it’s funny because they routinely DO gather in the same room to get together and decide what kind of fuckery they want to inflict on the rest of us. It wouldn’t be that hard to take out a mess of them at once.
The world leaders / elites aren't that difficult to deal with. It's their minions that are the obstacle.
But the greatest difficulty by far are the useful idiots that will defend the elite at all costs just to avoid having a stake in anything that actually matters.
The elite know this and use it to their advantage.
I've said for ages that I don't understand why one of the these first world military's can't or won't just drop a fucking 2,000 lbs JDAM on Soros and be done with his ass for good. The USA supposedly has a ban on assassinating leaders of governments we aren't at war with. Most other governments follow that rule too because otherwise they'd be bumping each other off like crazy... BUT Soros isn't the leader of a country. He's just some rando rich dude. A rich dude that frequently uses his money to attack the sovereignty of entire nations. So he has so much security the SEALs or SAS can't just end his ass? Like I said... don't want to do it in person just drop a JDAM on him or a Hellfire Missile from a Reaper. End of problem.
"But the who cares." Police care, politicians care, anyone who wants to earn a fortune for screwing up other people care, until they find themselves being caught, prosecuted (if, doubt it), being fired.
True, but the Soviet Union was created by the same people that control global banking and the current take-down of the west. Russia before that was a beacon of strength against that power so it make sense that it returns to that position, as will the USA in due time. "She wasn't supposed to lose..."
I agree. We were prepared for this moment in time. Keep the normies calm and keep order and logic at the forefront of the great awakening in the midst of the biggest clown circus of all time
My frustration with all of this lol. It's FUCKING a small group of rich people behind this.
Most of them are WEAK as fuck!!!
Can we not just get a military to drag their asses out!!!
It can't be too hard to get the whole world to turn of these fuckers!
Seriouslly.. Soros might have a lot of money. But who the hell cares.
Just go in an arrest his ass.
it’s funny because they routinely DO gather in the same room to get together and decide what kind of fuckery they want to inflict on the rest of us. It wouldn’t be that hard to take out a mess of them at once.
This year it was at the south pole
The world leaders / elites aren't that difficult to deal with. It's their minions that are the obstacle.
But the greatest difficulty by far are the useful idiots that will defend the elite at all costs just to avoid having a stake in anything that actually matters. The elite know this and use it to their advantage.
I've said for ages that I don't understand why one of the these first world military's can't or won't just drop a fucking 2,000 lbs JDAM on Soros and be done with his ass for good. The USA supposedly has a ban on assassinating leaders of governments we aren't at war with. Most other governments follow that rule too because otherwise they'd be bumping each other off like crazy... BUT Soros isn't the leader of a country. He's just some rando rich dude. A rich dude that frequently uses his money to attack the sovereignty of entire nations. So he has so much security the SEALs or SAS can't just end his ass? Like I said... don't want to do it in person just drop a JDAM on him or a Hellfire Missile from a Reaper. End of problem.
Yeah there has to be something we can't see.
Why are these puppets not pushing Rothchilds and Soros to the side. It would be easy to sell them out.
It's not like they are some bad ass fighter who can mess someone up with their bare hands.
"But the who cares." Police care, politicians care, anyone who wants to earn a fortune for screwing up other people care, until they find themselves being caught, prosecuted (if, doubt it), being fired.
Name checks out.
They're probably leaving for their safety. The government in Canada is frightening right now. They're unstable in their thinking.😬
Canada is globalist.
Putin is anti-globalist.
IMO Putin doesn't mess around with backstabbing traitors and hope they get voted out.
He uses hit men.
True, but the Soviet Union was created by the same people that control global banking and the current take-down of the west. Russia before that was a beacon of strength against that power so it make sense that it returns to that position, as will the USA in due time. "She wasn't supposed to lose..."
But will they recall the convoy organizers or just leave them behind?
Why is it always us thats first?
I kinda wish one if those Russian diplomats would take me with them...
he's gonna nuke castro jr in his safe basement isn't he?
just kidding, anon, hopefully no nukes come into play
I keep wondering if US is going to 9/11 us again and pin it on Russia
Pretty sure they were going to blow up Chernobyl and cause a bioweapon release to blame on Russia, which would trigger WW3.
No one is nuking anyone.
What does this mean?
Will it get to that point?
There are no nukes!!
This one was great to wake up to! Keep waking people up!
There will not be a nuclear detonation. There may be something they call a nuke to scare us but no actual nukes will be used.
How do you figure?
Remember the movie War Games? Q mentioned in post 568 We'll be okay.
There has to be a scare crisis.
They bought into COVID and took the shots, no questions. If blue beam went active, they would actually believe aliens were invading.
They have to face mortality, nukes, AIDS scare, something to snap them out of complacency.
I agree. We were prepared for this moment in time. Keep the normies calm and keep order and logic at the forefront of the great awakening in the midst of the biggest clown circus of all time
Yeah we will! It'll be a party like it's 1776!!
That drop mentioned Patriots Day. That is observed the day after Easter this year. Remember DJT mentioned being out of this by Easter....
I really thought VAIDS would be the scare event.
Nothing gets the fear flowing like a nuclear tipped ICBM. Think Cuban Missile Crisis
Is Russia kicking the Canadian diplomats out of Russia?
So "booms incoming" is starting to sound a little ominous at this point, not that I don't love a good shake-up.
Why don't we self-identify as ethnic Russians so they can get rid of True Dope and the rest of his gang?
Sounds like shits gonna hit the fan
Fuck it I like some excitment.
Take me with you! Please!
Do we have more sauce than this dude on twitter? Is this dude someone in the know?
note that it was Not Canada witdrawing theirs. Ignoring all else I know this tells me that Russia believes Canada is the oppressive regime...
Setting up the tripod now. I’ve never seen Russian planes in person before
Do you think I can hitch a ride with a diplomat before they leave?