Thank you for posting. My mother died a couple years back to pancreatic cancer. The medical community gave nothing of value. Holistic doctor worked well for pain management. I can promise that if it comes out publicly that cancer could be cured, I will wage my own "jihad" against the perpetrators, even at the lowest level of knowledgeable involvement. I tell the docs I work with, who push the jabs all the time, that they will face punishment in this life and the next. I trust the medical community at a level lower than zero.
There are many cancer cures. No single cure is 100% effective. This particular one has saved the lives of countless brain cancer patients who were told they had a zero percent change to live.
Dr. discovers that there are peptides produced in healthy patients that are absent in cancer patients. Completely non-toxic. He gives these peptides to people with "incurable" and inoperable tumors including brain tumors with 100% fatality rates. Many of them were cured and remain completely healthy today, 30+ years later.
Over these 3 decades, the FDA has tried to put him in jail numerous times, discredit his research in endless ways, and prevent patients whose lives were saved from having access to these completely safe products.
When I ran by the Smilow Cancer Center at the New Haven Road Race last Sept, I honestly got sick. It hit me how awful it all is. Clownhouse care; exploitation when people are their most vulnerable and most trusting. It is like running by an ACTIVE concentration camp. And I'm supposed to celebrate???? I couldn't shake it. The rest of the race just sucked.
I fully believe that there is a cure for cancer, but what I don't understand is how they have kept all the people who have been cured by alternative methods quiet. I know if I was told that I was going to die from cancer and some doctor gave me something that saved me I would be telling everyone in the world about it.
That, and avoiding processed foods, is also great for heart health (unfortunately, I found this out possibly too late me me; I recently found that I have the heart disease that runs in my family, even though I had had no symptoms up to now, at the age of 64)
The fellow who wrote had "terminal" cancer, but is now living in apparently robust health. Fenbendazole did the trick for him, but the story is on his website, Convincing.
I have been in the Joe Tippins FB group since 2019. Lost a lot of people who came in too late; but the number of people who have made remarkable recoveries is stunning.
There are frequent updates with clear scans compared to previously being littered with tumors.
listen to the second to last person in the entire video. 60 year old wife and husband couple. Stage 4 breast went to lungs completely disappeared. I'm sure there are primary lung cancers as well in his clinic.
2 teaspoons of bicarb of soda to 1 teaspoon of molasses or maple syrup in hot water daily (do not take within an hour of food) need to boost the oxygen levels in the blood and lower the bodies acidity. Add high doses of vitamin C daily(spread throughout the day) with zinc and (quercetin to help absorb the vitamins into the body) to give the immune system a kick.
There is some good info out there on this method and at this point its worth a try right?
T3 works VERY well, it’s a thyroid hormone that can be had over the counter in many countries. Many folks over the age of 50 can probably benefit from a slight metabolic boost, especially when cancer is involved. There are books and websites dedicated to this. The work of Ray Peat PhD is phenomenal.
I would avoid sugar and fructose in all its forms. Most types of cancer tend to feed on it. Low carbohydrate diet is essential. I wouldn't recommend molasses or syrup for that reason.
Dr. Burzynski is a True Healer and it's miracle he's still alive. Located not far from me in Houston he's been bullied, intimidated, threatened, had his office torn apart and his confidential patient files gone through by so called "health professionals" who tried to close his clinic so many times and brand him awesome eton, all the while they are the criminals.
There are MANY cures for cancer. These evil people will pay. The Oncologists at M.D. Anderson murdered my father who chose the cut, burn and protocols to treat his cancer. We didn't know better in 1998...we didn't even own a computer to research cancer. I'm convinced that my Father would have survived without suffering if I knew then what I know now.
Most people who aren't aware that Oncologists are on paid by pharma for the amount of chemo they perscribe and the most telling fact is in a survey of Oncologists when asked, "if they would take chemo should they have cancer?" , 90% would NOT take chemo because they know the truth.
It appears cancer might be rather like a cockroach. There's a myriad of ways to kill a cockroach. Starve it. Burn it. Cause it to self destruct. Melt it's structure. Make everything around it so vigilant that it can't live.....
That they do. A friend who looked into the matter while going through the whole burn/poison process said that it was about $250K per patient, and that was a decade ago. The chemo and radiation rooms are filled all day every day....each one worth a quarter of a million?
I hear you! My mom had chemo for her lung cancer that not only destroyed her body but also made her cancer larger! Now hearing things there are cures for some cancers pisses me off!
My mom passed a few weeks after her 3rd chemo in 2017, a year after we lost my grandmother (my mom’s mother in 2016), and the day before my mom passed I lost my dog who was a therapy dog (we worked together as a therapy dog team. He also helped me with some balance issues. He was a true gentle giant.). A lot of loss in 2 yrs. I helped take care of both my grandmother & my mom and was with them when they passed. One of the hardest things is watching your loved ones decline & pass, you feel so helpless.
