It's newer than Christianity .. remember the inquisition? All religions are intolerant and demand obedience...they all stem from Babylonian religion ..still wear the skull caps.
Christians only drink the wine and eat the wafer instead of the flesh and blood of sacrifice apart from the human sacrifice of jesus of course....why someone elses blood can be a ticket to heaven for someone else I have no idea but the Satanists sacrifice kids for their god too for the same reason. Christians believe you will burn in hell if you don't obey the rules have to obey rules about eating sex and drinking and other things . The priests wear the skull caps of the Babylonian Satanists religion or the mitres from the reptilian fish god they still worship. The priests men wear frocks usually black. They believe only people who worship this god Jehovah and believe the human sacrifice for his son will give you a ticket to heaven. They believe that some of them will be taken up to heaven in their bodies . The Jesuits priests believe they can kill strangle behead and murder any non Christian and swear an oath to do so. They have crucified burnt skinned alive gutted and drowned in the name of Jehovah . They also bought indulgences to pay off their sins they believe you burn in a fire even though you won't have body to burn
. Muslims do terrible things..have to bow down facing Mecca and worship a black cube representing saturn...five times a day certain things not eat others have a list of rules to obey about who they can marry sex and .throw gays off roofs and stone women for adultery. Believe you have to cross over hell on a human hair and if you have done bad things you will fall into the burning shit underneath for ever and ever..although of course you will be spirit and not have a body to burn. The men wear frocks usually black . They believe only Muslims and people of the book get to heaven if they obey all the rules and if a Muslim kills a lot of infidels they will have loads of virgins even though there will be no bodies. They do horrible things to animals so they bleed to death. They cut women so they don't enjoy sex. They make them wear black cover everything but their face. Marry whoever they are told to. They pray to Allah Jehova gods most supreme name IL or eleoah.
..jews have a skull cap too and wear a black cube to represent Saturn on their heads . They have list of rules about Sex who they can marry what they can eat drink lots of rituals around food . Do horrible things to kill animals and make them bleed to death in the name of Jehovah. They can't touch women they don't know. They have rituals they carry out. They circumcise new born boys causing trauma for life. the rabbi sucks the blood of the bleeding penis as part of their religious ritual. They rabbis wear black frocks. They have to marry who they are told to andv pray certain times in day to jehovah.
Boy ambi glad I don't want anything to do with this Jehovah. Not a bundle of joy and love is he?
Not sure where you got all these weird ideas, but I can tell you that you are wayyy off base about Christianity and about God and who He is and from the little I know of Jewish religion, you are miles off there as well. I can’t speak to any other religions.
I'm pretty sure if you asked lucifer what he thought about religion, he would say pretty much the same things as 78 above. Not that I'm trying to demonize her/him, but simply that her/his view seems pretty distant from God's view.
Satan hates religion. Hates it, hates it, hates it. That religion must be destroyed is the starting point and real intent behind Marxism. Why? Because religion is God's method for raising and improving people's capacity to give and receive love, and to live in a way that aligns with his natural and spiritual principles. And Satan wants people separated from God and under his control.
If Satan cannot destroy a religion by murdering them all (re: all Marxist/communist revolutions), he will try to do it by infiltration and corruption. (Re: history of religions) This is why Christianity has gone through a continual process of reform. Because imperfect as Christians are, the devil will always work to infiltrate and corrupt. Example, the reformation happened because the Catholic church became infiltrated and corrupt beyond a point where it had to be rejected, and so protestantism arose to move the dial forward. Since then, reformation has constantly been required.
But this is Satan's strategy: infiltrate, corrupt, then accuse: "Look at how corrupt all these religions are!" in order to get people to see NOT what God is doing and trying to accomplish, to NOT see the good, but to see the bad, the work of the devil, but blame God!
Note: the reason why Christians (those that do this) participate in the ritual of holy communion is NOT to symbolize eating and drinking like cannibals, but to symbolize that we inherit Christ's spirit and flesh, that we become one spirit and one flesh with him. It's symbolic, not literal.
But Satan knows all this, and hates it, and rejoices if he can convince anyone to reject what God is doing and focus on what he (the devil) is doing.
Satan invented religion as a barrier to the one True God.
