Reality is a movie. Body doubles are real. Vaccines are the poison. The virus is the vaccine. Mainstream is fringe. Moderate is far-right. Left is right. Far-left is moderate. News are lies. Education is dumbing down kids. Healthcare is poisoning us.
They would have you believe that war is peace. Freedom is slavery. Truth is fiction. Truckers are a fringe minority. Love is hate. Color is racist. Gender is sexist. Marriage is prison. Pedos are valid. Good is evil. Evil is good.
Yes. All of the above. I will back you up fren. If people really want to debate these points, then first they must dive deep and research their arse off. To those willing to undertake this journey, some advice: Research with an open mind, no confirmation bias, and be willing to let go of concreted beliefs and cognitive dissonance. Some of the topics can be reasonably understood within a few hours, others will take months and others years worth of sleuthing. Be open to having your world view shattered. For what you'll eventually find WILL shatter the world view we've all been programmed with. That's the point. We live in an amazing creation. Albeit a creation that's been tainted with a great deception. It's time we break out of the illusion. When Trump says "the best is yet to come", well, get ready frens, for the potentials are beyond extraordinary.
The (fake) shooting was supposed to cause the outrage to trigger a stampede into the capital but it smelled when all the actors were already in their places and posing for their money shots long before the first Trump supporters ever arrived. No one is buying this tired old sack of shit. Give it up.
Dude thats nuts. This guy always felt like some sort of Glowfag or antifa.
All the optics in the news cycle over this guy eating vegan food as optics to show J6rs weren't being raped, bloodied, lost an eye, beaten, family threatened by commie capitol police.
So if Ashlee Babbit didn't die does that mean she can prosecute Officer Byrd?
I don’t think she would prosecute for anything because her and the shooter were both in on it
The supposed j6 prisoner torture is b.s in my opinion as well. Narrative. My guess would be most of the prisoners are actually the black hat agents that were there that day to start the “riot”
It does not pay to be the lowest man on the totem pole when committing crimes for the deep state. Even the joker made it clear to the normies but people want to the quick cash. Not worth losing your soul and your life.
If that's the case then Trump even fell for it, he just gave Ashlee Babbitt a shoutout at a recent rally in Arizona I believe. Asking "Who shot Ashlee Babbit?"
I just recently saw an Article from MSM source CNN that said that MOST of those in prison in DC's gitmo are pleading Trump as their main defense argument.
I guess the main defense case for most of these prisoners is :
"Trump made me do it!, It's Trump's fault." ( Totally something BLM or Antifa would say!)
I guess the Judge commented and said something along the lines of...
" I could bring him into this courtroom and even his testimony wouldn't help your defense."
That article supports this theory that all of BLM, Antifa are the ones in DC's Gitmo!
There are great videos of her getting sot. The gun is aimed at her gut, not neck or shoulder. Add to that there was no blood for a min or two, yet she died supposedly of blood loss on a shoulder shot? First, they said it was the neck then they changed it.
Maybe I am thinking of a different video. The one I’m referring to is the one where Trump & family are watching several video monitors inside a tent before he went up to speak. It was during the hour-long delay before he spoke. I was there and there was at least one ambulance in the crowd
That's an interesting angle I'd never considered before. I figured her staged death was just to rile up normie conservatives and use her supposed death as a battle cry to get us fighting each other instead of focusing on the ones pulling the strings.
That’s def a possibility too
The reason I think her death is a white hat op tho is mostly bc of how badly it was done
Anyone with any knowledge of how to treat a gunshot wound knows that the swat team that was standing there waiting for the shooting to occur are absolutely actors
Watch how they respond. Every Swat type agent/officer knows how to pack a gunshot wound. Those clowns didn’t
It’s too obvious imo. Black hats wouldn’t be that sloppy
Lends credence to the original story too. They said she was shot in the neck and died due to the carotid artery and bled out. Anyone who has seen death in this mater knows that was 1000% not what happened. IF there was a significant laceration to the carotid, there would have instantly been arterial blood squirting everywhere. She was on the ground and there was no blood for well over a minute or two. She would have been gushing the sec she got hit and every heartbeat would have pulsed that blood flow. It looked fake to me from the start.
