Ask him what they were doing when the soldiers walked in on when he was going overseas with some dude. Bet his face turns red and he starts shaking. NDA's only slow the truth from getting out castro.
I was not told the exact act that was happening. The soldiers were made to sign NDA's after walking in on the two of them mid flight. They were told they were not to make eye contact, to only speak when spoken to and never ever enter castros private area during a flight. Apparently the military on his crew hate his guts.
Canada's been corrupt for so long, I think that why we just generalize your average Canadian as "useless GMO sheep." I honestly don't even know what the hell Canadian identity is besides "the global shitmix of people."
That's what I want to come out of our rebuild without the globohomos, have a Canadian republic; power is given to the people in ALL provinces and territories - not just Ontario/Quebec. Basically what the US is supposed to be, with some revisions to clean up some loop holes that have been exploited by the corrupt.
Whilst I do agree with you, I think there is a chance of saving - more rebuilding - what once was. We just have to be strict with our identity, like Russia does, where when you move here you're now "Canadian" you give up all the BS you left to come here. You don't make here like "back home." If you're not going to be a Canadian patriot, do what's best for her and her people, I think it'd be best to return "home."
You know as well as I do that they do not melt into out society. We are expected to change to make them happy. Take for example Christmas, for a while we were almost getting rid of Christmas. It was wrong to say merry christmas. We should not have a cross because it offends them, we should be considerate to their culture. That is the crap we have to deal with. Schools do not have christmas break, its holliday break. There are no christmas plays in schools anymore because mohamud would be offended. Our society is cucked.
I personally say fuck that, you are in my country and I will say merry christmas and the opinion and feelings for a import is about on the level of dog shit. I make it a point to wish a merry christmas to the scum and they get a confused look on their face when I do haha. Canada is dead.
It is definitely sad to watch the country literally be invaded... I'd say on 5% of the immigrants that come here are actually coming here to better themselves and their new home... The rest are just leeches to the system... I personally figure the problem comes with the "invitation and incentives" that the government has in place to get more votes... We get rid of the incentives, theoretically, only people that are coming in would be people who want to be a benefit to society.
I see it all as "inviting a friend to stay at your place to get themselves back on their feet and some cash to help with that. But instead they just lounge around doing nothing but eating your food, always asking for more money, never helping with rent/payments. You cut the handouts, they'll either leave on their own, or you're gonna have to show them the door. "
Can you imagine if omicron also cures people of the long term effects of the death vax as well? That's why they are suddenly pushing more and more boosters. Because Omicron killed the vaccine.
Or why the narative is shifting for these pharmaceutical companies that are stating that boosting is no good anymore and that efforts need to be made on creating new vaccines.
Do you think they released a virus or was it just a cold but the vaccinated are weakened so everyone is getting sick.. Although I cant really say its that different from every winter....a lot of people get the cold in the winter. I think it also has to do with the testing showing that people vaxed have covid....But there are some here that said they haven't had the vax and still tested positive for Covid. I haven't experienced that in real life yet. Everyone that got sick in summer was non vaxed but this time around everyone that's sick is vaxed....Very curious..
that's what I think^ that it's a cold, and they're all working themselves into a frenzy, from mass psychosis. President Trump is a fan of Norman Vincent Peale (power of positive thinking) so he knows our thoughts have power to cause dis-ease or heal.
been 30 years, but yes I did read a lot of EC. was amazing back then because we didn't have internet, so it was all new/different information. And yes, he did talk about that. thanks for reminding me, need look him up again.
When this began in 2020, they told us most people would have flu like symptoms. We now know PCR testing was including flu in with Covid cases.
Enter Omicron, just a couple weeks before PCR testing is supposed to officially be phased out Dec 31st. We are now told most people will have cold-like symptoms. Cases skyrocket suddenly in the first 2 weeks of the new year.
I joked to my parents a few weeks ago that after PCR testing was stopped, the Coof would either magically disappear, or they would go all-in and the new tests would be even more bogus and it would give false positives for the common cold.
Well I believe it was a bio weapon of the cold virus, which ((they)) tried to change humanity evolution with. But I beat it without med is sin. Good way to piss God off mess with evolution. Yes the missing factor is we evolve or die and the common cold or flu is how we evolve. Over three years of hard research prior to Cv tells me this was planned and i also predicted it to happen.