CHRIST confronted the and exposed religion as man made doctrines and commandments.
Christianity isn't a religion. It's an open door to God for people who hunger and thirst after God's righteousness
Religion is a man trying to perform ritual practices to achieve by their own skill amd discipline what God freely gave by grace due to the perfect and complete works of Jesus Christ. Our good works believe WHAT Christ accomplished. Total forgiveness. Redemption and the giving of power and eternal life. Thus defeating for the individual who believes the evil works of the devil.
Like is very often the exact case, the perspective your share is not without merit. But I think it is missing quite a number of really critical things.
Look at the rituals that are the same....they all split into sects and fight all the others of their religion and other religions as well. And you say religions are good?
they all split into sects and fight all the others
That is human behavior, not religion. Religion is a unifying force not a dividing one - see dunbar's number. Due to religion we are not associating with only 100-250 people, but rather hundreds of millions.
Christ was the sacrifice of pure blood necessary for redemption. It's not satanic amd doesn't care to.anything satanic unless Satan makes it appear.that way and unlearned decide to believe it. because Christ did it by freedom of will and God raised him from the dead.
I do understand what they say is Jesus message....part of him was overturning tables and throwing money changers ..banksters out of the temples..then another part where he says go into your closet and pray privately not to bother with temples...another says he says yea are all god's.children and if he is the son of God so are you all..a nonconformist you would say hanging about with whoever he liked not obeying the Jewish laws ate what he liked drank what he liked didn't obey the laws on the sabbath..said it didn't matter what you eat ..put into your mouth..but what came out of your mouth...and said he had come to turn a child against its parents etc and came with sword.
Then in about face ..another saying pay your taxes ..render unto Caesar...then meekly gave himself up to be horribly killed as a fulfil the prophecy of the religion he had spent all his time rejecting ..saying unless he did his dad wouldn't let anyone into heaven.....pray to this thanks
It depends on where you are and what you are doing. Western muslims are not the same as muslims in muslim countries.
Iran does not care about secular muslims but if you become a evangelical christian they will torture you until you "repent" for apostacy. Relatively tolerant if you were never a muslim though - Irish Dominicans and Armenian Christians do fine there.
Saudi Arabia, forced to be outwardly religious, tortured until you repent, and will not let you set up christian churches.
Most gulf states are somewhere between those 2.
Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, as long as you are not trying to be a preacher as an ex muslim, you should be fine. Except in some rural areas.
Turkey, you are fine.
Dagestan, killed.
Chechnya, killed.
Afghanistan, killed.
Urban Tajikistan, you are completely fine, rural Tajikistan you are killed.
Coastal Western Africa, not an issue at all. Inland western africa, killed.
Somalia, killed.
Other parts of east Africa, relatively high chance of getting killed but the majority are fine
Maghreb excluding Egypt, misdemeanor but you are spending a few months in jail.
Egypt, a decade in prison and the government takes everything you own.
Pakistan, your entire family will get killed.
Oh, and everything I just said is presuming you are just a Christian and not a political dissident. Because countries are far more willing to throw the book at you if you are a political dissident - and no, I am not just speaking about muslim countries there.
There are approx. 10 million Coptic Christians in Egypt, and while they are sometimes targeted at times, they have full religious protection under the law. Look up the writings of the Desert Fathers and Mothers for some very inspiration Christian writing by the ancient Copts.
, they have full religious protection under the law.
Except they are forced to use sharia as the legal system - such as inheritance disputes. And even that level of respect is because Mohammad's 11th and 12th wives were Egyptian Copts given to him so he wouldnt invade Egypt.
I'm by no means an expert, but do not believe Coptic Chrisians in Egypt today are imprisoned for decade or lose their property like I saw in your comment. I believe a Copt now serves on Egypt's high court. I know they have existed from the 1st-2nd century AD, but don't know their entire history, but I don't believe the are persecuted under the law anymore. I don't doubt they may face personal persecution, but it's not state sanctioned, and from what I've read, their numbers may be much higher than the 10 mil reported. I have also personally met several, but did not notice a tattoo, but don't doubt you on it. The writings of the Desert Fathers and Mothers are some of the most inspiring to reflect upon to me personally.