I took a first aid class when I was 18 and that was a long time ago. But I still remember you apply pressure to a bleeding wound. You don't sit there and futz around with a little napkin in a plastic bag and do the dab-dab-dab if someone is bleeding out.
The fake swat team with full armor and ARs stands on the stairs almost the whole time
The fake rioters start breaking the glass while the swat team stands there and watches
The rioters are skinny dudes, boomers and chicks...yet the team of armored paramilitary guys just watch...they don’t even give verbal commands to stop...they just watch
At the very moment Ashli is “shot”, the swat team steps forward and takes custody of her with guns raised
The timing is absurdly obvious
The next few minutes they do nothing to aid her and only pose for pictures
She is a black hat. Remember Jade Helm. They tend to go overboard with drawing attention to themselves, especially on social media pretending to be the face of what a Q or Trump follower is. They did hope to trigger the crowd into a frenzy. I’m glad that didn’t work. I saw several videos before they got cleaned off the internet. They are very poor actors and don’t think it matters because the media paints the pictures and writes the stories for them. They are always infiltrating the good guys trying to radicalize them. I’ve seen plenty of them on here.
Who died in the hospital of an overdose and heart failure due to an enlarged heart, all per sworn testimony by the medical examiner. But the TV didn't tell anyone about that.
This is probably true. I was there on Jan 6. A guy I was talking to in the airport on the way home was in there when she was shot and showed me his cell phone footage. They dragged her into a little room and closed the door. There was no security or medical reason for doing that or so it seemed to him.
I think this guy is the only one charged and plead guilty I have heard of. The really dumb thing is, this guy is much more attractive with all his garb on. In real life he is a pasty ass looking like a skin head.
I am sad to say I think Ashley did get killed and she was totally set up. If you watch the frame by frame of the few minutes before, it looks like she was trying to get away from what was going to happen.
Who knows, not enough info yet.
He’s a former marine.
Someone claiming to be his sister posted comments online in the days after J6 saying that he was working with the white hats
Who knows. I think we’ll find out soon enough tho
I watched the movie Deja Vu starring Denzel Washington with my hubby yesterday and was shook because an operation/computer program called Snow White was used and explained how it runs. Freaked me out, so much. I think with cameras everywhere and how "Snow White" from the movie listed above, I feel we are watching a movie and expect some big twists and turns before it finishes.
Cheap crisis actors get killed after their performances. The white hats knew the patriots would calmly walk back out of the building. The black hats were hoping the patriots would go crazy and have a real bloodbath. The exiting the building video seems very awkward and hastily put together. The creativity of the losers is very small. All their ff attempts have minimal actors with similar specific narrative content or actions. They wanted more violence to make fake news out of and stir up hot war in our streets. They failed.
So the liberals don't care about us,
and we don't care because its all a movie. Something very twisted about all of this thinking.
Discernment and proof is needed. I cant imagine being the parent or the husband of a murdered loved one and being told-your a liar. Your loved one didn't die. So on the one hand you have liberals smearing your loved one and you, and on the right side you have people smearing your loved one and you.
We cannot always stand back and say its all a movie. Much of it is. But there is a price being paid by real people.
I dont think you know what the truth really is or you wouldn't have attacked. You would have given definitive proof.
But you do you. And I will say what I think needs to be said. i don't know for sure either way, but I would rather be thought a fool then prove it by speaking like you just did.
If Ashley is still alive, I would be glad to know it for sure.
Here's the video from the JaydenX, the very suspicious character who supposedly has been involved in ANTIFA. His camera phone just happened to be pointed right at the window when the gun appears. Phone is focused on the gun for at least 7 seconds, but he doesn't yell 'gun'?
