I live in a small town. We have a bar. That is what we do to socialize and that’s about it.
I’ve been vigilant with the rona front. I’ve been vigilant with trump/Biden theatre. Now we have Russia Ukraine. I am tired.
Older couple next to me talking about it and I just don’t have the energy left to redpill. Russia bad Ukraine good. I can’t argue it. I’m so tired.
You are the fifth person I've heard this from tonight! Two, personal friends included.
Take a breather one day or two treat yourself well....but hold the line!
You’re not wrong. But I also believe, with every thread of my soul, something is happening. Something beyond anything we can comprehend. I’m not some woo woo type but I can feel it. And “it’s biblical”
All true. Well stated, both of you.
Ugh every-time I think they can't sink lower they find a way to surprise me.
Thanks fren. I get it. I know what to do. Just a moment of frustration. Thank you.
Another here, both myself and my husband said this this past weekend after talking with a Libtard at the car wash, he came home completely exhausted with point and counter point this Libtard just doesnt see any of the corruption they don’t get it!
Pay for a billboard, across the street from the bar. List every DC person with children working in energy in the Ukraine. Same for Obama and Biolabs with locations. There have been posts on this board with both.
We can update to what ever is new NEXT month.
Let us know what the costs would be, and a give send go thing.
Anon is a problem solver.....I like that.
Practical solutions to everyday problems. Next up, where to hire a helicoptor 'no questions asked'.
I’ve been feeling like this too. I’m so tired of telling the NPCs in my life things that they could care less about knowing the truth about. Putting a Ukrainian flag on their Facebook is quick and easy and mindless and that’s all they want. I decided I’m going to take a break from trying to redpill the people I know IRL. Going to stick to online redpilling on Twitter and in YouTube comment sections for awhile to give myself a break
This exactly.
Yep. That’s all I can say.
This is what putting any flag on your social media is like.
Exactly 😂 they’re like “ok, did my good deed for the month, I’m definitely going to Heaven”
I so get what you’re saying … all the crocodile tears for the people of Ukraine! These same people who shout Putin is bad … are the same assholes who said nothing when we invaded: Iraq/Afghanistan/Yemen/Pakistan/Iran/Venezuela/Libya/Syria … I am exhausted as well! Hold the line brother / Sister!
Russia is Russia.
I believe an artful deal was struck.
Putin gets: Neutral (non NATO) Ukraine, protects eastern districts, revenge on the Caballist bankers.
Trump gets: Rid of the Cabal's money making pit, breaks the trafficking business, humiliates his opponents in the US, forces yet more reactive moves from Cabal, paves the way to redpill the world
Now do Taiwan
And Greenland.
FFS I hear countless normies talking about RUSSIA AND NUKES.
Ask them if they learned of the biolab in Wuhan. If the answer is “yes”.
Inform them that there is 13 biolabs in Ukraine as close as 50 miles from Russia, run and funded by the USA. Leave that seed and drop the conversation.
Don't worry, fren. Although the landing may be rough, some problems end up taking care of themselves. ;-)
Take a break fren —rest and disconnect for awhile— God Still Wins
Did this a while back. Tough not to go to GAW or PDW, Zero hedge for a week or two. Give yourself a break. There are many like us to carry on while you take some leave from the Meme War.
I constantly redpill a group of friends on a big group text. They started in about the tragic events in Ukraine a couple of days ago and I couldn't help myself. I started out listing all of the things that have been going on (chyna virus, experimental biological injections, open borders, destruction of the economy) and asked them if they have been paying attention for the last 5 years. Then I started blasting them with all the examples of fake Ukraine reporting I found here. How can they possibly not realize by now that the media lies to us? Constantly! Anyway, some of them got mad. It's hard having stupid friends. I didn't tell them they were stupid but I think they may have figured it out.
Most of the people I interact with here are pretty based. I never had to do much with rona or incompetent Biden. There were a few though that I woke up. But for the most part wWe’re all on the same page with a few exemptions. But the Ukrainian Russia thing…. This is a really tough red pill around here… emotions are strong with this one.
I think this is the red pill powder keg. The world is watching. Something massive is about to break. Keep faith and pray! NCSWIC WWG1WGA
I understand, been waiting and watching for years now. Take a break, and know that every bad thing that's happening is the Dark side getting desperate. They are throwing everything they've got at us. Stay in the Light, we're winning. Love from Australia.
