Wow blacks really don't trust MSM. And given that 63% of blacks consider MSM enemy of the people, are only 37% of Dems think the same, I think it's safe to say that blacks have left the Dem plantation.
Blacks are 19% of the Democratic vote. 63% of that is 12%. That means that blacks raise the AGREE vote in this poll for Democrats by 12 points, or about a third.
In other words, a third of all democrats who voted "AGREE" here were black.
Under the assumption these black people are democrats. I don't think that's case here and you're missing several variables to make an overall shitty point.
Like I said I think I jumped the gun a little, but you're assuming that the 63% of all blacks who believe MSM is the enemy is evenly distributed among R & D & Independent blacks, and I don't think that's a safe assumption at all.
The Pew poll says that in 2019 19% of the dem voter base was black. But that figure would presumably be based on registration. Newsweek & Co. had the 2020 approval for Trump among blacks up from 15% to 24%. Rasmussen had it much higher at 31% for registered voters.
I think a big chunk of that 63% - more than half - is comprised of the blacks that moved over to pro-Trump. Stated another way, I would think over 90% of the pre-Trump blacks believe that MSM is enemy of the state. I am assuming a high correlation between pro-Trump and anti-MSM generally, and among blacks.
You're right but also forgetting one important thing. Those pro-Trump blacks are still regarded as "Democrats" in this poll unless they changed their registration.
But let's be generous and say half of those 31% pro-Trump blacks changed their registration to R.
That makes it around a 15% / 85% split for blacks, R / D respectively. So let's assume ALL 15% of those voted to AGREE. That leaves us with 63-15 = 48% of D blacks voted to AGREE.
Now the tricky part. If democrats hemorrhaged 15% of the blacks to R's, and assuming they hemorrhaged zero whites to be generous, then the breakdown is around .85 x 19% = 16% of D voters are black.
.16 x 37% = 6% of the democrats who voted AGREE are black.
I can see the flaw in my logic you are pointing out, which is the fact that blacks make up only a small percentage of the overall democratic voter base. But I'm not following the "63% of [the 19%] is 12%."
Are you assuming that the number of democratic blacks who believe the election was stolen is 63%? I don't know if that assumption makes sense.
63% is from the poll. 63% of blacks agree that the media is the enemy.
Total democrat voters consist of 19% blacks.
So if we take 63% of that 19, we get the % of democrats who were black and agreed (since there are SO VERY few in the R party to account for) = 12% of democrats are both black and voted agree
So divide 12% (black Democrat AGREE) / 37% (total Democrat AGREE) = 32% of the AGREE for Democrats were blacks.
I find most polls seem to skew about 15% against reality against us. So in my head I just automatically adjust by 15% to see what the "real" numbers are. By that guide it would be 73% which I could definitely believe and which would pretty well reflect my anecdotal evidence.
Someone else mentioned these are from July, which makes that number even more believable. I suspect it's higher now, though probably not by a ton.
When PDT first started saying this, I believed him, but I still didn't think that the media was the ENEMY enemy.
I knew the tricks they played and didn't like them, but these past two years it became clear to me just how vile and treacherous they were. "Enemy" no longer seems to be a strong enough word, but I don't know if there is an alternative.
They see what the MSM is, an instrument of control wielded by the Democrats (their overlords actually). They actually see the black democrat mouthpieces and operators as the house "servants" that they are. They realize that they have been deceived and distracted by base undertakings and false promises. They are close to acquiring the will to leave the plantation. They know what the great replacement is and what it will mean for them. The Great Awakening will be their true emancipation. It will be the emancipation of all of us.
They may not see it because, for many, the media is their "friend" and primary source of "knowledge" and "truth" about everything - what to think, what to do and say, how to behave etc. AND, the last thing man7y people want is to not "fit in" or to be ostracized/ridiculed for being different or unique.
Is it not true?? We have watched the majority of white western civilization bend over and put their own head on the chopping block out of pure shame over guilt placed on them by people who hate them
Oh look, the only people who don't get it are democrats
I can't make memes so I envision a classic I.Q. bell curve, with a line down the middle from the curve's apex to the baseline, at the 100 point (average I.Q.) mark
Wow blacks really don't trust MSM. And given that 63% of blacks consider MSM enemy of the people, are only 37% of Dems think the same, I think it's safe to say that blacks have left the Dem plantation.
Blacks are 19% of the Democratic vote. 63% of that is 12%. That means that blacks raise the AGREE vote in this poll for Democrats by 12 points, or about a third.
In other words, a third of all democrats who voted "AGREE" here were black.
Under the assumption these black people are democrats. I don't think that's case here and you're missing several variables to make an overall shitty point.
Like I said I think I jumped the gun a little, but you're assuming that the 63% of all blacks who believe MSM is the enemy is evenly distributed among R & D & Independent blacks, and I don't think that's a safe assumption at all.
The Pew poll says that in 2019 19% of the dem voter base was black. But that figure would presumably be based on registration. Newsweek & Co. had the 2020 approval for Trump among blacks up from 15% to 24%. Rasmussen had it much higher at 31% for registered voters.