Ashli Babbit didn't tell her family she was going to D.C. Wasn't accompanied by her husband and was supposedly buried at sea. As a female, I would have never been there alone and I would have let at least one family member know I was going. It's all very odd.
If I remember correctly, someone in her family immediately went on FB and shared she had been killed. Her mother? It was basically how the news broke. It was very suspicious. You find out your loved one has been killed and your first reaction is to post on social media? I know there are addicts out there, but come on. And you just happen to know the details? No way.
Yeah, so many little details seem odd. As another anon pointed out, maybe there are someone women who would go there alone. Maybe there is some weird mom who talks about her daughter's death immediately on FB. But add up all the details, and the whole incident seems VERY fishy.
Odd? Odd doesn't even begin to describe all the bullshit surrounding this fake shooting and death of an Air Force "Officer". She was actually an enlisted member and only made it up to E-4 after 14 years.
Why would a former "Air Force" member want to be buried at sea?
Why would anyone go to a protest in DC alone and without telling anyone they know that they are going? Especially if they lived in California!!
Maybe she wasn't close to any of her family but her husband was the only person who knew she was going. How many men would let their wife go alone to a protest rally? As a woman, I would never take such a risk. When I was single in college, I never went to a bar alone. Doesn't seem normal.
Plenty of husbands and wives or women in general would be comfortable doing such a thing. The account of caution you may take is understandable, but others have different values or risk assessments and plenty of people would gladly head somewhere like that alone if they were passionate about the protest or subject.
Really? At the tail end of 2020's burn loot murder season? When there was a shitload of talk on every board wether to go armed or not? Sorry dawg but her entire story is mad suspect.
Plenty? No. A small minority? Sure. There's always someone on the edge of the fringe. If she had a history of mental problems and bad decisions, it would make more sense. But probably 95% of the women there were with someone. Women don't even go to the bathroom alone. People don't go to concerts alone. There wasn't one passionate family member or friend she felt like asking to go with her? And it seems suspect considering the other details, like being "buried" at sea. She wasn't in the navy. Did she have a passion about the ocean? It doesn't add up.
Reality is a movie. Body doubles are real. Vaccines are the poison. The virus is the vaccine. Mainstream is fringe. Moderate is far-right. Left is right. Far-left is moderate. News are lies. Education is dumbing down kids. Healthcare is poisoning us.
They would have you believe that war is peace. Freedom is slavery. Truth is fiction. Truckers are a fringe minority. Love is hate. Color is racist. Gender is sexist. Marriage is prison. Pedos are valid. Good is evil. Evil is good.
Earth is flat.
Dinosaurs are fake.
Darwin was a Mason.
Astronauts are CGI.
There have been multiple great resets.
Giants used to be everywhere.
We had electricity in mass before Edison.
There probably are lizard people.
The world wars were ritual blood sacrifices.
The Nazis got away with evil and infiltrated the U.S.
Hitler had legitimate concerns about the Jews that are just as relevant today.
Nonetheless, you completely missed my point.
Yes. All of the above. I will back you up fren. If people really want to debate these points, then first they must dive deep and research their arse off. To those willing to undertake this journey, some advice: Research with an open mind, no confirmation bias, and be willing to let go of concreted beliefs and cognitive dissonance. Some of the topics can be reasonably understood within a few hours, others will take months and others years worth of sleuthing. Be open to having your world view shattered. For what you'll eventually find WILL shatter the world view we've all been programmed with. That's the point. We live in an amazing creation. Albeit a creation that's been tainted with a great deception. It's time we break out of the illusion. When Trump says "the best is yet to come", well, get ready frens, for the potentials are beyond extraordinary.
The (fake) shooting was supposed to cause the outrage to trigger a stampede into the capital but it smelled when all the actors were already in their places and posing for their money shots long before the first Trump supporters ever arrived. No one is buying this tired old sack of shit. Give it up.
