Kill switches on the family members of politicians.
This is what the other side does. They play hardball. They get their way.
The good people play softball, because we still have a moral compass and a heart and soul, follow the Golden Rule and expect everyone else will as well.
People without those encumbrances can get much further, much faster in this world
They want to control where we go, especially off grid. Well, the Cabal doesn’t want us going off grid, hence the kill switch. But they’ll never fly. And they’ll always be able to be bypassed. A switch always operates 2 ways. It’s always easy to bypass the not working side.
The biggest deterrent on modifying the ECU is the warranty voiding. The average person isn't going to risk voiding the warranty on a brand new vehicle. The small percent of people tuning cars doesn't eat into the manufacturer or dealer profits so it's not really on their 'radar'.
No one will ever be able to stop tuners doing what they do. Modern vehicles are nothing more than a computer with wheels and an engine. Like any computer, it will be hacked / datamined / reverse engineered. Even if "kill switches" (that's still a big if) are even implemented there will almost certainly be defeats.
It's federally illegal to "tune" cars and the feds have been cracking down like crazy now that the resident is in office. Additionally, most manufacturers are adding security gateway modules to cars that restrict two way communication (read only access no writing) unless you have an approved tool. These approved tools have to pass compliance reviews which include not being able to upload software/firmware that isn't approved by the OEM.
Kill switches would likely be implemented through the OTA (over the air) system most cars have already. This was introduced with On-Star back in the 00s where the car could be remotely unlocked, started, and report in an accident "automatically." Now that all cars are coming with some form driver assistant system (most of which utilize windshield cameras) the feds could get live-time visual of what your car was seeing if they wanted to.
The bottom line, don't buy a new car until this shit is settled.
Your comment is on the nose. I know from trying to find a tuner to change some parameters on my 17 Wrangler that 2017 is the first year extra steps were involved to unlock the ECM.
I thought the verbiage was a "firewall" for the CAN communications link but i could be wrong.
On Chrysler models it's a physical chip/module in between the DLC and all the vehicle modules that interrupts the "write" capability. In theory, one simply has to put a jumper wire past the module for the wire(s) they want use.
Your car must be a late '17 because it shouldn't have the dedicated security module unless it's an '18.
I never investeigated it further than the SCT website saying the tuner would require an unlocked ECM on 17 and newer wranglers.
By investigating, i meant physically on the Jeep, ive read alot more about this and why it came to be, and i guess it was from when one of the automotive mags published an article about being able to hack a Gra d Cherokee. Kinda scary now that everything is throttle by wire, steer by wire, etc...
Spot on. The power grid can be shut down with one switch. Incontrast, gas can be stored in large volumes for very long periods, providing significant autonomy vs anything reliant on the grid.
I've always had problems with computers on vehicles. A dealership mechanic told me better than 90% of their work is from on-board computer issues. I looked for a new vehicle that was without any of the on-board computers and sensors. Holy cow, I quickly learned all of it is required by law. Only the government can buy new vehicles without all the idiot lights and on-board computers.
Electronics and the wiring connectors on vehicles is contrary to vibration. The road and vehicle vibration will always affect the electronic and wiring connectors in time. It amounts to a chain being as strong as its weakest link. The more electronics and wiring connectors, the more something will tend to go wrong. Whatever happened to the idea of something made simple being the best made long lasting product?
I don't need a rear view camera to back up. Give me a frickin' break.
We bought a new washer and dryer when we moved. When we looked, we wanted one without all the digital crap on it. We couldn't find one....I thought that was interesting because the sales person said they we all sold out. I think that might have been a clue.
Instead, we bought the one that was middle-the-road in price. It had all the digital crap on it. After it was installed, we immediately had problems with both the washer and dryer. A service person came out and immediately fixed the problem in the washer and after some consternation fixed the dryer. It was the moisture sensor that needed cleaning. A moisture sensor? WTF? Whatever happened to sticking your hand in to check to see if the clothes are dry? And turning the timer on for another 10 minutes or so if the clothes are still damp? We are living in a growing idiocracy.
After talking with the service guy, he admitted that with all the service calls he makes, he long ago decided to use at home an all analog (mechanical) washer and dryer. He says the old washers and dryers don't break down, are easy to service, and work better than the 'Smart' washers and dryers.
It's as simple as stating vibration is the biggest menace to electronics. So keeping the design simple is always the best way to go.
Truck with extra tanks, can go a 1,000 miles or more. And making gas is very low tech. I've seen old cat crackers out in the woods in oklahoma probably 100 years old,not much to them. Probably even legal back then to make your own gas.