In no case where I said "killed" was I referring to the government killing people. In every case I was talking about lynch mobs made by ordinary people. Especially in Pakistan - their government does not want to touch that with a 10 foot pole.
I lived in Jordan where all religions are tolerated. They have a large foreign workforce including Chinese belt and road initiative workers.
It's very tolerant and my barber was a Muslim. We became friends (siddiqs), that man shaved me with a straight razor 2x a week for the time I was there.
Just a simple man with a family and small business. A good guy who practiced the gentle things about Islam.
One day he asked me to convert, we talked many times about it and i explained that I could not change because Christians are permanent changed by the receiving of the gift of holy spirit.
One day I show up and he shaves me (I'm bald) and after invites me to his home.
Whe there he shows me N Arabic Christian Bible he purchased used.
So I found the verses Nd highlighted a bunch of stuff for him. I don't know what ever became of it as eventually I had to return to Iraq for work.
People all over only k ow what they're taught. It's the heart God looks upon. I think he still felt empty amd I was always so energized and as much as I could be loving toward him. I brought his children small gifts and usually brought cookies from a small bakery to share over tea with him. I'll never forget that guy and maybe when we are all gathered together I will see him among the saints. Wouldn't that be great.
Iran only executes 150 people a year and they are the Islamic nation that executes by far the most people. And less than 1/5 are even tied to religion, let alone religion being the main cause - most are violent criminals such as rapists, they like seeing rapists hanging from construction cranes. Of the religion cases, the vast majority have to do with criticizing Islam rather than anything to do with Christianity. Literally the only confirmed case of a christian getting formally executed in Iran by their government is Hossein Soodmand - for being an apostate preacher.
It is common people performing lynchings that target christians, but not governments to kill them.
That being said they very rarely use the death penalty for apostasy - they really only use it if you become openly a christian and start evangelizing. And even then they try to torture you into rejecting that first.
Praise God!
Our pastor went to Pakastan on a mission trip and couldn't believe how many were getting saved (because of their own dreams and because of kindnesses of American soldiers spending time in the camps).
That means that these people have been given the Gospel of Truth, have become followers of Jesus Christ and are baptized with the Holy Spirit. And they will spread this Gospel. Amen.
Coming to Christ isn't always easy/ But it's also why people preaching the Gospel are in danger anywhere Islam is practiced. The authorities know the power of The Word and don't want to lose their temporal power so they persecute anyone who dare listen to a Christian Missionary, let alone believe in and make Jesus their Lord and Savior.
"God wins" isn't just a slogan from Q, it's the whole theme of the Bible. (And how the devil has tricked the church into not fighting)
The verse "Sit at My right hand while I make all your enemies your footstool" (God to Jesus) appears more times than any other verse in scripture making it God's favorite Bible verse.
A few hundred years ago the Scofield Reference Bible was published. It was the first Bible to have notes in it that explained eschatology (the study of end times) and it pushed a rather new and unpopular view that was not even remotely the predominate view of Christians and our founding fathers,
This view was caller "Premillennial dispensationalism" Basically that the destruction language in Revelation wasn't about the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD by Rome and that the tribulation for the world didn't start then. It also taught about a rapture of the elect which was not what Christians believed prior to this Bible being widely adopted and used at seminaries and by preachers.
That end times view is very much at odds with scripture and historical Christianity.
Historically Christians believed that the gospel spreads through the world and the world is restored to the garden by the blood of Jesus. Every head bows and every knee bends and every lounge confesses that Jesus is Lord.
The Bible tells us in the last days it will be like the times of Noah. Now you probably know that the ark represented Jesus and salvation (one door, those in Him are saved) but ask yourself who was swept off the earth when the flood came. The wicked. Those in Christ were left but on an Earth that had been cleansed and remade of the evil and corruption that was covering it. That was foreshadowing of the full work of Christ that would come later.
There is no rapture. Only the wicked will be swept away and burned like the chaff mixed with the wheat. The rapture is the greatest lie the devil has ever told. It has Christians not fighting and building and taking dominion as we are instructed by God. Instead many Christians today almost celebrate when things get worse from the sidelines of culture because they think that's a sign that Jesus is coming back soon.