Before they passed we had 5 generations of women on my side of the family. Grandmother, mother, me, my daughter & her daughter. Now we have 3 generations of women. Maybe if I live long enough we will make it to 5 again.
Wow, it is truly heartbreaking. I am sorry, I misread your original post and thought you were still fighting with your mom. I know how hard it is. I lost my father to lung cancer, and when Rush announced he had lung cancer it brought it all back to me. I am currently taking care of my mother who is in the mid stages of Alzheimer's. I have read here about some alternatives to treat Dementia and Alzheimer's which I would like to try. I pray that we all get justice. Especially those who have lost loved ones at the hands of corrupt big pharma.
I'm with you. GrandmaFree died from meteststic skin cancer. Watched it literally eat her alive for the last 5 yrs of her life. My ex wife and I had to talk her into leaving this life. By the end, she couldn't talk, eat, or drink. This lasted 5 days. Once I told her that I would look after the family for her, and told her we were expecting a daughter, she cried, and then passed on.
It was one of the saddest days of me life. She refused to go until she knew her family would be ok without her.
That was 11 1/2 yrs ago.
One of my uncle's died from some rare form of prostate cancer that first attacked the mucus lining of his liver. How that happens, I have no idea. But it's so rare, at the time, only about 5 men in the U.S. had ever had it. This was 5 yes ago. Watched him go from a strong and healthy 6'1", 200 lb man's man to just under 5'9", 145 lbs. By the end, he was literally begging God to take him.
The radiation treatments and chemo meds did absolutely nothing for both of them, except extend the inevitable, destroyed their bodies and minds, and left them begging for mercy.
I will never fo give these charlatans the MSM calls "medical experts." ESPECIALLY Fraud-Xi. He's responsible for Okeechobee Granpa's death to AIDS before it was even a thing. He died because of tainted blood after a tainted transfusion when his lover and kidneys quit functioning properly. He actually regained some color after he passed, that's how bad he looked. This was 1981 and I was 6. Just seeing him in that condition gave me nightmares for years. But it wasn't until high school, doing a research paper on AIDS for my anatomy class, that I was able to put 2+2 together. When we approached a lawyer with my findings, and was set to go up against Pfizer, CDC, NIH, and the American Red Cross (they supplied the tainted blood for his transfusion) we were basically told that there wasn't anything we could do because those agencies and org have too much power and would just bankrupt us thru lawfare proceedings.
Speaking of H.S. Anatomy class, that teacher died from brain cancer later in the school year. Bless her heart, she came into class every day she could, even after the chemo treatments and radiation had eaten her body alive. We all got an up close and personal look at what that poison does to humans. When we all started researching alternative treatments, and there weren't that many to find back then, and it took a long time to find because this was pre-Internet days (1992-93), she told us she couldn't take any because of the "contract" she signed with Mayo Clinic Jacksonville. Every day after that became more and more somber, until one day, we had a substitute teacher waiting for us with tears in her eyes. She couldn't even look at us to tell us the news, it was that heartbreaking. It still hurts to this day. She was one of the best teachers, and one of the best humans we ever had at that school. And it was the best school in Volusia County, at the time.
I don't normally hold grudges, but I do with these instances. 4 people, basically murdered because of the corrupt Rockefeller medical system. This is just a partial list of the people in my life that this "health" system sacrificed in the name of [their] "science."
And yesterday, I found out that one of my aunts is suffering from some "unknown" heart condition, about 2 mths after receiving her coof booster. She's the wife of my uncle who I mentioned above. She's also severely deluded and brainwashed. And it pisses me off to no end, that because of the brainwashing, she won't listen to reason from me. She thinks I'm the fool and idiot. And all I can do is just watch, because of the brainwashing that humanity suffers from.
They've really done a number on the World, and for that, I hope they all burn in Hell for all eternity.
To the OP. Thank you for opening the door on the lies within your profession. The few heroes like you that stand up for right - give me hope for the future. Thank you.
Thank you for posting. My mother died a couple years back to pancreatic cancer. The medical community gave nothing of value. Holistic doctor worked well for pain management. I can promise that if it comes out publicly that cancer could be cured, I will wage my own "jihad" against the perpetrators, even at the lowest level of knowledgeable involvement. I tell the docs I work with, who push the jabs all the time, that they will face punishment in this life and the next. I trust the medical community at a level lower than zero.
There are many cancer cures. No single cure is 100% effective. This particular one has saved the lives of countless brain cancer patients who were told they had a zero percent change to live.