Hey all you crazy neighbors to the north.... we're with ya.... we're all in this world of shit together.... but together is the only way we'll make it out of this tyrannical mess. we'll see you on the other side! :-)
Has anyone here read Robert Kennedy Jr's book? I've read reviews, and apparently a large portion of the book deals with the questionable medical strategy used for AIDS (Fauci was there, too), and the parallels with what's driving the COVID "pandemic."
In my mind it's increasingly probable that Q was indeed talking about the Corona Virus before that phrase was ever part of our vocabulary. There's a mountain of evidence that the corona virus was in the works for many years prior to being released.
Good, old fashioned spies would have told the Q team that the virus existed and game theory would have told them it would be launched.
I've talked to two epidemiologists that have told me they believe Omicron is man-made by "the good guys". Perhaps this was the countermove from the start. The good guys make sure they have the expertise and equipment needed so that when the time came, they could create a variant that can act as a non-lethal innoculator and then use the lies and deception associated with covid to awaken the populace to the evil that resides in their own governments.
Faith is the only thing getting me through life since the fake election. Blessing in disguise.
The longer you can walk by faith, the stronger you will become. since 2000 here.
βHave faithβ was my only answer when my coworkers asked what I planned to do when my job mandated the vax and canned me.
Days after finding myself jobless I got a call from my cousin saying his work was desperate for hands.
Now Iβm up an extra $6/hr working with a bunch of dudes I get along with much better than the people I worked with previously.
TLDR; HAVE FAITH. In God. In yourself. In good. Always. β€οΈ
As a canadian I just want to say fuck canada and fuck castro jr.
Ask him what they were doing when the soldiers walked in on when he was going overseas with some dude. Bet his face turns red and he starts shaking. NDA's only slow the truth from getting out castro.
I was not told the exact act that was happening. The soldiers were made to sign NDA's after walking in on the two of them mid flight. They were told they were not to make eye contact, to only speak when spoken to and never ever enter castros private area during a flight. Apparently the military on his crew hate his guts.
Canada's been corrupt for so long, I think that why we just generalize your average Canadian as "useless GMO sheep." I honestly don't even know what the hell Canadian identity is besides "the global shitmix of people."
That's what I want to come out of our rebuild without the globohomos, have a Canadian republic; power is given to the people in ALL provinces and territories - not just Ontario/Quebec. Basically what the US is supposed to be, with some revisions to clean up some loop holes that have been exploited by the corrupt.
Na there is no saving this shithole. And it is less and less canadian every day. We are the dumping grounds of the worlds shit.
Whilst I do agree with you, I think there is a chance of saving - more rebuilding - what once was. We just have to be strict with our identity, like Russia does, where when you move here you're now "Canadian" you give up all the BS you left to come here. You don't make here like "back home." If you're not going to be a Canadian patriot, do what's best for her and her people, I think it'd be best to return "home."
You know as well as I do that they do not melt into out society. We are expected to change to make them happy. Take for example Christmas, for a while we were almost getting rid of Christmas. It was wrong to say merry christmas. We should not have a cross because it offends them, we should be considerate to their culture. That is the crap we have to deal with. Schools do not have christmas break, its holliday break. There are no christmas plays in schools anymore because mohamud would be offended. Our society is cucked.
I personally say fuck that, you are in my country and I will say merry christmas and the opinion and feelings for a import is about on the level of dog shit. I make it a point to wish a merry christmas to the scum and they get a confused look on their face when I do haha. Canada is dead.
It's only because white people are racist! /S
It is definitely sad to watch the country literally be invaded... I'd say on 5% of the immigrants that come here are actually coming here to better themselves and their new home... The rest are just leeches to the system... I personally figure the problem comes with the "invitation and incentives" that the government has in place to get more votes... We get rid of the incentives, theoretically, only people that are coming in would be people who want to be a benefit to society.
I see it all as "inviting a friend to stay at your place to get themselves back on their feet and some cash to help with that. But instead they just lounge around doing nothing but eating your food, always asking for more money, never helping with rent/payments. You cut the handouts, they'll either leave on their own, or you're gonna have to show them the door. "
They have their own countries they should stay there......import the third world, turn into the 3rd world.
White hat realeased omicron as a effort to stop the madness? Wow if thatβs the case itβs surreal. Bio warfare at its finest.