Terrible acting really, no improv skills at all... 0/10 on rotten tomatoes
I've been saying this all along....
Crisis actors gotta act.
Crisis acting should be looong jail time.
Me too
Dude thats nuts. This guy always felt like some sort of Glowfag or antifa.
All the optics in the news cycle over this guy eating vegan food as optics to show J6rs weren't being raped, bloodied, lost an eye, beaten, family threatened by commie capitol police.
So if Ashlee Babbit didn't die does that mean she can prosecute Officer Byrd?
I don’t think she would prosecute for anything because her and the shooter were both in on it
The supposed j6 prisoner torture is b.s in my opinion as well. Narrative. My guess would be most of the prisoners are actually the black hat agents that were there that day to start the “riot”
Maybe not all of them but most of them
I think she might have been killed after the fact to cover up the plot. They eliminate witnesses all the time.
Even the Ms13 randoms they use get cleaned up by wet works.
It does not pay to be the lowest man on the totem pole when committing crimes for the deep state. Even the joker made it clear to the normies but people want to the quick cash. Not worth losing your soul and your life.
If that's the case then Trump even fell for it, he just gave Ashlee Babbitt a shoutout at a recent rally in Arizona I believe. Asking "Who shot Ashlee Babbit?"
I just recently saw an Article from MSM source CNN that said that MOST of those in prison in DC's gitmo are pleading Trump as their main defense argument.
I guess the main defense case for most of these prisoners is :
"Trump made me do it!, It's Trump's fault." ( Totally something BLM or Antifa would say!)
I guess the Judge commented and said something along the lines of...
" I could bring him into this courtroom and even his testimony wouldn't help your defense."
That article supports this theory that all of BLM, Antifa are the ones in DC's Gitmo!
There are great videos of her getting sot. The gun is aimed at her gut, not neck or shoulder. Add to that there was no blood for a min or two, yet she died supposedly of blood loss on a shoulder shot? First, they said it was the neck then they changed it.
Holy smokes, ty for this!
it isnt a secret who shot her. he did an interview on tv
Does that mean she’s black hat?
My guess is white hat
My theory is her “death” was meant to stop the riot that was most likely supposed to end with an actual bloodbath
Remember when they showed the video of the ambulance leaving? Was that Trump and team watching them extract Ashlee out of the Capital?
There's another video of here being rolled out with her chest completely exposed while they are rolling her out on a stretcher.
They were watching the ambulance leave the rally. Someone in the crowd had collapsed.
That's not how I interpreted it.
Maybe I am thinking of a different video. The one I’m referring to is the one where Trump & family are watching several video monitors inside a tent before he went up to speak. It was during the hour-long delay before he spoke. I was there and there was at least one ambulance in the crowd
I'll have to see if I can find it. I remember the camera showing us the ambulance like it was something only certain people were supposed to see.
I could be wrong but couple that with the fact that Ashley wasn't bleeding out all over the stretcher still makes me think something was up.
That's an interesting angle I'd never considered before. I figured her staged death was just to rile up normie conservatives and use her supposed death as a battle cry to get us fighting each other instead of focusing on the ones pulling the strings.
That’s def a possibility too The reason I think her death is a white hat op tho is mostly bc of how badly it was done
Anyone with any knowledge of how to treat a gunshot wound knows that the swat team that was standing there waiting for the shooting to occur are absolutely actors
Watch how they respond. Every Swat type agent/officer knows how to pack a gunshot wound. Those clowns didn’t
It’s too obvious imo. Black hats wouldn’t be that sloppy
It was white hat and they WANTED us to know
I hope you're right!
You're making a lot of sense!
Lends credence to the original story too. They said she was shot in the neck and died due to the carotid artery and bled out. Anyone who has seen death in this mater knows that was 1000% not what happened. IF there was a significant laceration to the carotid, there would have instantly been arterial blood squirting everywhere. She was on the ground and there was no blood for well over a minute or two. She would have been gushing the sec she got hit and every heartbeat would have pulsed that blood flow. It looked fake to me from the start.