Want to learn more and change the way you see the world? Want to be encouraged and light a fire inside you? Learn the REAL Biblical eschatology that will change the way you interact with the world. Here's a playlist of sermons, discussions, history lessons and debates on this view and comparison to other views like Premillennialism, Amillennialism, this view I'm talking about, Postmillennialism
This is moving. Like the chrlurch next to the twin towers which survived and the cross that was the only thing left standing after a tornado. Miracles.
I’ve known Jesus my whole life, yet refuse to surrender, those things I just really love! I have fought opening up the Pandora’s Box of the 70’s my whole life! This story brings tears to my eyes and hope that I can escape this prison of my own accord! “Search me Oh Lord and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me and lead me in the way everlasting”.
Psalm 139:23-34
I praise God every day for this site! Stories like this rejuvenate me! Be blessed!
We decree that America was founded by God, under an appeal to heaven, and that an appeal to heaven will give us a rebirth!
We decree that we are a voice for Him to the ends of the earth, and the gospel of the kingdom will go forth from America to all people!
We decree that we are a Christian nation, founded under Christ’s blood and rule, and that we have no king but Jesus!
--Dutch Sheets "Give Him 15"
February 8, 2022
Hope he has strong angels to protect him. Islam does not tolerate apostates.
Hope? Greater is he that is in me than he that is in the world. He has all the help he needs.
By the power of Christ, perhaps the moment of indoctrinated anger rising within themselves against their own kin itself alone awakens them?
It's newer than Christianity .. remember the inquisition? All religions are intolerant and demand obedience...they all stem from Babylonian religion ..still wear the skull caps.
Christians only drink the wine and eat the wafer instead of the flesh and blood of sacrifice apart from the human sacrifice of jesus of course....why someone elses blood can be a ticket to heaven for someone else I have no idea but the Satanists sacrifice kids for their god too for the same reason. Christians believe you will burn in hell if you don't obey the rules have to obey rules about eating sex and drinking and other things . The priests wear the skull caps of the Babylonian Satanists religion or the mitres from the reptilian fish god they still worship. The priests men wear frocks usually black. They believe only people who worship this god Jehovah and believe the human sacrifice for his son will give you a ticket to heaven. They believe that some of them will be taken up to heaven in their bodies . The Jesuits priests believe they can kill strangle behead and murder any non Christian and swear an oath to do so. They have crucified burnt skinned alive gutted and drowned in the name of Jehovah . They also bought indulgences to pay off their sins they believe you burn in a fire even though you won't have body to burn
. Muslims do terrible things..have to bow down facing Mecca and worship a black cube representing saturn...five times a day certain things not eat others have a list of rules to obey about who they can marry sex and .throw gays off roofs and stone women for adultery. Believe you have to cross over hell on a human hair and if you have done bad things you will fall into the burning shit underneath for ever and ever..although of course you will be spirit and not have a body to burn. The men wear frocks usually black . They believe only Muslims and people of the book get to heaven if they obey all the rules and if a Muslim kills a lot of infidels they will have loads of virgins even though there will be no bodies. They do horrible things to animals so they bleed to death. They cut women so they don't enjoy sex. They make them wear black cover everything but their face. Marry whoever they are told to. They pray to Allah Jehova gods most supreme name IL or eleoah.
..jews have a skull cap too and wear a black cube to represent Saturn on their heads . They have list of rules about Sex who they can marry what they can eat drink lots of rituals around food . Do horrible things to kill animals and make them bleed to death in the name of Jehovah. They can't touch women they don't know. They have rituals they carry out. They circumcise new born boys causing trauma for life. the rabbi sucks the blood of the bleeding penis as part of their religious ritual. They rabbis wear black frocks. They have to marry who they are told to andv pray certain times in day to jehovah.
Boy ambi glad I don't want anything to do with this Jehovah. Not a bundle of joy and love is he?
Not sure where you got all these weird ideas, but I can tell you that you are wayyy off base about Christianity and about God and who He is and from the little I know of Jewish religion, you are miles off there as well. I can’t speak to any other religions.
I'm pretty sure if you asked lucifer what he thought about religion, he would say pretty much the same things as 78 above. Not that I'm trying to demonize her/him, but simply that her/his view seems pretty distant from God's view.
