An attorney should now sue GoFundMe for $10 Million on behalf of the truckers.
It was NEVER their money to freeze in the first place.
Also, GoFundMe is NOT authorized to remove the money from anyone's account in order to pay a 3rd party that was not agreed to by the donor.
Anyone that believes this truck thing is actually going to make them stop being tyrants is a fool. I'm not saying the truck protest isn't a great idea but its only great because it will reveal the truth... the only way we will ever be free is if we make these people leave us alone with force. That might be legal action with police and their guns or it might be a gun toting mob lynching these lunatics.
These is no other way out of this. You can sue your way to freedom. You can't protest your way to freedom. You can't tweet your way to freedom. Trudeau could resign tomorrow and all that would mean is they have found the right puppet to replace him just like they replaced that chiq in UK with Boris.
Using the court system they control is an uphill battle that is damn near impossible to win. Civil suits will do nothing. Putting them in a cell or leaving them dangling from a rope are the only options that will actually work. To think other wise is naive.
What I'm saying is throughout history you can sight a handful of examples where truly peaceful protests has truly changed things. I can site a billion examples of people attempting to change things peacefully or otherwise and being met with violence and slaughter. Tyrants rarely go away when asked politely. I'm not advocating for mob violence. I'm simply pointing out that even if the truckers win this battle the war isn't over. We have to look at the bigger picture and the longer game.
Say Trudeau resigns. GREAT! Who replaces him? Another NWO proxy that's just like him. Some tool that will do all the same BS 5 years later? We have to work towards real fixes and getting rid of root causes.
And when you do that I GUARANTEE the tyrants will push back WITH VIOLENCE. Many of these people are facing long jail terms if they lose. They have nothing to lose and everything to gain from slaughtering all of us.
At some point someone with a gun(police, mob, or otherwise) is going to have to tell them no. Even if a single shot is never even fired. They won't stop until that happens.
They want you to think that, but it is unlikely given that the same government didn't do the same thing after BurnLootMurder and Antifa utterly destroyed whole neighborhoods in every blue city. The law hews to consistent application.
Such things didn't happen in Canada, those were in the US. The responses can't be weighed against each other when they're taking place in different countries.
It wont go anywhere. These funds were donated and there should not be a court anywhere that would allow that. They did not donate to the government they donated to the truckers.
I still can't figure out why anyone would use GFM, when it's been proven in the past that they're just another evil/illegal arm of the deep state/big tech.
If I had donated using them, I'd be reversing that transaction and most definitely wouldn't pay the credit card for it. Taking money illegally.
An attorney should now sue GoFundMe for $10 Million on behalf of the truckers.
It was NEVER their money to freeze in the first place. Also, GoFundMe is NOT authorized to remove the money from anyone's account in order to pay a 3rd party that was not agreed to by the donor.
It was never seized that was a rumor. And that tweet was promptly removed
Funds are not held, seized or frozen. Tamara has confirmed this many times.
Get it right.
So we need to class-action countersue the government for damages to society.
Anyone that believes this truck thing is actually going to make them stop being tyrants is a fool. I'm not saying the truck protest isn't a great idea but its only great because it will reveal the truth... the only way we will ever be free is if we make these people leave us alone with force. That might be legal action with police and their guns or it might be a gun toting mob lynching these lunatics.
These is no other way out of this. You can sue your way to freedom. You can't protest your way to freedom. You can't tweet your way to freedom. Trudeau could resign tomorrow and all that would mean is they have found the right puppet to replace him just like they replaced that chiq in UK with Boris.
Using the court system they control is an uphill battle that is damn near impossible to win. Civil suits will do nothing. Putting them in a cell or leaving them dangling from a rope are the only options that will actually work. To think other wise is naive.
However, huge peaceful protests work. We can cite historical examples.
What I'm saying is throughout history you can sight a handful of examples where truly peaceful protests has truly changed things. I can site a billion examples of people attempting to change things peacefully or otherwise and being met with violence and slaughter. Tyrants rarely go away when asked politely. I'm not advocating for mob violence. I'm simply pointing out that even if the truckers win this battle the war isn't over. We have to look at the bigger picture and the longer game.
Say Trudeau resigns. GREAT! Who replaces him? Another NWO proxy that's just like him. Some tool that will do all the same BS 5 years later? We have to work towards real fixes and getting rid of root causes.
And when you do that I GUARANTEE the tyrants will push back WITH VIOLENCE. Many of these people are facing long jail terms if they lose. They have nothing to lose and everything to gain from slaughtering all of us.
At some point someone with a gun(police, mob, or otherwise) is going to have to tell them no. Even if a single shot is never even fired. They won't stop until that happens.
They want you to think that, but it is unlikely given that the same government didn't do the same thing after BurnLootMurder and Antifa utterly destroyed whole neighborhoods in every blue city. The law hews to consistent application.
Such things didn't happen in Canada, those were in the US. The responses can't be weighed against each other when they're taking place in different countries.
It wont go anywhere. These funds were donated and there should not be a court anywhere that would allow that. They did not donate to the government they donated to the truckers.
gofundme should be the next target woke business to get shut down. We the people have the power to do that... all we need to do is act.
Start a gofundme to bankrupt gofundme
That's easily circumvented.
Not poetic, tyrannical and ugly.
I still can't figure out why anyone would use GFM, when it's been proven in the past that they're just another evil/illegal arm of the deep state/big tech.
If I had donated using them, I'd be reversing that transaction and most definitely wouldn't pay the credit card for it. Taking money illegally.
Ok now lets sue blm for all their protests
Surely they'll make the receipts for those repairs public as well. Just to minimize suspicion.
I'm sure of it...
Do we even have confirmation that the funds have been frozen? In their news conference last night the truckers said that the funds were never frozen.
It would be easy to make the government spend 10 times that fixing stuff that got damaged as a result of their theiving.
Is it refrozen or propaganda? Last I read go fund me released the funds.
Elon should just make it rain