I took a first aid class when I was 18 and that was a long time ago. But I still remember you apply pressure to a bleeding wound. You don't sit there and futz around with a little napkin in a plastic bag and do the dab-dab-dab if someone is bleeding out.
The fake swat team with full armor and ARs stands on the stairs almost the whole time
The fake rioters start breaking the glass while the swat team stands there and watches
The rioters are skinny dudes, boomers and chicks...yet the team of armored paramilitary guys just watch...they don’t even give verbal commands to stop...they just watch
At the very moment Ashli is “shot”, the swat team steps forward and takes custody of her with guns raised
The timing is absurdly obvious
The next few minutes they do nothing to aid her and only pose for pictures
Black Hat - Whole thing was set up with Capitol police and FBI. We know where they stand
She is a black hat. Remember Jade Helm. They tend to go overboard with drawing attention to themselves, especially on social media pretending to be the face of what a Q or Trump follower is. They did hope to trigger the crowd into a frenzy. I’m glad that didn’t work. I saw several videos before they got cleaned off the internet. They are very poor actors and don’t think it matters because the media paints the pictures and writes the stories for them. They are always infiltrating the good guys trying to radicalize them. I’ve seen plenty of them on here.
Here is an interview with the shaman guy from right after the election. Tell me if you still think he's glowie.
I bet you a dollar to a do nut hole that she is dead.
As dead as lee harvey oswald.
Get it?
use your words
Laughing emoji okay hand
Your words
as dead as jfk jr
He means that black hat patsies get tidied up for their loyalty.
For starters the gun was moved left, right before shooting and the angle was no where near her neck
Can anyone explain wtf is really going on? if its all a show why is Biden still there?
Or the "Sandy Hook" kids
Oh yeah don't worry about that guy running into the trees out the back. Mhmm.
They claim this guy got 4 years... he never served a day.
This is goofy but alot of good points all through it.
Or George Floyd
Who died in the hospital of an overdose and heart failure due to an enlarged heart, all per sworn testimony by the medical examiner. But the TV didn't tell anyone about that.
This is probably true. I was there on Jan 6. A guy I was talking to in the airport on the way home was in there when she was shot and showed me his cell phone footage. They dragged her into a little room and closed the door. There was no security or medical reason for doing that or so it seemed to him.
Im so happy to see this post and on the front page.
About time people slowed down to take a closer look.
There were more cameras there than actually protestors
I see several legit cameras, not phones.
I can’t wait for that information to come out.
Probably a camera in shaman's horn too.
Wait until they discover when exactly BarryGirl had the George Floyd promo materials ready to roll out.
I think this guy is the only one charged and plead guilty I have heard of. The really dumb thing is, this guy is much more attractive with all his garb on. In real life he is a pasty ass looking like a skin head. I am sad to say I think Ashley did get killed and she was totally set up. If you watch the frame by frame of the few minutes before, it looks like she was trying to get away from what was going to happen. Who knows, not enough info yet.
He’s a former marine. Someone claiming to be his sister posted comments online in the days after J6 saying that he was working with the white hats Who knows. I think we’ll find out soon enough tho
I watched the movie Deja Vu starring Denzel Washington with my hubby yesterday and was shook because an operation/computer program called Snow White was used and explained how it runs. Freaked me out, so much. I think with cameras everywhere and how "Snow White" from the movie listed above, I feel we are watching a movie and expect some big twists and turns before it finishes.
So Capitol Punishment was just all made up then? Her husband seemed pretty sincere to me....
If it was all made up then that's just great acting. Hard to tell what's going on. Could be real could be fake.
