Love these guys GOOOOOOOO!
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Even if the police successfully clear the truckers out, it doesn’t mean the struggle is over. It might mean the convoy part of the operation is over, but it’s doubtful we have heard the last from this freedom movement. They seem too well organized for this to be the sum total of their resistance. They also come across as having anticipated each move made by the government so far.
I’ve been watching all day, the patriot line was telling the cops that they’re kids would know they enforced this tyranny. Each cop I saw was eyes down, they knew.
What evidence do we have that these are even actual Ottawa Police? What would stop tyrants from bringing in mercenary groups and dressing them up as Ottawa Police? The individual Ottawa cops have to know that their family and friends and neighbors would despise them for this action.
In fact how do we know that this is not happening in Australia too?
Most Police arent any different than we are. They also see the tyranny. Do you think this many Ottawa police would capitulate and surrender their own and their childrens freedom for a paycheck?
This needs to be looked into. I have a strong suspicion that these are mercenarys and that is why its taken 3 weeks to make this move. They couldnt bring the blue helmets in after all, that would be too suspicious and would really light a fire under the people. Their masks and helmets and uniforms are convenient to hide their true identity.
This could also be a play to make the People distrust any Police anywhere. That would fit right in to their narrative.
I’ve been watching all day, the patriot line was telling the cops that they’re kids would know they enforced this tyranny. Each cop I saw was eyes down, they knew.
How do we know? History is a good indicator of the future.
This proves nothing to me. Your feelings arent facts.
I respect that.
New feed 5
Sadly, yes.
Someone who does 4 chan should bring this to the autists.
I'm worried about THIS👆 also! u/LongTimeListener
Actually they are Quebec Provincial Police according to a news story I read earlier. Don’t k ow about the name tags, tho.
So they are not local. Still bet that QPP are really mercenarys.
If they knew, why do they continue to follow these tyrannical orders!? I was a BIG back the blue supporter. But how can you support someone that behaves this way??
I suppose they rotate the cops in and out. Best outcome peace and unity on the frontline.
You’re second question doesn’t have such a great outcome.
Short answer: $$$
They value their jobs over other's freedoms/rights.
Too bad their too stupid tho realize that it's their freedoms that are been thrown away with every step they make against someone else's freedoms
They don't care aboot freedom. THEY ARE TYRANNY.
Some people on twittr are saying these cops were sent in from the UN army. They are not ottawa cops. No badges, no names, just THUGS
Notice how they're all bundled up so tightly that you cannot identify them? And badges removed? I think those that are "reluctantly following orders" are wearing their shame. But we know that there are others that love their new power and plan to abuse it...
Sad day for patriots..
New feed #5.
This is fluid frens.
The police arent even close to moving anything out. They have a line and they are just moving step by step closer. They even let a bunch of people through the checkpoints. This is almost certainly just a show of force; these are Viva Freis thoughts, a man who live streamed for 3 hours from right in front of the Parliament today.
Good to know. There is so much disinformation about what is going on. Thank you!
The captains have already revealed their plan. If the trucks are necessarily removed from Ottawa, they'll just regroup on the outskirts of the city. They've already identified parking lots, farmland and other locations that they can gather.
This will actually be helpful, because it makes organizing much easier, and they are still on display.
Also, there is no law that can force them to start making deliveries again.
Leading Israeli physicians and scientists in an open letter to @JustinTrudeau
What if the first indictment was from a real peaceful protester? Just a thought, no sauce.
The first indictment was Epstein
Message to Canadians. Horses are easy to defeat. Pick up a front foot and push them over. They can't do shit but fall. They're trained to give you their foot.
Give the horse some horsey paste ivermectin to help him defeat the parasite on his back.
If you push him hard enough and time it right he'll roll over on the parasite.
Push in which direction? Back, out, in?
You should prolly stick to waving your arms.
Another great feed right on the front line. Guy is complaining a lot about needing to pee, so not sure how long it'll last. lol
Ro is hilarious. I've been watching him everyday. In a situation I'd be loosing my cool, he still is keeping it comical.
No identification?
How do we know they’re even LEO?
I wish they would yell in unison, “you’re kids are watching!”
30 mins ago they trampled a grandma with a horse...
It's back
Why not just surround Ottawa 20 miles out. Every road, all points of the compass. Maybe build a fence and keep them in.
Isn't possible that ottowas capital is also a corporation like D.c. and occupied by foreign power like D.c.?
It's a tall order but it would spread their front over 1000 miles instead of 100.
You love the police is that what you are saying. You need to leave this board if you dont stand for freedom. Go as far as china and park there.
I'm thinking u//MaidInAmerica is referring to the truckers. I can't watch the live feed, tho, without logging into twat.
Sorry you cant see fren, weird cause I don’t have a twitter either.
Got it to work! Thanks!
Hmmm...let me try again.
I read that as the peaceful protestors will do the indicting of police and government officials. Obviously one of us misread it, but which o e?
Fren, if you’re connected to Patriots on the ground, please ask Patriots to chant, “you’re children will know which side you stand” to the cops.