What if..... 7 neighbors each grew their own food. If 7 neighbors each harvested their food and the 7 neighbors helped each other to preserve the food, whether it was freezing, canning, or pickling, then one night of the week a neighbor cooked for all the 7 and their families, that would be supporting each other, their businesses and spreading love... it would be community.
It sounds nice, but what happens if one family wants to do their own thing one night. Or they don't like how one family prepares their meals. Now the other families are put out. This is why communal living and communism doesn't work. Freedom and indepedence are what we crave and that's why a capitalistic system works. So I'll barter you my chicken for your wheat and his beans for the other's eggs. And we'll get together a couple times a week while we spend time with our own families on the other days.
When it's a forced system it devolves into communal (communist) system. As an example, the kibbutz system in Israel was trying to actualize Marx's idea, but it failed miserably. Ask Senator Bernie Sanders about it. He was kicked out of a kibbutz because he was nothing more than a free-loader, who refused to work. Some things never change.
All of what I said is not 'real' and is Pollyannaish. It is however the basis for the 'kind' of thinking we need to have for helping thy neighbor. It has to be an act of love in order for such a system to possibly. I'm not saying it is unworkable, I'm just saying a concept such as this must be a shared act of love for it any community. The Amish come close to this and it works for them.
We need to engage in and support grass root community. I'm speaking in terms of the neighborhood one lives in. The way I see it, there are way too many distractions that are isolating each individual. The other day, I went out for breakfast at a local restaurant. Retired folks and farmers often frequent there. Yet there's always the 'other' people sitting at tables with their eyes glued to their smart phones never really looking to socialize with anyone. The only time it seems they are momentarily released from their cellular fixation is to stretch their bodies, but then they return to their dormancy. It really is sad.....
People really are social beings and to isolate ourselves is contrary to who we are. The Evil One always attempts to isolate those in order to destroy them. Way too many people are making it too easy for their own destruction. It ain't right. Could this explain the high rates of suicide in kids today?
Not really… consensual community work between families isn’t communism. Communism is slavery. Communal living is optional in a capitalist society. Communism is opposed to the idea of options. I don’t meam to be aggressive or anything but don’t you think people should be able to consensually work together if they want to. If something creates a problem then they can settle it personally or legally.
It seems like a spit in the face of the free market to adopt socialist methods within your community... That's not what made America great. You should visit Venezuela if you want to see the results of your ideology.
While I hate this whole sentiment in general, SoMuchWinning45 is strictly correct. Banks and credit unions are continuously being bought up by central banks. I'm not going to provide the materials because in this case I think searching will lead down a few interesting paths, take a peek at how many banks there were, say, a hundred years ago compared to now, and who owned/owns them
The Credit Union my Father & his father stated with was purchased by a large group in TX that had nothing to do with the original binding of workers to create a place they could all work to help each other get homes & build credit. It was part of a pipe & steel company.
Luckily I am with one that is still small enough to have only 3 branches. All within a 15 min drive from me & the local manager is based.
If you want to find out who runs everything, find out who you can't make fun of/insult. Anything even slightly critical of (((them))) gets you called an anti-semite by the same people that prefer Palestine over Israel, unless they have dual citizenship, then they're speaking out of both sides of their mouth and their ass.
No politician at any level should be allowed to have dual citizenship. Hell, maybe we should call it dueling citizenship, as you cannot be sure of who they're working for out in the open. We sure as hell know they're working for themselves and their masters, but normies don't. That's why hussein went into politics with a very modest net worth, and came out at over $10 million.
You mean the non-Jewish president, propped up by the non-Jewish Saudi Al Waleed Bin Talal, giving support to the non-Jewish Muslim Brotherhood?
Funny how you demonize (((only Jews))) and then when you have to come up with a real world example of someone doing something wrong, they're not Jewish.
The reason you can't insult Jews here is the same reason you can't insult blacks, hispanics, asians, Indians and every other ethnicity.
Targeting entire ethnicities as guilty vilifies innocent people and doesn't do a single thing to bring actual guilty people to justice.
I have plenty to say about everybody, except not everybody has their tentacles in every single minor to multi-national in the world. There are images floating around of people in charge of most major organizations, predominantly media, are Jews.
How about people with dueling citizenship? With any country, really. Should anybody who supposedly "represents" us be allowed to have dueling citizenship? How do we know where their allegiance lies? Should anybody with American-Israeli citizenship be allowed to be elected or appointed to any office in this country?
Each of these are specifically targeted for destruction by the Cabal for a reason
You forgot the parking your semi truck downtown.
Honk honk!
What if..... 7 neighbors each grew their own food. If 7 neighbors each harvested their food and the 7 neighbors helped each other to preserve the food, whether it was freezing, canning, or pickling, then one night of the week a neighbor cooked for all the 7 and their families, that would be supporting each other, their businesses and spreading love... it would be community.
It sounds nice, but what happens if one family wants to do their own thing one night. Or they don't like how one family prepares their meals. Now the other families are put out. This is why communal living and communism doesn't work. Freedom and indepedence are what we crave and that's why a capitalistic system works. So I'll barter you my chicken for your wheat and his beans for the other's eggs. And we'll get together a couple times a week while we spend time with our own families on the other days.