Can you imagine if omicron also cures people of the long term effects of the death vax as well? That's why they are suddenly pushing more and more boosters. Because Omicron killed the vaccine.
MIL is the only way. MORONIC genome is an ancestor to all variants. Not scientifically possible in nature. DOD (White Hat) Biocure.
Believing also blacksmith! π
Or why the narative is shifting for these pharmaceutical companies that are stating that boosting is no good anymore and that efforts need to be made on creating new vaccines.
PRAYING this is true! π
Do you think they released a virus or was it just a cold but the vaccinated are weakened so everyone is getting sick.. Although I cant really say its that different from every winter....a lot of people get the cold in the winter. I think it also has to do with the testing showing that people vaxed have covid....But there are some here that said they haven't had the vax and still tested positive for Covid. I haven't experienced that in real life yet. Everyone that got sick in summer was non vaxed but this time around everyone that's sick is vaxed....Very curious..
that's what I think^ that it's a cold, and they're all working themselves into a frenzy, from mass psychosis. President Trump is a fan of Norman Vincent Peale (power of positive thinking) so he knows our thoughts have power to cause dis-ease or heal.
been 30 years, but yes I did read a lot of EC. was amazing back then because we didn't have internet, so it was all new/different information. And yes, he did talk about that. thanks for reminding me, need look him up again.
I think it's in the testing.
When this began in 2020, they told us most people would have flu like symptoms. We now know PCR testing was including flu in with Covid cases.
Enter Omicron, just a couple weeks before PCR testing is supposed to officially be phased out Dec 31st. We are now told most people will have cold-like symptoms. Cases skyrocket suddenly in the first 2 weeks of the new year.
I joked to my parents a few weeks ago that after PCR testing was stopped, the Coof would either magically disappear, or they would go all-in and the new tests would be even more bogus and it would give false positives for the common cold.
Well I believe it was a bio weapon of the cold virus, which ((they)) tried to change humanity evolution with. But I beat it without med is sin. Good way to piss God off mess with evolution. Yes the missing factor is we evolve or die and the common cold or flu is how we evolve. Over three years of hard research prior to Cv tells me this was planned and i also predicted it to happen.
Do you think omicron was also a bioweapon or was it the normal evolution of the original bioweapon virus
Idk Iv gone awol the quantum got me entangled for a bit and had to sign out. Itβs seems omicron is white hat but we will find out. P
I've been away for a couple of days. Could you catch me up on this omnicron was released by white hats theory?
This is new you are in the hunt. Stay frothy. We are formulating now. 07.
Now you are free.
We need a whole lot of "cure" up here!
For any Canadians, God will prevail in your country! Hear this for encouragement!
The Shot Heard Around the world.
I think it is the vaccine(s).
The enemy overplays its hand and the normies finally wake up.
The Press lied to them for two years.
The CDC, NIH and FDA all lied to them for two years.
The vaccines are totally unsafe and completely ineffective.
Unvaxxed, never got the worst disease in the history of the world, not living in fear, seething rage when someone tells me to put a diaper on.
Hey all you crazy neighbors to the north.... we're with ya.... we're all in this world of shit together.... but together is the only way we'll make it out of this tyrannical mess. we'll see you on the other side! :-)
What does WW stand for?
Oh WorldWide.
Has anyone here read Robert Kennedy Jr's book? I've read reviews, and apparently a large portion of the book deals with the questionable medical strategy used for AIDS (Fauci was there, too), and the parallels with what's driving the COVID "pandemic."
In my mind it's increasingly probable that Q was indeed talking about the Corona Virus before that phrase was ever part of our vocabulary. There's a mountain of evidence that the corona virus was in the works for many years prior to being released.
Good, old fashioned spies would have told the Q team that the virus existed and game theory would have told them it would be launched.
I've talked to two epidemiologists that have told me they believe Omicron is man-made by "the good guys". Perhaps this was the countermove from the start. The good guys make sure they have the expertise and equipment needed so that when the time came, they could create a variant that can act as a non-lethal innoculator and then use the lies and deception associated with covid to awaken the populace to the evil that resides in their own governments.
See post number too
556 ______
So all of NATO can expect similar relief?
Thanks brotha
556.....the cure.....
It's going to be an interesting few weeks me thinks.
Thank you, Q. Itβs a little scary up here in the frozen north, but Iβm keeping the Faith.