I keep wanting to win the lottery so that I can buy a car from the 60's or 70's before catalytic converters and that crap were installed. I don't care if it has electric seats as long as it has air conditioning.
Was listening to And We Know where LT said it was either 70 miles or kilometers long.
There was a convoy in Guinness Book of World Records where it was about 5 to 7 miles or kilometers in length recorded just a few years ago in another country.
70 kilometers, and that was just the original convoy leaving BC. There ended up being several individual convoys, and I don't know how long the original was by the time it arrived on the other side of the country.
When they first required seat belts my friend cut the seat belt off at the buckle so he could drape it over his shoulder and not latch it.
It was important to him for the pigs to look and not know what they were looking at.
Everything is about control and asset-stripping the middle-classes to return us to humanity's normal mode - subsistence-level of life, living in un-ending servitude to feudal lords who own everything (including our bodies). The USA had it cracked, with freedom since Independence, but it all hangs in the balance now. If the sheeple's apathy is allowed to win, then we are on a one-way track to transhumanism slavery.
It really should be as easy as just unplugging the "shark fin" antenna on your roof. You would have to pull the headliner down a bit to get to it. You would lose you OnStar , XM or what ever you car may have. That should disable the ability for anyone to kill your car from a distance. As far as being right next to it and being able too, I'm not sure about that.
Theory: Could an electrical charge be put into the cable we drive over "for counting cars/traffic" cause every electronic ignition to shutdown ? I think so 🤔
Instead we will install "kill switches" in every government servants office.
Kill switches on the family members of politicians.
These things fuck children and slave them for their entire lives ....
This is what the other side does. They play hardball. They get their way.
The good people play softball, because we still have a moral compass and a heart and soul, follow the Golden Rule and expect everyone else will as well.
People without those encumbrances can get much further, much faster in this world
Bred into existence as slaves more accurately by the Old Guard.
Once you are without the chains of morality... you can begin to see as the beast does. . .
They want to control where we go, especially off grid. Well, the Cabal doesn’t want us going off grid, hence the kill switch. But they’ll never fly. And they’ll always be able to be bypassed. A switch always operates 2 ways. It’s always easy to bypass the not working side.
The biggest deterrent on modifying the ECU is the warranty voiding. The average person isn't going to risk voiding the warranty on a brand new vehicle. The small percent of people tuning cars doesn't eat into the manufacturer or dealer profits so it's not really on their 'radar'.
No one will ever be able to stop tuners doing what they do. Modern vehicles are nothing more than a computer with wheels and an engine. Like any computer, it will be hacked / datamined / reverse engineered. Even if "kill switches" (that's still a big if) are even implemented there will almost certainly be defeats.
I forsee a "tech-punk" type future in which ECU hackers become the new anons of the arid meta-verse laid over top the universe.
makes u think bro.
I was just looking at buying an MVPI2+...
It's federally illegal to "tune" cars and the feds have been cracking down like crazy now that the resident is in office. Additionally, most manufacturers are adding security gateway modules to cars that restrict two way communication (read only access no writing) unless you have an approved tool. These approved tools have to pass compliance reviews which include not being able to upload software/firmware that isn't approved by the OEM.
Kill switches would likely be implemented through the OTA (over the air) system most cars have already. This was introduced with On-Star back in the 00s where the car could be remotely unlocked, started, and report in an accident "automatically." Now that all cars are coming with some form driver assistant system (most of which utilize windshield cameras) the feds could get live-time visual of what your car was seeing if they wanted to.
The bottom line, don't buy a new car until this shit is settled.
Your comment is on the nose. I know from trying to find a tuner to change some parameters on my 17 Wrangler that 2017 is the first year extra steps were involved to unlock the ECM.
I thought the verbiage was a "firewall" for the CAN communications link but i could be wrong.
On Chrysler models it's a physical chip/module in between the DLC and all the vehicle modules that interrupts the "write" capability. In theory, one simply has to put a jumper wire past the module for the wire(s) they want use.
Your car must be a late '17 because it shouldn't have the dedicated security module unless it's an '18.
I never investeigated it further than the SCT website saying the tuner would require an unlocked ECM on 17 and newer wranglers.
By investigating, i meant physically on the Jeep, ive read alot more about this and why it came to be, and i guess it was from when one of the automotive mags published an article about being able to hack a Gra d Cherokee. Kinda scary now that everything is throttle by wire, steer by wire, etc...
just kill the cellular interface, easy peasy
it'll be the same way music subscription apps work, if it doesnt connect every so often it wont work
This already exists. All new cars have 5G built in and get firmware updates over cell towers.
Agree...& I think this is why they want an electric car fleet... easier to control.
