Isa 4:1
And in that day seven women shall take hold of one man, saying,
“We will eat our own food and wear our own apparel;
Only let us be called by your name,
To take away our reproach.”
Lol I made the mistake of getting a vasectomy a while back. Not saying yours was a mistake. Mine was. It was before Trump won the first time and I thought they were going to be successful in installing Killary. All hope was lost. Then Trump won and things looked good so I got that shit reversed. We're going on 3 years of trying for a family now with no luck so far. Both purebloods and we both "check out" ok to reproduce. She's currently 2 days late and I'm hoping with everything I've got. I wish I prayed, but I've not made it that far yet. I'm not religious, but I'd like to be without pretending if that makes any sense. Sorry for the random, unnecessary comment lol yours just made me laugh and then think a little.
No wipe after shit? I wear a hat or a hard hat pretty much any time I'm not asleep. Is that enough, and in which way does that help? I already don't use a pillow. What's the significance there?
Custody of the eyes -- don't let naughty images inside your brain
Grace of forgetfulness -- ask God to help delete naughty images already there
Mental prayer -- fill your imagination with Holy thoughts. Meditate on Christ and His passion and death and it will help to drive away any demons trying to tempt you.
Well, my friend, it does not take much to believe in the truth of Jesus Christ our savior. Read the book of Luke (a little longer) or 2 Corinthians (a lot shorter). All you have to do is accept the truth from the pages of the Bible and ask Him into your life.
I wish I was unvaxxed. I wanna be a father one day. Any possible route to go through to clean out the shit in my system or should I just consider adoption/singleness? (Not trying to be funny or dooming, I really want some advice.)
My cousin was vaxxed (wanted to keep his job) but has been taking a healthy dose of ivermectin every day for the last several months. We just got news a few weeks ago that his wife is pregnant. So it seems there is hope!!
Praise God. I'm 22 going on 23, so who know's what my future looks like.
But in the end, if I get a family or not, I'm blessed.
Yeah, I shot myself in the foot, but in the end I woke up to the darker side of reality. At least I have my GAW family and my Faith in Christ Jesus above all else.
Thanks man, let me know how the bambino turns out.
I read that taking NAC, vitamins D and C will help clear of the spike protein. I would also take in conjunction with Ivermectin. I hope and pray you will be alright, brother!
What about the blood supply.
If a person with HIV donates blood
does that contaminates the blood?
Would not vac blood due the same Thing?
Asking for a friend.
I'll see my self out...............
That's a bitcorny.
Best gif response
wouldn't that be "spitcum"?
No, that's what you do to vaxxed
Isa 4:1 And in that day seven women shall take hold of one man, saying, “We will eat our own food and wear our own apparel; Only let us be called by your name, To take away our reproach.”
Even if I were in that position, I would refuse that. Not worth risking eternal salvation.
They'll never know I'm shooting blanks, LOL.
Lol I made the mistake of getting a vasectomy a while back. Not saying yours was a mistake. Mine was. It was before Trump won the first time and I thought they were going to be successful in installing Killary. All hope was lost. Then Trump won and things looked good so I got that shit reversed. We're going on 3 years of trying for a family now with no luck so far. Both purebloods and we both "check out" ok to reproduce. She's currently 2 days late and I'm hoping with everything I've got. I wish I prayed, but I've not made it that far yet. I'm not religious, but I'd like to be without pretending if that makes any sense. Sorry for the random, unnecessary comment lol yours just made me laugh and then think a little.
NoFap until shes ovulating and cold showers/Snowballs to raise sperm count.
Nofap permanently is the goal and I'm pretty close. Cold showers?! I literally replaced our water softener and water heater this past weekend lol
No Fap, cold showers, sleep with no pillow, sleep with a hat on, no wipe after shit, no underwear, tape an icepack to your nutsack. These all help
No wipe after shit? I wear a hat or a hard hat pretty much any time I'm not asleep. Is that enough, and in which way does that help? I already don't use a pillow. What's the significance there?
Custody of the eyes -- don't let naughty images inside your brain
Grace of forgetfulness -- ask God to help delete naughty images already there
Mental prayer -- fill your imagination with Holy thoughts. Meditate on Christ and His passion and death and it will help to drive away any demons trying to tempt you.
Alternatively ice your balls for 20 minutes a few times before you mate with the wife. Raises sperm count. Scientifically backed.
Well, my friend, it does not take much to believe in the truth of Jesus Christ our savior. Read the book of Luke (a little longer) or 2 Corinthians (a lot shorter). All you have to do is accept the truth from the pages of the Bible and ask Him into your life.
Then, you should find a church and get baptized.
Good luck!
That’s so funny as I had the V convo w a new friend of mine this evening. May God grant you your wishes for a family.
Thank you. I always think I know what I'm doing at the time..
This is the way to fight against feminism, misandry and sperm-jacking.
I wish I was unvaxxed. I wanna be a father one day. Any possible route to go through to clean out the shit in my system or should I just consider adoption/singleness? (Not trying to be funny or dooming, I really want some advice.)
My cousin was vaxxed (wanted to keep his job) but has been taking a healthy dose of ivermectin every day for the last several months. We just got news a few weeks ago that his wife is pregnant. So it seems there is hope!!
Praise God. I'm 22 going on 23, so who know's what my future looks like.
But in the end, if I get a family or not, I'm blessed.
Yeah, I shot myself in the foot, but in the end I woke up to the darker side of reality. At least I have my GAW family and my Faith in Christ Jesus above all else.
Thanks man, let me know how the bambino turns out.
She may give birth to a centaur!
I read that taking NAC, vitamins D and C will help clear of the spike protein. I would also take in conjunction with Ivermectin. I hope and pray you will be alright, brother!
None of us know shit. Stop taking vaccines and live clean.
According to what little evidence we've seen so far, only a portion of the batches are causing all of the adverse reactions.
You are probably just fine. Trust God, diet, and exercise to get you through. Then be fruitful and multiply my fren.
Get a Spike protein blood test to find out.
No problem, but I only do direct deposits.
Come and get it
Those two make me wish I was about 20 yrs younger.
If they are buying, I will make a deposit to their wallet.
I bet their purses are already full
My wife is part of a crunchy mom group that also shares breastmilk. Most of them won't take milk from anyone that has gotten the vax.
We are the last of our kind...
Think about it though, would you really want those who are now GMO because they couldn’t think for themselves to bear your children.
I'm gonna be rich!
Question: What about the blood supply. If a person with HIV donates blood does that contaminates the blood? Would not vac blood due the same Thing? Asking for a friend.
Even still, I don't want kids.