Filtering through all the news is taxing. A little cbd from hemp calms my nerves.
Oh no, the devil's lettuce!!!!!
Do you have a favorite brand that you could recommend?
Natures Touch
You speak truth fren. It took me a long long time to understand this. Life is better once I did. I just keep trying to wake people up. I have succeeded on several occasions. But it just gets exhausting. It really does.
This. So much this. Yes.
What I find demoralizing is contained in a few words: I hope you're right- my consistent 4 AM wakeup to see what's new here, seems to fall on lazy ears. It's maddening to inform someone who won't be sparked to do their own research. BUT, I summarize as best I can with this: "The best is yet to come".. I hope so..
If someone says they support Ukraine, just ask them 'which ones?'
The commies in the East, or the Nazi's in the West who've been bombing them for the last 8 years?
That's great!
Keep your chin up and cock out. You may not realize the difference you have made. Like Q, things take time in ways that we don’t understand yet. KEK
They don’t have this place. That is the point of Truth Social. It is for people like them to wake up. It will happen in due time. Truth exists now for a reason. Don’t be disheartened by your innate ability to research and associate with like-minded individuals in this extremely unique setting. Almost none of them have this resource. They have no idea. If they use any social media, it is still censored. If they use any media, it’s more than likely legacy. Almost everything we see is tailored and aggregated by the minds of people like ours. The Truth is coming to their door. Keep your chin up.
First of all… a big THANK YOU for doing what you’re doing! Spreading the truth is so important and you’re doing it! You have my respect!
But, even our God took a day to rest - Sunday. A day to honor Him, and reflect on our own spiritual growth. It’s okay for you to rest too! Once you’ve rested, you will come back stronger!
Thank you and take care of yourself!
I feel the same way, but yea take a breather for a little bit... then get back in there !
Step away. Recharge. We all hit the breaking point.
Sometimes you just need a few moments away from the front. Rest. Theres other soldiers still fighting and you can replace them in their time of need just as they replace you now.
Save yourself first.
Sanity breaks are important, as are breaks from booze.
Godspeed, OP.
maybe your job isnt to wake others. some of us are here to hold the light. when we feel exhausted its important to rest. and good god, waking up is absolutely exhausting! lol 😄
Just print a list illegal NATO atrocities on your bar napkins - Bosnia, Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, etc. Let them figure it out for themselves
I totally agree, My whole family and friends think I'm off my rocker. My marriage is hanging on by a tread. My husband is an O-5 in the Army and it makes me ill. I'm wondering if I will ever be happy again.
you will be vindicated. Believe that.
Remember to take a break, heal yourself, and recharge to full! Take care and we'll keep up the red pills in the meantime!
Think yer tired now, wait till Taiwan. Sleepy will have a face split
Stop drinking, it will kill you energy as alcohol stops the uptake of c-vitamins and puts your liver in a bad place.
Then you need to order yourself an Irish Coffee with an extra shot of espresso and GET BACK ON THE BATTLE FIELD PATRIOT 🇺🇸
Unless you don’t want to and thats okay too I get it
I’m not giving up. I promise all y’all that. Just a moment of frustration. I’m in it till the end, Win or lose, I’ll go down with the ship. I promise that.
Still though, order another round 👍🏻 Id buy it for ya if I could
Sounds like you need a break from the "bar scene" and recharge. It does get draining on oneself, especially under the strain of processing it all yourself.
Omg that was my yesterday. It’s so hard isn’t it? Hang in there friend. Soon we will be able to know we were right.
I hope so. I really do.
I know. They are all so quick to assume. Has the last 8 years not taught them anything?
I like to start off with, “I can’t clearly see who the good guys and bad guys are”. You may have endure a long winded MSM response but it avoids getting labeled as a Putin supporter right away. I refuse to be guilted into cheering for a corrupt country.
Get off the line and get a hot shower and a hot meal.
Hell I don't even bother anymore. With shit happening so fast most people I k kw who are woke are starting to ask questions.
My favorite answer is. Told you so and i laugh. Their confusion is thier problem. Of they want to talk, I evangelize them with God's Word. Not one mention of any of this shit. If rhe Bible isn't good enough, stay ignorant and afraid.
Dont cast your pearls before swine.
If you want to understand the order to think mirror is still standing.