Spot on. The power grid can be shut down with one switch. Incontrast, gas can be stored in large volumes for very long periods, providing significant autonomy vs anything reliant on the grid.
...They wanted a kill switch injected into every person by 2022...
I've always had problems with computers on vehicles. A dealership mechanic told me better than 90% of their work is from on-board computer issues. I looked for a new vehicle that was without any of the on-board computers and sensors. Holy cow, I quickly learned all of it is required by law. Only the government can buy new vehicles without all the idiot lights and on-board computers.
Electronics and the wiring connectors on vehicles is contrary to vibration. The road and vehicle vibration will always affect the electronic and wiring connectors in time. It amounts to a chain being as strong as its weakest link. The more electronics and wiring connectors, the more something will tend to go wrong. Whatever happened to the idea of something made simple being the best made long lasting product?
I don't need a rear view camera to back up. Give me a frickin' break.
This is why cash 4 clunkers got started.
It's hard to find a refrigerator without all that crap in them.
We bought a new washer and dryer when we moved. When we looked, we wanted one without all the digital crap on it. We couldn't find one....I thought that was interesting because the sales person said they we all sold out. I think that might have been a clue.
Instead, we bought the one that was middle-the-road in price. It had all the digital crap on it. After it was installed, we immediately had problems with both the washer and dryer. A service person came out and immediately fixed the problem in the washer and after some consternation fixed the dryer. It was the moisture sensor that needed cleaning. A moisture sensor? WTF? Whatever happened to sticking your hand in to check to see if the clothes are dry? And turning the timer on for another 10 minutes or so if the clothes are still damp? We are living in a growing idiocracy.
After talking with the service guy, he admitted that with all the service calls he makes, he long ago decided to use at home an all analog (mechanical) washer and dryer. He says the old washers and dryers don't break down, are easy to service, and work better than the 'Smart' washers and dryers.
It's as simple as stating vibration is the biggest menace to electronics. So keeping the design simple is always the best way to go.
A little hint, any vehicle with onstar or similar products already have kill switches that can and will be used.
I already have one on my 9 mm.
I sure many of the modern cars we drive already have kill switches. another reason to sell our new cars for classics.
Which is why the 'cash for clunkers' program removed a large portion of those cars from circulation.
Don't buy electric,they will control the charging stations.
agree with that completely. But I assume me being able to remote start my car from my phone that they can remote stop my car at will.
They can control gas/fuel supplies
Truck with extra tanks, can go a 1,000 miles or more. And making gas is very low tech. I've seen old cat crackers out in the woods in oklahoma probably 100 years old,not much to them. Probably even legal back then to make your own gas.
I keep wanting to win the lottery so that I can buy a car from the 60's or 70's before catalytic converters and that crap were installed. I don't care if it has electric seats as long as it has air conditioning.
Serious question, does anyone know the actual/approximate length in miles of the convoy?
Was listening to And We Know where LT said it was either 70 miles or kilometers long.
There was a convoy in Guinness Book of World Records where it was about 5 to 7 miles or kilometers in length recorded just a few years ago in another country.
70 kilometers, and that was just the original convoy leaving BC. There ended up being several individual convoys, and I don't know how long the original was by the time it arrived on the other side of the country.
Thanks! I had heard about a world record and was curious.
I love older cars.
Im going away from the new stuff back to the engine and drive train vehicles.
When they first required seat belts my friend cut the seat belt off at the buckle so he could drape it over his shoulder and not latch it. It was important to him for the pigs to look and not know what they were looking at.
Our suburban needed a software update for the seatbelts
if they use dominion software to update your suburban, you'll get 35-44 mpg!!
Everything is about control and asset-stripping the middle-classes to return us to humanity's normal mode - subsistence-level of life, living in un-ending servitude to feudal lords who own everything (including our bodies). The USA had it cracked, with freedom since Independence, but it all hangs in the balance now. If the sheeple's apathy is allowed to win, then we are on a one-way track to transhumanism slavery.
That’s why I’m keeping my gas-guzzler
It really should be as easy as just unplugging the "shark fin" antenna on your roof. You would have to pull the headliner down a bit to get to it. You would lose you OnStar , XM or what ever you car may have. That should disable the ability for anyone to kill your car from a distance. As far as being right next to it and being able too, I'm not sure about that.
2025: "Hey guys! ChrisFix here, and today I'm going to be showing you how to disable your vehicle's kill switch"
Lo-jack is installed in every car since 2019. They can remotely shut it down now if you have a newer car.
"For Your Health™"
Theory: Could an electrical charge be put into the cable we drive over "for counting cars/traffic" cause every electronic ignition to shutdown ? I think so 🤔
i will be able to disable it in no time.
Potentially available now with every vehicle with gps