Cheap crisis actors get killed after their performances. The white hats knew the patriots would calmly walk back out of the building. The black hats were hoping the patriots would go crazy and have a real bloodbath. The exiting the building video seems very awkward and hastily put together. The creativity of the losers is very small. All their ff attempts have minimal actors with similar specific narrative content or actions. They wanted more violence to make fake news out of and stir up hot war in our streets. They failed.
I wonder if she's in the same CIA safehouse as George Floyd lol
So the liberals don't care about us, and we don't care because its all a movie. Something very twisted about all of this thinking.
Discernment and proof is needed. I cant imagine being the parent or the husband of a murdered loved one and being told-your a liar. Your loved one didn't die. So on the one hand you have liberals smearing your loved one and you, and on the right side you have people smearing your loved one and you.
We cannot always stand back and say its all a movie. Much of it is. But there is a price being paid by real people.
And yes I saw the videos.
So who gets to decide what is a movie and what isn’t? You?
Do I need to check with you every time I post something to make sure you agree?
Fuck feelings. I don’t care if our discussions upset people or not.
We’re here for the truth, period.
I dont think you know what the truth really is or you wouldn't have attacked. You would have given definitive proof.
But you do you. And I will say what I think needs to be said. i don't know for sure either way, but I would rather be thought a fool then prove it by speaking like you just did.
If Ashley is still alive, I would be glad to know it for sure.
Here's a video that points out a lot of oddities:
Here's the video from the JaydenX, the very suspicious character who supposedly has been involved in ANTIFA. His camera phone just happened to be pointed right at the window when the gun appears. Phone is focused on the gun for at least 7 seconds, but he doesn't yell 'gun'?
Ashli Babbit didn't tell her family she was going to D.C. Wasn't accompanied by her husband and was supposedly buried at sea. As a female, I would have never been there alone and I would have let at least one family member know I was going. It's all very odd.
That bitchute video at 4:20 to 5:00 is really damning. He is pointing the gun at her, then points it waaay away and fires. Nice share thanks!
If I remember correctly, someone in her family immediately went on FB and shared she had been killed. Her mother? It was basically how the news broke. It was very suspicious. You find out your loved one has been killed and your first reaction is to post on social media? I know there are addicts out there, but come on. And you just happen to know the details? No way.
Yeah, so many little details seem odd. As another anon pointed out, maybe there are someone women who would go there alone. Maybe there is some weird mom who talks about her daughter's death immediately on FB. But add up all the details, and the whole incident seems VERY fishy.
Odd? Odd doesn't even begin to describe all the bullshit surrounding this fake shooting and death of an Air Force "Officer". She was actually an enlisted member and only made it up to E-4 after 14 years.
Why would a former "Air Force" member want to be buried at sea? Why would anyone go to a protest in DC alone and without telling anyone they know that they are going? Especially if they lived in California!!
Maybe she wasn't close to any of her family but her husband was the only person who knew she was going. How many men would let their wife go alone to a protest rally? As a woman, I would never take such a risk. When I was single in college, I never went to a bar alone. Doesn't seem normal.
Plenty of husbands and wives or women in general would be comfortable doing such a thing. The account of caution you may take is understandable, but others have different values or risk assessments and plenty of people would gladly head somewhere like that alone if they were passionate about the protest or subject.
Really? At the tail end of 2020's burn loot murder season? When there was a shitload of talk on every board wether to go armed or not? Sorry dawg but her entire story is mad suspect.
Plenty? No. A small minority? Sure. There's always someone on the edge of the fringe. If she had a history of mental problems and bad decisions, it would make more sense. But probably 95% of the women there were with someone. Women don't even go to the bathroom alone. People don't go to concerts alone. There wasn't one passionate family member or friend she felt like asking to go with her? And it seems suspect considering the other details, like being "buried" at sea. She wasn't in the navy. Did she have a passion about the ocean? It doesn't add up.
There are videos that show it quite clearly It will be some time before we get the kind of proof that you’re prolly asking for
I'd like to see you prove she did.