My guess is most make millions like Tiger and others, put the money in non taxable foundations, use about 5% for charity and the rest is at their disposal for cars, planes, houses---all belong to the foundation that they are over. 5% given to charity is cheap compared to 40% or better tax bracket!
Amazing polly did an excellent piece on this a couple of years ago. She dug into Mastercard and how international foundations were basically laundering cash in a money go round to claim tax write offs then forwarding it on to the next. They had even set up things like “awards” for “financial inclusion” and crap like that and a few of them even had the same damn office front postal address as the foundations (in Holland iirc). It was eye opening.
Billy Jeff and Hildabeest did it large and loud - as exposed by Moynihan & Doyle who have an ongoing tax court case exposing the Clinton Foundation.
It’s probably what Markle thought she’d be able to glom onto when she married into the royal family but the queen blocked the Sussex royal set up. M&H have been scrabbling ever since to get an alternative set up. Given that she has links to the Clinton foundation going back years I wonder if the Sussex royal gig was supposed to replace the CF as a laundromat - she latched on to the ginger not long after Moynihan & Doyle blew up the CF - but the queen refused permission for it? Maybe that’s cos of POTUS45 EO?
Here’s the hearing where the Clinton foundation got blown up
This is a thread I've made a few times. I've posted the names of elite bloodline family members that belong to various Round Table Groups such as the Royal Institute of International Affairs, the Council on Foreign Relations and so on.
If you're not aware of the Round Table Groups, their were originally set up by people at the highest levels of the British Commonwealth such as Nathan Rothschild, 1st Baron Rothschild, Cecil Rhodes and Alfred Milner. Rhodes wrote an essay titled "Confession of Faith" where he described creating a secret society based on the models of the Jesuits and Freemasonry to use the British Empire to create a world government system.
After Rhodes' death, all of his fortune was left in the hands of this network to further this goal and this network began establishing Round Table Groups operating as shadow governments in the Commonwealth countries to further political integration and eroding national sovereignty. Eventually, these groups began spreading across the entire world, not just the Commonwealth countries.
Anyway, these groups continue to exist today and they remain an important arm by which the NWO elite bloodlines exert their power across the world. They include royalty, international bankers, media moguls and journalists, academic professors and university presidents, ambassadors, cabinet and heads of governmental agencies, intelligence agency chiefs and military officers.
Here are some of the current elite bloodlines that have representation in these groups. I will also include some of the members of elite bloodlines that belong to the Bilderberg Group and the World Economic Forum. I'm thinking of expanding this research to include the Trilateral Commission, as well as more past and deceased members from prominent bloodline families as well. But for now, I'm starting somewhat small.
They have been stealing money, tax payers money and so much more for years! Foreign aid is another one, ever wonder why countries send billions to other countries yet nothing improves? UN, WHO, NGO's etc and the likes of Oxfam and all the big charities also get rich off this scam.
Rene Wormser wrote a book called Foundations that goes into detail how the historical use Foundations as financial instruments to lock up big piles of money, and how they are used to transform society into their warped image.
I'll take Money Laundering for $1,000 Alex
Ding ding.
send money to other countries for pet projects they passed through bills and it gets donated back to them through foundations
And taking bribes too. There's skimming some for the laundering, and then there's taking the whole thing as a bribe.
My guess is most make millions like Tiger and others, put the money in non taxable foundations, use about 5% for charity and the rest is at their disposal for cars, planes, houses---all belong to the foundation that they are over. 5% given to charity is cheap compared to 40% or better tax bracket!
Plus it makes it way easier to accept bribes.
This right here
Buying politicians so they get access to tax money---the ultimate goal worth billions!
Laundering money. Why else?
I'm not entirely sure that's the only reason...but that's just me...
Marty Bird could prolly tell ya!! 😆😆
Amazing polly did an excellent piece on this a couple of years ago. She dug into Mastercard and how international foundations were basically laundering cash in a money go round to claim tax write offs then forwarding it on to the next. They had even set up things like “awards” for “financial inclusion” and crap like that and a few of them even had the same damn office front postal address as the foundations (in Holland iirc). It was eye opening. Billy Jeff and Hildabeest did it large and loud - as exposed by Moynihan & Doyle who have an ongoing tax court case exposing the Clinton Foundation. It’s probably what Markle thought she’d be able to glom onto when she married into the royal family but the queen blocked the Sussex royal set up. M&H have been scrabbling ever since to get an alternative set up. Given that she has links to the Clinton foundation going back years I wonder if the Sussex royal gig was supposed to replace the CF as a laundromat - she latched on to the ginger not long after Moynihan & Doyle blew up the CF - but the queen refused permission for it? Maybe that’s cos of POTUS45 EO? Here’s the hearing where the Clinton foundation got blown up
Tax shelter/write off. Corporations are people now wrt election donations. Appears benevolent.
Money can be moved around through various non-profits without having to be reported.
But, but, but, what about the joe biden (or his master's idea) idea of reporting everything $600 or over??
Yeah, that’s for serfs.
Doing the Lords work. God bless you fren.
I can't take credit for this, all must go to anon OP of that thread, who is not me. Truly, he is doing the lord's work.
They have been stealing money, tax payers money and so much more for years! Foreign aid is another one, ever wonder why countries send billions to other countries yet nothing improves? UN, WHO, NGO's etc and the likes of Oxfam and all the big charities also get rich off this scam.
Listen to the interview G. Edward Griffin did with Norman Dodd back in the 1980s. All questions will be answered.
Trudeaus father -
Justin Trudeau -
Why don't they just sell their paintings like Hunter?
"Ozark" series will give you a basic understanding...
Specifically the most recent season
Money laundering
Because dirty money must be cleaned. Duh.
Rene Wormser wrote a book called Foundations that goes into detail how the historical use Foundations as financial instruments to lock up big piles of money, and how they are used to transform society into their warped image.