George Papadopoulos:::: The media silence will end when the next indictment drops. Soon.
Now that is a statement I can get behind by a person who might be in the know.
Further, when was the last time he was actually right?
he's seemed to have a beat on what's happening behind the scenes but always been vague enough to acknowledge he is somewhat in the dark, or at least that's been my take. he exudes a certain confidence when he dies too. if I wasn't so lazy now I'd provide some historical sauce on his past comments such as his Russia gate statements which are now coming to fruition with Killary's spying being exposed by Durham
To be fair, even Fox was dead silent on the truckers in Canada at first...MSM is at the point now where it takes a stampede of elephants in the room that can't be ignored!!
I've got $20 on Killary.
$50 on another low-level fellow
$100 on Marc Elias
Him and Weissman are birds of a feather.
Hundred bucks on Hussein
I think we'll see a curve ball to get the media talking with links to Trump. Perhaps kushner?
I'll pay $100 for Hussein!
John Pasta Podesta
Not gonna lie; My "Soon" boners aren't going away and I'm afraid to go to the hospital right now... What do I do?!?
I hear eating popcorn will relieve some of the tension but I'm scared. Anyone heard about/try this home remedy?!?
How much popcorn do I start with?
Edit - Fully Torqued at the moment which caused some typos.
Rub ivermectin all over
Just don't drink bleach. MSM debunked that treatment, remember?
Use wiped cream and chocolate generously, your wife will love it.
wiped cream?? sounds like a Preperation H thing lol
I hear Viagra is one half-decent Pfizer product that might help in this situation. Don't worry about KY. I hear homemade jello much more soothing! lol
"Soon!", glorious Sooooon!
We're anxious to try it
Three banquets a day, our favorite diet
Just picture a mammoth steak, fried, roasted or stewed
Oh, Soon, wonderful Soon! marvelous Soon!, glorious Soon!
Soon!, glorious Soon!
Wake me when it's Now. Lol.
Yeah ok Papa D.
two weeks ... and NEXT indictment?
Papa D has been on the up and up with his entire ordeal IMO. He was targeted with an illegal FISA just like Carter Page.
Saw him on 1/7 at Dulles, seemed cool as a cucumber. That's how I knew everything was going to work out.
You haven't realized by now that Q is a psyop and isn't going to take credit for anything and won't be recorded in any major historical documents you are doing it wrong <3 Q will die as a conspiracy but live as a folk tale by those who knew.
Q has called out too many specific things that will come true for him/they not to be vindicated in the end.
He also very specifically stated once: ”Wait until you learn who has been talking to you here. Q”
Those things may or may not come true. Who knows how much was misdirection? I agree with Aussie, and am of the opinion that is what "the truth won't be for everyone" and other similar statements meant.
The rabbit hole is so deep, I don't think they are going to take the public down it, just show them the entrance and let them explore themselves if they want to. I don't think we will be vindicated to the general public, only those paying attention.
Q will never die. We didn't even know at the time. :)
Disinformation is necessary?
Also worth mentioning that thinking Q is BS and knowing about something related to this Durham thing are both things that can happen at the same time
AKA, doublethink... 🤔
Ah, believing in multiple realities at the same time. This must be how Dems "think" lol. No wonder they seek therapy by a 3:1 margin.
Optics. This is war. His overall statements and actions should tell you what you need to know. Use discernment.
When Trump half ass mentioned the vaccine did anyone who truly spent time here think for one second that wasn’t optics? In the beginning-mid of plandemic he was taking about ivermectin and HCQ, no need for masks or vaccines. 5D Chess, Art of War
Was that Papa P, or was that Prosthetic or Jack Posobeic or some other surname with a P working for OAN and saying Q was a hoax perpetuated by someone called Microchip or some crap??? P before Q. hmmmm
That was Posobeic.
Papadopilis is the dude they tried to nab coming back into the country with bribe money which he left behind because he smelled a rat.
He DOES however, reek of smarmy liar. He comes off as someone who got drunk and slept with a honey pot and took a bribe then changed his mind. In his interview with Dan Bongino he doesn’t seem like he’s telling the whole truth.
But he probably does know more shit that you or I. He was in the middle of it.
Indictments aren't exclusive to Q.
Yes he was targeted but the guy says almost once a month for the last 4 years that justice is coming and we are on the brink. He’s been wrong 300 times but a broken clock might be right this time
He also doesn't know the plan or have insider info.
Carter Page was a plant.
This is the way I see it: trust noone completely, every single media talking head has a motive. Instead, take everything they say good or bad with a lot of skepticism.
I agree with "yesterday." PDop doesn't have the slightest idea of what's actually happening. He's just shooting in the dark and hoping he hits something.