When it's a forced system it devolves into communal (communist) system. As an example, the kibbutz system in Israel was trying to actualize Marx's idea, but it failed miserably. Ask Senator Bernie Sanders about it. He was kicked out of a kibbutz because he was nothing more than a free-loader, who refused to work. Some things never change.
All of what I said is not 'real' and is Pollyannaish. It is however the basis for the 'kind' of thinking we need to have for helping thy neighbor. It has to be an act of love in order for such a system to possibly. I'm not saying it is unworkable, I'm just saying a concept such as this must be a shared act of love for it any community. The Amish come close to this and it works for them.
We need to engage in and support grass root community. I'm speaking in terms of the neighborhood one lives in. The way I see it, there are way too many distractions that are isolating each individual. The other day, I went out for breakfast at a local restaurant. Retired folks and farmers often frequent there. Yet there's always the 'other' people sitting at tables with their eyes glued to their smart phones never really looking to socialize with anyone. The only time it seems they are momentarily released from their cellular fixation is to stretch their bodies, but then they return to their dormancy. It really is sad.....
People really are social beings and to isolate ourselves is contrary to who we are. The Evil One always attempts to isolate those in order to destroy them. Way too many people are making it too easy for their own destruction. It ain't right. Could this explain the high rates of suicide in kids today?
Sounds like my Family
To me sounds a lot like communism. See above.
Not really… consensual community work between families isn’t communism. Communism is slavery. Communal living is optional in a capitalist society. Communism is opposed to the idea of options. I don’t meam to be aggressive or anything but don’t you think people should be able to consensually work together if they want to. If something creates a problem then they can settle it personally or legally.
It seems like a spit in the face of the free market to adopt socialist methods within your community... That's not what made America great. You should visit Venezuela if you want to see the results of your ideology.
What… you don’t even know what you’re talking about. Communities working together is not socialism.
This ought to be set in place above every door..... Used to replace the TV.
Turn off The TV-> Don't even own a tv. You can use a monitor and connect it to a computer. Don't even have that fucking shit in your house.I'll add an addendum to that: 'Stop believing that what they tell you is healthy to eat, is actually healthy to eat'................
100% correct
And non-compliance. Chase government out of your lives.
Great message.
Love and we win
Doing all of them currently.
Great meme & love that username OP. We all need that reminder from time to time.
how much food do you really think you can grow on your own
Small business that defied mandates. All else can kick rocks
Buy and hodl gme
Build businesses and buy assets.
What a diverse group of people we have here.
Like a black father would homeschool his kid.
he didn't vote for Biden
Or at least switch to a local credit union.
Careful, you may be forced to bank with (((them))).
While I hate this whole sentiment in general, SoMuchWinning45 is strictly correct. Banks and credit unions are continuously being bought up by central banks. I'm not going to provide the materials because in this case I think searching will lead down a few interesting paths, take a peek at how many banks there were, say, a hundred years ago compared to now, and who owned/owns them
The Credit Union my Father & his father stated with was purchased by a large group in TX that had nothing to do with the original binding of workers to create a place they could all work to help each other get homes & build credit. It was part of a pipe & steel company.
Luckily I am with one that is still small enough to have only 3 branches. All within a 15 min drive from me & the local manager is based.
If you want to find out who runs everything, find out who you can't make fun of/insult. Anything even slightly critical of (((them))) gets you called an anti-semite by the same people that prefer Palestine over Israel, unless they have dual citizenship, then they're speaking out of both sides of their mouth and their ass.
No politician at any level should be allowed to have dual citizenship. Hell, maybe we should call it dueling citizenship, as you cannot be sure of who they're working for out in the open. We sure as hell know they're working for themselves and their masters, but normies don't. That's why hussein went into politics with a very modest net worth, and came out at over $10 million.
Hussein, eh?
You mean the non-Jewish president, propped up by the non-Jewish Saudi Al Waleed Bin Talal, giving support to the non-Jewish Muslim Brotherhood?
Funny how you demonize (((only Jews))) and then when you have to come up with a real world example of someone doing something wrong, they're not Jewish.
The reason you can't insult Jews here is the same reason you can't insult blacks, hispanics, asians, Indians and every other ethnicity.
Targeting entire ethnicities as guilty vilifies innocent people and doesn't do a single thing to bring actual guilty people to justice.
Schumer is the stereotypical greedy Jew.
Artist rendering of Schumer behind closed doors.
I have plenty to say about everybody, except not everybody has their tentacles in every single minor to multi-national in the world. There are images floating around of people in charge of most major organizations, predominantly media, are Jews.
How about people with dueling citizenship? With any country, really. Should anybody who supposedly "represents" us be allowed to have dueling citizenship? How do we know where their allegiance lies? Should anybody with American-Israeli citizenship be allowed to be elected or appointed to any office in this country?
It all changes as we move voluntarily to blockchain. Simply stop doing business with the evil pricks.. let them eat their money.
And use CASH .
That means no usury with (((them))).
Yes, but (((they))) get it via eg. national debt from our taxes, we need to replace (((their))) sick & evil SYSTEM...
EDIT: and of course "exterminate" the parasites!