What is this particular message? Haven't watched yet, but will
Dr. discovers that there are peptides produced in healthy patients that are absent in cancer patients. Completely non-toxic. He gives these peptides to people with "incurable" and inoperable tumors including brain tumors with 100% fatality rates. Many of them were cured and remain completely healthy today, 30+ years later.
Over these 3 decades, the FDA has tried to put him in jail numerous times, discredit his research in endless ways, and prevent patients whose lives were saved from having access to these completely safe products.
They don’t want anyone to mess with the profits of the 🌎 cancer industry which made 158 billion in 2020.
When I ran by the Smilow Cancer Center at the New Haven Road Race last Sept, I honestly got sick. It hit me how awful it all is. Clownhouse care; exploitation when people are their most vulnerable and most trusting. It is like running by an ACTIVE concentration camp. And I'm supposed to celebrate???? I couldn't shake it. The rest of the race just sucked.
Thanks for your posts!
I fully believe that there is a cure for cancer, but what I don't understand is how they have kept all the people who have been cured by alternative methods quiet. I know if I was told that I was going to die from cancer and some doctor gave me something that saved me I would be telling everyone in the world about it.
And, as hope111111 reminded us last wk, the #1 cause of bankruptcy in muhrica is health related debts.
Debt slavery by design...served by the same satanic cult ruling since, at least, Babylon
Cutting out all sugar and carbs (i.e., zero carbs - go full carnivore) is also a way to defeat, if not entirely prevent cancers.
That, and avoiding processed foods, is also great for heart health (unfortunately, I found this out possibly too late me me; I recently found that I have the heart disease that runs in my family, even though I had had no symptoms up to now, at the age of 64)
Please read the book "The Clot Thickens".
Do you know of any cures for lung cancer? My mom lung cancer, did chemo and it destroyed her body & made her cancer larger.
The fellow who wrote had "terminal" cancer, but is now living in apparently robust health. Fenbendazole did the trick for him, but the story is on his website, Convincing.
I have been in the Joe Tippins FB group since 2019. Lost a lot of people who came in too late; but the number of people who have made remarkable recoveries is stunning.
There are frequent updates with clear scans compared to previously being littered with tumors.
Any idea of the dosage and the duration of time of the Fenbendazole?
listen to the second to last person in the entire video. 60 year old wife and husband couple. Stage 4 breast went to lungs completely disappeared. I'm sure there are primary lung cancers as well in his clinic.
Hcq is supposed to be able to kill Lung cancer cells. It's listed on the benefits of hcq paper.
2 teaspoons of bicarb of soda to 1 teaspoon of molasses or maple syrup in hot water daily (do not take within an hour of food) need to boost the oxygen levels in the blood and lower the bodies acidity. Add high doses of vitamin C daily(spread throughout the day) with zinc and (quercetin to help absorb the vitamins into the body) to give the immune system a kick. There is some good info out there on this method and at this point its worth a try right?
T3 works VERY well, it’s a thyroid hormone that can be had over the counter in many countries. Many folks over the age of 50 can probably benefit from a slight metabolic boost, especially when cancer is involved. There are books and websites dedicated to this. The work of Ray Peat PhD is phenomenal.
I would avoid sugar and fructose in all its forms. Most types of cancer tend to feed on it. Low carbohydrate diet is essential. I wouldn't recommend molasses or syrup for that reason.
I look at artemisinin in particular. It won the Nobel prize aside ivermwctin.
Dr. Burzynski is a True Healer and it's miracle he's still alive. Located not far from me in Houston he's been bullied, intimidated, threatened, had his office torn apart and his confidential patient files gone through by so called "health professionals" who tried to close his clinic so many times and brand him awesome eton, all the while they are the criminals.
There are MANY cures for cancer. These evil people will pay. The Oncologists at M.D. Anderson murdered my father who chose the cut, burn and protocols to treat his cancer. We didn't know better in 1998...we didn't even own a computer to research cancer. I'm convinced that my Father would have survived without suffering if I knew then what I know now.
Most people who aren't aware that Oncologists are on paid by pharma for the amount of chemo they perscribe and the most telling fact is in a survey of Oncologists when asked, "if they would take chemo should they have cancer?" , 90% would NOT take chemo because they know the truth.
Some of the many awesome sites are:
THANK YOU and May God Bless you u/hope111111! 🙏🙌💞
It appears cancer might be rather like a cockroach. There's a myriad of ways to kill a cockroach. Starve it. Burn it. Cause it to self destruct. Melt it's structure. Make everything around it so vigilant that it can't live.....
But the medical establishment wants to burn the house down as a way to kill the cockroach :)
That they do. A friend who looked into the matter while going through the whole burn/poison process said that it was about $250K per patient, and that was a decade ago. The chemo and radiation rooms are filled all day every day....each one worth a quarter of a million?
I hear you! My mom had chemo for her lung cancer that not only destroyed her body but also made her cancer larger! Now hearing things there are cures for some cancers pisses me off!