Satan hates religion. Hates it, hates it, hates it. That religion must be destroyed is the starting point and real intent behind Marxism. Why? Because religion is God's method for raising and improving people's capacity to give and receive love, and to live in a way that aligns with his natural and spiritual principles. And Satan wants people separated from God and under his control.
If Satan cannot destroy a religion by murdering them all (re: all Marxist/communist revolutions), he will try to do it by infiltration and corruption. (Re: history of religions) This is why Christianity has gone through a continual process of reform. Because imperfect as Christians are, the devil will always work to infiltrate and corrupt. Example, the reformation happened because the Catholic church became infiltrated and corrupt beyond a point where it had to be rejected, and so protestantism arose to move the dial forward. Since then, reformation has constantly been required.
But this is Satan's strategy: infiltrate, corrupt, then accuse: "Look at how corrupt all these religions are!" in order to get people to see NOT what God is doing and trying to accomplish, to NOT see the good, but to see the bad, the work of the devil, but blame God!
Note: the reason why Christians (those that do this) participate in the ritual of holy communion is NOT to symbolize eating and drinking like cannibals, but to symbolize that we inherit Christ's spirit and flesh, that we become one spirit and one flesh with him. It's symbolic, not literal.
But Satan knows all this, and hates it, and rejoices if he can convince anyone to reject what God is doing and focus on what he (the devil) is doing.
Satan invented religion as a barrier to the one True God.
CHRIST confronted the and exposed religion as man made doctrines and commandments.
Christianity isn't a religion. It's an open door to God for people who hunger and thirst after God's righteousness
Religion is a man trying to perform ritual practices to achieve by their own skill amd discipline what God freely gave by grace due to the perfect and complete works of Jesus Christ. Our good works believe WHAT Christ accomplished. Total forgiveness. Redemption and the giving of power and eternal life. Thus defeating for the individual who believes the evil works of the devil.
Thanks for sharing.
Like is very often the exact case, the perspective your share is not without merit. But I think it is missing quite a number of really critical things.
Have a great day.
Look at the rituals that are the same....they all split into sects and fight all the others of their religion and other religions as well. And you say religions are good?
That is human behavior, not religion. Religion is a unifying force not a dividing one - see dunbar's number. Due to religion we are not associating with only 100-250 people, but rather hundreds of millions.
Because Satan is the great counterfeiter..
Christ was the sacrifice of pure blood necessary for redemption. It's not satanic amd doesn't care to.anything satanic unless Satan makes it appear.that way and unlearned decide to believe it. because Christ did it by freedom of will and God raised him from the dead.
No, you've got a point.
There's speculation that the OT deity was really a fire-breathing dragon.
Just focus on Jesus Christ and His message -- don't be overly concerned about what came before.
Roman's 15:
Things written afore time are for our learning, that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures may obtain hope.
I do understand what they say is Jesus message....part of him was overturning tables and throwing money changers ..banksters out of the temples..then another part where he says go into your closet and pray privately not to bother with temples...another says he says yea are all god's.children and if he is the son of God so are you all..a nonconformist you would say hanging about with whoever he liked not obeying the Jewish laws ate what he liked drank what he liked didn't obey the laws on the sabbath..said it didn't matter what you eat ..put into your mouth..but what came out of your mouth...and said he had come to turn a child against its parents etc and came with sword.
Then in about face ..another saying pay your taxes ..render unto Caesar...then meekly gave himself up to be horribly killed as a fulfil the prophecy of the religion he had spent all his time rejecting ..saying unless he did his dad wouldn't let anyone into heaven.....pray to this thanks
Why indeed
Religion - mam made b.s.
Christianity - the Way of a Father with His children.
To me there is no comparison. I'm not religious at all.
It depends on where you are and what you are doing. Western muslims are not the same as muslims in muslim countries.
Iran does not care about secular muslims but if you become a evangelical christian they will torture you until you "repent" for apostacy. Relatively tolerant if you were never a muslim though - Irish Dominicans and Armenian Christians do fine there.
Saudi Arabia, forced to be outwardly religious, tortured until you repent, and will not let you set up christian churches.
Most gulf states are somewhere between those 2.
Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, as long as you are not trying to be a preacher as an ex muslim, you should be fine. Except in some rural areas.
Turkey, you are fine.
Dagestan, killed.
Chechnya, killed.
Afghanistan, killed.
Urban Tajikistan, you are completely fine, rural Tajikistan you are killed.
Coastal Western Africa, not an issue at all. Inland western africa, killed.
Somalia, killed.
Other parts of east Africa, relatively high chance of getting killed but the majority are fine
Maghreb excluding Egypt, misdemeanor but you are spending a few months in jail.
Egypt, a decade in prison and the government takes everything you own.
Pakistan, your entire family will get killed.
Oh, and everything I just said is presuming you are just a Christian and not a political dissident. Because countries are far more willing to throw the book at you if you are a political dissident - and no, I am not just speaking about muslim countries there.
There are approx. 10 million Coptic Christians in Egypt, and while they are sometimes targeted at times, they have full religious protection under the law. Look up the writings of the Desert Fathers and Mothers for some very inspiration Christian writing by the ancient Copts.
Except they are forced to use sharia as the legal system - such as inheritance disputes. And even that level of respect is because Mohammad's 11th and 12th wives were Egyptian Copts given to him so he wouldnt invade Egypt.
Coptics were Christians who became Muslim then reverted back to Christianity.
A the Coptics I've Ever met have a small cross tattooed on the web of their thumb.
Muslims do not like tattoos so this is a big deal and is not reversible so it shows their commitment.
I'm by no means an expert, but do not believe Coptic Chrisians in Egypt today are imprisoned for decade or lose their property like I saw in your comment. I believe a Copt now serves on Egypt's high court. I know they have existed from the 1st-2nd century AD, but don't know their entire history, but I don't believe the are persecuted under the law anymore. I don't doubt they may face personal persecution, but it's not state sanctioned, and from what I've read, their numbers may be much higher than the 10 mil reported. I have also personally met several, but did not notice a tattoo, but don't doubt you on it. The writings of the Desert Fathers and Mothers are some of the most inspiring to reflect upon to me personally.
How about Malaysia, Indonesia?
Indonesians island hop to a Christian island, Malaysians move to Thailand.
In no case where I said "killed" was I referring to the government killing people. In every case I was talking about lynch mobs made by ordinary people. Especially in Pakistan - their government does not want to touch that with a 10 foot pole.
I lived in Jordan where all religions are tolerated. They have a large foreign workforce including Chinese belt and road initiative workers.
It's very tolerant and my barber was a Muslim. We became friends (siddiqs), that man shaved me with a straight razor 2x a week for the time I was there.
Just a simple man with a family and small business. A good guy who practiced the gentle things about Islam.
One day he asked me to convert, we talked many times about it and i explained that I could not change because Christians are permanent changed by the receiving of the gift of holy spirit.
One day I show up and he shaves me (I'm bald) and after invites me to his home.
Whe there he shows me N Arabic Christian Bible he purchased used.
So I found the verses Nd highlighted a bunch of stuff for him. I don't know what ever became of it as eventually I had to return to Iraq for work.
People all over only k ow what they're taught. It's the heart God looks upon. I think he still felt empty amd I was always so energized and as much as I could be loving toward him. I brought his children small gifts and usually brought cookies from a small bakery to share over tea with him. I'll never forget that guy and maybe when we are all gathered together I will see him among the saints. Wouldn't that be great.
Iran only executes 150 people a year and they are the Islamic nation that executes by far the most people. And less than 1/5 are even tied to religion, let alone religion being the main cause - most are violent criminals such as rapists, they like seeing rapists hanging from construction cranes. Of the religion cases, the vast majority have to do with criticizing Islam rather than anything to do with Christianity. Literally the only confirmed case of a christian getting formally executed in Iran by their government is Hossein Soodmand - for being an apostate preacher.
It is common people performing lynchings that target christians, but not governments to kill them.
Read the first edition of this book. Informative. There is no doubt that apostasy is punishable by death.
That being said they very rarely use the death penalty for apostasy - they really only use it if you become openly a christian and start evangelizing. And even then they try to torture you into rejecting that first.
Courage in the face of death is what will convert the world to Christ.
