much freedom)
This was a multi-pronged approach. The primary prongs were 1) destroy the church and family - as they were the two places an individual could go to escape marxist ideology; 2) infiltrate the school systems and indoctrinate the youth to hate their country, hate their lifestyle, and create a groundswell for 'change'; 3) the change would be crafted to harm the economy and military, while simultaneously shredding individual liberties.
All of these prongs have been successful. The church and family are in tatters: church attendance is down by 50% and ~ 50% of families are broken. Americans aged 25 - 50 have negative opinions about America in a way their parents and grandparents would have considered treason.
Americans in the same age bracket are now pushing for greater spending on entitlement programs (free healthcare, free college) and "green energy" while demanding that we reduce our military budget, reduce our oil production, reduce our livestock production. The 1-2 punch loads our country with debt, diminishes our economic capacity, and interferes with our global projection of military strength.
If you were a Marxist in 1970, and you were presented with a plan to bring about this version of 2022 America - you would take it in a heartbeat. Everything you see unfolding before you is the result of Marxist ideological warfare. It started in academia - and infiltrated every facet of American life.
We know that they use fake polls and statistics to manipulate public perception.
I have no doubt that there are utterly vile assholes that don't deserve the Golden Age that is to come. But I doubt there are so many of them.
That last line for sure.
If you vaxxed yourself and your kids, or you publicly endorsed the vaccine such as employer mandates, celebrity endorsements, politicians who encouraged the vax, etc, etc; your opinion should be considered worthless in matters of seriousness like national security, health care, politics, etc.
They gave away their physical bodies to people they were conditioned to blindly trust.
That’s not a minimal thing when they are taught To Worship Authority - and they learn their best interests was not that Authority’s intent.
That’s a point most of us also hit.
The Great Awakening
Q was clear. We are to be guiding lights in this process. We all knew it was coming.
When they realize the vax wasn’t in their benefit - what else is fake they will think.
If you found out you were tricked into a lifelong illness you're probably going to be all in on socialized medicine and disability income.
I went to a dermatologist decades ago about a toenail fungus. I was prescribed some drug that was a tiny little pill, to be taken once a month for three months. This was the early years of the internet, and when I trusted doctors. It turned out that the doctor was supposed to do a blood test after the first pill to see if I was one of the rare people who react VERY badly to the pills. After the second dose, I got drug-induced hepatitis. I went back to the doctor, and asked her why she didn't have the blood test done (I'm not sure how I found out that should have been done), and she said, "Well, it's such a rare thing I didn't think a blood test was necessary". I kid you not. To this day, I have a less-than-fully-functional liver. I should have sued, but didn't. (I could have used the money to pay for graduate school :) ) It is because of that incident, and a few others involving other family members, that I have no trust in medical doctors anymore, and unless I'm unconscious, or bleeding really badly, or have a broken bone, I will avoid a hospital visit if at all possible.
LOL yep, I'm sure that's where they will all go!!!
If they hoped for concentration camps for the unvaxxed then it’s ok for us to hope for unmarked mass graves for the vaccinated.
I suggest concentration camps are a good thing to put THEM in. Shedding spike proteins all over because they were vaxed? They should be concentrated and quarentined until a way is found to reverse the damage.
For their own good, of course.
/ (mostly) S
You can already see Scott Adams hedging for this. He knows it's coming.
"No one could have possibly known.", etc.
This is why it's important not to move straight to forgiveness. There must be accountability and punishment. We must always remember what the worst of us did when they got a taste of power.
An enormous number of Americans failed the "if I were a German in the 1940's" behavioral test.
"The LORD replied to Moses, "If her father had spit in her face, would she not have been in disgrace for seven days? Confine her outside the camp for seven days; after that she can be brought back." So Miriam was confined outside the camp for seven days, and the people did not move on till she was brought back." -- Numbers 12
They're all Albert Speers obviously. Kek! just architects doing their job.
Everything no credibility on any subject ever again.
Only purebloods allowed to vote. 👌🏻
Vaxxed vote = 3/5 of 1 Vote?
Base it on their post Vax immune response. Your immune system now functions at 12‰ because you were janes...? Well, Your vote is now worth 12% of one vote!
I got the vaccine because I am old as fuck.
That's different. I'm talking about people in positions of influence, pressuring others to get it. The fact is, if it turns out that they were wrong about one of the, if not THE single biggest issues of our times, they forfeit future credibility.
My dad is vaxxed (3x), for the same reasons as you, and he employs 600 people in a business he owns. Not once, did he pressure them to get the vaccine. He was ALWAYS against the mandates, and for personal choice.
He made a personal decision for himself to get it, but did not try to play God with his employees and force them into it..... (thank God for that).
Age is not a reason for taking a gene modifying biological agent. Why would it be? It wasn't and still isn't a vaccine.
But did you force Vesemir to get it?
Compassionate with those that you loved in 2019 and struggle to love now. Get on Reddit and lay down the I told you so's with reckless abandon.
The social media platforms that censored & banned us should experience a great deal of animus from us. Not attacking individuals so much as making them face the fact that their support & tolerance of these platforms that openly banned opposing views lead to their being mislead and vaxxx damaged. There could even be lawsuits against these platforms.
Strangely checkout r/conspiracy. It’s been insanely based lately.
Assloads of normies waking up and asking questions apologizing for mocking
No. Not ever going back. I was in the Great Awakening group. We must use discernment. The communists, both reddit’s owners & community members have seen the writing on the wall. They know they must go back to the beginning if they are ever going to rise again & they think we are starved for their acceptance & friendship, whilst our side believes then to be devoid of reason & logic. As for FB, Twitter, Instagram, reddit all those that practiced censorship, must die on the vine or be bought out by free speech loving patriots.
This is very important. They’ve failed the test and should never be accepted in ANY position of authority.
I think people should get fucking VERY angry and go after the guilty ...
Mind history.
When that sort of blind outrage happens - the Elite lay in wait to exploit it.
I am all for the gallows - just clearly defined swift and precise justice. Not lynchings in town squares. There has to be a line or we will get exploited in the chaos.
True, but if the normies form mobs and go for the hospitals and newsies in their red pill rage, be smart, don't get in the way.
If that happens, I'll have to face the biggest moral and ethical question I've ever had to face in life:
When I'm photographing the executions for posterity, should I use a 77mm f/1.8 and try to capture the raw emotion of individuals, or I should I stick with a wide-angle 19mm at f/8 and just "be there"?
Yes, I want a reckoning.
You called, squire?