I'm with you pede. I lost my dad to lung cancer in 2016. Praying for you and your mom.
Thank you! I’m so sorry for your loss! 🙏
My mom passed a few weeks after her 3rd chemo in 2017, a year after we lost my grandmother (my mom’s mother in 2016), and the day before my mom passed I lost my dog who was a therapy dog (we worked together as a therapy dog team. He also helped me with some balance issues. He was a true gentle giant.). A lot of loss in 2 yrs. I helped take care of both my grandmother & my mom and was with them when they passed. One of the hardest things is watching your loved ones decline & pass, you feel so helpless.
Before they passed we had 5 generations of women on my side of the family. Grandmother, mother, me, my daughter & her daughter. Now we have 3 generations of women. Maybe if I live long enough we will make it to 5 again.
Wow, it is truly heartbreaking. I am sorry, I misread your original post and thought you were still fighting with your mom. I know how hard it is. I lost my father to lung cancer, and when Rush announced he had lung cancer it brought it all back to me. I am currently taking care of my mother who is in the mid stages of Alzheimer's. I have read here about some alternatives to treat Dementia and Alzheimer's which I would like to try. I pray that we all get justice. Especially those who have lost loved ones at the hands of corrupt big pharma.
Me too.... the possibility that the ivermectin that we gave our cows could have saved my mother is just gut wrenching.
I'm with you. GrandmaFree died from meteststic skin cancer. Watched it literally eat her alive for the last 5 yrs of her life. My ex wife and I had to talk her into leaving this life. By the end, she couldn't talk, eat, or drink. This lasted 5 days. Once I told her that I would look after the family for her, and told her we were expecting a daughter, she cried, and then passed on.
It was one of the saddest days of me life. She refused to go until she knew her family would be ok without her.
That was 11 1/2 yrs ago.
One of my uncle's died from some rare form of prostate cancer that first attacked the mucus lining of his liver. How that happens, I have no idea. But it's so rare, at the time, only about 5 men in the U.S. had ever had it. This was 5 yes ago. Watched him go from a strong and healthy 6'1", 200 lb man's man to just under 5'9", 145 lbs. By the end, he was literally begging God to take him.
The radiation treatments and chemo meds did absolutely nothing for both of them, except extend the inevitable, destroyed their bodies and minds, and left them begging for mercy.
I will never fo give these charlatans the MSM calls "medical experts." ESPECIALLY Fraud-Xi. He's responsible for Okeechobee Granpa's death to AIDS before it was even a thing. He died because of tainted blood after a tainted transfusion when his lover and kidneys quit functioning properly. He actually regained some color after he passed, that's how bad he looked. This was 1981 and I was 6. Just seeing him in that condition gave me nightmares for years. But it wasn't until high school, doing a research paper on AIDS for my anatomy class, that I was able to put 2+2 together. When we approached a lawyer with my findings, and was set to go up against Pfizer, CDC, NIH, and the American Red Cross (they supplied the tainted blood for his transfusion) we were basically told that there wasn't anything we could do because those agencies and org have too much power and would just bankrupt us thru lawfare proceedings.
Speaking of H.S. Anatomy class, that teacher died from brain cancer later in the school year. Bless her heart, she came into class every day she could, even after the chemo treatments and radiation had eaten her body alive. We all got an up close and personal look at what that poison does to humans. When we all started researching alternative treatments, and there weren't that many to find back then, and it took a long time to find because this was pre-Internet days (1992-93), she told us she couldn't take any because of the "contract" she signed with Mayo Clinic Jacksonville. Every day after that became more and more somber, until one day, we had a substitute teacher waiting for us with tears in her eyes. She couldn't even look at us to tell us the news, it was that heartbreaking. It still hurts to this day. She was one of the best teachers, and one of the best humans we ever had at that school. And it was the best school in Volusia County, at the time.
I don't normally hold grudges, but I do with these instances. 4 people, basically murdered because of the corrupt Rockefeller medical system. This is just a partial list of the people in my life that this "health" system sacrificed in the name of [their] "science."
And yesterday, I found out that one of my aunts is suffering from some "unknown" heart condition, about 2 mths after receiving her coof booster. She's the wife of my uncle who I mentioned above. She's also severely deluded and brainwashed. And it pisses me off to no end, that because of the brainwashing, she won't listen to reason from me. She thinks I'm the fool and idiot. And all I can do is just watch, because of the brainwashing that humanity suffers from.
They've really done a number on the World, and for that, I hope they all burn in Hell for all eternity.
To the OP. Thank you for opening the door on the lies within your profession. The few heroes like you that stand up for right - give me hope for the future. Thank you.
I believe they were saying that they work with doctors and not referring to "their" doctor.
Still, I too would like to know how they react