Praise God! Our pastor went to Pakastan on a mission trip and couldn't believe how many were getting saved (because of their own dreams and because of kindnesses of American soldiers spending time in the camps).
I have recently noticed a lot if Hindus giving testimoniy to how they were saved in Christ.
I have recently noticed a lot of Hindus giving testimoniy to how they were saved in Christ.
Foursquare is solid ministry
That means that these people have been given the Gospel of Truth, have become followers of Jesus Christ and are baptized with the Holy Spirit. And they will spread this Gospel. Amen.
Ready for that rock concert?
Coming to Christ isn't always easy/ But it's also why people preaching the Gospel are in danger anywhere Islam is practiced. The authorities know the power of The Word and don't want to lose their temporal power so they persecute anyone who dare listen to a Christian Missionary, let alone believe in and make Jesus their Lord and Savior.
Thanks, I needed some good news.
Amen Amen Amen
Rehan has been touched by the Holy Spirit. Praying for he and other Christian devotees.
"God wins" isn't just a slogan from Q, it's the whole theme of the Bible. (And how the devil has tricked the church into not fighting)
The verse "Sit at My right hand while I make all your enemies your footstool" (God to Jesus) appears more times than any other verse in scripture making it God's favorite Bible verse.
A few hundred years ago the Scofield Reference Bible was published. It was the first Bible to have notes in it that explained eschatology (the study of end times) and it pushed a rather new and unpopular view that was not even remotely the predominate view of Christians and our founding fathers,
This view was caller "Premillennial dispensationalism" Basically that the destruction language in Revelation wasn't about the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD by Rome and that the tribulation for the world didn't start then. It also taught about a rapture of the elect which was not what Christians believed prior to this Bible being widely adopted and used at seminaries and by preachers.
That end times view is very much at odds with scripture and historical Christianity.
Historically Christians believed that the gospel spreads through the world and the world is restored to the garden by the blood of Jesus. Every head bows and every knee bends and every lounge confesses that Jesus is Lord.
The Bible tells us in the last days it will be like the times of Noah. Now you probably know that the ark represented Jesus and salvation (one door, those in Him are saved) but ask yourself who was swept off the earth when the flood came. The wicked. Those in Christ were left but on an Earth that had been cleansed and remade of the evil and corruption that was covering it. That was foreshadowing of the full work of Christ that would come later.
There is no rapture. Only the wicked will be swept away and burned like the chaff mixed with the wheat. The rapture is the greatest lie the devil has ever told. It has Christians not fighting and building and taking dominion as we are instructed by God. Instead many Christians today almost celebrate when things get worse from the sidelines of culture because they think that's a sign that Jesus is coming back soon.
Want to learn more and change the way you see the world? Want to be encouraged and light a fire inside you? Learn the REAL Biblical eschatology that will change the way you interact with the world. Here's a playlist of sermons, discussions, history lessons and debates on this view and comparison to other views like Premillennialism, Amillennialism, this view I'm talking about, Postmillennialism
Wow! Outstanding!!
This is moving. Like the chrlurch next to the twin towers which survived and the cross that was the only thing left standing after a tornado. Miracles.
Amen- And the truth of who Jesus is the Rock the Church is built on ! (Sorry about the Youtube :( Steve Camp - Upon This Rock
God is great! Always!
There is old history that Jesus travell to pakistan during the missing years..
**postmillenials have entered the chat
I’ve known Jesus my whole life, yet refuse to surrender, those things I just really love! I have fought opening up the Pandora’s Box of the 70’s my whole life! This story brings tears to my eyes and hope that I can escape this prison of my own accord! “Search me Oh Lord and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me and lead me in the way everlasting”. Psalm 139:23-34 I praise God every day for this site! Stories like this rejuvenate me! Be blessed!
We decree that America was founded by God, under an appeal to heaven, and that an appeal to heaven will give us a rebirth! We decree that we are a voice for Him to the ends of the earth, and the gospel of the kingdom will go forth from America to all people! We decree that we are a Christian nation, founded under Christ’s blood and rule, and that we have no king but Jesus! --Dutch Sheets "Give Him 15" February 8, 2022
Praise the Lord!
I do like Dutch’s insights
And Lord of Lords.