I think a big chunk of that 63% - more than half - is comprised of the blacks that moved over to pro-Trump. Stated another way, I would think over 90% of the pre-Trump blacks believe that MSM is enemy of the state. I am assuming a high correlation between pro-Trump and anti-MSM generally, and among blacks. I was still wrong in my original assumption though so I thank y
You're right but also forgetting one important thing. Those pro-Trump blacks are still regarded as "Democrats" in this poll unless they changed their registration.
But let's be generous and say half of those 31% pro-Trump blacks changed their registration to R.
That makes it around a 15% / 85% split for blacks, R / D respectively. So let's assume ALL 15% of those voted to AGREE. That leaves us with 63-15 = 48% of D blacks voted to AGREE.
Now the tricky part. If democrats hemorrhaged 15% of the blacks to R's, and assuming they hemorrhaged zero whites to be generous, then the breakdown is around .85 x 19% = 16% of D voters are black.
.16 x 37% = 6% of the democrats who voted AGREE are black.
I can see the flaw in my logic you are pointing out, which is the fact that blacks make up only a small percentage of the overall democratic voter base. But I'm not following the "63% of [the 19%] is 12%."
Are you assuming that the number of democratic blacks who believe the election was stolen is 63%? I don't know if that assumption makes sense.
63% is from the poll. 63% of blacks agree that the media is the enemy.
Total democrat voters consist of 19% blacks.
So if we take 63% of that 19, we get the % of democrats who were black and agreed (since there are SO VERY few in the R party to account for) = 12% of democrats are both black and voted agree
So divide 12% (black Democrat AGREE) / 37% (total Democrat AGREE) = 32% of the AGREE for Democrats were blacks.
Not irrelevant, but statistically irrelevant. I know, and I said as much. They only make up about 1% of Republican voters.
The African-American crime culture often targets violence against Jews.
It's almost certain the heightened black mistrust of our MSM is because blacks know that Jews dominate ownership and control of our MSM.
It won't matter how many times you tell them, white is white.
Yeah, I get that, but to the majority of blacks, white is white. Hacidic jews are still white to them.
Cause the crime stats are real and those crimes affect normal people in very real ways.
And the two tier justice system makes people feel disillusioned.
I'll just drop an old Chris Rock joke on this topic.
58% seems low
85% of statistics are false.
This is likely 58% in a blue stronghold or only certain people were targeted.
I think it's close to 70% if you remove the poll rigging.
I find most polls seem to skew about 15% against reality against us. So in my head I just automatically adjust by 15% to see what the "real" numbers are. By that guide it would be 73% which I could definitely believe and which would pretty well reflect my anecdotal evidence.
Someone else mentioned these are from July, which makes that number even more believable. I suspect it's higher now, though probably not by a ton.
Seems like it’s from July, wonder what those numbers are now
When PDT first started saying this, I believed him, but I still didn't think that the media was the ENEMY enemy.
I knew the tricks they played and didn't like them, but these past two years it became clear to me just how vile and treacherous they were. "Enemy" no longer seems to be a strong enough word, but I don't know if there is an alternative.
Americans, the last part of the world that will lead the way to freedom. Thank you my friends.
They see what the MSM is, an instrument of control wielded by the Democrats (their overlords actually). They actually see the black democrat mouthpieces and operators as the house "servants" that they are. They realize that they have been deceived and distracted by base undertakings and false promises. They are close to acquiring the will to leave the plantation. They know what the great replacement is and what it will mean for them. The Great Awakening will be their true emancipation. It will be the emancipation of all of us.
"But black people and minorities are inferior to whites"
-Faggot racists in this sub
Pathetic whites. Always the most retarded when it comes to obvious truths.
Careful now. You might trigger the faggot white supremacists who lurk here by calling out their bullshit like that.
The other 42%= libtards
They may not see it because, for many, the media is their "friend" and primary source of "knowledge" and "truth" about everything - what to think, what to do and say, how to behave etc. AND, the last thing man7y people want is to not "fit in" or to be ostracized/ridiculed for being different or unique.
Proof that modern whites are cucks. Source: I’m white but not cuck
Proof that whites are capable of being as retarded as every other retard.
Is it not true?? We have watched the majority of white western civilization bend over and put their own head on the chopping block out of pure shame over guilt placed on them by people who hate them
Oh look, the only people who don't get it are democrats
I can't make memes so I envision a classic I.Q. bell curve, with a line down the middle from the curve's apex to the baseline, at the 100 point (average I.Q.) mark
Left side under the curve = red
Right side under the curve = blue
Why, yes they are, thanks for asking!
The last number is what is relevant.
Over half the country KNOWS they lie, manipulate, and attack those who challenge the narrative.
so do 58% also recognize the election was a farce?
These numbers are a joke right? Even the lefties I know think the news is all lies.
How do those numbers, collectively, equal just 58% of voters, when it's clear that a larger majority among those subsets believe the MSM is an enemy?